Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 6

Damian woke up to the sound of an alarm.

When he opened his eyes he saw that he was still sleeping with Carol but they weren't in the same position he remembered, Carol had turned around in the course of the night and hugged him, and Damian's head was buried in her neck.

Yesterday he hadn't drunk blood and with his mouth almost kissing her neck it was a terrible temptation for him.

He tried to take a deep breath to calm down but ironically he felt the need to take a little bite, luckily the alarm quickly woke Carol up.

"Ugh, good morning," Carol said sleepily.

"Good morning," Damian responded with a smirk.

Carol released him from her embrace and sat sleepily on the bed, her figure was really curvaceous, and with his need for blood couldn't help but pull her down and kiss her.

Carol only felt that she was flying before he passionately kissed her.

Although Carol was surprised she quickly kissed him back, after a while, Carol pushed him off and stopped the kiss.

'' What was that for? I need to get dressed to go to the base '' Carol said smiling lovingly at him.

''You looked so hot in your pajamas, I couldn't help it'' Damian said as he kissed her cheek.

''Okay, come on, get up, I need to get ready to go out'' Carol said a little shyly.

'She's really good at attacking but her defense is a bit low' Damian thought amused before giving her a kiss on the cheek and getting up.

After getting up Damian could see Carol heading to the bathroom, he decided to go to the kitchen and make a simple meal before everyone left, even though he wanted to spend most of his time with Carol before the accident, he still needed back to New York to make sure everything is in order, plus he promised Sophia he'd be back soon.

When Carol finished getting ready and went out into the living room she could see that Damian was putting the dishes on the table and apparently he had made eggs with tomato and bread as well as a coffee.

Carol was surprised that Damian cooked, after all, she knew Damian was very rich, yet she was touched by the gesture.

''What are you looking at? Come eat'' Damian said smiling at her.

''Hm, thanks for preparing the food '' She answered smiling at him.

While they ate Damian thought that he should go back to New York on Friday, today was Monday so he wanted to take advantage of this week to be with Carol.

"Carol, I have to go back to New York on Friday," Damian said.

"Hm, I see," Carol said with a complicated look.

''When are you coming back?''

''I should come back next Monday, after all, I want to continue spending time with you'' Damian said with a slight smile.

'' Hm, I want that too '' Carol said more animated knowing that she was coming back quickly.

''Tell me how about you come to my house today and stay the night?'' Damian said suddenly.

''Okay, give me your address'' Carol said somewhat encouraged to know that they would spend more time together.

"Okay, take my phone so we can communicate," Damian said before handing her her phone.

''And what are you going to communicate with?'' Carol asked doubtfully.

''Don't worry, I'll get another one'' Damian said with a smile.

Carol was speechless, although she has a landline phone that's not that expensive, a mobile phone as small as the one he gave her she knows must be very expensive.

After eating Carol went to the base and Damian returned to his house, he urgently needed blood.

After arriving, Ana received him with her usual expressionless face.

'' Damian, didn't you come back last night?'' Asked Ana, she knows he is a vampire and thinks he could come and go without anyone knowing.

"No, I slept outside last night," Damian said casually.

''By the way, I need you to do something, come with me to your room''

Upon entering, Damian saw that her room was very normal and nothing seemed to indicate that it belonged to Ana. After looking around a bit, he sat down on a sofa and looked at her.

''Come closer'' Damian said patting his own legs indicating for him to sit down.

Ana already expected it to be something like that, so without hesitation, she unbuttoned her shirt and straddled him before stretching her shirt and showing her neck, the last time she had taken her by surprise and had not seen well, but now she could observe clearly as Damian's eyes changed to a mesmerizing red and his upper fangs lengthened.

Damian didn't doubt it either and he sank his fangs into his neck and was soon able to taste the sweetness of his blood.

Ana felt again that pleasant sensation that told her not to resist and to let go of everything, it was the only moment where her expression ceased to be emotionless, unfortunately, no one could see that scene since Damian's face was on Ana's neck.

After having a few drinks Damian stopped, after all, it seems like he needs to drink blood every day, although he has had little so if he drinks more maybe he can last longer but he needs to do some experiments.

He decided to consider drinking the blood of criminals in a women's prison, but he still doesn't know if he'll even feel like drinking them, we'll see in the future.

After removing his fangs from Ana's delicious neck, he fixed her clothes and put her to bed, this time she was awake, she was only breathing heavily and her gaze was lost.

It seems that little by little she can bear more.

