Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 18

''I want a dinosaur'' Monica said excitedly.


''I want one too, unfortunately, they are extinct'' Damian said with a smirk.

''Extinct? What does it mean?'' Monica said doubtfully.

"It means that it no longer exists," Damián said.

'' Hm, I understand '' Monica said sadly for not being able to have a dinosaur like the ones she saw on television.

At that moment Damian knew that he was going to be a father who was going to spoil his children.

'' How about after lunch I bring you a pet that is the coolest you can have?'' Damian said, his heart couldn't bear to see that sad face.

''Okay, thanks daddy'' Monica said smiling happily as she hugged him with her small arms.

''It was worth it'' Damian thought patting Monica's head.

Soon Damian took Monica to wash her hands before taking her to the living room where Maria and Sophia were talking to each other.

'' Are we going to have lunch now? '' Damian asked as he lowered Monica who was going towards her mother.

"Yes, we were waiting for you," Sophia said.

''Did you have fun, honey?'' Maria asked.

''Yes, daddy promised to bring me a pet'' Monica said.


''You really shouldn't spoil her so much,'' Maria said.

"Don't worry, it wouldn't hurt to have a pet," Damian said casually.

'' Thank you '' Maria said sincerely, she could see that Damian wanted to take his role seriously and did not do it as an obligation towards Carol.

Damian walked with everyone to the dining room where Ana was already waiting for them.

The 5 members of this new family had lunch quietly.

''Well, I must go, I'll see you later'' Damian said to everyone after eating and getting up

"Monica, I will bring your pet this afternoon," Damian said smiling at her.

"Fine," the girl said happily.

''Ana follow me to the study, I want to hear about the information you gathered'' Damian said.

"Let's go," Ana said concisely.

Arriving at the study Damian sat down and hoped that Ana would sit in front but unexpectedly she sat on his lap as usual.


''Let's talk about business'' Damian said when saw that Ana wanted to talk about another type of business.

''Is your body for sale?'' She asks confused.

"Well you win, first we will drink blood but only blood, I want to finish those matters today," Damian said giving in.

Ana hearing his approval began to take off her shirt before presenting her neck, Damian did not hesitate either and sank his fangs.

Ana moaned softly as she felt Damian drinking her blood but she soon reached out with her fangs as well and sank them into Damian's neck.

Damian wondered if this counted as drinking blood, could they just be said to be trading?

After several minutes and almost a liter of blood, they finally stopped drinking, although Ana was rubbing against his pants he decided enough was enough.

''Ana, the information, we have all night to do whatever you want'' Damian said, sighing.

"Fine" Ana said, reluctantly stopping.

''Let's start with the Maria thing, what did the chief of police say?'' Damian asked.

'' He said that he appreciates the donation and that María can start working as a deputy inspector, he says that is already overdoing it because this position is chosen from now on by the commissioner '' Ana said.

''That's fine, Maria can play rank up'' Damian said casually.

''About Madripoor I found out that the ruler is a woman everyone calls Viper and according to reports she is very skilled in combat and also very good at managing the underworld there are not many other relevant people just typical mafia bosses or famous criminals who they are under the anti-extradition law'' said Ana.

'' I see, I guess I'll go out to Madripoor to see what the situation is more closely, I'll go with Viper to see if she needs a job offer '' Damian said jokingly.

''Come back soon,'' Ana deadpanned as she left.

'I guess she's a bit miffed about not doing it now' Damian thought smiling slightly.

Damian flew stealthily into space, he always liked to feel that feeling of zero gravity and extreme cold, leaving that aside he flew to the other side of the earth which was dark.

He hoped Viper wouldn't mind waking her up.

After searching for a while he found the right place, after all, it is a small island nation and he didn't have a GPS.

Approaching the island he could see a big city, it was the only city in this nation but it was huge and separated by social status, Hightown for the rich and Lowtown for the poor according to the information.

Approaching the most imposing building which he assumes is the governor's, he found a lot of security, but in the most protected place, he felt someone.

After entering the room in the form of mist he found a beautiful woman with green hair, in addition to eyes, and clothes, he wondered if she too would wear green makeup when she was awake.

Damian grabbed the woman and turned them both into mist before shooting off into space as he put a force field around them.

Viper woke up when Damian touched her after all she was also an expert assassin, but being turned into mist she couldn't do anything, when she could react she was in space and could see the whole earth, when she turned to the person in front of her and didn't couldn't help but feel fear, sweat began to pour out of her forehead and she knew that had no resistance against this being.

''Viper, I want your island'' Damian said.

''Nation'' Viper couldn't help but reply before covering her mouth

''Yes... whatever, as I said want your nation but I have good news for you since it is mine now I need someone to manage it and since your position was similar you are hired'' Damian said smiling happily at her.

''Congratulations'' Damian said while falling confetti

"Of course, this new position has many benefits," Damian said.

"What benefits?" She ask doubtfully, she really had no choice so she decided to make the best of the situation.

"You see I want to turn Madripoor into a monarchy where obviously I will be the king and let's say I need some kind of prime minister and that's where you come in, I know you're good at managing the underworld and trivial tasks so I'll leave it from you," Damian said.

"Besides, I'll give you power, I can't be wiping your butt every time something bad happens, you see I'm a vampire so I'll turn you too, and likewise you can make some vampires so you have your little subordinates," Damian said, he thought to do let Ana turn her into a vampire, so she would become a noble vampire and could create some normal vampires to serve as labor.

Normal vampires can use a single familiar that isn't very strong and usually only attack physically and not with elemental powers, apart from superior physical abilities and high regeneration they don't have much else.

