Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 3

After leaving the bar he continued down the interstate and soon found a fork onto a dirt road, he continued on this road until he had driven a few hundred yards, parked the car, and got out.

He looked at the mountains around and started to fly towards them with the power of his Seventh Familiar: Kiffa-Ater, even though he was clearly hesitant to fly after all he doesn't have much experience using his powers, it's different to reduce gravity a bit to fly that needs multiple applications of gravity when he reaches the mountain he looks for a hidden place before starting to test each of its familiars.

AN: (I will not give you an information dump if you want to know the power of each familiar you can look at it in the auxiliary chapter)

For now deal with his Fifth Familiar: Regulus-Aurum as it was the most useful for daily life as well as being one of the best in the attack.

First, he concentrated on releasing it at ease, controlling the rays it generates, it was a tingling sensation when feeling the rays passing through his body, after an hour he already had some control over his rays and could even shoot large rays or make some amorphous shapes With the lightning, after having some control, he wants tries to make an electromagnetic field between his hands.

Damian does some research on it before he comes.

All matter has an electrical charge, whether positive, negative or zero. Opposite charges attract and like charges repel each other, these forces bring atoms together, and when atoms gain a positive or negative charge through the transfer of electrons a measurable electric field is formed, if these electrically charged particles start moving the field becomes a fluid electric current and forms a magnetic field around it, the reciprocal acting electric and magnetic fields form an electromagnetic field.

The first thing he focused on is feeling the electromagnetic waves around, there were many radio waves and he could hear voices with interference, after a while of feeling them all he tried to start manipulating them.

The electromagnetic spectrum includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, and x-rays

For now, Damian focused on deflecting the light around him to make himself invisible, after having some success he decided to move on to another matter.

By manipulating the magnetic field of the earth he try to levitate, for Damian, it was instinctive to do all these things since it was his power to start with and he is a progenitor, the highest of his kind, it is not uncommon for him to learn everything quickly, he just has to want it or imagine it and its power to try to respond to the closest result.

After being able to levitate a bit, he tried to feel the metals around him, after a few tries he could feel the coins he was carrying, then he could feel the metals buried in the mountains, extending his perception more, he felt many metals that I felt he could attract whenever he wanted, he even feels his car that was a few miles away.

It was already 1 in the morning by the time he had gotten a basic grasp on most aspects of electromagnetism, so he decided to get on with the other business he had planned.

Returning to his car and driving in the direction of the city, he approached the prison he had previously found out about, using his mist form to infiltrate the prison.

Being mist was a strange feeling, in this state he was an almost invulnerable ethereal being.

He began to mentally manipulate the inmates, first he would find out their crimes, if they were minor things he would simply put them to sleep again, if they were serious things like murders or rapes then he would enter their minds and practice with their powers either seeing their memories, trying to change them at will or leaving compulsions.

In the beginning, he almost always ended up destroying their minds as he had no experience, but little by little he learned to do what he wanted with their minds and leave them unharmed, although he manipulated the rapists' minds to feel horrible pain when thinking about women lewdly, a small punishment according to his crime.

After learning how to use his mental powers he quickly returned to his car in the form of mist and drove towards his mansion, it was already late but there were still some guards looking after him, after confirming his identity he entered the mansion. Mansion.

After washing and changing clothes, he goes to bed and sleeps.

Although he realized that he didn't really need to sleep, he still did because despite being a vampire his mind still had the rituals that a human does, even though he might not sleep and train every night he really wasn't in a hurry, even if he wasn't the strongest in the universe he was definitely among the first, there was no need to train like a maniac.

It was 7:00 am when the alarm sounded, without a bit of sleep he got up and went to wash up to go downstairs for breakfast, when he went downstairs Ana was already having breakfast.

''Good morning Ana, did you sleep well?'' Damian asked after sitting down at the table.

''Good morning sir, I slept well thanks for asking'' Ana said after a moment.

''Yesterday I didn't hear him arrive, did you come back very late?'' Asked Ana.

"Yeah, I was a little late, I had some business to take care of," Damian said briefly.

Soon a maid arrived with breakfast.

'It's pretty good, but I think I prefer the New York chef,' he thought idly.

''Ana, is there an aquarium that I own in this city?'' Damian asked, he was thinking of taking Carol to an aquarium.

'' Yes, sir there is an aquarium that your grandfather received a few years ago, do you need anything?'' Asked Ana, puzzled by the question.

''Yes, call and tell that I'm going, also make sure there aren't too many people'' Damian said casually, he preferred not to stand in line but he didn't want to take Carol to a deserted aquarium either.

''Don't worry, I'll take care of everything'' Ana said seriously, after all, it was her first task and as an exemplary employee she must finish her work perfectly.

After having breakfast he went to get ready for his date, Carol is not an ostentatious woman so she will surely go with casual clothes, he decided to do the same and went with jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket.