''Thanks, Ana, don't worry about anything and rest'' Damian said as he caressed her head lovingly.

''Hm Damian'' She said before falling asleep.

After leaving Ana, he looked for a new cell phone and called Carol so that she would have his number and let him know when she was coming.

Damian who felt recharged decided to spend the rest of the day practicing with his electromagnetic powers, he felt that he could intercept the radio signals and listen to them in his mind, but producing his own still found it a bit difficult, but it is a step further and only He has been practicing for a few days.

While he was practicing he heard his cell phone ring, apparently, he had skipped lunch and it was already late, Carol was calling him.

''Hi Carol, is something wrong?''

''Damian, I am approaching your house, I just wanted to let you know''

"Great, I'll wait for you here"


When Carol arrived at the address Damian gave her she wasn't sure what to do, she wondered if Damian gave her the wrong address, after all even though she thought Damian was rich, this house clearly wasn't up to the level of someone rich, it was more like filthy rich Carol thought speechlessly.

She finally approached the entrance and a guard approached her.

"Are you Miss Carol?" the guard asked.

"Yes," Carol replied.

'' Great, Mr. Damian told us he was coming, please go ahead ''

"Okay," Carol said before driving to the gate of the grand mansion.

As she got out she saw the door open and Damian came out with a smile.

"Hey Carol, it's great you're here," Damian said happily.

"Hm, when you said you were rich, I didn't think it was on this level," Carol said absently as she looked around.

'' Hahaha, you didn't ask either, let's go in '' Damian said as he put his arm around her and took her inside.

Damian gave her a brief tour of his house and gardens before leading her to his room.

"Isn't your room very normal? It doesn't have anything to indicate that it's yours," Carol said as she paced around.

"Well, my room is in New York, not here, besides, I'm really not one to put a lot of things in my room," Damian said casually, after all, before "waking up" there was nothing he liked.

After Carol toured his room she went and sat on his bed.

"And what are we going to do today?" Carol asked with a smile.

"I wonder what we're going to do?" Damian said as he leaned in with a mischievous smile, before pushing her down on the bed and kissing her.

Carol also began to kiss his back as she hugged his neck.

Damian as he kissed her, but his hands didn't stay still and got under her shirt touching her defined waist, just when they were getting more passionate and their hands were starting to go up, the sound of knocking on the door made them wonder stop.

Carol quickly pushed him away and sat down before fixing her clothes.

Damian was cheeky and just casually said, "Go ahead."

Ana entered the door and was surprised to discover a woman with Damian. Ana looked at her curiously and saw that Carol was looking at her in the same way, so the 2 women ended up staring at each other.

''Is something wrong, Ana?'' Damian asked calmly.

''Yes, is time for food but I didn't know we would have company for dinner'' Ana said with her expressionless face.

'' This is Carol, you could say that she is more than my friend but we are not officially out yet '' Damian said to Ana.

''And this is Ana, my assistant/feeder'' Damian said smiling and joking.

Ana understood that this would possibly be Damian's girlfriend, even though she had an ambiguous relationship with Damian, she didn't care even if she was just a lover or if Damian didn't look for her that way, her duty was to be by his side.

Carol understood the assistant part but was confused as to how his feeder was, she imagined Ana feeding Damian with a spoon, but she quickly shook off those amused thoughts, although she actually wondered if there was an ambiguous relationship between Ana and Damian, Ana was very beautiful and even if nothing happens now, in the future it might not be like that, she would have to talk about it with Damian.

Not knowing what was going through the two women's minds, he got up and gently pulled Carol by her hand to go eat.

''Let's go eat, I had already warned them that I was going to have a visit so everything is ready Ana, don't worry'' Damian said smiling at her.

After reaching the dining room the three sat down, Carol sat next to Damian and Ana sat across from them.

''Ana, we will return to New York on Friday, so make the arrangements whenever you want'' Damian said.

'' Mrs. Sophia wanted us to come back as soon as possible, she has something to talk to you about '' Ana said after a moment of silence.

"We'll be back on Friday, Ana," Damian said.

''Yes, I'll take care of everything'' Ana said.

''And tell me, Ana, how long have you been Damian's assistant?'' Carol asked.

''Miss Carol, I've only been your assistant for just 4 days'' Ana answered professionally.

''Miss?, come on just call me Carol'' Carol said smiling.

''Well... Carol, as I told you, I've only been with Damian for a few days'' Ana said.

'' Hm I see, I thought they knew each other for longer, they look quite familiar with each other '' Carol said as she looked at Damian.

