Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 20

Gaia stood behind Peter as he approached another tamer at the battle center. He said that he wanted to see her fight first before they went out to the forest on capture quests. Gaia knew this would be a critical moment. Kalista already did not like, no, it was clear that she hated her.

If she did not prove herself immediately from the start, Kalista's opinion of her would only continue to worsen.

It was both aggravating and terrifying enduring her mood the past several days that Peter had been asleep. To have to continue to live with someone like that, Gaia didn't want to think about it. She had already thought about bringing it up to Peter, even before he had woken up.

But doing something like that would cause the rift between her and Kalista to widen, and most likely never close. Gaia wasn't even sure if Kalista would outwardly begin to treat her better if she did something like that. Kalista wasn't very good at concealing her opinions or thoughts, she had noticed.

So a solution would have to come from somewhere else. But for someone like Kalista, who was more combat oriented, to be impressed by Gaia? That would be difficult.

And those thoughts were all the more heightened by these feelings Gaia had. As she passed other Dryads, she felt a twinge of inferiority. She wondered whether it was some residual emotion from her past, or if it was the truth. Would she be able to hold her own in a battle?

If her fears were not unfounded, then today was about to get worse.

“Morning friend, a nice day to be at the battle center, don't you agree?” Peter said, overtly friendly.

“I guess...” the tamer replied, slightly put off. His eyes continuously darted back and forth between Peter and Gaia's chest. The Fren which stood nearby the tamer took notice and tried to conceal her scowl.

“Want to have a practice battle?”

“I don't know, maybe if we...”

“If the next words out of your mouth are a bet involving my Dryad, I'm going to make our prize be my Squire performing a circumcision on you with her sword,” Peter angrily said while sticking his thumb towards Kalista.

“Ah- I'm good man actually I was waiting for a friend to arrive. Hope you find someone to practice with.” The tamer quickly power-walked off in a random direction.

Peter sighed. “I don't get it. Why does everyone bet their primals so easily? Here I am working to make sure I keep mine and other people just want to throw theirs away.”

“I think you're forgetting our first day,” Kalista chuckled.

Peter paused. “That was different. The bet proposed was after we had just beaten him.” Peter rubbed his chin a little. “Actually, that seems even more suspicious than just blindly challenging someone. I guess I'm guilty after all.”

Kalista sighed. “Hey, what if Gaia practiced with me instead?” Gaia twitched.

“Hmmm,” Peter hummed aloud.

“Wouldn't it be better for Kalista to practice against other kinds of primals. I'm sure she's already adept at fighting Dryads,” Gaia countered.

Kalista snorted. “Of course I am. But this training was meant for you.”

“Right. I suppose you two can have a friendly spar, that should be good enough for now I think. You two wait here, I'll grab a field.”

Gaia gave a light smile before Peter turned to go speak to one of the workers. She silently stood still, avoiding looking towards Kalista, as she was certain that she would be wearing a pleased expression. The same kind a hungry primal might wear if she happened upon a lone man.

Peter returned with a Dryad following closely behind and directed Gaia and Kalista towards their field. Gaia felt some comfort in the fact that there would be someone else to heal her if Kalista knocked her out.

Would Peter even allow Kalista to go that far? Gaia wasn't sure. It wouldn't be a surprise if he were to favor his first primal if even a little. Perhaps bringing along the Dryad was exactly because he intended to let her go so far. Gaia shuddered.

“Kalista, you can start on the other side of the field. To beat Serina I think you'll have to learn to fight without me. I'll be directing Gaia,” Peter ordered.

Gaia took her position across from Kalista, who stared threateningly towards her after bringing out her sword and shield. Gaia noted they were their wooden versions. It seemed she was holding back, if only a little. Or wished to enjoy hitting her more.

“Begin!” Peter shouted. Kalista immediately sprint towards Gaia. “Gaia, use Entangling Roots!' The ground briefly trembled, and roots soon shot out, but Kalista accurately predicted where they would be and had sidestepped them.

“Toxic Bloom!” A purple flower began to grow in Gaia's hands, sprouting small tendrils along the bottom. Gaia threw the flower towards Kalista, the tendrils whirling through the air as they helped propel the flower forward. Kalista moved to avoid it, and the tendrils spun in such a way to slightly turn the flower's trajectory. Kalista upon realizing this continued to run straight, then at the last moment abruptly dodged the flower, the plant whizzing by before wilting after landing on the ground.

“Nature's Beauty!” Gaia twirled around, flinging a pinkish powder towards the ground in a semicircle towards Kalista. The powder landed and then slowly pinkish clouds of dust began to float upwards.

“Vault!” Kalista lunged over the still rising clouds and furiously began to sprint even faster towards Gaia.

“Living Armor!” Gaia grimaced, but she used the skill. Roots and vines began to sprout and weave around her body.

“Double Cross!” Kalista cut Gaia twice with her sword, the first hit hacking away at the main body of her living armor and rendering the rest of it useless, the second cutting into her flesh.

“Haah!” Gaia cried in pain.

“Entangling Roots and run away!” Gaia turned to run and began to use her ability.

“Shield Slam!” Kalista bashed her backside with her shield, sending Gaia flying face forwards towards the ground.

“Heal and keep moving!” A faint green light began to wash over Gaia, the still bleeding cut on her front beginning to seal as she recovered enough to begin moving again.

“Shield Slam!” Another heavy blow sent Gaia to the floor. This time before Gaia could even think of doing anything else, she felt a sharp pressure on her spine pinning her down. Gaia turned her head just enough to see Kalista's shadow towering over hers, sword angled at the back of where her neck was.

“Enough,” Peter shouted as he began to walk towards the two.

Kalista's foot didn't move from its position. “P-Please,” Gaia begged, looking dejected. Kalista stepped off Gaia, allowing her to begin healing her injuries. Frustrating. She didn't manage to land a single hit on her. Whatever low opinion Kalista had of her had probably just sunk further.

She was certain that she could have performed better. Enough to beat Kalista? Probably not, unless she played her part perfectly. But still better. Perhaps if Peter-, no, she shouldn't think like that. He was her tamer, she loved him. Cherished him. Had she just been stronger, she wouldn't have to resort to blaming him.

“You two did well.” Peter said as he neared, his voice breaking Gaia away from her thoughts. As she turned to face him, she noticed Kalista's gaze, her eyes narrowed as they looked towards her. “Kalista we'll keep having you practice without me ordering you. I wouldn't have done anything differently there. Gaia you did well too, I understand your abilities better now.”

“Yes, you are very strong Kalista. More so than I had imagined,” Gaia said while faking a smile.

Kalista placed her sword just barely against Gaia's chest within her cleavage. “Again.”

Gaia paused, looking confused. “Sure... Ahem.” Gaia cleared her throat. “You are very strong Kalista.”

“Huh?” Kalista said annoyed as she raised an eyebrow and applied a bit of pressure with her weapon. Gaia winced. “I'm not asking you to flatter me more. I want a rematch.”

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