Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 39

Jane gently stroked the shark's rough skin, although it was not really a pleasant thing to stroke, the sensation of doing so to such a large and ferocious animal gave a thrilling feeling.

Damian spent the rest of the morning with the girls playing with the shark, sometimes Monica would ride it for rides, being such a big shark it was extremely easy.

Finally, the shark wanted to leave so Damian and the girls petted it goodbye before heading back to shore.

It was already noon and Jane was a little tired, so they stopped for lunch.

Jane sat at the table and looked around at everyone around her when Damian said they had powers she wondered if he meant everyone, if she looked closely they all looked normal on the surface if we set aside how attractive they all are in general.

''Can you explain to me what you mean by powers?'' Jane asked once they finished lunch.

''The universe is very vast and there is also life outside of earth, the powers also exist although in many cases they are racial abilities, it's just that earth is still a little behind to come into direct contact with all of this'' Damian said, explaining it to Jane quickly and simply.

''I see, so you've come into contact with aliens?'' Jane asked curiously.

''Yes, our technology is very advanced thanks to some aliens who kindly shared their technology with me'' Damian said, smiling slightly.


Everyone at the table who knew what really happened couldn't help but be speechless.

''I see, and does Monica's sudden change have anything to do with her powers?'' Jane asked.

''Yes, let's say her powers are now active, there's more to all this but for now, you shouldn't know'' Damian said, Jane is likely to start making a barrier between them if they know they're not human and drink blood, it's best she finds out little by little.

''I understand, thank you for trusting me with that secret'' said Jane, she knew that this information was probably known to very few people and it was a sign of trust to be told.

The other girls just watched as Damian conversed with Jane, it was Damian's decision what to tell her or what not to tell her.

After the small talk, everyone continued to have fun before heading back to the palace, Jane in particular was quite tired, after all, she was a normal human and didn't exercise.

Once they arrived home they ate dinner quietly at the table, although Jane had many questions she was very tired and preferred to eat quickly and go to sleep.

Maria also had to go back to work the next day so they didn't get much done.

And Damian was planning to go on vacation with Carol and Ana to space, he promised to take them somewhere interesting.

Once Jane and Maria left, only Damian, Carol, Ana, Sophia, and Monica were left.

"Dad, how long will you be gone? Monica asked.

''Hm I don't know, maybe in a couple of days'' Damian said.

''I'm really curious where we're going,'' Carol said cheerfully.

''I want to go too'' Sophia said, acting pitifully.

Sofia didn't want to interrupt her moment with Carol and Ana but she really needed to get out, she was already over 50 and had seen everything there was to see on earth, she couldn't help but get bored, she just wanted to be able to hug Damien's children soon.

Damian couldn't help but look at Carol and Ana, his mother never asked him for anything and now that she really wants to go with them he decided to leave the decision in Carol and Ana's hands, they looked at each other for a moment before nodding towards him.

''Okay, then the four of us will go,'' Damian said, looking a little apologetic at Carol and Ana, although there weren't going to be many romantic things where they were going, in reality, it would probably end in a fight if he thought about it.

''What's the matter Carol, don't you want our mother-in-law to come with us?'' Anna asked inexpressibly.

''I want her to leave too," Carol said, gritting her teeth as she looked at Ana as if she wanted to sew her mouth shut, it was a trap question.

Carol didn't really mind Sophia coming, she was like a mother to everyone, unlike Damian and Ana who didn't have a mother, Carol did but her relationship with her was very bad and they hadn't spoken in years so she always appreciated Sophia's company.

''Well then we should go'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Goodbye daughter, take care'' said Damian kissing Monica on the side of her head.

''Bye dad'' Monica said, hugging Damian.

Monica also hugged Sophia, Ana, and Carol goodbye, if you think about it, Damian's wives were also her 'mothers'.

''Let's go'' Damian said before wrapping his power around them and appearing in space outside the earth.

Damian had planned to take them to Omnipotence City where most of the gods of the universe live, it is a beautiful place with many floating islands and delicious food.

He planned to take the girls out to see the sights and maybe fight one or the other arrogant gods. It's a good opportunity for Ana and Sophia to get some combat experience with a punching bag that won't die easily.

Damian had access to the Bifrost so he could sense important places, as if it was a game and there were trips saved, besides Asgard, there was Omnipotence City.

Damian teleported away from Earth again before summoning the power of the Bifrost and a circular rainbow swallowed them up and carried them to their destination.

Damian knew that Heimdall would surely know that they used the Bifrost so he moved away from Earth, and surely they would send people to investigate.

And as Damian expected, the use of the Bifrost caught Heimdall's attention, although he could not spy on Damian he could sense that the Bifrost was used in that place, something he considered impossible, he decided to report it to his king.

Damian and the three ladies traveled through the Bifrost, they were enchanted by the beauty of the journey, even Carol who had seen all sorts of things in the universe believed it was a unique sight.

In a few seconds, the Bifrost violently expelled them. Fortunately, Damian reacted quickly and set them gently on the ground.

Once they arrived everyone looked around curiously, even Damian as he had never really been to this place.

"So where are we?" asked Carol, looking around.

''We are in Omnipotence City, this is where most of the gods of the universe live'' Damian said casually.

''gods?'' Ana asked, puzzled.

''Do they exist?'' Sophia asked puzzled, she thought they were just people with magic or some greater than normal power who had proclaimed themselves gods in ancient times, and out of ignorance people had believed it and worshiped them.

