Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 115

Some days later.

Tony was at Stark Industries accompanied by Pepper, wearing a somewhat annoyed expression as he waited.

"Don't make that face, this is a great deal for us," Pepper said, laughing at Tony's expression.

"I know, it's just that I feel obligated to do this," Tony replied irritably.

At that moment, a convoy of military vehicles entered, and several high-ranking officials along with Rhodes got out.

It was the agreed-upon day to deliver the armor.

"Well, now that we're all here, follow me inside, and I'll give you the details," Tony said rudely before making his way to one of the warehouses without checking if anyone was following him.

Once inside, a metallic capsule could be seen with a gray and black suit behind the glass.

Tony stood a little in front of the capsule before looking at all the military personnel who had followed him.

"Here is the suit I created for the United States. It's a fully functional and modifiable suit to a certain extent."

"Now, before we proceed, let me ask you a question. Who is the smartest person in the world?" Tony asked, looking at everyone with an exasperating smile.

"Even if you don't say anything, I know you were thinking of me. So don't be arrogant. I made this in a way that reverse engineering is impossible. Don't test me," Tony said, looking at everyone seriously. The slightest hint of tampering with critical parts would automatically trigger a self-withdrawal mechanism.

"Here's the manual. I recommend you read it," Tony said, gesturing to one of the employees who brought a thick book.

"Mr. Stark, regarding maintenance or repairs, you will take care of it, right?" one of the military personnel asked.

"Yes," Tony replied with a displeased look.

Several soldiers approached and began moving the capsule toward the truck they had brought.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you," Tony said indifferently as he ushered them out.

"Tony, can we talk for a moment?" Rhodes asked, looking at him hesitantly.

"Sure," Tony said after looking at him in silence for a few seconds.

Both of them walked to a slightly secluded place before Rhodes spoke to Tony.

"I'm sorry, Tony, for what I said that day," Rhodes said.

"I don't want to make excuses, but I was under a lot of pressure. My superiors kept pressuring me to talk to you and convince you to resume weapon production."

"Alright, I understand your situation. However, it's not like everything can be resolved with those words. I was going through a difficult time too," Tony said, looking at Rhodes.

"Okay, I just wanted to apologize," Rhodes said, nodding.

"See you, Tony," Rhodes said before starting to walk towards the military convoy.

"Remember to drop by sometimes. I'll show you some tricks with the armor," Tony said after several seconds of silence, as Rhodes had moved away.

"Sure," Rhodes chuckled lightly before getting into the vehicle and driving off.

Pepper approached Tony with a smile. She had witnessed their interaction with Rhodes, and she was glad that there were no hard feelings even if things couldn't go back to how they were before.

"Let's go back home. Remember, we have to go to Monaco," Pepper said, hugging Tony.

"Do we have to?" Tony complained, hugging Pepper back.

"The company's car is competing, and it would look good if we were there. If you really don't want to go, we can send a representative," Pepper said, ironically smiling at Tony's laziness.

"I guess we can consider it a vacation," Tony said, playfully flirting with Pepper as his hands became mischievous.

Pepper laughed while playfully slapping Tony's hands away.


Damian woke up that morning like any other day, with an octopus hugging him.

After gently setting it aside in the house, Damian adjusted his red hair and looked at Natasha with a smile.

Damian scanned the entire bed and chuckled lightly at her different sleeping poses. Making sure not to make any noise, Damian left the room and went downstairs.

Searching through the house, he found an unused room and started remodeling it to teach his family about magic circles.

With a mischievous expression, he created a replica of a classroom with various images of magic circles.

Looking satisfied with his work, Damian stepped out and arrived in the living room. Everyone had already woken up and was about to have breakfast, so Damian joined them with a smile.

They all had breakfast together while chatting among themselves.

"What are my lovely girls going to do today?" Damian asked, smiling at his daughters. He didn't want them present for the magic lessons; they were still too young.

"I don't know, we could go play at the palace with Brian, Aminah, and Sharon," Ivy pondered.

"I think Brian should start school soon," Ophelia said, looking at Ivy.

"I want to go too," Alice pouted.

"You say that now, but going to school can be a nuisance," Carol laughed, recalling her own school days when she used to escape to play.

"Don't set a bad example," Ana said without looking at Carol.

"Then let's play with them. Maybe later on, it will be too busy," Emma nodded.

Damian smiled happily, nodding. He gently stroked Emma's head, the closest to him, before sending one of his familiars to protect them. It wasn't usually necessary since there was always someone watching over them, but this time, they would go alone.

The women at the table immediately looked at him with confusion, and even his daughters were puzzled. They had sensed something strange.

Damian just smiled and didn't explain anything as he fixed Emma's hair.

Soon they finished breakfast, and the girls changed into comfortable clothes before running toward the portal.

Carol, who was finishing her juice, got up and followed them, but suddenly, she was pulled into Damian's embrace.

Carol raised an eyebrow in question as his arms wrapped around her.

"Let them go alone today," Damian said, kissing Carol's forehead.

"Oh? What happened to the overprotective father?" Carol laughed, teasing Damian.

"Today, I'm your teacher, so show some respect," Damian pretended to have a strict expression as he playfully slapped Carol's butt.

