Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 12

When Damian and Ana got to their room, Damian noticed that Ana was a bit strange.

''Ana, is something wrong?'' Damian said taking her hand.

Ana was silent for a moment, there were some things that she wanted to tell Damian before continuing but for her to reveal her deepest feelings was something that terrified her, that's why usually wore an emotionless 'mask' on her face.

''Maybe I didn't tell you about my past and the reason Sophia raised me, right?'' Ana said a little unsure.

She grew up hearing about Damian and how she would always be by his side helping him, she watched him whenever she could, and she studied many things to be able to serve Damian and one of them was human psychology so she knew was obsessed with Damian.

It is an obsession that was like a seed that was planted when she was little and grew as she saw and heard about Damian, having nothing, he was her reason for living, even though Sophia treated her very well, she only had time occasionally to see her either since she was busy and Ana doesn't want to get closer to other people, so that caused her only goal to be with Damian.

But Ana was also afraid to tell him these obsessive thoughts, after all, she believes that it is not normal and she is afraid that Damian will feel uncomfortable.

''It's normal for rich people to pick up orphaned children to work as servants when they grow up, it's easier for them to be loyal'' Ana said looking into Damian's eyes.

'' I was one of those children, although perhaps I had a little more luck since they chose me to be the assistant to the family heir '' Ana said, caressing his hand with her fingers.

"That's why I was raised by Sophia and I'm actually quite grateful to her as she really treated me like her daughter, it's just that normally was busy although I don't blame her," Ana said.

"Since I was an orphan and had more privileges in the future, many were envious of me and treated me with indifference and disdain, causing me to isolate myself from people, I was already a somewhat serious girl and the situation at that time caused that I became more serious and indifferent, one of the things that gave me joy in life was you, I always watched you from afar and your indifference and coldness towards everything caught my attention, somehow seeing you like this I felt that we were similar and perhaps let's understand in the future when we work together'' Ana said showing a slight smile.

"Little by little I came to have an obsession with you since that hope of understanding was what I wanted the most, that's why it doesn't matter if I am a lover or just an assistant, I could accept everything from you." She said.

''Although I also realized that you changed, you are no longer cold and indifferent but I still wear this 'mask', I am still obsessed with being by your side, that's all I have'' Ana said looking down a little.

Damian gently stroked her hair, he couldn't say that he knew that Ana was obsessed with him since only today had she given a slight clue, her normal face doesn't show what she feels, and to be honest, it doesn't bother him that she is obsessed with him, It reminds her a bit of a yandere woman, although it is clearly not the same, a yandere woman is sweet and kind on the outside, which is not the case with Ana.

''I don't see where is the problem, I can only say that I feel happy that a wonderful woman like you has so much interest in me '' Damian said gently lifting her face.

''Doesn't it seem strange or uncomfortable to you?'' Ana asked with doubt.

''Do you forget that I'm not a human? I see things differently, in fact, when you become a cute vampire you will also change, you will feel everything more intensely, in other words, it makes you more than you already were'' Damian said caressing her cheek.

'I sounded like Erskine' Damian thought chuckling to himself.

"Let's go to bed, you will fall unconscious when starting the process," Damian said and helps her to sit on the bed.

Ana with a clearly happy face sat waiting for the moment to be someone equal to Damian.

There were several types of vampires, there were the elder vampires who were the vampires created by the progenitor and fed on their blood, the noble vampires who were mainly vampires created by older vampires and there were the normal vampires who can be created by anyone but they are fed with human blood.

The first blood that a vampire drinks as a newborn is what makes the difference between vampires since the closer the blood is to the progenitor, the greater the power and the number of familiars.

Vampires born are different as it depends on the power of their parents and they don't depend on the first blood they drink to determine their rank, an example, if a noble vampire and a normal vampire have a child then there is a possibility that it will be a noble vampire but he can also be an unusually strong normal vampire.

Ana was clearly going to be turned into an older vampire, some might think it's a hasty decision but when Carol leaves Ana will be the only person by his side and even if he made her a normal vampire after interacting together for years he might regret it, then the best thing is from the beginning to go for everything.

