Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 192

In the royal hall of Wakanda, a meeting was taking place with the king, queen, princes, and elders.

Three days had passed since what was commonly referred to on the internet as 'The Pulse.'

Initially, they didn't pay much attention to the matter and thought it was just a strange tremor.

But Shuri, upon paying more attention to the internet and global affairs, quickly informed her father of what was happening.

She stood for hours in disbelief, constantly checking what was going on, not sure if she believed in the existence of magic.

Assuming it was true, she created several devices to try to detect the magic, and to her surprise, it was relatively easy.

With the help of this device, she could discover the origin of the pulse thanks to the place where the concentration of magic is higher.

Upon learning that Madripoor was responsible and that it was not a natural event, they immediately formed a meeting.

Wakanda had always maintained a somewhat cautious attitude towards Madripoor due to its advanced technology.

This cautious attitude turned into suspicion and total vigilance since the day elves invaded Madripoor.

Wakanda had always held a somewhat arrogant attitude towards the rest of the world.

With its Vibranium and advanced technology, they believed they could stand against the world on their own and only hid to avoid problems, not out of fear.

So, when they saw the powerful beings in Madripoor, Wakando's top brass couldn't help but get nervous.

The security and arrogance they felt in their country were erased by that giant fireball shot from the hands of Madripoor's king.

"Now that we know Madripoor was responsible for the world's change, what do you think we should do?" said King T'Chaka, looking at everyone in the hall from his throne.

"I believe establishing diplomatic relations would be the most important thing to do," said one of the elders.

"Now that you're scared, you want to establish diplomatic relations?" said another elder, mocking and annoyed.

"We should simply remain silent and improve our technology," said the same elder.

"That's right, I think we still have the advantage that no one knows about our existence," said another elder.

"I wouldn't be so sure; Madripoor has genuine AI, and it wouldn't be strange if they had discovered us. Not to mention that if this system was Madripoor's creation, being affected by it might mean they know everything about us," said Shuri from her seat. She felt satisfied to now have a position on the council and could contradict those annoying elders.

They had always been against her for her lack of attention to traditions, claiming that their technology shouldn't advance so much.

Of course, this changed when they saw how dangerous the world could be, and they started supporting her inventions.

Everyone nodded slightly at Shuri's words; it was better to assume that they were already known as a hidden country.

T'Chaka only watched everyone discuss with a calm expression, but deep down, he was worried. This system seemed to be attached to all humans worldwide, and he didn't know what kind of intentions it might have.

He is concerned for his family and his people.

"We won't do anything," said T'Chaka, interrupting the discussions.

"We'll just try to increase the security of our country, either by improving our technology or enhancing our strength through the system," said T'Chaka, ending the discussions.

"You say we should use the system? What if it has side effects?" said one of the elders.

"Shuri?" said T'Chaka, looking at her.

"For now, I haven't detected any side effects. I suspect that, in the worst case, it drains a very small part of our energy to keep the system running since I can't think of anything that can sustain this across the entire planet," said Shuri.

"Hmm, Shuri, from now on, you have the freedom to build whatever you want. I hope that allows us to have security in these tumultuous times ahead," said T'Chaka.

Shuri nodded seriously. Before, technology was a game for her, just for fun. But now, she would have to do it for the safety of her people.


Two weeks had passed since the world changed.

Wanda was practicing her magic in her room; her power was growing steadily every day to the point that she couldn't believe it.

Normally, she wouldn't be able to notice it in such detail, but with the system, it was easy to track her growth.

She had been constantly exploring the place with her astral projection and discovered that even in that state, she could use the system, raising many questions.

Still, her life was as usual; she spent time with her brother, practiced her magic, or researched runes for her third magic circle.

A much quieter life than before her master took them in.

She had always been grateful to him; her country changed completely. No more gunshots or explosions, just the sounds of a bustling yet peaceful city.

She couldn't help but think that her master was like King Damian, arriving in a country full of conflicts and turning it into a paradise. Maybe, in the future, Sokovia would also become something like that.

Wanda smiled faintly as she looked at the city through the window.

At that moment, someone knocked on her room door.

"Come in," said Wanda, looking at the door curiously.

"Wanda, the master is looking for you," said a girl whom Wanda recognized as an apprentice.

"I'll go right away," said Wanda, nodding as she stood up and began walking towards the elevator.

