Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 124

Jane woke up groggily as she walked to make herself a cup of coffee.

The previous night, she had slept little due to everything that had happened.

Jane sat in front of a board with many photos taken from the day before.

Initially, she suspected that the man from last night was actually Thor because of the strange events, but a real god wouldn't be pierced by a simple needle, and he wouldn't be electrocuted, especially if he was supposed to be the god of lightning.

Jane kept thinking that the runes on the ground were very familiar to her, and she assumed that Damian knew something about them, but she didn't think about asking him. It was much more fun to search for answers on her own.

Jane spent some time sipping her coffee and thinking about random things.

Soon, Erik and Darcy also woke up, so Jane started talking to Erik about the events of the previous day and the readings they had obtained.

Darcy finished putting the photos they had taken the day before.

"Guys, look at this," said Darcy, looking very surprised.

Both of them approached and saw the photo she showed them. A humanoid figure could be seen descending from the tornado.

Jane furrowed her brow before picking up her phone.

"Give me a minute," said Jane before dialing the selected number on her phone.

The phone rang for a while before someone answered.

"Hello? Jane?" Monica answered.

"Monica, how are you?" Jane asked, smiling.

"Well, I've discovered really interesting things, more than you," Monica joked.

"That may not be possible now," Jane said, laughing.

"Help me with something, when you went into space with Damian, did he ever use something other than just disappearing?" Jane asked.

"Hm, once when I was a kid, he took me through a kind of rainbow tunnel that was really beautiful. Dad usually doesn't use it on Earth because he says it will attract people's curiosity," Monica said.

"Oh, he also left some marks on the floor."

"Hm, I understand. You gave me what I needed. When will you come back? I miss you," Jane said, smiling gently.

"I should be back soon, not sure, I've been away from home for a few months now," Monica said.

"Alright, we'll talk later, sweetheart," Jane said, saying goodbye.

Darcy and Erik looked at her speechless. She's usually not that affectionate with anyone.

Jane just rolled her eyes before putting on a robe.

"Come on, we have to pick something up at the hospital," Jane said.

"Do you really want to go after that crazy guy?" Darcy asked, a little scared. After all, she had shot him with the Taser, and what if he remembered her?

"Don't worry," Jane said, dismissing her concerns before getting into her van.

Erik just sighed and followed them.

Jane drove quickly to the hospital, and Darcy was quite frightened by the speed. Jane just laughed softly as she remembered the crazy things she used to do with Monica as they grew up.

Jane found a place to park and approached. Suddenly, a man in a hospital gown appeared out of nowhere behind a car.

Even though she reacted quickly and stopped, she still knocked him to the ground.

The three of them in the van were in shock before quickly getting out. The situation was too similar to the night before, only now the sun was reflecting on the man's long blonde hair.

"Sorry, I promise I didn't do it on purpose," Jane said, stifling her laughter as she saw Thor grimacing while holding his head.

"You're the ones I saw yesterday," Thor said, getting up.

"Quick, come with us," Jane said, pushing Thor toward the van as she saw police officers and hospital staff searching for something.

Jane quickly drove home before showing Thor the bathroom and giving him some clothes.

Everyone waited in the living room while Jane continued her investigation.

A little later, Thor came out of the bathroom shirtless.

"Wow, for a crazy guy, he's strong," Darcy said, her eyes fixed on Thor's chest.

Jane looked up from her notebook and also looked at Thor's body with appreciation, thinking to herself that he did have the body of a god.

"This mortal body has grown weak; feed me," Thor ordered them.

"You just had to speak and ruin it," Jane murmured, sighing.

A few minutes later, they were having breakfast at a small café.

"So, tell me, what were you doing there last night?" Jane asked, looking at Thor who was eating non-stop.

Thor looked at her and nodded as he kept eating.

"This drink is really good; I want another one," Thor said, throwing the cup to the floor.

Everyone in the restaurant immediately looked in their direction as Jane quickly apologized and said it was an accident, not without looking annoyed at Thor.

"What was that?" Jane asked, raising her voice a bit.

"It's delicious, I want another one," Thor said, looking at Jane a little confused.

"You just had to ask nicely, not break the cup," Jane sighed as she calmed down, remembering that Thor was either crazy or indeed a god unfamiliar with common customs.

"Just don't break anything else," Jane said, looking at Thor.

"Alright... I give you my word," Thor said, nodding.

At that moment, two people entered the café, talking about a fallen satellite in the desert.

As they described it, Thor became serious and approached them, asking about the location.

Thor quickly rushed out of the restaurant and looked around.

Jane, Darcy, and Erik also hurriedly followed, confused.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jane asked, puzzled.

"To the crater, I must retrieve Mjolnir," Thor said, seriousness in his voice.

Jane looked at Erik and Darcy before looking at Thor, consumed by doubt. She wasn't sure if Thor was just crazy or the real deal.

"Can you take me with you? If you take me, I'll give you all the answers," Thor said, smiling at Jane.

"Jane, can we talk for a minute?" Erik asked, looking at Jane.

"Please don't do this," Erik said once they were a little away.

"You saw what happened yesterday. The crater must be related. He said he'll tell us everything," Jane said, looking at Erik.

"He's talking about fantasies; he must be crazy. It's dangerous for you, Jane," Erik said, concerned.

"Don't worry; I'm not as defenseless as I seem. I promise nothing will happen," Jane said, smiling.

"Alright, then we'll go together," Erik said, sighing.

Jane smiled happily before approaching Thor.