Damian bit Ana's neck and injected the poison that causes vampirism, Ana's body little by little began to show a change, becoming very uncomfortable, she soon opened her eyes suddenly and they were red, she did not have her conscience, only a vampiric instinct of devouring, upon noticing it, it showed an instinctive fear and did not dare to attack it even though it desperately needed blood.

Damian didn't keep her waiting either and hugged her and showed his neck, it was the first time they were going to bite him and he couldn't deny that felt a little nervous seeing Ana and Carol's reactions, he didn't want to show such an embarrassing reaction, he just he hoped that being a progenitor and his great power would make him unaffected by this 'pleasure magic'.

Damian felt a prick in his neck and then a cold sensation in his neck which made him sigh in relief, when a vampire bites it usually doesn't hurt since the person is influenced with a pleasant sensation, then when he felt some pain he knew that it wasn't was going to be affected.

Ana desperately drank his blood as if she were the most delicious thing in the world until she woke up.

She stopped drinking for a moment before continuing to drink only more calmly and wrapping her arms around him.

After drinking what Damian thought was liters of blood she was finally satisfied and she licked his neck to leave no trace of blood before pulling back and looking at him with pretty red eyes, soon Ana passed out and her body begin to change.

Damian wondered where all the blood had gone since her stomach didn't look swollen, he also wondered if it was some kind of unlimited blood supply.

He could see that any small blemishes she had were erased, her skin paled and she gained a bit of muscle mass and definition, and her height increased to around 1.7 meters tall.

It was also the first time Damian had seen the change from a human being to a vampire and he couldn't help but think that vampires like him really are superior to humans, they are perfect in appearance, overwhelmingly superior physically, and have eternal youth, unlike him, the progenitor, all other vampires can be killed.

After seeing that everything seemed in order Damian began to practice his powers while waiting for Ana to wake up, he wanted to be with her when she woke up, also it would be troublesome if someone came looking for her at this time, there was some blood on her clothes and the drastic change would attract attention.

'I'll have to keep the staff from saying anything,' Damian thought casually.

As Damian felt the nearby radio waves, he intercepted an interesting message, apparently, there was a spy near his house investigating if he had anything to do with Ivan's death.

They didn't think he was involved but didn't leave any suspects behind.

'They sure work fast' Damian thought, barely a few hours have passed since his death.

He just suddenly appeared in front of him and hypnotized him so that he would never detect anything out of the ordinary, as they say, keep your enemies close.

At the end of that little incident, he waited again for Ana to wake up, it was already night when he felt Ana's eyelids move slightly before she opened her eyes.

Damian could see that her eyes were red, he didn't know if it was because she was a newborn, because of the immense amount of blood she drank or if it was because apart from him no other vampire can turn her eyes to the normal.

'' Damian?, I feel different, I feel as if was seeing the world for the first time '' Ana said in surprise as her gaze wandered everywhere.

"After all, a vampire's eyesight is much better than a human's," Damian said as he laughed.

Damian walked over to Ana and put her on his lap.

''Hm?'' Ana looked at him with bright eyes but no expression on her face.

''You have to give me back some blood, if I were a human I would have turned into a mummy'' Damian said jokingly.

'' Hm I see '' She said as if she found what he said reasonably before trying to unbutton her shirt but with her newfound strength, she ended up destroying it leaving her nude.

Ana was a bit embarrassed by her clumsiness but since the situation had escalated to that level.

'' Check to see if my body is in order after transforming into a vampire '' Ana said with a serious look that didn't seem to have any other intentions behind it.

She definitely just wanted to make sure her body was normal.

Damian was not going to say no and also with a serious look he focused on Ana's breasts, they were really big, more than Carol at least and they had pink areolas and nipples, Damian touched them and kneaded them a bit before deciding to try them with his mouth to tell the difference.

Ana tried and failed to have a straight face as Damian rubbed and kneaded her breasts, it felt very good for what it should be according to her research and she couldn't help but moan softly seeing him sucking on her nipple, it felt really good and she felt something warm down her crotch.

