Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 29

''Ana, are you and Damian sleeping together?'' Maria asked out of the blue, she couldn't help but think about it more and more, over the years she saw many suspicious situations, besides Ana is a very beautiful woman, who could stand the temptation?.

''If you mean if we have sex then yes'' Ana said inexpressibly.

''But he is with Carol'' Maria said sadly.

''Carol knows about our relationship and she agrees'' Said Ana while looking seriously at Maria.

''What, how is that possible?'' Maria said incredulously.

''That's part of a secret that you don't know yet, it's just Damian who hasn't told you yet, even Monica knows'' Sophia said as she saw that Ana didn't know how to reveal the reason without saying that they are vampires.

''Yeah, it's Damian's fault you should ask him'' Ana said quickly in agreement.

Sophia could only stare speechlessly at Ana.

''I understand, I'll ask him,'' Maria said after a moment of silence.

After talking about that matter the atmosphere was a bit awkward so Maria excused herself and went toward Damian looking for answers.

Sophia and Ana just looked at each other for a second before starting to pay attention to their enhanced hearing.

''Damian, can I talk to you for a moment?'' Maria said as she reached Damian's side.

''Sure Maria you don't have to ask that, just tell me'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''I want to know why are you with Ana and Carol at the same time?'' Maria said seriously.

''You finally found out, I must say you are a bit slow, after all, that has been going on for more than 6 years now'' Damian said, sighing as he kept watching Monica.

''There's something I haven't told you about me, I'm not really a human'' Damian said.

If Damian had told her that a few years ago she would not have believed it but after everything that happened with Carol it is not impossible to accept it, not to mention that it is not normal for humans to have powers like Damian.

''So what kind of being are you?'' Maria was a little surprised, she found it hard to believe that the person she had lived with for almost 6 years wasn't what she thought.

''I'm a vampire'' Damian said calmly.

''What? you mean blood-sucking fantasy creatures?'' Maria asked, puzzled.

''Something like that'' Damian said with a sigh, it was getting old explaining what he is.

''But that's not so important now, the reason I'm dating Ana and Carol is that I'm a progenitor, the first of my species so I must make my species thrive, so with Carol we agreed that I will be able to have five wives,'' Damian said.

''I see,'' said Maria, a little lost.

''I also proposed to Monica that I could turn her into a vampire when she finished high school,'' Damian said as he dropped another bombshell on Maria.

''What, you can't do that, you'd turn her into a mon-...'' Maria hesitates at the last part.

''Into a monster? Is that what you were going to say?'' Damian said as he kept looking at Monica.

''Well you're not wrong Maria, to humans I'm certainly a monster after all our species feeds on human blood, but out in space they would simply recognize me as a superior species is it not normal for me to want that for my daughter?'' Damian said staring at her, Damian wasn't trying to intimidate her, he just wanted to make a point.

Maria couldn't help but avert her gaze at the sight of his eyes, she also couldn't help but feel guilty, in a panic attack she almost called Damian a monster, that person who has been there for her and her daughter for years, who was holding her daughter in his arms and patiently playing with her.

''I'm sorry Damian, I spoke without thinking'' Maria said, unconsciously bowing her head in shame.

''It's okay, just getting back to the subject Monica, it's up to her even if you talk her out of it I won't bother'' Damian said, if his daughter didn't want to be a vampire he would be sad but he would respect her decision.

The atmosphere had become a little uncomfortable, Damian wasn't really angry as it was simply words spoken in the heat of the moment.

''Do you guys want something to drink?'' Sophia said appearing out of nowhere with 2 drinks and calming the atmosphere a bit, while listening to their conversation Sophia noticed that things weren't going the right way so she quickly stepped in to calm things down.

''Damian why don't you go play with Monica in the water?'' Sophia proposed with a smile.

'Are you asking me or ordering me?' Damian thought wryly.

''Well, I'll see you for lunch then,'' Damian said as he went to play with Monica but it was because he wanted to not for any other reason, definitely.

When Damian left Sophia was left with Maria.

''You know Maria, I'm a vampire too'' Sophia said.

''Really?'' Maria asked very surprisedly, she never thought that the maternal Sophia who emanates warmth to everyone was a vampire.

''Being a vampire is not much different from being human, we have to drink blood occasionally and our bodies don't get tired not to mention we are overwhelmingly stronger but in the end, we have the same emotions, we feel pleasure and pain'' Sophia said calmly.

''You lived 6 years with 3 vampires and you never knew, I think you should think about what you want to do now that you know, also because of this kind of situation Damian didn't tell you, he thought you would surely take Monica and leave the house'' Sophia said as she went back to Ana so Maria could think.

Sophia just hoped that this little family would not fall apart, she did not know what would happen if Maria decided to leave with Monica.

Maria was left alone and thinking about what she now knew, she thought about the years she lived with Damian, Ana and Sophia, if she thought about it she knew they were strange, they were abnormally attractive not to mention they didn't eat too much, they were never tired and she didn't even see them sweat.

Maria really wanted Carol to be here to hear what she thinks. She looked at her daughter playing with Damian and couldn't help but think she was really stupid. This was what she wanted for her daughter, to have a father and now she's complaining just because he's a vampire.

She also thought about her daughter. If she were a vampire, would she no longer love her?

