Prime Originator

Chapter 977 Big Trouble

Chapter 977 Big Trouble

"Of course, you can choose not to answer," Leon continued.

"We can just get the answer from the other members of your labor group. However, if everyone stubbornly refuses to talk, I suppose we would be forced to use torture methods. And trust me when I say my torture methods will make you wish you were dead. None of us want that, do we?"

"So, will you talk? Or will you not?" Leon calmly asked.

The male laborer named Mervin didn't intend to talk at first, but he was conflicted at the same time.

After all, Deacon Artemise did mention not that they should not mention anything about the Church of the Sun God to the non-believers. They would most likely fail to convert the non-believers to the religion and even land themselves in trouble.

However, Mervin hadn't spoken a single word about the Sun God Church, but he was already in trouble!

Furthermore, there's even the risk of being tortured!

Three days of preaching by Deacon Artemise was far from enough for Mervin to develop a strong sense of loyalty to the Sun God Church.

Thus, after hearing Leon's torture threat, Mervin quickly spilled everything he knew.

Sometime later, Leon wore a grave expression after he finished listening to Mervin's talk on the Sun God Church.

It was a much more serious problem than he thought.

This wasn't just a normal religion that was recently born from the despair brought by the Cataclysm. No, Leon suspected it was an evil religion that had existed much longer.

Furthermore, this evil religion is being masked as something good!

"Fortunately, you chose to cooperate," Leon said to Mervin with a bit of relief.

It showed that the newly-converted people could still be saved from Deacon Artemise's brainwashing.

"Am I still getting tortured, Your Imperial Highness?" Mervin asked nervously.

"Of course not. Since you chose to cooperate, there is no need for torture. Once I confirm your information with the others, you may even escape any form of punishment and be rewarded instead," Leon replied.

"Nevertheless, I must say that you are quite lucky. This Deacon Artemise was brainwashing you all into becoming demon worshippers—No, it should be called devil worshippers. The so-called Sun God is no god but a devil and especially powerful one with authority over the Wrath Law."

"This is something you will hear more about later," Leon stated.

Since he learned the details of Deacon Artemise's preaching methods, he understood which course of action he should take to stop her from spreading the religion.

Nevertheless, Mervin was stunned after hearing from the imperial prince.

"Does that mean I cannot use the Sun G—er, the devil sun's power anymore, Your Imperial Highness?" Mervin wondered.

Regardless of the truth, this was what Mervin really wanted to know.

Mervin was just learning how to use this power to fix his appearance. He didn't know what to feel if the imperial prince was to deny him and many others of this ability.

After all, their present appearances were truly hideous to look at.

"Of course not. I don't discriminate when it comes to cultivation methods," Leon said with a shake of his head.

"However, you need to understand that the Wrath Law is a dangerous power. It's what causes people and beasts alike to lose their minds. If you lose your mind due to this power and become a threat to everyone around you, we will have to execute you."

"I understand."

Sometime later, Leon met up with Faelyn, Rainshine, Snowscar, and their accompanying assistants before comparing the answers they recorded from the hired laborers.

"The answers are all the same. It seems like no one lied," Leon confirmed after perusing the papers.

It was impossible for the hired laborers to come up with a coordinated lie when they were interrogated separately.

As such, the zero discrepancies in their answers could only prove that they all spoke the truth.

Shortly after, Leon glanced up and asked, "Was there any problems on your ends?"

"No, it went smooth for me," Faelyn answered.

"Same for me, my Lord. Everything proceeded without a problem," Snowscar replied shortly after in its deep and manly voice while standing on two feet like a human and proudly patting its chest with its paw.

"Somehow, I seriously doubt that," Leon smiled wryly before casting a glance at Rainshine. "You two are brothers and sisters, yet why do you have such a shocking difference when it comes to your voices?"

"Even if you ask that, my Lord, I don't know how to answer …" Rainshine scratched her head with bafflement.

"What should we do with the hired laborers we interrogated, Your Highness?" an official asked shortly after.

"Since they cooperated, give them the survey compensation reward and release them. Then, bring in the next group of confirmed believers to survey and interrogate. Of course, you'll be doing this on your own. I'll be returning to New Capital to report to my father," Leon stated.

"Understood, Your Highness," the officials complied.

After Leon finished issuing his instructions to the rest of the officials in the North Reclamation, he swiftly returned to New Capital with Faelyn and the two Winter Cats.

Inside Heinrich's study room, he immediately noticed Leon and the others stepping outside the Dark Passage the moment it appeared.

"Back so soon? Have you already learned about the religion, Son?" Heinrich asked with surprise.

"Yes, Father," Leon nodded solemnly before adding, "And it's a much more serious problem than we anticipated.

"The religion is called the Sun God Church. Furthermore, the people spreading the religion aren't normal priests but most likely devil worshippers. However, that isn't the most pressing issue we should be concerned about right now."

"It isn't?" Heinrich raised an eyebrow.

"It's not. These devil worshippers have learned how to use the power of wrath. Do you understand what that implies, Father?" Leon asked.

However, Leon didn't wait for an answer.

"If they devised a cultivation method based on the Wrath Law. Then, the abundant Wrathful Demon Energy in the world will become their most desired energy source for cultivation," Leon continued.

"Wrathful Demon Energy…? But then that would mean… Oh, no!" Heinrich immediately realized where the problem was.

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