Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 102

Damian went downstairs with Carol, Ana, and Natasha.

After Carol, even Natasha had woken up, and after a few hours, they finally took a bath before coming downstairs.

It wasn't very common for them to have time for themselves, so they decided to simply enjoy the moment.

When the four of them came downstairs, they found Sophia and Ophelia playing with the three girls.

"Hello, Mom, I didn't see you when I came back," Damian said, smiling at her.

"I was with my little treasures, accompanying them in Madripoor. You all seem to have had fun," Sophia said, looking at Damian reproachfully for spending the whole morning on that.

Damian just smiled and didn't comment on it.

Ophelia also looked at Damian with a complaint since she wasn't invited.

"You arrived just in time. It's time for lunch," Sophia said, getting up with a smile.

The three mothers took their daughters before joining the rest of the group and heading to the dining room to sit down.

"Today it's my turn to be fed by Daddy," Alice said, with a happy smile.

Ivy pouted but didn't say anything; her turn would come later.

Damian smiled and took Alice's small hand, playing with it while they waited for the food to be brought.

In a few minutes, several maids arrived and served the food.

Damian set aside his meal as he took a spoon and fed Alice.

Alice was truly happy, swinging her legs under the table as she chewed with a smile.

All the women smiled softly at the joyful expression on Alice's face.

After lunch, Damian played with the girls for a while before Ana came to take them to study.

"Daddy, can you teach us too?" Emma asked.

"Of course, sweetheart. This time, I'll teach you with your mother," Damian said, smiling.

Ana just smiled slightly before walking towards a room, followed by the others.

In the room, there was a large round table with several seats.

The girls familiarly sat down, looking towards Ana.

Damian clumsily took a seat as well.

"Today, we'll review all the letters of the alphabet. Once you've learned them all, we'll move on to conjugating them," Ana said as she handed out the prepared papers.

The girls nodded before starting to write the entire alphabet.

Occasionally, they made mistakes with some letters before being corrected by Ana or Damian.

An hour quickly passed, and the girls managed to finish all the tasks Ana had prepared for them.

"You can go play now," Ana said, looking at them with a slight smile.

The girls laughed as they ran off, in their happiness forgetting about their father who was with them.

"Teacher, there's something I didn't understand," Damian said, innocently looking at her.

"You can ask me," Ana said, putting on a strict expression.

"It's a biology question; I'm not sure if the teacher can help me," Damian said, pretending to look at her shyly.

"It seems we'll need intensive classes," Ana said, nodding sternly before getting up and closing the door.

Ana walked over to Damian and sat at the table in front of him, looking at him with a flirtatious smile.


It was already dark when Damian entered the living room wearing a quite elegant suit. It was time to go to the charity event, so Damian was waiting for Sophia and Monica in the room.

Damian sat on the sofa while browsing the internet, occasionally glancing at the time before returning to his phone.

After half an hour of waiting, he couldn't help but grow impatient as they were running late. He went upstairs and opened the door to his room, which they were using to get ready.

Damian saw all of them helping Monica choose a necklace, repeatedly switching between different ones to see which one matched better.

"Darling, they all look good. It's late, can we go?" Damian asked with an ironic smile.

"Dad, you don't understand. This is an elegant event, and it will surely be in the news. I want to look beautiful," Monica said, shaking her head.

"Just hurry up," Damian said, sighing.

Sophia had been ready for a while, wearing a beautiful, long blue dress with a thigh-high slit. She was helping Monica choose.

After a few minutes, Monica finally felt satisfied with her appearance and smiled at Damian before hugging his arm.

"I'm ready, let's go," Monica said happily.

Sophia also embraced Damian's arm while looking at him with a smile.

"See you later," Damian said, bidding farewell to all the women in the room.

"Take care."

"Have a great time."

Everyone said their goodbyes before Damian teleported with Monica and Sophia to the entrance of their house.

There was a limousine controlled by their AI waiting there.

The three of them quickly got into the car before Damian teleported them several blocks away from the building where the event was taking place.

The limousine stopped, and someone came to open the door as Damian stepped out.

Immediately, all attention and cameras were focused on him, as his appearances at such events were very rare.

Damian paid no attention to the cameras and turned around to offer his hand to Sophia, who stepped out with a slight smile.

The cameras took several shots again when they saw an unfamiliar woman with Damian.

As Sophia exited the car, she stepped aside for Monica to get out.

There wasn't as much commotion upon seeing Monica, as everyone knew she was Damian's daughter.

Damian walked inside with Sophia and Monica.

Many people whispered as they watched them pass, but the group had become somewhat accustomed to it.

When Damian, Sophia, and Monica entered the hall, the noise decreased a bit as everyone looked at them.

Damian couldn't help but sigh internally at everyone's reaction. He simply ignored them and hoped they would forget about his presence.

"Dad, I saw a friend from school. I'll go say hi," Monica said to Damian before happily walking towards a blonde woman in the distance.

"And what about you?" Damian asked.

"I don't know. I'll see if there's something good to drink. Have fun," Sophia said, smiling at him.

Damian couldn't help but smile ironically. He arrived with two dates, and now both had abandoned him.

Damian looked around before spotting Pepper chatting with some people, so he shrugged and walked toward her.


Sophia approached the bar and glanced at the drinks on the shelf.

"Give me something light," Sophia casually said, even if she asked for something strong, she wouldn't feel it.

The bartender nodded before starting to prepare her drink.

At that moment, a blonde woman approached Sophia, looking around before sitting somewhat disappointed.

The woman glanced beside her and was surprised to see a beautiful blonde woman in her thirties.

"Hello, I'm Christine. May I know your name?" Christine asked politely. She was a journalist, and it was almost impossible for her not to recognize such a beautiful woman with a temperament and confidence she had only seen in important people.

