Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 78

In an instant, another month had passed.

A couple of photographers had come with Olivia and did a small photo shoot, so that in the future they would have things to post periodically.

As they each had their own accounts and uploaded some photos of themselves together, Damian's wives and daughters quickly gained popularity, causing a lot of buzz.

Damian Alucard's life had always been a mystery. They only knew he had one daughter, and although there were rumors that he had several wives, they had never been confirmed.

The accounts quickly gained millions of followers, especially Carol and Ana. Their beauty really impressed everyone.

Although the two were furious to see comments saying they used filters, Carol couldn't stand their anger and just asked in the comments if they were blind, which caused even more uproar.

But this fulfilled Damian's goal of making his family known. His daughters would soon grow up, and he wanted them to adapt to the world. Normally, their family is very antisocial and they don't interact with other people, but this is an excellent opportunity so that when their daughters grow up and have to go to school, their mothers can be there for them.

Damian also received many curses for having more than one wife, although Damian only took it as a joke since they were clearly envious.

For many, this was just something to talk about at work or with friends, but for others, it was more significant.


Dreykov had been paying close attention to the movements in Madripoor, especially regarding the mysterious king, about whom he had almost no information.

Dreykov thought that 10 years was not too late for revenge. His base of operations in Madripoor was totally annihilated, and he suspected that this place was linked to Natasha's defection.

Dreykov was at his desk reading some very interesting information. Damian Alucard has three new daughters.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed just thinking about it. Many times he tried to kidnap his eldest daughter, but he never came close to succeeding.

After many attempts and studying Damian well, he came to the conclusion that he is a person with superhuman abilities.

His aging practically stopped many years ago, something Dreykov was really envious of.

No matter how much money or power Dreykov has, even if he can overthrow governments, he cannot prevent his own aging.

He even wondered if Alexei could do the job, but unfortunately, he had sent him to prison and couldn't risk having him around.

Dreykov finally put the papers aside with a sigh, it wasn't yet the time.


Alexander Pierce also received a fairly detailed report regarding new people close to Damian.

What caught Alexander's attention was not Damian's daughters; he had totally given up on kidnapping Damian's relatives.

Not only was it useless to try, but it might even get him found out. Even if he hated to admit it, Damian was an opponent to be feared.

What really caught Alexander's attention was a rather rude blonde named Carol, who was Damian's supposed wife. She was someone who had little tolerance; there was a lot of name-calling and cursing in response to some of the comments against her.

Alexander knew this woman; she was involved in a project that HYDRA paid quite a bit of attention to.

She is supposedly dead, but she is clearly alive and looks exactly the same as she did all those years ago.

Alexander couldn't help but show a slight smile; maybe this is his chance to gain an advantage over Damian, although it is not yet time.

He pressed a button to isolate all communications before picking up the phone to make a call.

''I want you to keep an eye on the parents of a woman named Carol Danvers who supposedly died years ago. Send agents to gain their trust. I want them to be able to be kidnapped at any time,'' Alexander ordered before hanging up.

Alexander didn't know if Carol had lost her memory since she hadn't returned for her parents, or if she didn't care about them. Either way, they could be used. Even if she doesn't care too much about her parents, she surely won't let them die.

Alexander casually glanced at the report before looking at Ophelia. 

He couldn't help but grimace in annoyance just thinking about her. Had she remained loyal to HYDRA while serving as Damian's right-hand man, one can only imagine the good she could have done. Achieving HYDRA's goal would not have been far behind.

Definitely, the person he hates the most is Ophelia.


Damian woke up that morning with Natasha on his chest. He smiled slightly before gently laying her down. The night before, Natasha had been awakened a few times by the cries of their hungry daughters.

Damian got out of bed before looking speechlessly at Ophelia, who had also slept with them and was hugging Ana around the waist.

Lately, he felt as if he had returned to his former world. The first thing he did when he woke up was check his phone. He usually wakes up to thousands of notifications, and that day was no different.

Damian looked at his profile with a faint smile. Right now, for normal people to think of something supernatural is almost ridiculous, but in the future, many people will definitely find their family strange and try to tie up loose ends.

After getting up, he dressed before moving to his daughters' room next door.

He had built a door connecting the two rooms for convenience.

Damian looked at his daughters with a big smile, they were really adorable.

Then he walks to the walls before he starts to enchant them to make them more resistant.

He had set that goal, to enchant his entire house, his daughters would surely be powerful and when they grew up they could use their powers to accidentally break the house, reinforcing it would make his daughters feel more "normal".

Also, this kind of exercise helped him to improve his incantations, he already felt he could put a new version of Natasha's necklace incantation.

Damian was charming his house when a message arrived on his phone.

Damian saw that it was Tony, they had spoken from time to time, and when the news spread about his daughters and wives he had spoken to him almost instantly to gossip.

Damian couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at his message saying that they should get together to exchange ideas on how to conquer women and have them agree to share.

Damian casually chatted with Tony before agreeing to go to his house in Malibu.

After putting his phone away again he went over to look at his daughters. It really is amazing how time passes, they are already 2 months old and he has seen that they have started to crawl awkwardly.

Satisfied with watching his daughters, Damian went downstairs to greet his mother.

''Hi,'' Sophia said, smiling at the sight of him.

