Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 83

"Daddy, tomorrow is our birthday. Are more kids coming?" asked Alice. They had never met anyone their age, although they didn't mind much since they had each other to play with. She was curious to meet other children.

"Sweetheart, I'm not sure how many kids are coming, but I'm sure there will be," Damian said, smiling at them.

"Hm, I hope they're nice," said Emma.

"You girls are so cute, it's impossible not to be nice," said Damian, handing out kisses to his three daughters who just laughed happily.

Damian arrived in the bathroom where he began to remove everyone's clothes before putting them in the tub.

Damian left Ivy and Emma playing while he started bathing Alice.

"Daddy, it hurts a little here," said Alice, touching her gum.

"Honey, as soon as I finish bathing you, I'll check you over," Damian said, finishing putting soap on her.

"Close your eyes," Damian said, smiling at her before he started shampooing her.

Damian laughed softly as he watched her close her eyes tightly.

Damian began rinsing her to get all the shampoo and soap out before taking her in his arms and sitting her in a chair.

Damian grabbed a towel and gently dried her entire body before leaving her wrapped in the towel.

"Let's see, honey. Open your mouth and let me see," said Damian with a smile.

Alice opened her mouth as wide as she could, and Damian could see her white front teeth. Her molars had not yet erupted, but Damian could see that the gum area was a little swollen and looked like they were about to erupt.

"It's just that your teeth are coming through," said Damian, stroking Alice's head.

"Hm," Alice made a sound to indicate her understanding.

"Do you want me to take you to Mom's while I bathe your sisters, or do you want to wait?" Damian asked, touching Alice's little nose.

"I'll wait here," Alice said obediently.

"Good," said Damian, leaving a kiss on Alice's cheek before returning to the tub.

Damian reached over and caught Emma before he started putting soap on her.

"Did you have fun today, honey?" asked Damian as he began to wash Emma.

"Yes, every day is a lot of fun," said Emma, smiling happily.

"That makes me very happy," said Damian, smiling as he began rinsing her.

Damian pulled Emma out of the tub before wrapping her in a towel and placing her next to Alice.

"I won't be long. Behave yourselves," Damian said earnestly, which elicited giggles from the girls.

Damian approached Ivy and began soaping her while conversing with her.

"Tell me, did you teach Emma how to hang from the ceiling?" Damian asked with a smile.

"Yes, I taught her how to be a ninja," Ivy said with a laugh.

"And who taught you? It's not your mother, is it?" Damian asked, laughing.

"Hm, Mom taught me and told me not to tell you," Ivy said with a smile, not considering that she had ratted out her mother.

"You're a smart girl. You'll surely be a great ninja," Damian said, smiling as he played along.

"Of course," Ivy said seriously.

Damian smiled as he thought about recreating a ninja anime in his memories when his daughters got a little older.

"Okay, you're ready. Let's go," said Damian, taking Ivy in his arms and wrapping a towel around her as well.

"Let's go," said Damian, taking his three daughters in his arms.

Damian walked to their room before entering to find Ana reading a book in a rocking chair.

"Hi," said Ana, smiling as she approached Damian, giving him a hug and a kiss, squeezing the girls who were clamoring for space.

Ana smiled at their complaints before taking Ivy in her arms, who was between Alice and Emma.

"I'll help you," said Ana, putting Ivy on the bed and dressing her.

Damian also put Alice and Emma on the bed before dressing them.

"Okay, my little vampire girls, time for bed," Damian said smiling.

"I'm not sleepy," said Alice, jumping on the bed.

"Me neither," said Ivy, chasing after Alice.

"Can we play for a while?" Emma asked, giving him a pitiful look that was supported by Alice and Ivy.

"Just inside the room," Damian said, smiling as he blew Emma a kiss.

"Yes!" (x3)

Damian smiled as he watched them play all over the room. He wasn't worried about them getting dirty again since the floor had a carpet, and the room was cleaned every day.

While Damian and Ana were spending time with the three babies, Ophelia came into the room.

"How is my little ninja?" said Ophelia, taking Ivy in her arms.

"I ambushed Daddy today," Ivy secretly whispered to Ophelia.

"That's my girl," whispered Ophelia, giving Ivy kisses before letting her go back to playing with her sisters.

"Hey," greeted Ophelia, Damian, and Ana.

"What were you doing?" asked Damian, looking at Ophelia.

"Just checking tomorrow's guests. There will be about 40 guests, including 3 children between the ages of 1 and 3," said Ophelia.

"That's fine," Damian nodded.

"Oh, there you all are," said Carol, entering the room with a smile.

"How are my little devils?" said Carol, smiling as she knelt on the bed and chased after the three girls.

The three little girls screamed and laughed as they ran from Carol, who advanced at a slow pace while kneeling.

"Gotcha," said Carol, jumping up and catching Alice.

Carol began showering Alice's face with kisses, causing her to giggle and kick to escape.

Seeing their sister captured, Emma and Ivy attacked Carol's side, tickling her with their small hands.

Carol shuddered as she endured the laughter until she couldn't take it anymore and released Alice, who joined her sisters in tickling Carol.

Damian laughed along with Ophelia and Ana as they watched Carol play with the girls.

Damian couldn't help but be filled with happiness when he saw this scene. He hoped that his daughters could always have that happy smile on their faces.

After playing, it was time for bedtime, so everyone put the three babies to bed and covered them up.

"Good night, my little ones," said Damian, giving each of them a kiss.