''Yes, all mythologies exist, this place is overseen by Zeus'' Damian said as he walked with the girls.

''The one from Greek mythology?'' Sophia asked a bit disgusted, Zeus is an enemy of women if you ask her.

''Yes, the god of lightning'' Damian said casually.

''And what exactly did we come here for?'' Carol asked doubtfully while wondering how strong these gods are.

''Don't worry it's best to see them as pretty powerful aliens, plus few are fighters,'' Damian said.

''Are we here to look for trouble?'' Ana asked inexpressibly.

''Trouble will look for us,'' Damian said with a mischievous grin.

''Do you have a problem with the gods?'' Sophia asked curiously.

''Not really, even though they are arrogant and despise mortals in the end many can do it, it will just be fun to crush their arrogance a little, nothing personal'' said Damian amused, he hasn't been able to have a good fight and hopes this will be an opportunity.

They moved forward calmly with Damian leading them to where there were the most gods present, although he regretted it a bit as there were many gods in an orgy.


Damian felt the accusatory gaze of the 3 women and couldn't help but smile wryly.

He usually uses his powers to find out everything that happens, this time he didn't know if he was going to be detected by some god with special abilities so he wanted to come and be surprised but it was really a surprise.

''I really didn't know,'' Damian said in his defense.

"We better come back later," said Carol.

''Yes,'' said Ana inexpressibly.

They all strolled around, the city was really massive, tried every kind of food there was and visited the best sights.

It was many hours before they decided to return to see if they had finished their business.

Fortunately, it seems they were in some sort of reunion, Damian walked with the girls into some sort of courtroom and they sat on the outside watching.

''Then let's plan when the next orgy will be'' Said Zeus on his throne.


''They're really idle,'' Carol said wordlessly.

''Well they have lived tens of thousands of years, surely they are bored'' said Damian thoughtfully, this situation was also a wake-up call for him and the girls, after all, they too are immortal or at least will live millions of years, without a strong will they would probably become like these gods, purposeless and seeking satisfaction at any cost that validates their existence.

''We definitely have to be careful not to become like them'' Sophia said seriously.

Hm," said Ana, unusually serious.

''What do you think, is that how you imagined the gods?'' Damian asked with a smile.

''I imagined them more muscular, I mean look at Zeus, it looks like his 3 meals are at MkDonald's'' Carol said with a chuckle.

''Yes, Zeus is quite fat'' Said Ana as she looked at Zeus expressionlessly.

''Hm?, who said that?'' Zeus said as he stood up violently.

Suddenly there was silence in the atrium, all the gods could not help but look at each other in confusion.

''Wow now that he's standing he really looks fat, I guess saying someone looks like a Greek god doesn't mean the same thing anymore'' Carol said looking at Zeus.


All the gods could not help but open their mouths comically at Carol's words.

''There you are, you're the one who made those comments about me'' Said Zeus looking towards Carol.

''Since you are a beauty I will forgive you after participating in our friendly meetings'' Zeus said with his eyes lighting up as he saw the beauty of Carol and the two women accompanying her, all his alerts were sounding, there was a motherly and an expressionless one.

''Hm no thanks, I actually like the young ones'' Carol said teasingly.

''Hm I guess you don't have much choice, you see you have disrespected me, usually, I would have thrown my Thunderbolt at you but seeing you I feel generous'' Zeus said haughtily, as the oldest god to Zeus everything it is for him to reach out and request if he so desires.

''What do we do then, I'd rather you throw your lightning at me'' Carol said provocatively.

''It's thunder'' Zeus said seriously.

''Yes yes your lightning, come on throw it'' Said Carol standing up and with her cosmic powers covering her whole body, Carol didn't know how strong a god was so she decided to go all out and even if he was stronger than her there is still Damian to take care of so she was not cautious about insulting Zeus.

Small yellow lightning bolts began to emanate from Zeus' body and his Thunderbolt appeared in his hand, in all his years very few had dared to disrespect him and now he didn't care even if she was a woman as beautiful as Carol, he would make sure to set an example.

Zeus threw his Thunderbolt at Carol with all his strength, he could feel the cosmic energy coming out of Carol so he didn't hesitate to use all his strength.

Damian watched everything calmly, he saw when Zeus attacked Carol in slow motion, although he believed she could withstand the impact since she had received an attack from the power stone directly without being hurt, he was still alert.

Carol saw a yellow beam of light directed at her very quickly and with her two hands she grabbed Thunderbolt but the power it brought was too great so she couldn't help but back up a few meters until she could stop herself, her hands felt a little numb from the electricity but it was nothing.

With more confidence, Carol looked at Zeus mockingly, if that was all her power she could handle it alone.

Zeus looked at Carol seriously, normally the attack would have gone through her chest and she would have died but unexpectedly she caught it in her hands.

Damian looked thoughtfully at Zeus, as a god if we put him on a scale of power he is not really that strong according to what he showed, even if he could regenerate when his heart was pierced.

He supposed that by going thousands of years without fighting he lost a lot of ability, Thor spent 5 years drinking and lost most of his power, although that was for the sake of the plot more than anything else.


Guys, I'm sorry for the delay, as I told you I have moved house and I have had some problems with the internet.

Going into another topic, I was very surprised when in the Thor movie they mentioned the orgy, who says Disney is for kids, I can imagine kids asking their parents what that is.

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