''Hi Mom'' Damian said with a smile as he walked over and gave Sophia a kiss on the cheek.

''It's unusual that Natasha is not awake,'' said Sophia.

''She doesn't have to work today, besides she was woken up several times last night,'' Damian said with a slight smile.

''By the way, I'm not having lunch here today, I'm going to a friend's house,'' said Damian.

"Jen?'' Sophia asked.

''No, I'm going to Tony's house,'' Damian said.

''Do you have male friends?'' Sophia asked, feigning surprise.

''How funny,'' Damian said expressionlessly.

"I'm home!'' Monica's voice said, entering the house.

Footsteps were quickly heard coming into the room.

''Dad!'', Monica said with joyful surprise at the sight of him before launching herself at him as she hugged him.

''How is my beautiful daughter?'' Damian asked, hugging Monica while caressing her blue hair.

''Aren't you a little old to be acting like that?'' Sophia asked with a smile, she could almost see the 5-year-old Monica throwing herself at Damian like that.

"I'm a vampire. Technically, I'm still a baby," Monica said in a spoiled tone while still in Damian's embrace.

Sophia chuckled lightly at Monica's words.

"How are your mother and Jane?" Damian asked with a smile.

"Mom's at work as usual, and Jane is finishing her Ph.D.," said Monica.

"Sometimes I stay at her house, and we talk. Her new intern is fun."

"I'm glad you're having a good time," Damian said with a slight smile.

"By the way, I saw your Instagram accounts. It's really a mess in the comments," said Monica, laughing.

"Yes, Carol was furiously looking at the comments," Sophia said with a laugh.

Monica chuckled before looking at Damian.

"Dad, haven't you thought that we could live on another planet? This planet is too normal for us," said Monica. Sometimes she wished she could use her abilities freely.

"Maybe this world won't be normal for long," Damian said with a slight chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Sophia asked, squinting suspiciously.

"It's nothing," Damian said with a slight smile.

"When your sisters grow up, we can talk about it," Damian said to Monica.

"Hm, well," said Monica as she thought about what her father was referring to. This world is very normal, and the only abnormal thing that happened was the whole Carol thing. Since that moment, she didn't know of anything supernatural that had happened in over 10 years.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of crying. The three couldn't help but look at each other with a slight smile before going upstairs to check on the babies.

Damian spent the rest of the morning with his family before it was time to leave.

"I'll be back later," Damian said before getting into one of his cars and appearing a few miles from Tony's house.

Damian drove quickly toward Tony's house before pulling into the driveway.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Damian," Jarvis' robotic voice said before opening the door for him.

"Good afternoon to you too," Damian said with a slight smile as he stepped out of the car. He could see Tony coming out of his house with a smile on his face, waving to him.

''Hi,'' said Tony, patting Damian's shoulder as they greeted each other.

''Hi,'' Damian replied with a smile.

''Come on in," Tony said, putting his hand on Damian's back before leading him inside as they chatted.

''You have a nice house," said Damian as he looked around. He really liked it, as his own house in New York was more traditional.

''Yes, it's one of my pride," Tony said with a smile.

''Come, sit down. Do you want a drink?" Tony asked as he poured himself a drink.

''Anything is fine," Damian replied with a smile.

Tony poured Damian a drink with a somewhat mischievous smile, giving him some of the strongest liquor he had. He could imagine himself posting a picture of Damian totally drunk.

Tony quietly handed the drink to Damian, who just took a few sips without any change in expression.

Tony couldn't help but be disappointed at the lack of reaction.

''Tony, Obadiah is calling and wants to come," said Pepper, approaching Tony and Damian.

''Wow, Tony, you didn't tell me there was a beautiful woman here," Damian said, smiling attractively at Pepper as he greeted her.

Pepper only gave a polite smile at Damian's words as she filled her mind with images of Tony to drive the charming smile from her mind.

''Yeah, uh well, she's my partner," Tony said, stuttering a bit as he looked at Damian defensively.

''Partner? Wow..." Damian said, giving Tony a suggestive smile as he laughed inwardly, watching Tony trying to pull out an excuse.

Tony viewed Pepper in a very possessive manner and wanted to tease him to see if he could get a reaction out of him.

Pepper looked at Tony with astonishment at his ambiguous words.

''I apologize, miss. I didn't know you were with Tony," Damian said with an innocent smile.

''We don't... don't worry, it's okay," said Pepper, changing her words as she saw the look on Tony's face.

''So, should I tell him you're busy?" Pepper asked Tony.

''Yeah, tell him to come another day. I'm having lunch with Damian today," said Tony, nodding toward Pepper.

''Okay," said Pepper, leaving in a daze.

''So, you have a secret partner, who would have thought it" Damian said with a smile.

''Uh, well, sort of," said Tony, trying to drop the subject.

''And she doesn't get mad when you sleep with models?" Damian asked, suppressing a smile as he saw Tony thinking about how to play along.

''She gives me coffee without sugar or wakes me up very early to ask me if I want anything," said Tony, grimacing as that was totally true.

''Wow, she must be pretty jealous," said Damian, smiling slightly.

''Jealous, eh?" muttered Tony absently. Though after a moment, he decided to put it aside. Though Pepper was special to him, he wasn't about to abandon the forest for a flower, even if it was the most beautiful flower in his eyes.


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