Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 69

Everyone watched silently as Carol complained to Mary about her absence.

Damian gently scratched his head as he thought about this situation.

Maria had been really distant from everyone, even Monica since Monica was the one who went to visit her mother and not the other way around.

''Well, I think the atmosphere has gotten a little strange, how about we talk about why you are here," Damian said, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, this is a happy moment, so let's forget about that," Natasha said with a lovely smile to lighten the mood.

''Well, I want to know what was so important that Carol yelled at me'' said Maria, nodding to change the subject.

''Carol and I are pregnant'' Said Ana calmly, ending the drama.

Maria, Monica, and Jane were surprised before smiling brightly and approaching Ana and Carol.

''I'm so glad, finally, I was getting worried already'' said Maria looking at Damian from the corner of her eye.

Damian just rolled his eyes, ignoring her.

''I read a vampire novel that said the gestation of a vampire is greater the stronger the vampire, will it be like that now?'' Jane asked, looking thoughtfully at Carol and Ana's stomachs.

''What? wouldn't that make us have to wait many years?'' Monica asked worriedly, she doesn't read vampire novels, after all, she herself is a vampire.

Carol and Ana also grimaced as they listened to Jane; they already had suspicions that her pregnancy development would not be typical.

''Let's not be pessimistic, let's wait patiently, good things take time,'' Damian said with a smile.

''Well said, let's wait patiently, time is the one thing we will never lack'' said Sophia nodding.

''Don't speak for everyone'' said Jane, she was still a normal human and had already spent about a quarter of her life.

Unlike Natasha who would surely become a vampire when she gets a little older.

The whole group let out a light laugh at Jane's response, but no one pressed the issue.

''Come on, I sent out for a feast to celebrate'' Sophia said with a smile, she felt her face was stuck and she would have a smile for several days.

''Okay, let's go'' Jane said nodding, she was a little hungry as they got home as fast as they could when Sophia called them.

The entire group went to the dining room table and sat down.

"So, what will be the name of the babies? Monica asked seriously, she wanted to name at least one of her siblings.

''We have never talked about such issues, our pregnancy was unexpected but joyful news,'' says Carol happily.

''I think if it's a girl I'd like to name her Alice," Carol said.

''It's nice,'' Sophia said, nodding with a smile.

''I like it," Damian nodded, already imagining a mini Carol calling him daddy.

''We might as well call her Natalia'' said Natasha smiling, unfortunately, she was ignored by everyone.

''And you, honey, what names have you thought of?" asked Sofia, looking at Ana.

''Maybe Diana, I don't know, I have to think about it'' Said Ana hesitatingly.

"What if he's a boy?" asked Maria.

''Hmm, Alex?'' Carol said with some uncertainty.

''How unimaginative," said Maria looking disdainfully at Carol.

"How about Nataniel?" asked Natasha as she imagined calling the little baby in her mind.

''You'll have your own baby to name in the future,'' Carol said, ignoring Natasha.

Natasha couldn't help but chew her food with annoyance, she wanted to name the babies so she could tell them in the future ''I chose your name''.

"Can I name it?" asked Monica, giving Carol and Ana her most tender look.

''If you want a name, then have your own baby,'' Ana said inexpressibly.

Damian, who was drinking water, almost chokes and can't help but cough a couple of times.

''Mama Ana, please'' said Monica looking pitifully at Ana, unfortunately, Ana's expression didn't change one bit, and just looked at her with disdain.

"Stingy," Monica pouted.

"By the way, why isn't Ophelia here?" asked Jane, from her point of view Ophelia is almost family.

''She said she had urgent things to attend to in Madripoor," Sophia said, glancing slightly at Ana.

Ana couldn't help but frown slightly at the news of Ophelia's absence, thinking of Ophelia suddenly she couldn't help but think of Damian sleeping with them under the effect of dragon's blood.

Ana couldn't help biting her lip at the thought of how complicated the situation would be with a baby involved.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Damian pull out his cell phone and saw that he was going to text Ophelia so she reached out and took the phone from him.

Damian looked at Ana and raised an eyebrow wondering what was going on.

''I'll go see Ophelia later, you don't need to talk to her'' said Ana calmly.

''Fine'' said Damian smiling ironically, by Ana's expression, Damian understood that she put the dots together, it's not that it's very difficult, it's just that the emotion of the pregnancy had not let them think about it, Carol probably still doesn't realize it.

Everyone continued talking and chatting about the future new members of the family.

Sophia even said she would learn to knit.

It soon became late and after much talk of the future, they each went to their rooms.

Damian arrived with Ana, Carol, and Natasha in their room.

''I'm going to see Ophelia, I may be back late'' said Ana when the four of them were left alone.

''Wouldn't it be good to go together? After all, it's something that concerns all of us,'' said Damian.

''What? what are you talking about?" asked Carol confused, she was talking to Natasha about going shopping for baby clothes when she heard Damian.

''Remember, it wasn't just the two of us that day we took the dragon's blood,'' Ana said.

"Is Ophelia pregnant too? Carol asked in surprise.

Natasha also opened her mouth comically.

''We don't know, I'll go find out and talk to her to see what we do in the future'' said Ana putting on a coat before opening the door only to be held back by Damian.

''I still think we should go together,'' Damian said with a frown.

''Trust me, I just want to chat with her and then we can leave together, okay?" said Ana, giving Damian a quick kiss.

''Fine," Damian said after a few moments of hesitation.

After Ana left there was a somewhat uncomfortable atmosphere, Carol was still not recovering from the shock.