They all said goodnight to the babies before letting them sleep. Sassy usually slept in the same room to keep an eye on them.

After leaving the girls' room, Damian and the group arrived at their room.

"You should go to sleep," Ana said to Ophelia.

"Yes, you're right," said Ophelia, nodding seriously before walking to the bed and getting under the covers.

Ana looked at Ophelia with the desire to strangle her. Almost every night was like this, forcing her to kick Ophelia out so she could have some private time.

Damian went straight to the bathroom as he sensed that Natasha was bathing there.

Damian undressed before entering the water and approached Natasha, hugging her from behind.

Damian left kisses on her back as he caressed Natasha's abdomen.

"You haven't been going on missions lately," Damian said, resting his chin on Natasha's shoulder.

"No, the world has been eerily quiet," said Natasha, smiling with her eyes closed as she enjoyed Damian's caresses.

"Maybe it's the calm before the storm," Damian chuckled before bringing his hands to Natasha's shoulders and starting to massage them.

"Mmm," Natasha moaned softly as she felt the pressure of Damian's fingers on her shoulders.

Carol, who was standing in the bathroom doorway with her ear pressed against the door, couldn't help but smile with a blush on her face as she heard Natasha's moans.

Carol looked back and saw that Ana was still arguing with Ophelia, so she entered the bathroom, undressed, and joined them in the water, only to be left speechless when she realized it was just a massage.

Damian smiled at Carol as he continued to massage Natasha.

"I thought they were doing something more interesting," pouted Carol.

Damian chuckled softly as he listened to Carol before kissing Natasha on the cheek and pulling her closer to him.

Natasha was already in another world, totally relaxed.

Carol moved closer to Damian and leaned against him as well.

"My brother contacted me," Carol said after a moment of silence.

"What do you want to do?" Damian asked, taking her hand.

Natasha, who was half asleep, couldn't help but wake up when she heard Carol. She knew her parents and brother were still alive but didn't know much more.

"I will meet with him, although I don't regret ignoring my parents and joining the Army given the situation. It was immature of me not to contact them again, although they didn't either," Carol said.

"Although they were not the best parents in the sense that they did not support me, at least they provided food and education and never physically abused me. I will meet with them and let them see Alice," said Carol, playing with the water.

"That's fine with me. Your parents must be getting older by now. If you were expecting more from them, they might not be around anymore. I'll go with you," said Damian, supporting her.

"Hm, although I think we should go just the two of us first. I want to see what their attitude is like first," said Carol.

"That sounds good to me," said Damian, smiling as he kissed Carol's head.

After a while, Ophelia arrived naked and abruptly jumped into the water, followed by an annoyed Ana.

They all bathed together before getting out and getting dressed.

Ana kept trying to push Ophelia out of the room, but she hugged Damian, who was lying down, and there was no way to separate her. So Ana could only give up and lie down in annoyance.

Carol laughed before going and lying down next to Ana as they talked.

Natasha had her place secured, so she removed Ophelia's arm that was over Damian before lying down.

Damian smiled as he stroked Ophelia's hair and hugged Natasha.

After talking for a while among themselves, they slowly fell asleep.

The next day, they would have to wake up early for the babies' birthday.


Tony woke up to a loud alarm and bright light on his face.

"Jarvis, turn that off," said Tony, still sleepy.

"Sir, you have to go to a birthday party in Madripoor today," said Jarvis.

"Hm, right," said Tony, lazily getting up and heading into the bathroom to take a shower.

After a few minutes, Tony emerged from the bathroom with only a towel around him and began to dress in a semi-formal manner.

Looking at himself in the mirror and smiling with satisfaction, Tony left his room and went to the living room, where Pepper served him breakfast in a luxurious dress.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Tony asked with a frown.

"Of course, with you to Damian's daughter's birthday," said Pepper, looking at him.

"Damian invited you?" Tony asked, with an uncomfortable frown.

"That's right. He said you probably wouldn't invite me," Pepper said, smiling at Tony.

"Damian also said he could send a plane to pick me up," Pepper added, smiling as she saw he was about to say something.

"No need. Let's go together," said Tony, annoyed.

"I knew you'd invite me," said Pepper, smiling.

Tony just made an annoyed face. He would have to keep an eye on Damian so he wouldn't get too close to Pepper.

Tony and Pepper finished eating before taking a car and arriving at Tony's private hangar.

The two quickly boarded the jet, fastened their seat belts, and waited for takeoff.

Once the jet had taken off, Tony unfastened his seatbelt and went to one of the rear compartments, which had a bed. He planned to lie down for a while, as he was still sleepy.

Imagine Tony's surprise when he found Obadiah in the bed, pretending to be "asleep."

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked, speechless.

"Hm, Tony?" Obadiah asked, feigning drowsiness.

"What are you doing here?" Obadiah asked, confused.

Tony felt his forehead veins swell.

"That's my question," said Tony, annoyed.

Pepper, hearing the voices, approached in confusion, only to be surprised, like Tony, to see that they had a stowaway.

"Tony, I sent you a message saying I was going to borrow your jet. I'm surprised to see you here," said Obadiah, pretending to be bewildered.

Tony couldn't help but feel annoyed. If this weren't a jet and they weren't thousands of feet off the ground, he would make him get off.

"I'm going to Madripoor. If they don't let you in and you have to stay on the jet, don't blame me," said Tony, returning to his seat and making him get off. It wasn't as comfortable as a bed, but it was what was available.


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