Damian realized that her skin seemed to be that of a baby after transforming and it felt smooth and fresh, after playing with Ana's breasts for a while he went over the rest of her body, gently running his hands over her back and abdomen creating nice friction.

Ana couldn't help but shudder to feel a pleasure comparable to Damian sucking her blood.

Damian just looked at her amused knowing what happened.

Ana froze she kept an emotionless look but her cheeks were full of blood, she had done her research and clearly knew what an orgasm was and according to the humidity, it was a really good one.

''You're really adorable,'' Damian said before kissing her on the lips.

Damian decided that was enough for now, Sophia was looking for them, and although he had nothing to hide he didn't want her to find them doing this kind of thing either.

''Go take a bath, I want to go with you but Sophia is looking for us, I'll go distract her'' Damian said as he caressed her cheek and gave her one last kiss before flying in the form of mist to his room, which was where Sophia was headed.

Listening to what Damian said, Ana got up lazily, undressed, and went into the bathroom, seeing herself in the giant mirror that was in the bathroom, she was surprised by her change, her skin was paler, and not even with her improved vision could she see pores, what embarrassed her a little is that there was something that trickled down her legs, she was speechless watching before going in and taking a bath.


Damian came to his room and stripped off his clothes so Sophia wouldn't see anything strange before wrapping a towel around his waist.

He finally couldn't drink Ana's blood, he supposes that tonight he will have to pay her a little visit.

He soon heard the sound of his door.

"Go ahead," Damian said.

Sophia upon entering was surprised to see Damian only with a towel, she only wondered when he made exercised because his body was really defined, without a change in an expression she approached Damian.

"Mr. Damian, do you mind if I have a word with you?" Sophia said as she sat on his bed.

Damian was disconcerted, he just put on a towel for Sophia to leave when she saw that he was going to take a bath, since they were already in this situation he had no choice but to sit next to her and see what she had to say.

'' Mr. Damian, I have been by your side since you were born, for me, you are like the son I never had '' She said as she looked at him with slightly red eyes.

''And after the death of your parents when were still a baby I took care of you and tried not to let him out of my sight at any time, you were always a calm and indifferent child, as long as you had a book you could spend the whole afternoon without moving'' Sophia said as she reminisced about the past.

"But lately I've seen you change, it's like you're a different person, I even found out you have a girlfriend, you don't know how happy I feel seeing that you can laugh and act like a normal person," Sophia said with tears falling from her eyes.

''So please tell me honestly, what happened? What changed?'' Said Sophia with tears in her eyes.

Damian really did not know what to do, he felt extremely moved by the love that this woman felt towards him and how cruel the owner of the previous body was, or more than cruelty was the inability to feel any affection, it is his duty to return the affection that silently offered to this body all these years.

'' Do you remember that day we went with the lawyer?'' Damian asked.

'' Sure, since that day you started acting differently '' She said laughing with tears in her eyes.

'' Since that day I felt that I had really woken up, it seemed that all this time I had been in a kind of dream,'' Damian said looking into her eyes.

''I have a suspicion that my soul was asleep and my body just worked in a kind of automatic mode, I don't know if it's because it couldn't withstand the power of my body or for some other strange reason'' Damian said.

''I remember everything since I was born so since I woke up I told myself that I would treat you as I should'' Damian said.

"I'm sorry for mistreating you in the past even though you always took care of me quietly, forgive me," he said as he hugged Sophia.

Sophia hugged him back and sobbed a bit before calming down.

Damian was happy to have a mother figure since he doesn't really remember much of his before life, though he wasn't going to tell her mom right away, he wanted things to run their course and happen naturally.

"Well Mr. Damian, I'm glad to see you're okay, I'll let you take a bath," Sophia said happily.

"Are you still going to call me 'sir'?" Damian asked with a frown.

'' Of course, despite everything I am your housekeeper and servant, everything must follow a protocol '' Said Sophia also frowning speaking to him like a mother admonishing her son.

"Then you're fired," Damian said seriously.


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