Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 100

Damian was having breakfast with his family, His daughters, in particular, ate quickly.

Damian smiled gently at them before speaking.

"Girls, eat slowly, we have all day to learn how to swim," Damian said, laughing.

The girls looked at their father and nodded, starting to eat more slowly, although unconsciously they were increasing the speed again.

"You still haven't said which pool we're going to," Carol said as she ate.

"Why don't we have a pool here?" Monica asked, realizing it was strange.

"Damian's grandfather never liked it, he said it took away the old charm of the mansion," Sophia said.

"He has a point," Jane agreed, nodding.

"Alright, girls, let's put on our bikinis," Carol said, finishing her meal before getting up from the table.

"Alright, I'll go create the pool," Damian said, nodding as he saw everyone getting ready to leave.

The departing women couldn't help but freeze before turning around and looking at Damian.

Clearly, they wanted to accompany him to see how he was going to do it.

Everyone there had a pretty good understanding of Damian's powers, and they couldn't think of a more direct way to create a pool.

Damian walked towards the large garden, followed by his entire family.

Once outside, Damian extended his hand, and two magic circles manifested in his hands. In an instant, the grass and earth transformed into a large pool two meters deep.

Everyone was in a state of shock at the sight of this impressive display of magic.

Carol stepped forward and took Damian's hand, curiously touching the magic circles, although her hand simply passed through them.

"Now you have two," Carol said, examining her hand from different angles.

"What an observant remark," Damian said, teasingly.

Carol just gave him an annoyed look.

"I improved the system; now it allows for a certain level of transmutation," Damian explained to everyone concisely.

"Alright, let's put on our swimsuits," Damian said, lifting his daughters as he entered the house with everyone.

A few minutes later, they all came out to the garden in their bikinis, except for Damian, who wore a simple pair of swim shorts.

"We need chairs, umbrellas, and some tables too," Ana said, looking at Damian.

He simply nodded before making all those things appear.

Ana looked satisfied before reclining in the chairs.

Natasha also smiled before lying down and soaking up some sun.

"Daddy, we're going to learn how to swim," Alice said, urging him on.

Emma and Ivy also looked at him with eager eyes.

The three girls were wearing adorable one-piece swimsuits.

Damian entered the pool with his three daughters in his arms.

Damian took them to a shallow area where the water reached their chests, although it was shallow for him.

Damian created three snorkels and put them on his daughters.

"Daddy, we can't breathe with these," Emma said, looking at him.

"Breathe through your mouth for now," Damian said, smiling.

"We vampires can hold our breath for a long time, so don't worry. Now, with the snorkels, we're going to try swimming," Damian said before creating a larger snorkel for himself.

Without practice, it's easy for them to unconsciously start breathing, and that's a really unpleasant feeling.

"Come on, follow me," Damian said before walking towards the deeper part and submerging himself.

Alice hesitated for a moment before also going behind him and diving into the water.

Damian saw her and smiled, taking her hand and pulling her toward the bottom of the pool.

Alice clumsily tried to move her limbs and propel herself in the water.

At that moment, Emma and Ivy also submerged and attempted to swim towards Damian and Alice.

Damian brought them closer to him before swimming ahead of them and showing them how to swim.

The three girls quickly imitated him before approaching him somewhat clumsily.

Damian swam with the three girls following him to the deepest part of the pool before gesturing for them to rise.

The three girls kicked their legs and quickly surfaced, holding onto the pool's edge.

Damian emerged behind them and removed the snorkels from all three so they could speak and breathe properly.

"How was that?" Damian asked, smiling at them as he brushed Alice's hair out of her face.

"It was fun," Emma said, nodding with a slight smile.

"It's like flying, but when you go deeper, it feels tight in the chest," Ivy said, looking at Damian.

"That's because the deeper you go, the more pressure your body withstands from the weight of the water," Damian explained with a smile.

"Can we try again ourselves?" Alice asked.

"Of course, should I put the snorkels back on you?" Damian asked, smiling at them.

"Yes" (x3).

Damian put the snorkels back on them before the girls were submerged in the water.

Monica and Jane had also entered the pool and were having some drinks while sitting in the shallow part of the pool.

Damian smiled before leaving the pool and heading towards the area with the chairs.

"You're the father of the year, leaving your newly-learned swimming daughters alone in a pool," Carol teased as she raised her sunglasses.

Damian rolled his eyes at Carol's words; his daughters could probably hold their breath for hours.

"Why don't you put sunscreen on me?" Carol flirtatiously asked.