''How about? Do you want the job?'' Damian asked as if she could refuse.

'As if I could refuse, although it's a good deal for me' Viper thought cursing in her mind.

"Of course I accept," She said quickly.

''Can I ask you some questions?'' Viper asked.

"Sure, you can ask me whatever you want," Damian said friendly.

''Will I be immortal as a vampire?'' Viper asked with doubt, if she really was immortal this deal would be a bargain for her.

'' You will have eternal youth to be exact but if you can be killed, you will also have to drink blood regularly '' Damian replied casually, he knew she had many questions.

'' I also have some very bad news for you, your outfit will be ruined since your eyes will turn red '' Damian said jokingly enduring his laughter.

Viper would normally poke holes in whoever pranked her like that but now she can only pretend didn't listen as cursed in her mind.

''What kind of powers will I have?'' Viper asked pretending nothing happened, she wondered if it would be as powerful as the being in front of her, although she knows is selling her soul, surely he will give her some kind of mark of instant death if she betrays him, that was what she would do.

''Well there are four types of vampires according to their classification in power and lineage'' Damian began.

"In fourth place and on the lowest scale are the ordinary vampires, beings at the bottom of the vampire pyramid but compared to humans they have greatly increased physical abilities, rapid regeneration as well as being able to have one familiar" Damian continued.

'Tell me I won't be that one'x6 Viper repeated several times, she was used to being on top, even if she couldn't anymore didn't want to be on the bottom.

''Further up are the noble vampires who have physical abilities superior to ordinary vampires as well as being able to hire 3 familiars and of course, Vampires have a high regeneration rate and the higher their class, the faster it will be.'' Damian continued with his explanation.

'Familiars?' Viper finally got an important point.

'' And that's where we'll stop since it's not relevant that you know more, maybe in the future if you're a good girl '' Damian said.

''Guess what position you'll be in?'' Damian said amused.

''In four?'' Viper asked hesitantly and slurred at her nervousness.


''Even though I'll be the king I don't expect that kind of relationship between us'' Damian said pretending to be serious, he couldn't help but tease her when she comes out with it.

"I meant that I would be an ordinary vampire," Viper corrected quickly in embarrassment, although she was a ruler and an assassin she had never been put to this level of shame.

"It's okay, it's okay after all being on top is lonely and I can understand it with my looks" Damian continued looking at her understandingly.


"Well, I was joking don't worry, you will be a noble vampire, after all, you will occupy an important position in my plans," Damian said, he really liked to joke with people, maybe he looked like a certain vampire from a certain anime, only that this vampire is more handsome.

"Damn great" Viper said excitedly.

'She really is a delinquent,' Damian thought smiling slightly

"And what do you expect me to do?" Viper asked more seriously.

"Okay I want you to train trustworthy spies, five will suffice for now as you will turn them into vampires, then I want you to start controlling the underworld globally, regarding drugs make sure you buy and then sell extremely expensive while sending the spies to destroy the drug plantations, thus we will reduce the quantity of drug that circulates and we will greatly increase the value, although we will not be able to be the only distributors since the world is very big if we will be the greatest'' said Damian.

''Of course, everything will take time from training trusted spies to starting to cut down on drugs but time is the one thing I'll never run out of'' Damian said.

"Regarding the treatment of people, make sure you buy everything, children and innocent people can use them to increase the population, and criminals who have done things too cruelly can use them to create a clandestine combat arena, that will ensure a lot of money, especially with bets and we can manipulate the results for even more profit'' Damian said smiling at her.


Viper really thought it was a good plan, a crazy and absurd one for someone without power, but with vampires at her command, she could make it happen and create the richest and most powerful nation in the world.

"Got it, boss, so what's next?" Viper asked without really knowing what to call it.

''Is there a problem if you go away for a few hours?'' Damian asked her.

"No problem," Viper said.

"Great, so let's go," Damian said before shooting off with Viper to the other side of the planet before finding his house and starting to creep down.

Viper was more than surprised, originally she thought that they teleported or something, that it was something crazy but more crazy is being able to fly so fast as to reach the other side of the plane in seconds when she saw that they arrived at a mansion she was not surprised after all this person can do anything.

After locating Ana in her room he went to her with Viper, upon arriving from he found Ana in underwear that left little to the imagination posing in a mirror with an expressionless face.


There was an awkward silence between the three of them before Damian decided to pretend nothing had happened.

"Ana, could you turn this woman into a vampire please?" Damian said, as he shamelessly looked at Ana's body, he didn't care that Viper also saw her, after all, she was also a woman and it's not like she was totally naked.

''Do you want her to be a noble vampire?'' Ana asked.

"Yes," Damian said, if he were to turn her with his blood she would become an older vampire.

"Okay," Ana said.

Viper was a bit scared of the process but even if it was something creepy she wouldn't let go of the opportunity to gain power.

"Then let's get her to her bed," Damian said and pulled the distracted Viper and sat her on the bed.

'' Is it necessary? I didn't bring underwear for this '' Viper said somewhat embarrassed, seeing an almost naked woman she couldn't help her imagination from running.

''What's going through your head, you'll be unconscious in the process, if you want to lie on the floor then it's fine'' Damian said speechless by Viper's imagination.


Guys I know some of you were expecting Damian to go to the wilderness but since this is my first attempt at writing I didn't want to complicate it too much not to mention that it doesn't go with the idea I had when creating a country since I know there are almost no people in that place so I apologize to those of you who had that kind of expectations.

The sixth familiar is supposed to control the laws of nature, but that's a very broad thing, so I decided to apply it this way.

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