''We've got magic class in 15 minutes, so I hope you're on time,'' Damian said, releasing Carol, who was more excited than usual, before walking into the small classroom he'd created.

''Finally, I'll be able to drink unlimited beer and do all that tedious work,'' Ophelia said happily.

"It would be nice to clean up the girls' mess more easily," Sophia smiled.

"I still can't learn magic," Natasha complained, but she didn't insist on becoming a vampire. Carol and Ana had advised her to experience life as a human first.

"I'll go change my clothes," Carol laughed mischievously before running to her room.

"Keep an eye on her, who knows what she'll do," Sophia said, looking at Ana while laughing softly, thinking about Carol's mischief.

Ana nodded with a sigh before following her. Ophelia and Natasha also went to look with curiosity, while Sophia walked towards where Damian was.

Ana arrived in her room followed by Natasha and Ophelia. There were several garments scattered on the floor as Carol, in her underwear, took clothes out of the closet.

"Here it is," Carol exclaimed cheerfully, pulling out a miniskirt and a white shirt.

She quickly put on the miniskirt and buttoned the shirt in a way that showed her abdomen and revealed a deep neckline. Carol looked at herself in the mirror, appearing as a sensual schoolgirl, and mischievously laughed.

"Now what are you doing?" Ana sighed.

"I'm dressing up as a schoolgirl, of course," Carol turned to look at the three women.

"One from a suspicious place," Ophelia commented, teasingly.

"You know Mom will be there too, right?" Ana said.

"Who cares? I'm sure I'll be able to play something really interesting with Damian when we're done," Carol laughed, putting on stockings and shoes.

"I think you look more like the teacher, and Damian the student," Natasha teased.

"Are you calling me old?" Carol pretended to be threatening.

"You said it, not me," Natasha laughed.

"Come here, you've become really daring since joining this family," Carol said, chasing after Natasha, who escaped and evaded her among the furniture in the room.

"Just put on regular clothes and come downstairs," Ana said, holding her face and sighing.

''Come on, don't be boring,'' Carol said suddenly, coming up behind Ana before taking off her clothes in an instant, leaving her in nothing but her underwear.

Ana looked at Carol coldly as the temperature dropped in the room and snowflakes began to form.

Carol also activated her powers, causing the room to shimmer with intense golden light.

Ophelia quickly approached Natasha to protect her in case of an emergency, although she didn't think it would be necessary.

"Well, a fight in the harem, it's more interesting than watching soap operas," Ophelia joked with Natasha.

Ophelia immediately received annoyed looks from Carol and Ana.

"Come on, don't be boring. I've seen you do wilder things," Carol urged Ophelia to dress like her.

A slight blush appeared on Ana's cold expression as she thought about the things Carol had seen her do.

"I'll let you go first," Carol said, convincing her.

"What an immoral family," Ophelia sighed with pity in the background, while Natasha covered her mouth, trying to hold back her laughter.

"For how long?" Ana asked, still expressionless as she looked at Ophelia.

"Fifteen minutes," Carol replied.

Ana looked at her coldly as the temperature began to drop again.

"Fine, make it 20, and then we'll change," Carol pouted at Ana.

"Hey, hey, aren't you forgetting about us? Natasha, say something. Don't you also want your turn?" Ophelia said, pushing Natasha in front of her.

"In any case, you're a bit too old to play that. If Damian wanted to engage in that kind of role-playing, he'd come to me. In fact, we've played that many times over the years," Natasha chuckled softly.

Carol and Ana looked annoyed at Natasha because she was right.

"Put on regular clothes," Ana said, looking at Carol.

"Come on, don't be a prude," Carol insisted.

''If my mother wasn't there, I wouldn't mind going naked, but since she's going to be there, you have to have a minimum of decency,'' Ana said firmly.

Carol pouted as she looked away, but in the end, she only changed her shirt and continued wearing the miniskirt.

After quickly getting dressed, Ana simply shook her head before taking Carol's hand and pulling her toward where Damian was.

Ophelia and Natasha followed suit, seeing that the spectacle was over.

"I don't even know why I'm going. I don't have magic," Natasha complained to Ophelia as they walked towards the classroom.

The group of four walked through the house until they reached the room where they sensed Damian and Sophia.

Upon entering, the four of them immediately fell silent as they saw that it resembled a classroom.

Ana couldn't help but briefly think that maybe they should have come as Carol suggested.

Sophia was already seated in the front row, while Damian sat in front of the chairs behind a desk.

"Girls, you're late. You'll have detention after class," Damian said mischievously.

"Please, let it not be like this all the time," Sophia sighed, wishing Mónica were there to help her.

"Master, I promise it won't happen again," Carol said, leaning against the desk and showing off her cleavage.

Sophia, who was in the front row, frowned before slapping Carol's bottom in front of her.

"Sit down and behave," Sophia scolded Carol. The last thing she wanted was to hear innuendos for the rest of the time they were in that place.

Carol simply pursed her lips before taking a seat.

"Alright, as you know, I will teach you the magical system I invented. It's the first time I'm teaching it to someone, so please be patient. You won't learn it immediately; it will be a more or less lengthy process," Damian said as he took some papers and distributed them to everyone.

And so, the first class of a magical system that would become very famous in the future began.


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