Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 24

Damian was thrown out the door and fell into the garden making a crater.


''My house, my garden, are you crazy!?'' Shouted Maria sadly seeing the destruction.

Carol jumped up and straddled Damian.

"Tell me everything you know," Carol said, looking at him with a smile.

''This position brings back some memor-'' Damian couldn't finish speaking because Carol covered his mouth.

Maria quickly covered Monica's ears.

Fury couldn't help but be surprised that he was alive.

''How did you know that I would return?'' Carol asked.

''I knew some things I admit, and although it sounds very bad I let it happen because I thought it would be the best for you, you haven't used even 1% of your powers, besides, they totally stop aging and will give you the freedom to do whatever you want,'' Damian said seriously.

''Get angry if you have to, I'll just coax you until you forgive me, but I just wanted you to be free to do whatever you want with your own power, even if 6 years sounds like a lot it will just be a drop in our long life'' Damian continued as he caressed her cheek.

''I really want to get mad, but after so long without seeing you I can't stand it, you're really unfair'' Carol said as she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry you have had to suffer, don't worry, what if we blow up the Kree planet?," Damian said joking as he hugged her and floated on the destroyed ground before returning it to normal with the powers of his Eleventh Familiar: Sadalmelik albus who can return everything to its original state down to nothing, Damian, of course, stopped before it came to that, this is also the origin of his immortality.

Soon, as if it were a movie, time began to move backward and everything was as it was before.


"I think blowing up his planet is a bit of a stretch," Carol said.


The three normal people couldn't help but receive two reality checks, even though Maria and Monica had seen their powers used it was nothing compared to what they just saw, being able to reverse time is crazy.

''Sassy come, remembers to be nice, she's Carol'' Damian said as he stroked Sassy.

Sassy nodded and rubbed against Carol.

Carol didn't really like animals that much but she didn't hate them either, even so, she still caressed her, her fur was really soft.

''Then let's talk inside, there's also someone who wants to talk to you,'' Damian said referring to the Skrulls he could sense watching them.

Although puzzled by his words they followed him inside, especially Fury, he felt that was in a dream, on that same day he had seen too much.

''And tell me how is it that you are a king?'' Carol asked curiously when they sat on the sofa.

''I took over a nation called Madripoor and I became their king, it was straightforward,'' Damian said cheerfully.

"So you know you took over that nation," Fury said, looking at him.

''Well that was a good country to invade, small and with only one city, I can have everything at my fingertips, although doing it in this country was just as easy, it's very big and tedious to control it'' Damian said smiling at Fury.

"don't bother my friend," Carol said with a light smile as she nudged him gently with her elbow.

Fury was upset but he couldn't really say anything.

"Better tell how it is that you took care of María and Monica while I was gone," Carol said, smiling at him.

''Daddy was very kind and he took us to live with him,'' Monica said as she listened to Carol.

''I see, I'm glad they get along'' Carol said, she was happy that Damian had agreed to what he asked and adopted Monica.

''Wow, what a touching moment,'' Talos suddenly said from the window.

Carol, having all the clear memories of her, was not so hostile towards Talos but she did look at him badly.

''What do you want?'' Carol asked.

Fury quickly stood up and pointed his gun at him.

''I have a video of your accident that I'm sure you want to hear,'' Talos said quietly.

"I'm sorry it's a little late because I already know everything that happened," Carol said, sighing at the thought that Yon-Rogg, who trained her and considered him her mentor, would deceive her for so long.

''Huh?'' Talos said, puzzled to see that things did not turn out as he planned.

''Listen, I need to get to Mar-vell's secret lab,'' Talos said honestly, he had no more cards to play.

''Why should I help you? It still doesn't change the fact that your people are murderers, they leave devastated planets where they go'' Carol said, looking at Talos.

''The accusers are the ones who leave the planets like this,'' Talos said a little excited.

''That's right honey, let's take him to Lawson's lab, if necessary you can always stop them'' Damian said, he really wanted to avoid the show and get his hands on the space stone.

"Okay, but we don't have a ship to go into space," Carol said.

''A few adjustments to your ship will do, I can make the modifications'' Said a Skrull behind Talos.

After an hour in which the Skrull modified the ship in which Carol and Fury arrived, everything was ready to go.

''Maria will we fly together again?'' Carol asked, smiling at her.

"What are you talking about? I can't go, I have to take care of Mónica," said María.

''We're also taking Monica,'' Damian said out of nowhere.

''Really?'' Monica said happily.

"Are you crazy, Damian, it's too dangerous," Maria said, glaring angrily at Damian.

"Do you think that I would put Monica's life at risk? I said that we would take her with us because I am totally sure that nothing would happen to her while she is by my side, this is a good opportunity for her to see the world," Damian said seriously.

''But-'' Maria said.

''Don't you trust that I love Monica and wouldn't let her have anything happen to her?'' Damian interrupted Maria and asked her seriously.

''Well,'' Maria said with a sigh, in all these years Damian never gave her a reason to doubt his treatment of Monica as her father.

"Yeah!" Monica said and hugged Damian tight.

''I don't want you to separate for even one second from Damian, do you understand?'' María said to Mónica.

''Don't worry, I'll stay by his side,'' Monica said, nodding obediently.

''Well then, let's go before the Kree arrive,'' Damian said and got on the ship with Monica.

After getting on the ship and starting to fly into space, they finally reached the coordinates.