She has to adapt to this situation, not to mention that vampires surely live a long time and her daughter is also going to want her to turn so she won't die so fast.

She decided to apologize again to Damian later and accept whatever comes after all these people are her family.

Maria with a calmer mind approached Sophia and Ana again.

''Sorry girls, I guess I lost my mind for a moment'' She said as she sat down next to them.

''Don't worry, it's understandable that you might react dramatically plus Damian even said he was going to turn your daughter in the future, he should have put that aside and waited for you to calm down'' Sophia said calmly as she continued to sunbathe, she really tried to tan but her skin didn't even turn red just a little uncomfortable.

''Hm, don't worry'' Ana said nonchalantly.

Maria couldn't help but smile at them before continuing to watch Monica and Damian play.

Damian played for a while with Monica and Sassy in the shallows until he heard Monica and Sassy's stomachs, playing in the water was exhausting and it was already lunch time so he decided to stop for the moment.

''Why don't we take a break for lunch?'' Damian said.

''Yeah, I'm hungry'' Said Monica touching her stomach.


Apparently Sassy was hungry too.

The three of them went back to the big tent where Sophia had already served the food. He had asked Ophelia to send them food, so all they had to do was to put the food on each one's plate.

Soon they all sat down to eat and Maria once again realized how much they put in to be a family after all they really don't need to eat.

''I'm sorry Damian for what I said before, I reacted badly. It's just that the moment you mentioned Monica I lost my mind'' Maria said to Damian with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

''It's okay, forgive me too, I could have explained it to you in a better way'' Damian said, after all, vampires really are fantasy monsters and it's easy to let the word slip out.

''What are you talking about?'' Monica asked, confused by the serious atmosphere.

''Nothing's wrong honey it's just that your mother now knows I'm a vampire and when I told her you wanted to we had a little argument'' Damian said.

''Mom, do you mind if I want to be a vampire in the future?'' Monica asked, looking at Maria.

''No honey, when you grow up you can make the decision yourself'' Said Maria calmly, it's better to leave that for the future, there's still a lot of time left.

''Sure'' Monica said happily.

After lunch they all went into the sea, Sophia gave up on trying to get a tan, she is destined to live with pale skin.

While everyone was having fun in the water, they ended up going several meters into the sea where they saw a shark fin approaching.

Maria quickly approached Monica and hugged her, the others just watched with curiosity.

Damian used his nature powers to connect with the shark, it was a female white shark and she was about to give birth, Damian really wondered if sharks gave birth in coastal waters.

Maybe she got lost or some animal was chasing her.

Damian reassured her that they were friendly with his skills.

''Calm down, she won't hurt us, she's going to give birth'' Damian said as he approached and stroked the shark, giving it some energy with his powers.

As she felt the energy transmitted she became calmer and rubbed herself gently against Damian.

''Mom, come closer, I want to see the baby shark'' Monica said quickly when she heard that she was going to give birth.

''Fine,'' Maria said, hearing that it won't hurt them she moved closer with more confidence.

Sophia and Ana had approached a while ago, the birth of a white shark is not something they have seen before plus it's not like it could hurt them.

The shark moved a little uncomfortably and every so often it would beat its tail, after a few minutes a little white shark came out you could tell it was cute but it still had scary teeth.

Damian approached the baby shark and took it into his hands, he improved its genetics directly, although it will not be a Megalodon it will surely be the biggest shark in the world in the future, the shark was also a female.

Monica also approached and gently touched the newborn, she was really excited, it seems she has a great story to tell her friends when come back.

Everyone also approached and petted the baby shark, Ana even took it out of the water and put it in front of her eyes to have a good look at it, Sophia wordlessly put it back in the water and gave Ana a look.

After the nice moment, the mother and daughter pair decided to leave, the little one had to learn how to hunt from her mother and start eating.

Damian and his family could see a big fin and a small one walking away from the beach, Damian hoped nothing bad happened to them and they could meet again.

It was already getting dark so they decided to go back to the palace, Damian called for them to come and pick them up before heading back.

Monica was tired so Damian let her sleep on his lap while he stroked her hair.

Once they arrived at the palace they all went to take a bath to wash the salt off their skin.

Damian appeared in Ana's bath with a naughty look on his face, he was speechless when he saw her in the same position he found Ophelia, half bent over taking off her panties.

Although, unlike the situation with Ophelia, he quickly got down on his knees and gave Ana a taste.

Ana couldn't help but shudder as she felt a tongue in her private place but didn't react in a big way as she knew it was Damian, the bond they shared meant she could feel it.

After a moment of tasting her, Damian had her lean her hands against the wall before thrusting inside her.

They were both really excited as he usually didn't do it in this position, so they did it for several hours until they finally bathed.

Damian and Ana came down late as everyone had already had dinner, Sophia and Maria couldn't help but give them dirty looks as they knew what was keeping them, Monica just looked confused as she really didn't know what was going on.

Damian proposed to them to play for a while before going to sleep, and they all agreed and started playing UNO. They didn't play for long since they went to bed early because Monica was tired.

Damian took Ana to her room before tucking her in.

''Where are you going?'' Ana asked when she saw that he didn't get into bed.

''I have some business to take care of, rest up, see you tomorrow'' Damian said, kissing her.

''Okay,'' Ana said before closing her eyes and going to sleep.


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