Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 111

Tony was flying towards his house after fighting Wenwu, although he was flying in a rather deplorable state. His armor was full of cracks, and his right arm was ruined. He could only fly with the three remaining thrusters.

"Sir, I told you we should have retreated earlier," Jarvis said, almost with a voice of helplessness.

Tony only muttered under his breath as he cursed.

"How much longer until we reach home?" Tony asked.

"Sir, I would advise you to get comfortable; there are still 8 hours to go," Jarvis replied.

"Damn," Tony murmured as he looked around at the vast blue sea.

After several hours of flight, Tony couldn't bear it anymore and decided to make a stop at Damian's house, which was closer.

It was already night when Tony saw the city of New York in the distance. He happily continued flying, thinking about taking a hot bath and getting some rest.

He couldn't help but curse in his mind, thinking about Wenwu, who was probably resting peacefully, while he had to uncomfortably fly for hours after the fight.

A few minutes later, he finally saw Damian's mansion. With relief, he approached it before landing in the yard.

Tony removed his helmet before falling backward and sighing. He really needed to prepare countermeasures for these situations.

Unbeknownst to Tony, a giant white cat was lurking a few meters away, swishing its tail with excitement.

Sassy was taking her tenth nap when she felt something land on the grass.

Quickly detecting the scent of Papa's friend, But she could pretend not to notice with her father, couldn't she?

So she pressed her hind paws a little, ensuring a good grip before launching herself at great speed towards the red and golden man on the ground.

She quickly arrived in front of Tony and gently kicked his side, making him roll a few meters.

Sassy quickly jumped a few meters back before hitting Tony's side again, causing him to roll back.

Before Sassy could continue playing with Tony, Damian appeared next to Sassy, caressing her ears and laughing at Tony rolling around.

"You're a mischievous girl," Damian said, laughing as he stroked Sassy's chin.

"Damn, this really isn't my day," Tony said, sitting up.

"Sorry, Sassy can be very playful sometimes," Damian said to Tony.

"Yeah, I forgot about your giant tiger," Tony said, sighing.

"Do you want help me getting out of this thing?" Tony asked.

Damian shrugged before approaching Tony and starting to remove his armor. It was already heavily damaged, so he wasn't very careful.

Tony stretched his back in relief after finally taking off the armor.

"Let's go inside and have something to drink," Damian said, leading Tony inside.

Sassy happily walked alongside Damian, rubbing her head against him.

"By the way, you interrupted my sleep," Damian said, looking at Tony annoyed.

"I flew for almost five hours in that shattered armor," Tony complained, looking disdainfully at Damian for complaining.

"It seems being a superhero is not easy," Damian said, mocking, as he opened the door and entered the house with Tony.

"No kidding, I encountered a strange guy with rings on his wrists. He was very strong," Tony said, sitting on the sofa with a sigh.

"Hm, I know him," Damian nodded.

"He's an old warlord. It's known that he found some magical rings that made him strong and granted him eternal life. Believe it or not, he's over a thousand years old."

"Damn," Tony murmured, shocked.

"The world is truly bigger than one would think," Tony shook his head.

"You better keep improving your armor if you don't want to keep getting beaten up," Damian laughed.

"Well, let's go. I guess you want to rest," Damian said, leading Tony to an empty room.

"Here, you should have everything you need. By the way... don't leave your room," Damian hesitated, showing concern before closing the door, leaving Tony inside.

Damian walked to his room, holding back his laughter at Tony's astonished face.

Tony was blank for a moment before looking at the door with doubt and securing it. He wondered if the house was haunted or if things appeared at night. Damian was a wizard, so such things couldn't be ruled out.

Tony took a shower and went to bed, but as he tried to sleep, he couldn't help occasionally glancing at the door.


The next day.

Damian woke up as he felt Natasha getting out of bed.

Opening his eyes, he found Natasha frozen as she tried not to wake him.

"Where are you going?" Damian asked with a smile.

"I have a mission," Natasha replied, smiling at him.

"I'll join you for breakfast," Damian said, smiling before carefully getting up with Natasha and heading to take a shower together.

After having some fun, Damian was in the dining room with Natasha, watching her eat with a slight smile.

"What are you looking at?" Natasha laughed, noticing Damian's fixed gaze.

"You've become even more beautiful," Damian said, smiling at her. Natasha now had the equivalent of an 18-year-old's appearance and had all the right proportions.

"Who knows what those shakes you used to give me had," Natasha coquettishly complained. She had to change her uniform many times in these three years, and she had grown more voluptuous than before she regressed in age.

Damian chuckled softly as he watched her.

Natasha quickly finished eating and approached Damian to say goodbye.

Damian pulled her arm and made her sit on his lap.

"Darling, I have to go," Natasha complained but did not attempt to break free from his embrace.

"Be careful out there," Damian said, kissing Natasha on the temple.

"Cough... sorry, what time is breakfast?" Tony asked, interrupting the moment as he entered the dining room.

Natasha looked at Tony with annoyance for interrupting her. Kissing Damian, Natasha stood up, smiling coquettishly at Damian, and left.

"You live with a bunch of tigresses; the only nice one is Sophia," Tony joked before sitting at the table with Damian.

"You say that because you haven't seen her angry," Damian laughed.

Soon, the maids brought breakfast and served it at the table. They both ate while chatting about random things.

"Are you going back now?" Damian asked when they finished eating.