Jane was about to speak to him when she saw a van on the next street carrying equipment that looked suspiciously similar.

Jane couldn't help but be shocked when she saw the equipment she personally assembled in a van heading somewhere unknown.

"Thor, I'm sorry I can't help you right now. I have something urgent to do. The crater is in that direction. As soon as I'm free, I'll follow you," Jane said, looking at Thor with an apologetic smile.

"Alright, then we bid farewell," Thor said, smiling before taking her hand and kissing it while looking into her eyes.

Jane chuckled softly as she looked at him.

"A pleasure," Thor said to Darcy and Erik before leaving.

"Let's get back home quickly," Jane said, getting serious as she remembered her belongings.

Their house was nearby, so they walked quickly.

Jane saw her broken door and a bunch of agents taking her things, so she angrily entered and demanded an explanation.

"What's going on here?" Jane asked, angry as she walked into her house.

"Miss Foster, I am Agent Coulson from SHIELD," said a man with a friendly smile.

"And does that explain why you're in my house taking my things?" Jane asked, getting angrier.

"Jane, this is much more serious than you think," Erik said, stopping Jane and whispering to her.

"SHIELD is a global organization, they're the ones in charge. It's not wise to mess with them," Erik said worriedly. In his opinion, even if she calls her cousin, there's not much they can do.

"Listen, I'll give you half an hour. If everything is not back in place, I'll make a call, and you'll regret what you did with my things," Jane said, staring at Coulson firmly.

"Miss Foster, we are investigating a security threat. We are going to confiscate your records, please don't make this more difficult," Coulson said.

"Fine, I didn't want to do this either," Jane said, nodding before taking her phone. Her finger hesitated for a moment before dialing.

"Hello, I need help. Some SHIELD agents are stealing my things," Jane said timidly. Her personality had taken a complete turn from her previous aggression.

"Are you sure? You won't have your secret identity anymore," Damian said on the other end of the phone.

"Don't make it sound like I'm a superhero," Jane laughed softly.

"Alright, just help me," Jane said.

"Alright," Damian said, smiling slightly.

Jane ended the call and glared at Coulson before sitting on her couch, watching them take her things.

Five minutes later...

Suddenly, there were exclamations from outside, and a buzzing sound could be heard before there were two heavy thuds on the ground.

Coulson, who was finishing up overseeing everything, came out hesitantly, glancing at Jane who was giving him a disapproving look.

Coulson's expression couldn't help but falter as he saw two very familiar Spartan soldiers.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Coulson asked, approaching them with a friendly smile.

"I believe Miss Jane already told you what she wanted. Don't make us do it ourselves," Laura said directly, looking down due to her considerable height.

Coulson didn't know what expression to put on; he was truly in a dilemma. Nevertheless, he didn't hesitate too much and ordered the items to be brought back.

In a corner, Sitwell saw this as an opportunity. A war between the United States and Madripoor would make it easier for HYDRA to move and acquire more information or even new technology.

Besides, the relationship between Jane and Madripoor was also something very intriguing to consider.

Sitwell quickly ran outside where several agents were guarding the area, telling them that Coulson needed support, and quickly had them retrieve their weapons and surround the area.

They quickly surrounded the Spartans, with one of the agents holding a rocket launcher.

Coulson's expression changed completely as he saw his men surrounding them. If a fight broke out, they would definitely lose, and it could escalate to war if certain individuals fuel the flames.

''Agents, lower your weapons,'' said Coulson, frowning with concern.

Laura and Frank frowned inside their helmets, but they didn't think much about it. If they dared to open fire, they would eliminate them.

"You are on United States territory and interrupting an investigation. Remove your armor and surrender," Stiwell said from a good distance away through a megaphone.

Stiwell had some confidence in their safety, believing that these soldiers would not resort to killing. If any of them were killed, it would be a much more difficult incident for Madripoor to deal with, unless they wanted to go to war.

In any case, he expected there to be some kind of political conflict, even if nothing happens, the precedent will remain.

Before anyone could react, Laura took out her rifle and shot Stiwell in the leg. The hole was visible through the smoke and the smell of burnt flesh spread in the area.

Frank sighed as he watched Laura shoot, but he didn't stop her. It was really audacious for that agent to ask them to remove their armor. He assumed they were from some organization trying to create conflicts.

The agents who were surrounding them were surprised before opening fire, but the bullets harmlessly bounced off the suits.

The agent with the rocket launcher quickly fired at them, causing an explosion.

Coulson had quickly retreated to a corner of the house, being careful not to be hit by any bullets.

"Jane, don't you think this is going south?" Darcy nervously asked, looking out the window alongside Jane and Erik.

"Actually, it escalated too quickly," Jane replied, nervous about what would come next.

When the smoke cleared, Laura was seen holding what was left of the missile.

Laura and Frank swiftly moved and quickly knocked out all the agents.

The explosion had attracted attention, and there were many people in the distance recording the scene.

Coulson couldn't help but feel depressed; now it would be difficult to cover up what had happened.

At that moment, several vans arrived with the things they had taken from Jane. Seeing the chaos, they quickly took out their weapons and aimed at the armored individuals.

Coulson hurriedly came out and calmed them down before taking out his phone with a dejected expression and calling Fury.

"Sir, we have a problem," Coulson said with an ironic smile as he watched the newly arrived agents help the fallen ones and Stiwell, who was still screaming in pain.

On the other hand, Laura and Frank just stood in front of Jane's house, watching them.


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