Carol used her bracelet to make Marvel's lab reappear.

Upon entering the ship, everyone followed Talos who took them to the room where the space stone is before starting to make a strange sound.

Damian instantly reached the Tesseract and took it; he could feel the great affinity the cube had with one of his relatives, but he left that for another moment and returned to Monica's side.

The others looked at him speechless at how fast he moved.

''Don't tell me that's what your eagerness to come here was,'' Carol said, looking at him badly.

''Honey, have I told you that I love your intelligence?'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''So what-'' Carol wanted to ask him something but they were interrupted by several Skrulls entering the room.

Talos eagerly met a Skrull woman and soon his daughter, it was touching.

''He didn't want to come for the Tesseract,'' Carol said, looking at her meeting sadly.

Seeing them, the Talos couple and their daughter couldn't help but hide but he calmed them down.

''She helped me find them again,'' Talos said.

''I'm really sorry, I didn't know that'' Carol said, she was really affected since she remembered how many Skrulls died at her hands.

''That's how war is, I got my hands dirty too, but we're here, you found my family,'' Talos said as he bowed his head in thanks.

Carol, embarrassed by her previous actions, also bowed her head.

''This is only the beginning, there are thousands more separated in the same way,'' Talos said.

Seeing that she was not aggressive, the Skrull children approached Carol and showed her the Pinball.

''If I was playing for 6 years my score would also be high,'' Fury said to Maria when he saw the great score.

Everything was really harmonious until they heard the door open and the Starforce team entered along with some Kree soldiers.

''You fraternize with the enemy?'' Yon-Rogg said as he approached Carol.

''But what did you do to your uniform?'' Yon Rogg said again.

''I think it's sexy'' said Damian, who was standing to the side with Monica as he played with the Tesseract in his hands.

All the Kree were very surprised and wary to see how he could hold the cube in his hands and play with it.

''They are not soldiers, let them go, you want me'' Talos said.

''It was all a lie,'' Carol said.

''I made you the best version of yourself,'' Yon-Rogg said.

"I guess it's not your place to say that," Damian said as all the Kree weapons suddenly flew at his feet.

''Who are you?'' Yon-Rogg said as he scanned Damian.

''Race: Unknown'' informed the scanner.

''Threat: Cosmic Entity,'' The scanner reported again.


All the Kree couldn't help but look at him in fear before taking a few steps back.

Damian raised his hand and increased gravity until they were on their knees holding on to each other.

''You know I'm very upset, not only did they try to erase my girlfriend's memory but they also wanted to turn it into her weapon'' Damian said while increasing the gravity more

''Although you could say it's my fault you guys have to pay for your mistake too'' said Damian, increasing the gravity again, all the Kree were already lying on the ground face down and were on edge.

'And my punishment is having to know that I was able to keep Carol from going through all that' Damian thought sadly.

"Damian, you're going to kill them," Carol said with a sigh.

Damian stopped increasing the gravity on the Kree, and although he released them none could stop, gravity affected their organs, they could hardly breathe and his heart had a hard time pumping blood.

Yon-Rogg was the only one still conscious.

"It doesn't matter, Ronan is coming and he'll take care of you," Yon-Rogg said.

"We'll see," Damian said nonchalantly as he thought he must be delusional.

''What do you want to do with it?'' Damian asked.

"I don't know," Carol said.

''Hm, I think they've arrived,'' Damian said as he looked out of the ship.

''Be careful when you deal with them,'' Carol said, showing concern.

''Oh honey, I'm not going to take care of them, you will'' Damian said mischievously.

Damian took Monica in one arm and Carol in the other and led them to the hangar, for the ships to go in and out there was a thin blue barrier through which he could pass.

''What are you doing?'' Carol asked, struggling to free herself.

Maria, Fury, and some Skrulls else also followed Damian curiously.

Arriving near the barrier, Damian ripped out the chip limiting Carol's powers before activating her suit to survive in space.

''What are you doing?'' Carol said in surprise.

"Take charge of the ships, believe in your power, you are stronger than you think," Damian said before throwing her to the Earth.

''Dam-'' Carol said before she was ejected from the ship.

Everyone was shocked to see him throw Carol away.

''What are you planning, Damian?'' Asked Maria, she knew that Damian was sometimes somewhat manipulative but he always did things for a reason, and in the case of his loved ones, many times it was to benefit them.

''Carol has to learn what her true power is,'' Damian said.

''True power?'' Fury asked, puzzled.

"Did you think that shooting that lightning from your hands is something cool? Many weapons can do it," Damian said.

When Carol was thrown into space she went in the direction of the earth so little by little she was getting closer to the atmosphere.

Carol was really confused and she didn't know what to do, she didn't think Damian was going to hurt her.

Carol soon entered the atmosphere and looked like a small meteor.

Carol activated her power as she normally would and to her surprise a layer of cosmic power covered her.

Carol felt very good, she felt she could do it all so looking at the ships that had appeared she tried to propel herself towards them by shooting downwards.

To her surprise he discovered that she didn't need to shoot to propel herself, she could fly freely, she couldn't help but get a big smile on her face as she flew at full speed into space.

Leaving the atmosphere she saw 4 Kree ships appear and she knew that it was time to test her powers, she hoped that the feeling of power was real and not an illusion.


Guys we are already on chapter 24, I feel like it's been a long time since the first chapter but it's only been about a month and a half.

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