"Yes, I have to work on my armor," Tony nodded.

"See you later," Tony said, bidding farewell to Damian before leaving. He would order a taxi before taking his jet to the airport.

Damian saw Tony leaving before deciding to go up and see his daughters.

He found them sleeping closely together in a single bed.

Despite there being three beds in the room, they were accustomed to sleeping together, so they always ended up in the same bed.

Damian settled onto the bed with the three girls as he watched them with a smile.


Natasha arrived at the SHIELD offices before getting out of the car and walking towards Fury's office.

Fortunately, she had grown up and no longer received strange looks, and Fury no longer sent her undercover to schools.

Natasha knocked on the door before entering upon hearing Fury's voice telling her to come in.

"Agent Romanoff, here are the mission details," Fury said, handing her some papers.

"Sure," Natasha replied, picking up the papers before starting to leave the room.

"Tony Stark landed at your house yesterday, and according to some sources, his armor was severely damaged," Fury said before Natasha left.

Natasha stopped before looking at Fury.

"I wonder what he fought against to end up in that state," Fury sarcastically remarked while looking at Natasha.

"I really don't know, but Fury, remember to separate my professional life from my personal life," Natasha said, looking at Fury seriously.

"My bad," Fury simply said before returning to his papers.

Natasha didn't say anything either and left the room.

She works as an assault agent, not a spy. If she were a spy, she would be Damian's.

Natasha reviewed the papers while putting on her gear before heading to the hangar. She was going to Iran, so she made sure to bring sunscreen.

After a few hours of flight, she finally arrived.

Natasha breathed in the dry air as she looked around.

At that moment, an agent approached her and gave her some documents along with the keys to a car.

Natasha nodded and got into the vehicle without saying anything before driving away.

Natasha already had a clear mission: she had to escort a nuclear scientist out of the country, and then SHIELD would take care of the rest.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the mission, Natasha drove to the location where the scientist was.

Natasha parked her car a few hundred meters away from a building that was somewhat protected by cameras and some men patrolling the area.

She didn't plan on being stealthy this time; in a few minutes, she would neutralize everyone before taking the scientist and escaping in the car.

It would be nearly impossible to do it stealthily due to the cameras and various types of alarms. She would have to prepare more, but there was no time. The scientist would be moved elsewhere, making it very difficult to extract him.

Natasha took out her weapon and hid behind the trees while attaching a silencer to her gun, humming a song.

Natasha looked at her weapon with satisfaction before leaping through the tree branches, and approaching the building.

Before making a big jump and entering through the second-floor window, shattering it, for any normal human, it would have been an impossible leap.

The noise immediately alerted all the guards, who started to approach her.

Natasha immediately went up the stairs and reached the third floor. The information indicated that the scientist lived on that floor.

Natasha kicked open the doors before quickly scanning the area. Not finding anyone, she repeated the process with the remaining doors until she found a person who matched the description.

"Let's go," Natasha said, taking him by the arm and pulling him out of the room.

Natasha arrived outside the window before looking down and seeing only a couple of guards on duty. She could also hear several people coming up the stairs.

"And now what?" the scientist asked fearfully while looking at the crazy woman who broke down his door.

Natasha simply smiled at him before jumping out of the window with the scientist. As they fell rapidly, she shot the two guards before cushioning the fall with her suit.

Hurrying, Natasha ran while practically dragging the scientist. She probably broke the record for the 100-meter dash before getting into her car and speeding away.

With a slight laugh, she looked in the rearview mirror, seeing the guards coming out of the building.

Natasha quickly drove along a dirt road. SHIELD had already planned her escape route, so she just followed the path.

"So, who are you?" the scientist asked once everything had calmed down.

"I'm a SHIELD agent. I was assigned the task of getting you out of the country," Natasha said without taking her eyes off the road.

"Aren't you a bit unprofessional? You could have been more careful. You almost broke my arm," the scientist complained.

"Do you want to walk?" Natasha interrupted him before he could complain further.

Seeing Natasha's terrifying gaze, the scientist obediently fell silent but thought of complaining to his superior.

The next day.

Natasha had already left the country and was heading toward the extraction point.

Since she hadn't been followed and they were about to arrive, Natasha relaxed as she turned on the radio and hummed along to the music.

At that moment, several shots rang out, and the tires of the vehicle burst, causing the car to veer off the road and crash into a tree.

Natasha reacted quickly and grabbed the scientist before jumping out of the car.

Her suit also activated as it began scanning the surroundings.

Calculating the angle of the bullets in her tires, Natasha quickly looked towards a small hill in the distance.

With her enhanced vision, she saw a man with long hair and a metal arm, so she quickly hid the scientist behind a tree before keeping an eye on the man and calling for backup.

The world is vast, and Natasha doesn't dare to think she is invincible even with the Vibranium suit, not to mention she has someone to protect.

Natasha watched as the man retreated, making him go out of her sight, but from the look he gave her, Natasha knew that this was not over yet.

Taking advantage of his repositioning, Natasha grabbed the scientist and ran deeper into the forest.

Finding a tree with branches that provided enough space to hide, she jumped and tucked the scientist in before covering him.

"Be a good boy and don't move. If you die and make me lose my perfect record, I'll hang your naked body in the nearest city."

"I can already imagine the news headlines," Natasha said, looking at him menacingly before leaving him and walking away.


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