Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 21

Six years had passed and the day Damian had been waiting for was fast approaching.

Many things have happened in these 6 years.

Viper turned 5 people into vampires and took control of Madripoor, soon he started executing the plans and the number of drugs circulating decreased and the price increased a lot, most buyers had no choice but to buy in Madripoor since the other producers had missing.

With the people being sold the population of the country increased and the city became larger, it would not be a lie to call it one of the largest cities in the world.

Although these people had the option of returning to their homes, most chose to stay as Madripoor had better opportunities.

When Madripoor became the one who controlled the underworld many organizations wanted to take over the nation but all the envoys mysteriously disappeared, even the spies from the largest countries were envoys tied to the doors of their presidential homes.

With these warnings, countries eventually stopped sending spies as it was useless.

Even though it is a nation that controls the underworld Madripoor became a very prosperous and wealthy nation, although there was still the big social gap at least Lowtown was no longer in total poverty and they could live decently, Madripoor was a great place for tourism and to study, with money it was not difficult to find very good teachers from all over the world.

Madripoor was a treasure, the only weakness would be the military area, even though they had an army they lacked the technology and although they could steal it from other countries they would notice it immediately, but he would soon solve that problem.

Damian was also announced as king, and now the whole world knew the king of the underworld Damian Alucard.

This was 4 years after starting the plan, internally there were no setbacks regarding his appointment as king, after all, in the country they already knew who was in charge and many of the important people had witnessed the vampires so they had no other option but to be obedient

On the other hand, the world's reaction to this change was very mixed, some were in favor of seeing how the global drug scene was changing, while others were indifferent and didn't really care that someone called himself king of nothing. despite the time they were in.

Many also commented against it, mostly influenced by other countries, the internet was still quite young in 1995 but there were many forums where it was discussed.

After all, his control over Madripoor affected the interests of many people.


In a large office, a blond man was looking at a report in his hands with a frown.

Alexander Pierce is the highest-ranking member of SHIELD but he had another identity, he was part of an ancient organization called HYDRA.

Although SHIELD didn't look kindly on someone who takes over a country and proclaims himself king they really wouldn't do anything about it since it's an internal matter of the country, he was frowning because HYDRA also wanted to take over this country and they clearly failed, at least now they know who was the culprit in the shadows.

Pierce knew Viper and knew that he did not dare betray HYDRA so blatantly if he did not have a backup, although HYDRA already knew of her betrayal they really could not do anything, throughout these 4 years most of their agents disappeared and the new ones they sent somehow ended up exposing themselves before being killed.

As much as it angered Pierce he couldn't really use SHIELD to attack this man named Damian Alucard without drawing attention to himself in the wrong way.

'Sending a winter soldier is very risky without any information' Pierce thought annoyed.

He just sighed and admitted the loss of him, there will be a time in the future for them to settle accounts.


In a field full of snow there were several buildings where a certain secret organization operated.

The leader of this organization looked at the report in his hands lost in thought, this new player Damian gave him several problems, Madripoor being the biggest haven for criminals is also one of the best places to collect information, he had many black widows stationed in Madripoor and it's been a long time since they were reported so he assumes they've been discovered by now and are probably dead.

This situation is problematic for Dreykov since he does not know whether to withdraw or send more widows, if they detected the previous ones that had been stationed in the area for a long time, he thinks it is even easier to discover the new ones that he sent but he is really reluctant to give up that area.

After thinking about it, he decided to give up Madripoor for now, he has his best agents on a mission in Ohio, he will wait for them to return and he will consider introducing agents to the area again.


Damian decided to change his last name upon declaring himself king for several reasons, one of them was that Alucard sounded cooler and related to what he was, he was also wondering who would be the first to put the dots together and find out he was a vampire, it will be really fun, another reason was that he had no attachment to his last name or his previous family.

Also in these 6 years, he built a beautiful palace in the center of the city, he spent a lot of money to reorganize the city and build the castle but money is something he really does not lack.

Although Damian usually lived at home in New York because of Monica's school and because of this the government couldn't help but worry about having someone so troublesome in their country since they don't know if he could be up to something, and although they tried to get close to him Damian simply told them to leave him alone.

As the leader of another nation, he had diplomatic immunity not to mention that in his attempts to infiltrate their country he gave them a taste of how dangerous he can be and they really had nothing to gain by messing with him so they ignored each other.

Of course, Damian knew he had SHIELD watching him but he didn't care.

Maria also retired from her job after 5 years and bought a country house on the outskirts of the city, she usually came to sleep at Damian's house but she always had that place to go to relax or do her hobbies.

Monica also grew up and became a cute 11-year-old girl, Monica was very popular both at her school and for some organizations in the country, being Damian's only recognized daughter they couldn't help but watch her, anything that happened to her in the country could be problematic.

There was never really a kidnapping incident as Damian usually left Regulus-Aurum inside her protecting her and whenever someone tried anything on her they would get electrocuted.

