Prime Originator

Chapter 844 - Duna’s Knowledge

While the Nine Great Clans were planning Leon's capture, he reunited with Duna on the seafloor.

The moment Duna's eyes fell onto Leon's figure, she immediately halted her movement with surprise, not expecting to find him in such a place.

"What are you doing here? No, how are you here, Leon?" Duna asked with wide eyes.

"I can ask you the same thing," Leon replied with a smile.

Nevertheless, he knew that she knew he knew it wasn't a problem for her to reach the seafloor with her abilities.

As such, he shortly changed the topic, "Girl, you look rather frustrated. Just what are you trying to accomplish down here? Don't tell me you were trying to find the Eternal Night Demon Empress's tomb?"

"Eternal Night Demon… Empress? So you also know about her," Duna uttered after the quick realization.

"That's right," she admitted with a nod, "I was looking for the Eternal Night Demon Empress's tomb, not for some noble goal like stopping the demons from getting it first, of course."

"Given your character, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case," Leon nodded before asking her, "But why did you disappear on your own? I had no idea what could have happened to you until now."

"And yet it doesn't seem to surprise you to run into me here," Duna casually replied, noticing the subtle detail. "Well, since you sound like you know my character so well, you should also know that I'm not interested in babysitting your chicks."

"This is a secret realm, and opportunities wait for no one. I am better off searching for opportunities on my own; anything I find will be claimed as my own. I wouldn't need to deal with any conflict of interest in the division of spoils."

After listening to Duna's reason, Leon smiled wryly yet also helplessly.

She is a headstrong woman—and perhaps also the most headstrong woman out of everyone he knew.

She wasn't interested in being a flower vase.

She had all the knowledge she needed to cultivate into a strong being and did not need to follow him around.

As he ran out of air, he summoned the Nihility Barrier and replenished himself, surprising Duna in the process.

She watched Leon devour numerous wisps of True Grandmist Energy, among other types of energy with astonishment.

"You… You never cease to surprise me, Leon," Duna complimented.

Leon smiled slightly in response.

"Considering you are looking for the Eternal Night Demon Empress's tomb, you must have something you need from it," Leon mentioned before asking, "What is it that you need from there?"

"How much do you know about the Eternal Night Demon Empress?" Duna replied with a question of her own.

"The Eternal Night Demon Empress is a True Divinity's descendent, and she was also a powerful Demon Emperor, who could stand her ground against Half-step True Divinities," Leon stated some simple truths.

Nevertheless, it was enough to surprise Duna.

"Oh?" Duna softly exclaimed before saying, "You've done a bit of research since we've entered this secret realm."

"That's right; the Eternal Night Demon Empress is a descendant of a True Divinity, whom I suspect is the Eternal Night Devil Empress. But have you ever wondered how that is possible when there are no more True Divinities in this present era?"

"There aren't any living True Divinities in this present era? Are you sure?" Leon repeated with astonishment.

Given the sheer amount of primordial heritage he could find on a single planet, he had been under the impression that he was in the legendary God Realm, or at the very least, the graveyard of god and devils.

"Of course, I am sure. Who do you think you're asking?" Duna nonchalantly replied.

"Nevertheless, it seems like you know nothing, so I will just go ahead and show you just how little you know about the world."

"Even though the Great War destroyed both the gods and devils, whether it was their body or soul, they are still everlasting beings. Their wills are eternal, so they cannot experience true death and part from existence forever."

"Whether it is you or me, all living beings are essentially pieces of gods or devils. Even everything you see about the current world was all formed by the gods and devils' shattered bodies and spiritual seas."

"Think of it as the Second Big Bang. Since gods and devils were essentially made of True Grandmist Energy, it isn't strange for their remains to form new celestial bodies like at the beginning of time when True Grandmist Energy exploded into being and swept throughout Primal Chaos."

"I see…" Leon uttered with a thoughtful look.

He understood why Awakeners could comprehend the laws easier than the denizens of the Divine Realm, but he never understood why the world itself seemed sentient.

However, he finally understood after hearing the missing piece of information from Duna.

Nevertheless, Leon's eyes suddenly flickered.

"Didn't you awaken more memories from your devil soul fragment? Also, it's been days since we last met, but you show no signs of craving blood…" Leon mentioned.

"This means you must have grown quite a bit, but how much blood did you drink? Did you kill a lot of humans?"

"This… Well, I did kill a fair bit of humans and demons... But they all deserved it," Duna replied before asking him, "You're not going to blame, are you?"

"How can I? I have also killed some humans on this trip," Leon scratched his head wryly in response.

However, he was afraid that the number of humans he killed couldn't be compared to Duna at all.

Nevertheless, he did not dwell on it; there were other things on his mind.

"When all is said and done, I still don't understand what you need from the Eternal Night Demon Empress's tomb and how she can be a True Divinity's descendent when there are no more living True Divinities in this world…"

"Oh, right… I haven't answered this, have I? It is all your fault that I got sidetracked," Duna blamed him for it.

Leon was stunned before he replied, "This is my fault? How is this my fault?"

"Because you're too ignorant and don't know anything, so I had to explain it to you!" Duna stated unreasonably.

After hearing that, Leon's lips twitched.

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