Prime Originator

Chapter 970 The Power of Anger

Chapter 970 The Power of Anger

Although Ricardo strongly disagreed with Artemise's words at first, he still decided to give her some benefit of the doubt. He had to give her some chance to explain.

Whether she could convince him afterward was another matter.

"Let's say that everything you said was true. Why do we have to undergo this so-called God's trial? What is your God trialing us for? And how can you prove any of this?" Ricardo asked.

After hearing these questions, Artemise smiled.

"I'm glad you asked. This proves that there is still some hope in you—hope for salvation and to be saved by God," Artemise started.

"Your facial disfiguration is but a temporary mark to let you know the Sun God has started trialing you to prove whether you deserve to be one of his people or abandoned by him."

"You want proof? I am your best proof," Artemise stated.

Shortly after, everyone witnessed Artemise's disfigured face recovering on its own. It was as if every cell on her face came to life.

Before long, Artemise's face was fully recovered, and her beauty was there for everyone to see.

Ricardo and the other group members were all tongue-tied, shocked by what they saw.

"I am someone who has succeeded in God's trial and become one of God's people," Artemise said.

"As proof of that, this body of mine no longer suffers under the scorching sunlight. Instead, I am empowered by the sunlight, and my body is mine to alter freely. Although I can't change my face completely, I can remove all blemishes and enhance my beauty."

"How did you… do that?" one of the women eagerly asked.

The woman didn't care whether the Sun God and his trial truly existed. She only cared about Artemise's ability to beautify herself.

"As I have said, your facial disfiguration is part of the Sun God's blessing. Your face remained like that because you haven't learned how to use the Sun God's blessing," Artemise stated.

"The Sun God is all-encompassing and shares his blessings to all living under his light. However, only the qualified followers of the Sun God like me can utilize this power. That is why it is called a trial. The Sun God shares his power to all, but not all can use his power."

"Unfortunately, many people don't understand the Sun God's fiery love and reject his existence because they failed his trial. And for people like me, they label us as Demon Worshippers or heretics."

"However, those people are true heretics for denying the Sun God!" Artemise firmly stated with conviction.

After a moment, Artemise calmed down and continued to preach about the Sun God.

"Because the Sun God's fiery love is all-encompassing, he does not discriminate between mortals. Therefore, he does not interfere in mortal affairs. It is up to us followers to spread his faith and share his fiery love to the world."

"If you are all willing to become a follower of the Sun God and join hands with me, I will teach you how to control the Sun God's blessings and formally become one of the Sun God's people," Artemise stated.

It was normal for people to fear what they didn't understand.

For many who did not know the truth behind the sun's cataclysmic sunrays, Artemise's words were like a beacon of light piercing through the veils of the dark unknown.

Ricardo and the rest of the hooded group members were drawn in by Artemise's words.

Everything seemed to make sense.

"Please teach us how to become followers of the Sun God, Artemise," Ricardo formally requested after confirming with all the group members that they were on the same page.

Artemise's smile.

She had successfully convinced her first group of targets. They will be the first batch of people to be converted into followers of the Sun God by her.

"Before that, let me say a few things," Artemise suddenly said to the group.

What do you think life was like before the Cataclysm? Was it harsh? Or was it better than now? If you think about it, your situation hasn't changed much. Only the world has changed. Life is still unfair."

"While we struggle to survive, the nobles with wealth and power live freely. As if that isn't unfair enough, they exploit and abuse powerless commoners like us, making our hard lives even harder. No matter how angry we are about it, nothing ever changes."

"However, it is different now. The Sun God has finally answered my prayers and given my anger power," Artemise said.

"Does that mean…" Ricardo uttered as doubt was formed in his heart.

"That's right!" Artemise confirmed before Ricardo could finish his question.

"Anger is the secret to the Sun God's blessings. The angrier you are, the more power you can draw from the Sun God's blessings. The fact that your faces have all suffered disfigurement, mutation, and burns are proofs that you have been angry."

"You drew power from the Sun God's blessings with your anger, but you didn't use that power after you gathered it! That is why your faces remained like that! With the Sun God's blessing on your side, anger is power, but control of it is your will!"

Artemise strongly stated.

Ricardo and the rest of the hooded group members were dumbfounded by the revelation. The Sun God wasn't at fault for their current predicaments.

It was their own incompetence!


Ricardo suddenly dropped to his knees.

"O, benevolent Sun God above, you gave me a chance to change my life. However, my incompetent self failed to use your blessing and wronged you for my predicament. I beg for forgiveness! Please give me another chance to redeem myself so that I can embrace your light now and forever!"

"Do not plead to the Sun God. The Sun God is fair to all. As long as you have the Sun God in your heart and your will is firm, the Sun God's blessings will answer to you," Artemise coolly stated.

It was a holy war between the Sun God's followers and the true heretics that defied and denied the Sun God.

They did not need weak-minded followers.

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