Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 127

Damian woke up with some enthusiasm for what he supposed would happen that day.

Hulk would fight against the military at the University of Virginia.

Damian looked to his side at Carol, Ana, and Ophelia before gently waking them up.

''I'm going to go see something interesting, do you want to come?'' Damian asked looking at them.

The drowsy eyes of the three women immediately brightened upon hearing him.

Damian quickly nudged them to the bathroom before descending the stairs swiftly.

Natasha, who was having breakfast and ready to go, looked at them in surprise.

"Where are you going?'' she asked puzzled, seeing them dressed.

"We're going to Virginia. Damian said he'll show us something interesting," Ophelia said.

Natasha narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Damian. She had orders to follow Banner and keep an eye on Ross, who happened to be in that place.

Damian just gave her an innocent smile before sitting at the table. Everyone had a light meal before setting off.

Natasha boarded her ship and looked at Damian, Carol, Ana, and Ophelia flying ahead of her.

Natasha pursed her lips with a hint of envy as she watched them fly before accelerating her ship.

During the short trip, she saw Banner's current location and activated the microphones she had planted.

Knowing he would go to the university, she headed straight there.

When she arrived outside the university, she opened her ship's cockpit and sat on the edge, sipping a beer.

The ship blended with the sky, and if anyone looked closely, they might only see Natasha's legs dangling.

Some screens unfolded in front of her as she monitored Banner and Ross.

"Quite the professional," Carol teased as she sat down beside her.

Damian, Ana, and Ophelia also arrived behind Carol and squeezed onto the edge of the ship.

"So, where's the interesting thing?" Ophelia asked Damian.

"Give it time," Damian said, looking at Natasha's screens. He saw Bruce walking toward the university with Betty.

"By the way, Carol told us you have interesting plans for Earth," Ophelia said, looking at Damian, who immediately glanced at Carol in protest.

Carol avoided her gaze, somewhat embarrassed, before starting a forced conversation with Natasha.

"Yeah, it's something we can discuss another time. The show's about to begin," Damian said, pointing into the distance.

A man in his early thirties was running hurriedly across the university fields before entering a building.

Several soldiers entered the university from different points, trying to surround him.

Several minutes passed as the group waited for something to happen.

"There, on the bridge," Natasha pointed to a glass-surrounded bridge on the university campus.

Bruce seemed to be surrounded, looking around in panic as the beeping of his watch grew louder.

At that moment, a woman started running toward the bridge, only to be stopped by several soldiers who tackled her before bringing her to a gray-haired man with a mustache.

"Oh, there's even romance involved?" Carol said, looking down with interest as Bruce glared furiously at the soldiers.

Bruce's eyes turned green as he struck the glass with the bottom of his fist.

The glass shattered as his hand began to grow, ripping his clothes in the sudden growth. In seconds, a giant nearly three meters tall stood inside the bridge.

The green giant roared in anger before smashing the bridge, sending debris flying at the soldiers, and hitting some of them.

Bruce jumped before landing on the grass and looking at Betty before walking toward her.

Betty was in shock at the sudden appearance of the green giant. She had never seen him with her own eyes, only heard rumors or seen a blurry video.

At that moment, several soldiers started shooting at him from one side. He growled with fury and ran toward them, forgetting his previous target.

Two military vehicles emerged and began firing heavy weapons at him. Bruce growled in pain and anger as he quickly destroyed them, continuing to advance on the soldiers shooting at him.

They were entrenched in a metal structure that provided them some protection.

As he got closer to them, another military vehicle came out and opened fire.

Bruce quickly grabbed the front of the vehicle before slamming it into the structure, trapping several soldiers.

Bruce approached before grabbing the vehicle and slamming it against the structure with savage fury, only stopping when there was nothing left of the vehicle.

"Blonsky, it's your turn," Ross said, seeing the futility of his plan.

Blonsky grabbed a grenade launcher and ran toward Bruce, eager for a fight.

Bruce was checking for other threats when he was hit hard from the side, stumbling and using one hand to support himself on the ground.

Seeing a piece of metal, Bruce picked it up and shielded himself from the next grenade, but he was also knocked down, ripping another piece of metal from the structure and using it for cover.

Another explosion occurred, and smoke covered Bruce for a moment before his furious face emerged, staring at Blonsky.

"Do you remember me?" Blonsky asked before running toward Bruce, avoiding a dangerous strike and kicking his face to leap onto a metal structure.

Bruce grew angrier after the kick and subsequent shots. He growled as he tried to hit Blonsky, who proved to be too agile, evading his attacks.

"That guy has been enhanced," Ophelia said in surprise. His movements, reflexes, and strength were far superior to a normal human's.

"Why does it seem like the world will go crazy before you do anything?" Ana asked, smiling slightly as she looked at Damian.

Damian just rolled his eyes while still watching Bruce.

Natasha was already reporting the situation to Fury, who instructed her to record everything.

Back in the fight, Blonsky distracted Bruce until he received orders to take him to a specific point, and he started running.