Damian was in charge of cleaning up and making it look like nothing happened.

He also made sure to hire a good martial arts teacher for Monica, he wanted her to have a good foundation for the future, she was still only 11 years old and not that strong yet, maybe she could take down some normal bully.

Sassy also grew and became a giant tigress standing 1.50 meters to the shoulders, with her head raised almost half 2 meters, she was the biggest tigress in the world but she still acted pampered, luckily she had stopped growing but she was stronger and faster in a supernatural way.

He had taken her to the woods a few times with Monica so that she could stretch her legs and run as she pleased.

She also understands human language perfectly well, she just can't speak.

His relationship with Sophia had also improved a lot over the years and he usually called her 'Mom'.

Finally, he also decided to turn her into a vampire, but he made Ana turn her, he wanted to leave the vampires created by him alone for their wives, plus she became a vampire just so she doesn't age.

She now looked like a 30-year-old woman with a motherly aura about her.

Her surprise upon learning that he was a vampire was quite interesting.


"So you're telling me that you were a vampire since you were born but by chance your parents weren't vampires?" Sophia asked, looking at him like an idiot.

''That's the most stupid and illogical thing I've ever heard, did you replace Damian with your body and you're actually an alien?'' Sophia said taking it from his clothes and staring at him.

'What an imagination this woman has' Damian thought, laughing to himself.

''Mom listens, I really have no idea, and even if I had replaced something it would be his soul, not his body'' Damian said stroking her hair to calm her down.

"I really can't believe it, and you knew this and didn't tell me," Sophia said, glaring at Ana.

''Damian bribed me with his delicious blood,'' Ana said as licked her lips.


"Mom, don't you love me anymore?" Damian asked, faking a pitiful face.

Sophia was more shocked than anything else since with a lot of time of interaction she came to love Damian more than she did when he was just an emotionless robot and as cruel as it sounds even if someone had replaced him by now it really wouldn't matter that much.

So Sophia's expression couldn't help but soften despite knowing that he was faking it.

''Mom, I promise you this is the same body since you first held me and I even have all the memories, isn't that enough?'' Damian said more seriously, he wanted this matter to be clear.

''Yes honey, that's enough, even if you had replaced the previous Damian you are already in my heart in a way that it would be difficult to hate you'' Sophia said sighing as she caressed Damian's cheeks.

''I love you mom'' Damian said hugging Sophia.

''How dramatic'' Said Ana sitting with her head resting on her hand as she sat on the couch looking at them blankly.

''Don't be jealous daughter, I love you too'' Sophia said smiling at Ana.

'' You know what's funny?, that I will turn you into a vampire, so in a certain way I will be your progenitor'' Ana said and even her experienced inexpressive face could not help the slight smile that was made on her lips.


''I hadn't thought of it that way, you don't have a choice mom,'' Damian said with a sigh.

''You should also call me grandmother'' Ana said, looking at Damian, very amused by the situation.


''Let's just make it quick and never talk about this day,'' Sophia said with a blank look.


He also regularly visits his friend Jen, It was fun to talk to her, and they usually joked with each other or chatted about the universe.

Since Damian woke up, he has caused many changes that have caused butterfly effects, which leads to the future not being the same as she had seen.

Now Jen really lives like a 'normal' person without knowing everything that is going to happen, according to what is said Jen sees life with more colors.

Damian invited her to Madripoor where they spent a long time walking and observing the city.


With Ana things were going, as usual, every night they made sure to have fun but her belly hadn't shown any signs of inflating yet, it was to be expected since they're both powerful vampires, it just takes time.

Also over the years, she woke up the 6 familiars of her.

Her first Familiar is named Anivia and it is a phoenix who could control ice.

Her second Familiar of hers is called Rena and is a black cat that gives her telekinesis.

Her third familiar is called Sylph and she is a fairy who can heal any wound while the person is alive.

Her family room is called Saur and it is a giant stone and lava golem.

Her fifth familiar is called Jormur and she is a giant snake that, apart from being physically strong, has a pocket dimension in her stomach where she can store things.

Her sixth relative is a giant bull that has great strength.

Damian had also gained great control over his powers of nature from feeding Sassy so much, the abilities that he had mastered were becoming more and more and he had started training with his Seventh Familiar: Kiffa-Ater who could control gravity.

The years had been good.

Today was Monica's elementary school graduation and she couldn't miss it, thinking that her little girl was already going to high school, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Damian changed into a suit before going downstairs to the living room.

There he saw Sophia and Ana, her relationship had become very close since they usually spent together and sometimes he had heard Ana call her her mother, although he had never told her anything about it, surely she would be ashamed.

"Are you ready? There's an hour left until graduation starts," Damian said.

The only people who had changed over time were Monica who was growing up and Maria, Ana and Damian didn't change a bit in 6 years, although people could argue that they took good care of their skin soon enough there will start to notice something is off.

''We're ready let's go'' Sophia said smiling at him as she walked over and hugged him.

Ana just nodded as she took his hand.