Once ready, he went downstairs and asked Ana if she had taken care of the things that he had asked for.

''Sir, everything is ready, I made sure to let them know that you were going but that you didn't want to be disturbed, I also made sure that there weren't too many people so that you could be calm'' Ana said seriously.

'' Perfect, thank you very much Ana '' He replied satisfied with her arrangements.

'hm it was good to bring her, I guess I'll let her follow me around for now' He thought casually, after all, he needs someone to take care of the trivial things for him.

He asks one of the guards for Carol's address since he's not from Los Angeles and he doesn't really know much about the city, after knowing how to get there he drove to the address.


Carol got up early like she usually does but today was different after all for the first time she has a date although she was never like the other girls who were crazy about a perfect date with a prince charming she was still interested in having someone.

Still, she was a bit nervous and she didn't know what to wear, after trying many outfits she finally put on shorts and a white shirt that highlighted her sensual body.

After she was ready she put on some music, sat by the window, and looked outside as she waited for Damian to arrive, it was 8:50 and she should be here any minute.

Although she didn't know that she was going to spend this date she hoped that she would enjoy it.

She soon saw a family car approaching so she got up and walked out of her apartment, she saw Damian getting out of his car when he saw her and opened the door for her to come in.

'He's really handsome, I wonder if his hair is natural I guess I'll ask him during the date' Carol thought seeing his hair shine in the sun.

''Hello Damian you arrived just in time, where are we going?'' Carol said with an excited smile.


When he saw Carol he was shocked at how beautiful she looked.

The woman he was looking at had a very beautiful face and she was clearly fit and had a full chest and well-defined legs and butt.

'She's definitely going to look good in that tight Kree outfit' he thought a bit lasciviously and seeing her neck for the first time she felt like he was a vampire, he quickly tried to calm down or he might attack her directly.

''Hello Damian you arrived just in time, where are we going?'' Carol said.

"Hello Carol, you look very beautiful," Damian said smiling.

"Hm, thanks, you look handsome too," Carol said a little embarrassed.

''To answer your question, we're going to an aquarium,'' Damian said.

'' An aquarium? Great, I've never been to one '' Carol said excitedly.

"That's great, I wasn't really sure where to go on our date, you're the first woman I've asked out," Damian said, smiling at her.

''Hm, I don't know'' Carol said looking at him suspiciously, handsome and rich, those two words assure you that you have many women behind you.

'' Hahaha I promise you '' Damian said smiling seeing her cute suspicious face of him.

''I guess I'll believe you, for now, let's go to the aquarium'' Carol said excitedly to see the animals.

Damian only smiled slightly before starting to drive.

He drove to the aquarium, got out, and opened the door for Carol, the two walked to the entrance of the aquarium where a man in his 30s was waiting for him, the man saw him and quickly approached.

''Are you Mr. Damian?'' he asks carefully.

''Yes, my assistant contacted you, is everything in order?'' Damian asked.

''Yes, nice to meet you, sir, everything is ready, we told the staff to comply with all your requests, please enjoy the aquarium'' Said the man respectfully.

Carol watched this interaction curiously and wondered if this agreement was from Damian.

"Let's go," Damien said nodding toward the man.

"Sure" Carol replied putting aside her thoughts.

They walked for a couple of hours around the aquarium and saw all the animals that were there while they got to know each other better.

Carol was already tired from all the walking so he decided to take her out for something to eat.

They ate some sandwiches while they talked.

''What about you, what about your family?'' Damian asked carefully.

Carol was chewing on her sandwich and couldn't help but stop at the question, after all this is a topic she doesn't feel comfortable talking about, but she decided to tell him because if they're going to have some kind of relationship it's normal for him to know.

"I don't really talk much about my family and I'm not in contact with them either, our relationship was never close since they expected to have a son and not a daughter, and this caused them to want to put limitations on me," Carol said.

"They never supported me in my dreams and always tried to make me abandon them," Carol said with cold calm.

Although they had only known each other since yesterday, he had never seen her that way, he always saw her smiling mischievously with a cheerful face.

After a moment of silence, she continues.

"Tell me, should I have abandoned what I dreamed of just to be what my parents wanted?".

"No, I think it's great that you follow your dreams, I like that part of you and I'm really interested in you, it's not my intention to limit you if you want I can stay home and take care of the children'' Damian said joking at the end to lighten the mood.

Carol couldn't help but blush a little at the same time that she was surprised by his words.

'Maybe he really hadn't been with other women, maybe his tastes are women like me and not the women who normally accept their fate to stay home and take care of the kids' Carol thought to herself.

After all, in Carol's opinion, Damian is the most attractive person she has ever seen and no one would believe her if she said that he hasn't had a partner not to mention that he has enough money that he is a magnet for many women.