"Can you even get sunburned?" Damian asked, smiling as he lay down next to her.

"Let's not wait to find out," Carol said, sitting on Damian's lap with a smile.

At that moment, a stream of water hit Carol's head.

Carol looked at where it came from and saw Sophia looking at her expressionlessly, pointing the girls' water gun at her.

"What a killjoy," Carol murmured, leaning against Damian and stopping her playful behavior.

Damian simply smiled as he gently stroked Carol's hair.

"I love you," Carol said with a sweet smile before getting up and entering the pool.

Damian lovingly smiled as he watched Carol; he truly is a fortunate man.

Ana approached him and coquettishly reclined next to him, wearing a black two-piece bikini.

Damian put an arm around Ana's neck before planting a kiss on her hair.

At that moment, Damian felt his phone ringing, so he took it out and answered.

"Hello," said Tony's voice.

"Hey there, Mr. Elusive. You haven't been showing your face lately," Damian said, laughing.

"I've been busy. Can you come to my house tonight?" Tony asked, sounding excited.

"Don't make it sound weird," Damian chuckled.

"Just come whenever you can. I have something really cool to show you," Tony laughed before hanging up.

"Tony?" Ana casually asked with her eyes closed.

"Yes, I'll go to his house later," Damian replied.

"Mama is upset because she lost money buying stocks in Stark Industries," Ana said, laughing a little.

Damian chuckled upon hearing Ana's words.

"She'll recover the money," Damian said with a smile.

They all spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other's company until it was getting dark and cold, so they all went back inside.

"How long will the pool last?" Jane asked, not fully believing that it was permanent.

"As long as it has magic, it can be forever, but with the magic I infused, it should last a few weeks," Damian explained.

Jane simply shook her head at the illogical situation.

Damian entered his house and changed his clothes before teleporting near Tony's house and walking. It was already nighttime on this side.

Damian approached the door before it opened on its own, with Jarvis greeting him.

Damian greeted Jarvis and entered the house, not seeing Tony anywhere.

"Mr. Stark is downstairs," Jarvis said, guiding Damian to the location.

As Damian descended the stairs, he found a glass door that Jarvis opened for him.

Damian entered and saw Tony in a silver metal suit lifting weights.


Tony had spent the past four months creating his own suit.

It was a somewhat difficult task since he could only do it by himself and couldn't use the labor force of his company.

That day, Tony had performed the final test flight inside his garage and was ready to assemble the prototype.

Although, of course, Tony was filled with enthusiasm to show off his suit to Damian.

He didn't dare show it off to anyone else. Tony knows perfectly well the extent of power his suit possesses in the current state of the world.

It's something that could even put his life at risk. Another kidnapping where he has to create suits for some organization is not impossible.

It was getting close to dusk when Tony put on his armor for the first time.

Approaching a mirror, Tony saw his silver armor, turning and moving his arms as he observed himself closely.

"Jarvis, let's begin the strength tests," Tony said before approaching some weights he had prepared in advance.

Tony quickly added a thousand pounds before lifting it with ease.

"Jarvis, do you think they'll let me participate in the weightlifting competition with my suit?" Tony asked, laughing.

"I don't think so, sir," Jarvis replied.

Tony looked at the bar in his hands, which was quite bent and clearly at its limits.

"Jarvis, is there anything heavier I can lift?" Tony asked.

"I'm afraid not, sir. Creating a hydraulic press would be a good idea to test the suit's limits," Jarvis suggested.

"Hm, you're right. Take note of that," Tony nodded.

"Sir, Mr. Damian is at the door," Jarvis said.

"I understand, let him in," Tony said before approaching the bar and starting to do repetitions with one arm.

"This is what you've been working on?" Damian asked, smiling slightly as he saw him.

Tony lowered the weights before looking at Damian and making his helmet retract.

"What do you think?" Tony asked, proudly smiling.

"It's not bad," Damian nodded.

"It's just the prototype, nothing too impressive," Tony laughed before approaching Damian with his suit making sounds.

"Although it's not very stealthy... or agile," Damian said, laughing at his movements.

"And here I was considering making you my sidekick. We could be like Batman and Robin," Tony joked.

"You don't have enough to pay me," Damian said, laughing.

"Tell me, does Pepper know about this?" Damian asked.

"Not yet. It's a surprise. I invited you to witness the first test flight," Tony said, smiling.

"Sure, we could fly together," Damian said, smiling.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Tony asked, looking at Damian confused.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Damian teased before starting to float and flying out of the garage.

Tony stood there in shock, watching Damian fly away.