The elevator went up as Wanda waited patiently.

Soon, it reached the top floor before walking towards giant doors.

When Wanda approached, the doors opened automatically.

"Come in," said a clearly masculine voice.

Wanda entered the room and saw her master sitting on a large sofa, sipping a glass of wine.

She was surprised to see him, as she could feel that his magic had become stronger, supposing that he had advanced to the third circle.

Harry had a rather relaxed expression as he looked at Wanda. Despite being close to failing, he had finally created his third circle, making him relatively powerful.

Although he worried about not being able to continue increasing his abilities, he had learned from the system that there would be opportunities to become stronger later on.

As there was nothing more he could do to enhance his strength, he decided to take some time to relax. Since Damian released him, he had been tense and hadn't even dared to touch a woman.

He had already worked very hard, so it was time for him to relax.

"How are you, Wanda?" Harry asked, giving her a slight smile.

"I'm fine," Wanda said, nodding slightly.

Harry smiled and looked at Wanda with little subtlety from head to toe. Among all the women he was teaching magic, Wanda was undoubtedly the most beautiful.

Barely over 20 years old, she was in her prime, with an attractive face and a slender body. Her hair, which seemed to be turning reddish, made her even more attractive.

Usually, due to his old habits, he would directly ask her to undress, but Wanda is different. She is talented and could become his right hand, so he couldn't be so crude.

"Come, Wanda, sit beside me," said Harry, smiling slightly as he patted the spot next to him.

Wanda looked at her master for a moment before approaching and sitting next to him. Although she was a bit suspicious of her teacher, since he refused to teach her any more magic, she didn't think he would harm her.

"You see, Wanda, as I am the king of Sokovia, many have told me that I should marry and have a queen. I was thinking that you are the perfect candidate; we can get to know each other gradually and start a family," said Harry, looking at Wanda with a slight smile.

Although not as obscenely attractive as Damian, he still looked good, and thanks to his magic, he appeared quite young, even though he wasn't really old, only 30 years old.

"I don't think it would be good; I really would like to dedicate myself entirely to magic," said Wanda, hesitating and trying to reject him tactfully.

"It's a necessity; heirs are needed, especially in these uncertain times," said Harry casually, emphasizing the importance.

''Master, I'm afraid I can't,'' said Wanda, shaking her head firmly.

Harry couldn't help but furrow his brow a little at her firm rejection.

Wanda felt her stomach sink at the sight of her master's furrowed brow; she couldn't help but worry.

''Wanda, I'm afraid that in these cases, our desires cannot outweigh our duty,'' said Harry, taking her hand.

''Master, I really don't want to,'' said Wanda, trying to free her hand with a frightened expression.

''I'm sorry, Wanda, but I want you,'' said Harry, extending his hand with his magic circle, trying to restrain her.

While he used to be able to control the minds of normal people mentally, now that everyone had a certain amount of magic, it was more difficult because it resisted unconsciously, not to mention Wanda, who was a mage.

Feeling the magic around her trying to paralyze her, Wanda immediately resisted, hastily stepping back as she drew her magic circle and pointed it at her master.

Her hand trembled as she felt very scared; she had never fought anyone, let alone with magic.

''Why... why is your magic circle that color?'' said Harry, getting up as terrible memories flashed in his mind.

That familiar crimson circle he had only seen a few times on that man took him back to his worst nightmares.

Wanda began to move sideways slowly, trying to escape the room.

Harry quickly used all his power to envelop the room while pointing at her with his magic circle, trying to capture her.

Feeling foreign magic trying to enter her, Wanda quickly resisted while aiming her magic circle at her master, trying to defend herself.

Her thoughts were chaotic, and she just wanted this situation to disappear, for all of this to be just a bad dream.

Suddenly, piercing screams were heard, causing Wanda to close her eyes tightly as her hands trembled.

When the screams ceased, Wanda opened one eye hesitantly to realize that no one was there.

There were only several strips on the floor that looked like spaghetti with a color very similar to the clothes her master was wearing.

Wanda looked at him in amazement before covering her mouth as tears ran down her face.

You didn't have to be a genius to know what happened, although she didn't even know how she did it.

She was sincerely grateful to her master for taking them in and teaching them magic.

Why did things have to be like this?

''Why?'' said Wanda aloud with closed eyes as her magic went out of control, destroying the entire room.