''Are you jealous? If you want I can make you my secretary'' Damian said jokingly.

Carol just rolled her eyes and continued eating, as expected of rich people, it was one of the best meals she had ever had.

After lunch, Carol and Damian walked hand in hand around the mansion as they talked, before finally returning to the room.

Upon entering the room Carol sat on the bed and stared at him.

''What's going on? Could it be that you want to continue where we were?'' Damian asked mockingly.

''Tell me, do you and Ana have something between you?'' Carol asked suspiciously.

"Hahaha actually there is something between us" Damian answered honestly.

''But what's between us is not something romantic, at least not now'' Damian told him seriously.

"Then why don't you explain it to me, not to mention that you say 'for now' as if it were possible in the future," Carol said with narrowed eyes.

'' Hmm let's see, how about you give me a little time, I promise when I get back from New York I will tell you everything about me '' Damian said as he took her hand and hugged her.

Carol seriously thought about this situation and thought of several scenarios but nothing really came to her mind, maybe she didn't understand the world of the rich, she decided to just wait and see what Damian had to say, maybe there really was a reason.

After a long silence, Carol just said: "Okay."

''Do you want to take a bath first? I'll buy you pajamas and leave them in the bathroom'' Damian said, changing the subject.

''Sure, how about we watch a movie later?'' Carol asked in a slightly better mood, since Damian promised her that she was going to tell him everything next Monday she decided to trust him and wait.

Soon Carol went to take a bath, after getting out of the shower and drying off she started looking for the pajamas that Damian told her in one of the drawers, after opening it she found the pajamas, without thinking too much she started to put them on until she saw that there were something strange with it.

That was not normal pajamas, she saw herself in the mirror with a very sexy semi-transparent black robe.

Carol didn't know whether to hide in the bathroom or go out like that and hit Damian, her anger and her shyness fighting inside her, she finally pushed the door open and saw Damian who was sitting on the bed and looking at her with amusement.

''What the hell is this Damian?'' Carol said annoyed.

'' Hm it's called pajamas and I must say it fits you well, as expected, you have a really defined body '' Damian said as he hungrily looked his body up and down.

"Why do you want me to wear this? After all, until you explain yourself well, you can look but not touch" Carol said mockingly and simply went and lay down on the bed and covered herself with the sheets, she showed more skin wearing a bikini, she was embarrassed by how sexy the robe is.

Damian could only swear in his mind hearing what Carol said, even though he knew it was a joke and that even if he clears everything up they won't necessarily move to that step in their relationship, after all, he doesn't want to take that step without Carol knowing who he's with.

In his room there was a television that was clearly more modern than Maria's, they casually watched the programs that were on while he hugged Carol by her shoulder and she leaned against him before getting bored and turning off the television.

''How is your work going? Do you have to try out a plane soon?'' Damian asked after turning off the television.

"Hm, I have to try out a new plane on Wednesday of next week," Carol said casually.

Hearing that Damian knew there wasn't that much time left, today was Monday, only a week and 2 days before the accident, and then they won't see each other for several years.

Although he was able to rescue Carol after receiving her powers and kicking out the Kree, he thinks it's not a good idea, after all this is not a movie and he doesn't know if there will be any instability in Carol's powers since they never gave a reason for which she obtained them, besides that there she will be able to train and become stronger, although Damian is strong he can't train someone since he can only abuse others with his physical and magical superiority, in addition to the gradual control of his powers

Although he felt bad, he believed that it was essential for Carol's development, and it's not like she was going to throw her away at random, she will temporarily put one of her familiars inside Carol to rescue her if the need arises, although he doesn't think it's necessary, Carol it is the precious jewel of the Kree, their best weapon, they dare not harm she unless it is to train it.

"I see," he said as he turned around and hugged her around the waist.

Although they have spent a few days together, he has really grown fond of Carol, and to think that they have little time left together makes him a little melancholic.

Damian also thinks about his situation, apart from Sophia in this life, in his past life, he doesn't have any recollection of any relatives with whom he shared mutual affection or a relationship.

He also can't help but think about his relationship with Ana, he doesn't know what he wants to do with it since in a certain way they already crossed the line and are in a very ambiguous situation.

Damian also believes that having his memories so fragmented caused him to lack common sense, Damian is a progenitor and also feels the desire to have a large family with many descendants, and being with only one person does not see how he can achieve that.

'I guess it will be a tough talk with Carol' Damian thought.

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