''How complicated," Damian said, scratching his head.

"What do you plan to do if Ophelia is pregnant?'' Carol asked.

''If you mean the baby, of course, I will accept it as my child," Damian said.

''Now, if we're talking about Ophelia, I really don't know,'' Damian sighed.

''If you ask her to be your wife I don't think she'll refuse,'' Carol said thoughtfully.

''I think if I asked her for the baby she would refuse,'' said Damian.

''Besides, Ophelia is in a relationship with one of the vampires she created, the situation is not that simple, maybe it's best to leave things like that and just raise the baby together without being a couple'' said Damian.

"Isn't that like vampire incest?" asked Carol mockingly.

Damian just looked at Carol speechless.

''Let's not get ahead of ourselves and see how things go'' said Natasha, seriously trying to put these issues to rest.

''Your serious look looks very cute'' said Damian smiling at Natasha.

''Damian, we're talking about something serious'' Natasha said, trying to keep a smile from appearing on her face.

''Your young look is very cute, when you have a daughter I'm sure she'll be even cuter with Damian's genes'' Carol laughed.

''How about we take a bath?'' said Carol flirtatiously looking at Damian.

Damian looked at Carol with suspicion.

Natasha who saw the doubt in Damian gritted her teeth and steeled herself, not only had Ophelia beaten her to sleep with Damian, but maybe she was even pregnant too, she can't be so passive.

''Yes, let's go take a bath,'' said Natasha, pulling Damian by the arm.

Damian, seeing that Natasha also wanted to put aside her worries and walked with the girls to the bathroom.

Carol quickly turned on the bathtub before she began to undress.

The tub was special and Damian modified it to fill very quickly.

So Carol immediately entered the water with a slight moan from the warm water on her skin as she turned around and looked at Natasha and Damian.

"Come on," Natasha said nonchalantly, undressing in imitation of Carol.

Although on the surface Natasha seemed unconcerned, she was full of nervousness, fortunately, she is good at hiding what she feels.

Natasha walked to the bathtub and tried to imitate Ana by slightly swaying her hips as she walked before diving into the water.

Natasha looked at Carol and gave her a thumbs-up gesture.

Once Natasha approached Carol, they both looked at Damian who was undressing.

Damian also undressed without any modesty.

Natasha bit her lips as she exchanged her gaze between Damian's body and the wall.

Damian only smiled slightly at Natasha's actions, as always, she can be quite adorable.

When Damian entered the water, Carol automatically went over to him and hugged him before closing her eyes and relaxing.

Natasha looked at Carol with annoyance for getting ahead of her, at least she could have let her go first, so with some embarrassment, Natasha walked over to Damian and leaned her head on him as well.

Damian reached behind Natasha and wrapped his arm around her waist before pulling her closer to him.

Natasha raised her head and met Damian's gaze.

They both looked at each other for several seconds as their lips gradually drew closer.

Carol who was secretly watching them couldn't help but be speechless, she doesn't understand why Damian is so slow with Natasha, and she wonders if Natasha's physique doesn't attract Damian.

Finally, Carol got tired of looking at them and decided to go out for a bite to eat, the baby in her belly seemed to have a sweet tooth.

''You guys do your thing, I'm going to get something to eat'' said Carol, getting up from the water and giving a scare to Natasha who was about to kiss Damian.

Natasha followed Carol with her eyes until she came out of the bathroom, she couldn't help but think that Carol decided to leave to give her a moment alone with Damian.

''Now no one can save you,'' Natasha said, looking at Damian.

Damian laughed softly as he pulled Natasha close to him and placed her on his lap.

Natasha's newly gathered courage couldn't help but collapse instantly as she felt the hardness directly in her butt.

''You know, I'm hungry too,'' Natasha said in a nervous voice wanting to escape.

''Now that you mention it, I'm hungry too'' said Damian looking at Natasha with reddened eyes.

Natasha couldn't help but feel nervous but also expectant as she watched Damian, she was a nervous mess and she herself wasn't sure what she wanted.

Damian's hands came down from Natasha's waist caressing her thighs.

''Hm, Damian, wait'' said Natasha, giving a slight groan.

"What do I have to look forward to?" asked Damian, bringing his lips close to Natasha's, brushing them gently.

Natasha took a deep breath as the feel of Damian all over her body made her feel like she was melting.

Damian didn't wait any longer and kissed Natasha intensely, she responded half-heartedly at first as she gradually increased the pace.

''Damian'' Natasha said softly in a moment their lips parted.

"Tell me?" asked Damian, also whispering.

Natasha didn't respond, she rubbed her hips against the hardness beneath her and let out soft suppressed moans.

Damian seeing Natasha taking the initiative also ran his hands down her waist to her breasts and gently caressed them.

Damian felt Natasha squirm but sensed she was still holding back, so he grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of the tub with him kneeling in the water.

Natasha immediately looked at Damian with wild eyes and flushed cheeks.

''Don't worry, I'll make you feel good,'' Damian said, smiling at her.

Natasha looked at Damian with confusion until she saw him position himself between her legs and his mouth moved to her crotch.

Natasha couldn't help a slight gasp of surprise before instinctively trying to push Damian's head away with her hands.

''Be good,'' Damian said, taking her hands off his head and diving into Natasha's crotch.

Natasha couldn't help but shudder at the new sensations as she let out a long moan and her hands stopped pulling Damian's head away.

After several minutes, Damian raised his head and looked at Natasha, who was breathing heavily and staring at him with blurry eyes.

Damian only smiled slightly as he pulled her to him and dipped her into the water.


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