Still, she already knew the answer; the knowledge of magic she received was not free.

She understood that nothing in life was free; if she didn't have her current power, her master would probably abuse her, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Without Wanda knowing it, the color seemed to be seeping into her hair, which began to turn completely crimson.

The ceiling began to collapse on Wanda, filling the room with debris.

Dust and debris were everywhere as several guards quickly approached to see what was happening, but no matter how hard they tried, the door wouldn't open.

Wanda just stared into space with a numb expression for a few minutes.

''Wanda!'' a voice screamed with panic in the distance.

Wanda finally reacted, looking in the direction of the voice.

Remembering her brother telling her that they had to be loyal to their master and grateful, she couldn't help but smile ironically.

Standing up, Wanda began to walk toward the voice; several pieces of debris blocked the way, with a quick movement of her hand, the debris was removed before heading out the door.

Upon leaving, she found several people looking in her direction, including her own brother.

Wanda looked at all the people trying to look behind her, most of them had a nervous expression on their faces, including her brother.

She understood their concern; her master was the king, and everyone obeyed him, but he also protected them. His power kept the country stable and safe.

Wanda then understood many things; her master was strong, and he thought he was stronger than her, and that's why he tried to assert himself over her. As she was finally stronger than him, he died.

She then knew that the world is only governed by the bigger fist, now she will make sure to be the strongest so that no one can impose their will on her.

''The old king is dead... I killed him. From now on, I will be the queen. Does anyone disagree?'' said Wanda as a crimson glow appeared in her eyes at the same time a magic circle appeared in each hand.

She looked at everyone challenging them not to recognize her.

Pietro, who was at the forefront, was frozen upon hearing her and just looked at his sister in amazement, not knowing how things had turned out this way.

Moreover, his sister still didn't look at him; suddenly, he realized that the people around him knelt on one knee while bowing their heads.

''Let's go,'' said Wanda with a cold voice, taking her brother's hand and going to her room.

Once Wanda left, everyone stood up and looked at each other not knowing what to do.

''At this point, we can only follow the new queen if we do not want to lose everything we have gained," one of the men said as he looked at the others.

The others nodded as everyone returned with many thoughts in their heads, in the end they followed the former king because he was strong, Wanda was stronger so it's not so bad either.

Wanda arrived at her room with her brother before closing the door.

''Well? What happened?'' Pietro asked, looking at his sister, expecting her to explain what was going on.

''The master wanted to abuse me,'' said Wanda, looking at him.

''What?'' said Pietro very calmly for the impact the news had on him.

He had always seen his master as a saint, a selfless person who wanted to bring peace and prosperity to Sokovia.

''I defended myself, and I don't know how, but he died,'' said Wanda, still with a somewhat numb expression.

''It's okay, you did well,'' said Pietro, reacting and quickly coming to her side, hugging her tightly.

''I... I was afraid, I just wanted you to run to my side,'' Wanda said, grabbing Pietro's clothes and putting her forehead against his chest as her eyes filled with tears, but she did not let the tears fall, she would not cry again, she had to be strong to protect her brother.

''I'm sorry,'' said Pietro as he gritted his teeth; his emotions were a mess. He felt very guilty; it was always him who said to trust their master.

His admiration for him blinded him totally; he only remembered the scene of him saving them and slowly changing his country.

At the same time, he felt betrayed, thinking that the man he admired so much tried to abuse his sister.

Without either of them noticing, Pietro's eyes filled with a silver light.


Fury was in his office listening to Maria Hill's report.

''The number of enhanced individuals has increased exponentially since 'the pulse.' There are now more than 31 people worldwide. The reason for their abilities is being investigated, and their capabilities vary greatly.''

''Some are very powerful, and others are not much different from a normal person.''

''Many have begun to call them mutants since some show quite marked physical changes,'' Maria said.

''I knew it wouldn't be that simple,'' Fury said, referring to the change the world had undergone.

''Several agreed to come with us but most resisted. Using force would be suicide in some cases; others are more manageable,'' Maria said.

''Just let them be unless they start committing crimes. If that happens, we still have the Avengers,'' Fury said.

''Just keep an eye on them and keep me informed,'' said Fury.

''Yes, sir,'' said Maria before leaving the office.

Fury ran his hand over his bald head as he sighed and tried not to have crazy thoughts about the future.


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