"Then let's not keep my little princess waiting," Damian said.

The night before Monica had slept at her mother's house to prepare her clothes and hairstyle, she also said that she wanted to surprise him with her appearance.

Damian hadn't turned Monica into a vampire and she didn't know he was a vampire either, he wanted her to have as normal a childhood as possible after all she knows he's the king of Madripoor and everyone treats her differently because of that, when she was a little older he would give her the option to convert.

'Saying convert sounds like some kind of cult' Damian thought amused.

After getting in the car, the driver drove to the school, and after several minutes they arrived at the place and got out.

Damian felt that there was a lot of attention on them but it was normal, he was handsome and the two women next to him were beautiful too if you also add that he is the king of a well-known country then it is impossible not to attract attention.

Upon entering the hall he sat in the somewhat secluded seats given by the school, they also knew it was best to seat him alone to avoid incidents.

Maria also joined them at the table and started talking to Sofia and Ana, after so many years the three of them had a good relationship.

After waiting a few minutes the graduation finally started and one by one the graduating children began to pass by, finally, it was his daughter's turn and he saw her come out, she looks really cute he couldn't help but think she was the most adorable little girl.

When finished graduation Monica ran and hugged him tightly, she would usually throw herself into his arms but he supposed she was a little embarrassed with so many people present.

After saying goodbye to her friends Damian and the girls went to celebrate at a quite famous restaurant in the area.

''I'm so proud of you honey'' Damian said with a smile.

''Thank you, daddy'' Monica said.

'' I wish Aunt Carol had been here too,'' Monica said a little sadly, although Maria had told her that Carol would be back one day, she didn't know when exactly.

''I'm sure you'll be able to see her soon'' Damian smiled.

His words caught the attention of everyone at the table.

''Are you sure Damian?'' Maria asked.

''Yes, she should be back soon,'' Damian said briefly.

After celebrating graduation they decided to go home after all Sassy couldn't come with them and Monica wanted to be with her too.

Returning home Monica screamed: "Sassy"

Soon a very loud roar was heard and a giant white tigress approached, Monica jumped towards her and hugged her neck.

If anyone else saw that scene, they couldn't help but be horrified thinking that they were going to eat the girl.

Maria just smiled when she saw Monica and Sassy playing, she knows that she would never hurt Monica especially because of how intelligent she is, whenever she spoke to her Sassy understood everything she said, she also knows that her abnormality must be related to Damian.

When they all got home they sat on the sofa and spent the rest of the day talking and playing until late.

They usually played Monopoly or Uno, betting that the winner could ask the loser for embarrassing orders.

They were playing and it was already very late, in a few hours it would be the dawn for sure, it was the first time they played until late but as Monica wanted to continue playing because of her graduation they didn't mind continuing, there were 3 vampires that didn't need to sleep and Maria didn't have to work, everything was going normal until suddenly Damian stopped playing and stood up.

His actions baffled everyone, they saw him approach the window and smile slightly.

''Son, is something wrong?'' Sophia asked with a little concern.

''No, it's just that Carol's around,'' Damian said.

They were all surprised by his words, even though Damian had told them that Carol was coming back, after so many years they couldn't help but doubt, now that he says she is here they can't help but get excited.

''She will surely come tomorrow afternoon, but be prepared because the Carol that left may not be the same Carol that came back, I'll be back tomorrow night'' Damian said thinking about the fact that she is no longer fully human and has superpowers.

''Can I go with you?'' Maria asked.

''You should wait here, don't worry, I'm sure Carol will look for you, better go back to your house, that will be a good place for you to meet her'' Damian said.

''Bye honey I'll be back tomorrow'' Damian said as he kissed Monica on the top of her head.

''See ya'' Damian said smiling at Sophia and Ana as he winked at them before disappearing.

Damian quickly flew into space and found an alien spacecraft, infiltrating a spacecraft is a bit more complicated with his fog form as they usually don't have holes, so he simply cut a hole before going through it in his fog form and repaired it so fast that the systems didn't notice.

He had not planned to interrupt Carol's adventure, he was just a little curious if he would appear in her memories, he believes that he should not appear since Damian put protection in her mind and they could only look for things that were not personal.

Although he was upset seeing Carol in this situation, he knows that if the Skrulls continue to see Carol as a Kree she will end up killing them, and later seeing that what they wanted was to return to their families could cause her great remorse.

Even so, he felt somewhat touched that it was so important to Carol that he even interrupted what they were looking for and occasionally her face appeared.

Soon Carol woke up like in the movie and began to fight the Skrulls, it had to be said that she had become very strong.

Carol was able to escape from the ship after fighting and ended up landing in a Blockbuster, for the moment everything was the same, and he was somewhat relieved that there were no unexpected changes, but it was also to be expected, after all, his influence has not yet reached space so no there would be a reason for something to change.

Carol then went to a pay phone and contacted her team before Fury arrived.


Finally, there's the time skip and we're going to see Carol again.
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