"Jarvis, did you see the same thing I did?" Tony asked.

"Yes, sir. I think I have a little error trying to process how Mr. Damian did that," Jarvis said.

"I think I have an error too," Tony murmured.

"Let's catch up to him," Tony said before getting into position and flying off in search of Damian.

Even though Damian had told him about superhuman abilities, it's different to hear it and see it.

Tony floated in the air, trying to look around to find Damian.

"Jarvis, can't you locate him?" Tony asked.

Before Jarvis could respond, Tony heard the sound of metal hitting the back of his head.

Tony distanced himself and turned around to see Damian floating in front of him with a smile.

"How do you do that?" Tony asked.

"Magic exists, it's a simple levitation spell," Damian said.

"Magic? Are you kidding? That doesn't exist," Tony said. He's a man of science and refuses to believe in something so illogical.

Damian laughed lightly before raising his hand and using his magic circles to change Tony's armor color to pink.

Tony looked in awe at the magic circles that appeared in Damian's hands before looking at himself and seeing that he was completely pink.

Tony truly had no way of knowing how Damian did it. Even if he didn't really change the color and it was just an illusion, it still wouldn't explain how he could do something like that.

"When you said there were superhuman abilities, I thought it would be something more scientific like genetic modifications, not a trick like magic," Tony said, ironically smiling inside his helmet.

"So I guess you're a magician," Tony said, looking at Damian with a mischievous smile as he recalled his limited knowledge of fiction.

"Let's make a bet on who can go higher," Tony said, increasing the power of his thrusters and shooting upward.

In his opinion, magicians are physically weak. Surely there is a height limit due to the low temperatures.

Damian chuckled lightly before catching up to him and ascending with him.

Damian just looked at him with a slight smile as they continued to ascend and things on the ground became smaller.

"Sir... there's a dangerous layer of ice forming on the armor," Jarvis said.

"Just keep going," Tony said, gritting his teeth as he saw Damian looking at him with a smile as if nothing happened.

Damian just watched as Tony's pink armor became covered in ice before it shut down and started falling.

Tony flailed a bit before opening the flaps, which slowed down his descent.

Damian landed in front of Tony and caught him in the air when he was close to the ground.

"That was crazy," Tony said with his armor back online.

"Magic is truly tricky," Tony said, shaking his head.

"You just have to create an armor that can match it," Damian laughed before releasing Tony, who fell a few meters before ascending with his thrusters.

"I wanted to surprise you, but I ended up being the surprised one," Tony muttered, annoyed.

Damian just laughed before returning home with Tony.

Both entered the garage before Tony started removing his suit.

"Could you please make it return to its normal color?" Tony asked, ironically smiling.

Damian chuckled lightly before making the armor return to its normal color.

"Your armor is good, although it's just a prototype. It will surely be improved in the future," Damian said, smiling.

"Don't you want to have an armor duel?" Tony asked, teasing.

"I think it's too soon. You would be facing trained soldiers, and with your crude armor and lack of training, you would only embarrass yourself," Damian said, mercilessly telling him the truth.

Tony grimaced but didn't respond because he knew Damian was right.

"Do you know any martial arts masters who could train me?" Tony asked.

"I know quite a few," Damian laughed.

"Carol could teach you, but I don't recommend it. She would probably brutally torture you in the name of training," Damian said with a smile.

"You could ask Monica. She's quite good and not as brutal," Damian suggested.

"Is she strong?" Tony asked hesitantly, after all, she was just a girl in his eyes.

"I bet she could beat you even with your armor on," Damian teased him.

"I'll ask her later," Tony said, sighing.

"Well, I guess I'll head home. Good luck improving your armor," Damian said, about to leave before remembering something and looking at Tony.

"By the way, there's a charity event tomorrow. Are you going?" Damian asked.

Tony looked at Damian, confused.

"Jarvis, are we invited to anything?" Tony asked Jarvis.

"I have no record of any invitation, sir," Jarvis said.

"We'll find out little by little," Tony said, shrugging.

"Maybe I'll go," Damian nodded.

"See you," Damian said.

"See you," Tony nodded before his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Damian disappear.

"Jarvis?" Tony asked hesitantly.

"Sir, I think my servers are overheating," Jarvis said.

"Just ignore that. We'll figure it out gradually," Tony said, sighing.

"Let's start with Mark 3. Remember to give it a cover to withstand low temperatures," Tony said, sitting down and starting to work.


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Guys, I already posted chapter 98, I'm sorry I didn't post it, I don't know what happened.

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