"Hello, I'm Sophia... Sophia Alucard," Sophia said, smiling slightly, hesitating a bit as she said her name.

Christine was greatly surprised, staring at Sophia, hesitating for a moment before asking.

"Are you his wife?" Christine asked with doubt.

"No, actually, I'm his mother," Sophia said, laughing softly.

"Uh?" Christine could only utter a sound of surprise upon hearing Sophia's response.

Christine couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm herself as she thought about the rumors surrounding the technology in Madripoor and the fact that Damian himself looked as if he had just entered university.

"I'm sorry... it's just quite surprising," Christine said. The woman in front of her should be at least 60 years old, of course, she didn't dare to say it.

"You are quite unfamiliar; I've never seen you before," Christine inquired.

"I don't like to go out much; I usually take care of my granddaughters," Sophia said, smiling without minding the subtle question.

"And what brings you here? You seemed to be looking for someone," Sophia said, smiling at her.

"I was looking for Tony Stark; I wanted to discuss some matters, but it seems he won't be coming," Christine said, somewhat disappointed.

"Oh, as far as I know, he will come. Perhaps he's running a bit late," Sophia said, smiling.

"And tell me, what is it like being the mother of one of the most powerful men in the world?" Christine asked with interest as she turned on her recorder.

"Is this an interview?" Sophia asked, smiling.

"If you don't mind," Christine nodded.

"I must be the least famous person you've ever interviewed," Sophia joked with a smile.

"I really don't have much to say; I live a pretty normal life, I don't get too involved in his affairs," Sophia said, smiling as she took a sip of her drink.

"Can you tell me what you think about the rumors regarding the technology in Madripoor?" Christine asked.

"They are true. Just look at my appearance; do you think it was achieved through magic?" Sophia jokingly asked, chuckling softly.

"Why don't they make that kind of technology available to the public?" Christine asked excitedly, knowing that this interview would make her famous.

"Because it's not easy to do so; it would make it accessible only to the very wealthy," Sophia said.

"I see," Christine nodded. It was quite normal for something so "miraculous" not to be easy to achieve.

"It seems the person you were expecting has arrived," Sophia said, looking towards the entrance.

Christine followed her gaze and saw Tony entering, standing at the bar a few meters away from them.

Christine no longer felt in a rush to talk to Tony. Sophia was much more interesting. Everyone had heard about Tony hundreds of times, but who had heard about Damian's mother?

Tony approached the bar and started looking around. At that moment, a man in a suit approached him and began talking to him.

Tony responded absentmindedly while gazing at Pepper, captivated by her dress that exposed her back and shoulders.

Tony began walking, completely focused on Pepper, and didn't notice Damian who was talking to her.

Christine couldn't help but let a slight smile appear on her face as she observed Tony's expression.

"How interesting, it seems this idiot has a thing for Pepper," Christine thought, feeling the urge to get back at the couple who had treated her poorly.

Nevertheless, Christine stayed by Sophia's side. She still had many more questions she could ask her, although she didn't get anything else that night.

Sophia wasn't foolish. Her previous answers were things that most truly important people could guess, and she just wanted to play with the woman.


Tony approached Pepper and took her hand, wanting to lead her away.

Damian couldn't help but be left speechless as he saw his friend completely ignore him.

"Wait, Tony, take a closer look at who I'm talking to," Pepper resisted and sighed.

Tony finally looked beyond Pepper and was surprised to see Damian.

Seeing Damian's mocking smile, Tony couldn't help but grimace, knowing he wouldn't live this down.

"Don't worry about me, go dance or kiss each other," Damian laughed before walking away.

Pepper couldn't help but feel embarrassed as some people around heard Damian's words.

Tony chuckled to himself as he walked away with Pepper, knowing he would have time to greet Damian later.

Damian looked around once again and sighed, realizing he had nothing to do. Both of his dates had abandoned him, so he walked towards the balcony and leaned against the railing, gazing into the distance.

He regretted coming a bit, he just wanted to look around and have a change of scenery but it turned out to be very boring so far.


Monica had wanted to come with her father because she knew a friend from school would be there. It had been a while since they last spoke, and Monica wanted to reconnect with her.

Upon arriving, she immediately spotted a blonde head with a beautiful face, so she approached her.

"Hi, Sue," Monica greeted with a smile.

Susan, who was talking with her brother, turned around in surprise upon hearing that familiar voice.

"Monica!" Susan exclaimed happily as she embraced her.

"How have you been? It's been a while since we last talked," Susan smiled.

"Yeah, I heard you were coming, so I came with my dad and grandma," Monica smiled.

"Your dad? Where?" Susan asked, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Monica just looked at her wordlessly as she sighed.

"Let me show you," Monica said, looking around until she spotted her father on the balcony, gazing out the window with a pensive expression. She could see many women looking at him or discreetly taking photos.

Seeing Monica's gaze, Susan also started looking around until she spotted Damian on the balcony.

"Why don't you introduce me to your dad? I haven't spoken to him since we were kids," Susan tugged on Monica's arm, giving her puppy eyes.

"Are you planning to be my stepmother?" Monica asked, annoyed, as she playfully slapped her hand away.

"You can start practising calling me that," Susan laughed jokingly.

Monica just laughed and shook her head. She was already used to this situation.

At that moment, Susan's brother cleared his throat while looking at Susan, speechless.

"Oh, right, he's my brother," Susan said casually.

Before Monica could greet him, Susan started pulling her by the arm towards Damian, leaving her brother behind.

Many women who were hesitating to approach Damian couldn't help but curse in their minds when they saw Susan sneaking in with Monica's help.

"Dad," Monica softly called out as she approached Damian.

Damian looked in Monica's direction and gave her a slight smile.


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