Bruce also began running after him, and even though Blonsky was running faster and faster, Bruce seemed to be closing the gap quickly.

Blonsky passed a point with a military vehicle on each side equipped with sonic weapons.

As Bruce was about to catch up with Blonsky, these weapons activated, emitting sonic waves that caused Bruce great pain.

Bruce dropped his makeshift weapons before falling to the ground, covering his ears and supporting himself with his hands and legs.

Carol, watching from above, frowned and reached out to shoot at one of the vehicles. She frowned even more and looked at Damian with a complaint as he stopped her.

"Why won't you let me help him?" Carol asked. The green giant was like a giant child retaliating when attacked.

"He can handle it," Damian said, watching Bruce's every move intently.

Bruce felt dizzy and drowsy, almost about to lose consciousness when he heard familiar shouts.

Unconsciously looking in that direction, he saw the blurry figure of Betty shouting something incomprehensible at Ross.

Upon hearing her shouts, the fading green light in his eyes shone brighter, and he growled while extending his hands toward the metal debris he was using as weapons.

Unnoticed by anyone but Damian, his body grew, his muscles bulging as he slowly picked up a piece of metal and hurled it toward one of the military vehicles.

The vehicle was torn in half before exploding. More easily this time, Bruce stood up and jumped toward the other vehicle, smashing it.

Bruce growled softly as he took a few seconds to stand up.

When he was on his feet, he already felt better. He grabbed the only remaining weapon and instinctively looked around for any remaining threats. For some reason, he felt something really threatening nearby but couldn't detect what it was.

At that moment, shots were fired at him, and he growled angrily before seeing Blonsky, becoming even more furious as he approached him. He was also a bit surprised that the small person mocked him while standing in front of him.

Bruce looked a bit confused before kicking Blonsky's chest, sending him flying like a ragdoll. Blonsky bounced several times before stopping after hitting a tree.

His limbs were in unnatural positions as he stopped moving.

"Uh, that'll hurt tomorrow," Carol said, narrowing her eyes a bit.

"He's alive," Ophelia said in surprise.

"Probably the drugs that made him strong distorted his mind in strange ways. He didn't even try to dodge the blow," Ana said, looking at the ragdoll figure on the ground.

"It's an imitation of the super soldier serum, but it's imperfect, so some sacrifices have to be made," Damian explained.

The military quickly began to retreat as Betty stared in amazement at Bruce.

Ross saw Betty's gaze with satisfaction. Now that she saw what kind of monster Bruce was, they could talk again and start deciphering the transformation.

Ross had a helicopter approach to cover their retreat and started shouting at everyone to withdraw.

When he looked at his daughter again, he saw her a few meters from the green giant, and the sound of the helicopter made him pale.

"Cease the attack, I repeat, cease the attack!" Ross shouted quickly, but unfortunately, it was too late, and the helicopter had already started firing.

Bruce's attention immediately turned to the helicopter as he covered Betty with his body.

The helicopter quickly stopped firing with Ross's orders.

Still, Bruce quickly took down the helicopter with the piece of metal in his hand before looking at Ross and growling, his eyes glowing green.

Bruce picked up Betty in his arms before running into the distance.

Betty was truly scared as she watched the landscape blur constantly. Even though she knew it was Bruce, his size and apparent lack of communication ability made her fear for her life.

"It looks like the show's over," Damian said, getting to his feet.

"This will cause quite a bit of chaos," Ana sighed, looking at several students who had recorded some things.

"Let's go back; the girls might have woken up," Damian said.

"Alright," Ana said, standing up.

"I'll follow Bruce," Natasha said, taking a seat behind the ship's controls.

"I'll be back later," Natasha said before piloting the ship in the direction Bruce had gone.

"A race?" Carol said with a mischievous smile.

"Do you want to lose that badly?" Damian asked with a chuckle.

"The last one will have to cook dinner for themselves tonight," Ana said, smiling at Carol.

"Let's do it," Carol said excitedly.

Ophelia had a bitter look, knowing she would probably lose unless she cheated.

"Alright, when this coin hits the ground, we'll start," Damian said, taking out a coin and tossing it to the ground.

Carol had an excited smile as she was enveloped in a golden light.

Before the coin even hit the ground, Ana summoned her sixth familiar, Crone, with a slight smile.

Her dragon-like familiar stealthily glided around Carol, stopping her perception of time.

The coin fell, and everyone shot off at high speeds, creating a sonic boom that shattered several nearby windows.

Carol still had an excited smile as, from her point of view, the coin was still falling.

A few seconds later, Carol finally noticed something strange and expelled her power forcefully, generating cosmic power whirlwinds, finally breaking free from Ana's familiar, which quickly retreated to its master.

Everyone in the city saw something resembling a golden aurora borealis after recovering from the sonic boom.

Carol cursed Ana for cheating as she flew at high speeds. Still, she couldn't catch up without causing a disaster.

She had no choice but to endure Ana's slight smile as she told her what she wanted for dinner that night.

''What are you laughing at?'' Carol asked annoyed to see Damian and Ophelia looking at her.


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