It would be a miracle that such a person has not been with many women.

''So I'm the first woman you've dated?'' Carol asked with a little sparkle in her eyes, she liked the sound of that.

"It's true, you're the first woman I've had a date with since I've been in this world," Damian said seriously and without shame after all it was the truth.

"When I saw you for the first time, your beauty caught my attention, but I also realized that you are a bold and fun woman who has a lot of love to give, and I would like to know more about that woman," Damian said, smiling gently at her.

Carol, a woman you might consider rude and rebellious, for the first time was totally blushing and the only thing she could answer was a slight murmur of affirmation while she looked away trying to stay calm.

It's a good thing the place wasn't too crowded or a lot of people would have been forced to eat "dog food" as they say in certain Asian countries.

After eating they decided enough of the aquarium and went back to the car.

"Tell me, how about we go to the movies?'' Damian asked after considering it for a moment.

"Hm yes, that would be fine, I've been wanting to see Indiana Jones for a long time, it still has to be on the billboard" Carol said with some red on her cheeks since she was still a little embarrassed from the previous conversation.

"Sure, then let's go," Damian said, taking his eyes away from Carol's blushing cheeks, he doesn't want to commit a crime in broad daylight.

After arriving at the venue and paying for the tickets and refreshments, they entered the room.

Once the lights went down, the movie began.

Damian, of course, took the opportunity to gently take her hand, and although he felt it stiff at the contact he could see that she relaxed and she also took his hand.

So they passed in silence while watching the movie.

At the end of the movie, it was time to end their date, after all, there were many days ahead.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Damian said, happy that the date went well.

"Sure" Carol answered smiling.

Once in front of her apartment, Damian got out and opened the door for her, helping her down and soon they were standing at the entrance of the building.

"I think we're here," Damian said with an amused smile.

"I guess so, do you want to spend a moment?" Carol asked smiling.

"I think it's too soon, after all, it's just our first date" Damian replied jokingly.

"Just shut up and come on in," Carol said as she pulled him embarrassed by his words.

After going upstairs and Carol opening the door, they entered her apartment.

"You have a nice place," he said casually.

"Well being a pilot isn't bad either, take a seat," Carol said.

"Yes ma'am," Damian said with a military gesture as a joke.

"And tell me, exactly what do you usually do as a pilot?" Damian asked as he subtly looked around.

"Besides flying?'' Carol asked mockingly.

Damian just rolled his eyes.

"I'm really just a pilot testing experimental planes since I'm not allowed to fly in combat," Carol said.

"Isn't that dangerous?'' Damian asked with a frown.

"Well, only if you're not a good pilot, fortunately, I'm the best" Carol replied trying to joke.


"Just be careful," Damian said.

Damian knew the accident wasn't far off, but he also doesn't know exactly how long after all no exact date was ever given.

Plus it's not like he could stop her, he'd be like everyone else who told her she couldn't, plus he wouldn't prevent the accident if he could either.

Her powers made her one of the strongest beings in the known universe and as her possible future mate he would hopefully want the best for her, taking away the opportunity to gain power from her is like taking her wings away.

"And tell me, when will we go out again?" Carol asked with a smile, she had decided that she liked this boy a little and she wanted to know him more, trying to put aside her embarrassment she decided to do something she is good at, take what she wants with her hands.

"I'll be really free for a while, my boss is finishing a new plane so other than showing up occasionally I'm not too busy," Carol said.

'A new plane? That must be the plane from the accident' Damian thought.

"Great, remember to let me know when you go to test the plane, I'll wish you luck," he said with a slight smile.

"Sure, I'll remember to tell you," Carol said a little happy that he shows interest and support in what she likes.

"What do you think if tomorrow we go to dinner with your friend María? From what you have told me they are your family, I want to get to know them better" said Damian.

"Great, remember to pick me up around 5:00 pm," Carol said happily.

"Well, then I guess I'll say goodbye," Damian said, getting up and standing in the doorway.

"Yes, drive carefully, I'll see you tomorrow," Carol said as she walked over to open the door for him.

"So bye," Damian said and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Carol was surprised by the kiss but her competitive self reacts quickly and grabs at his shirt and pulls him down placing a chaste kiss on Damian's lips.

"Remember to give it back to me tomorrow," Carol said before pushing him out and shutting the door with a wide smile.

Although a normal human can't push him, with Carol he is not on guard and her body acts like a normal human, not to mention that he is surprised by her action.

After all, Carol acted quite shy about such things and such a bold act for her took him by surprise.

'I guess it's true what they say about shy hahaha, although Carol qualifies as shy only in matters of romance, otherwise she could be considered a little tigress' He thought idly as she touched his lips.

'She felt really good,' Damian thought with a smile.

he came into this world with no goal and was just letting himself go, now he had found something really interesting and was looking forward to the future.

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