Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 91

Frank had already been living in Madripoor for 5 years, had two children with his wife, and lived a pleasant life.

Ever since he confirmed that his former superior Ray was behind the kidnapping of his wife, Frank wanted revenge.

Unfortunately, he knew that seeking revenge could result in his death. If he had nothing to lose, he wouldn't mind dying, but he has his wife and children.

He could only postpone his revenge until a year ago when Ophelia came to him with a proposal.

Ophelia arrived at Frank's house before knocking on the door.

"Hi, Ophelia," Maria greeted her cheerfully. She was always grateful to Ophelia for giving them another chance to live. Without her, they would surely be living illegally in some country.

"Hi, I came to see Frank. I have a proposal for him," Ophelia said as she greeted Maria.

"Sure, come in. I'll call him," Maria said with a smile.

Maria was going upstairs when she met Frank coming down the stairs.

"Ophelia came. She wants to talk to you," Maria said upon seeing her husband.

"Hm," Frank nodded before leaving a kiss on Maria's temple and going downstairs.

Ophelia greeted Frank before sitting on the couch.

"By the way, Maria, you can listen if you want," Ophelia said upon seeing Maria leave to give them space.

"Damian is creating a project, although I really think he's doing it just for fun," Ophelia said with a slight giggle.

Ophelia created a hologram of black armor with green plates.

"Nice, isn't it? We are selecting soldiers to undergo a genetic enhancement. Without it, they couldn't use this armor," Ophelia said.

"I can recommend you to join the project. There are only 100 spots available for the project, and of those 100, only 10 can use the armor for now," Ophelia said, looking at Frank.

"They are really expensive to make. It's much cheaper to make an aircraft carrier," Ophelia laughed.

"Is it dangerous?" Maria asked with concern.

"Not exactly," Ophelia shook her head.

"The genetic enhancement is 100% safe. There is only a difference in the enhancement from person to person. The suit's main function is to protect the soldier inside, so there is not much danger," Ophelia said.

"The only thing is that we will only choose the best to operate them," Ophelia said.

"This is one of your best opportunities for revenge. We will call them 'Spartan.' One really skilled 'Spartan' could take down an army from Earth," Ophelia laughed inwardly when she said, "From Earth."

"Tell me, are you interested in joining?" Ophelia asked with a smile, knowing he would answer.

"Sure," Frank nodded seriously, not just for revenge, but with that armor, he could better protect his family.

"Great, then they will contact you when the project starts," Ophelia said, nodding.

"By the way, how is your baby?" Maria asked with a smile.

"She's very cute," Ophelia said, showing them a realistic hologram of Ivy.

"She's really adorable," Maria said with a big smile.

"I'll bring her for you to see one day," Ophelia said as she got up from the couch.

"Then we'll see you. I have high hopes for your performance. I'm sure you can use one of the armors," Ophelia laughed.

"I'll accompany you," Maria said with a smile.

"Hm, I'll be waiting," Frank said.


At present, Frank was in training as he was every day.

At least in direct combat, he is the best, so he has some confidence in obtaining armor.

But that day was different. Halfway through training, a man with a characteristic silver-blue hair color arrived.

Frank recognized the man as the king of Madripoor, and in a way, the person he had to thank for his life in Madripoor.

When Damian arrived, everyone unconsciously stopped and looked at him.

Damian looked at everyone with a smile and nodded slightly.

"I'm glad you're all here. As you know, you will soon undergo a genetic enhancement treatment. How much better you will become depends purely on you. It will be painful, but it will have its rewards," said Damian.

"By being genetically enhanced, you will be stronger and live longer, but more importantly, you will be able to protect the country and what matters most to you," Damian said.

"That's why I urge you to endure the pain, thinking of your families. As they say, pain is just weakness leaving the body," Damian said with a slight laugh.

"In about a month, it will be time, so remember to prepare yourself physically and mentally," Damian said, nodding to everyone before walking around the construction site.

"That was an excellent speech, my lord. Very motivating," said the scientist behind Damian.

"You're a boot-licker," Damian said, looking at him disdainfully as he laughed.

"Remember to call me before starting the procedure," Damian said.

"Yes, sir," the scientist nodded.

Damian disappeared and returned home just in time to hear three pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs.

Damian smiled before hiding behind the wall and waiting for them to pass.

A blonde head and a green head passed before Damian captured Emma in his arms.

"Daddy," Emma said, hugging him with a smile after the sudden embrace.

Alice and Ivy stopped when they heard Emma before turning around and seeing their sister captured.

Alice and Ivy looked at each other before running towards their father and pulling on his legs, trying to knock him down.

Damian coped with a smile, falling to the ground.

The two sisters quickly released Emma from Damian's embrace before the three of them climbed on top of Damian and hugged him to hold him down.

"Surrender, you can't beat the Alucard sisters," said Alice heroically.

"Yeah, surrender," Ivy said, laughing as she tried to tickle Damian.

"I surrender, please, no more," Damian said, laughing as he pretended he couldn't take it anymore.

The three little girls laughed as Damian's performance was very fake.

"Where were you going in such a hurry?" Damian asked with a smile, seeing that they didn't believe his act.

"Mama is taking us to the city to have ice cream," Alice said excitedly.

"Oh, great! Can I come with you?" Damian asked with a smile.

"Sure," Ivy said with a smile before kissing Damian's cheek.

"Then let's not keep your mother waiting," Damian said, laughing as he got up with his daughters in his arms.

He idly wondered who they were referring to as "mother" this time.

Damian walked with his daughters to the garage, where he found Natasha leaning against a car, looking at her phone.

"Oh, Damian, are you coming to have ice cream?" Natasha asked with a smile.

"Sure," Damian said, laughing.

Natasha opened the car door, and the back had three baby seats, so Natasha and Damian settled the three babies before Damian took the driver's seat.

Damian started the car and drove towards the city.

"What flavor do you want for your ice cream?" Natasha asked, looking towards the back seats.




Three voices answered at the same time.

Damian smiled before accelerating, and after about 10 minutes, they arrived at an ice cream shop they usually went to.

Damian and Natasha helped the girls out of the car before taking their hands and walking towards the ice cream shop.

The five of them drew some attention as they had five different hair colors, two of which shouldn't exist.

They entered the ice cream shop together and each ordered their ice cream before sitting at an empty table.

While they waited for their ice cream, the three girls looked out the window curiously as they usually didn't come to the city often. They mostly spent their time at home or in the palace playing.

"Daddy, why are those people dressed the same?" Emma asked Damian while pointing to a group of kids in uniforms.

"They go to the same school, where children learn things," Damian said, smiling at her.

"Will we also go?" Emma asked curiously.

"That's right, when you're 5 years old," Damian said, laughing.

"Will there be many children to play with?" Alice asked excitedly.

"There will surely be many children," Damian said patiently, answering with a smile.

At that moment, the store employee arrived with a tray carrying the ice cream.

Damian handed out the ice cream to each one before they all started eating.

Damian continued to chat with Natasha while they ate ice cream, although they were occasionally interrupted by the curious girls.

Everyone finished their ice cream before deciding to head back home.

Damian and Natasha once again put the girls in their baby seats before buckling them in.

Damian drove more calmly home while everyone talked and laughed.

When they returned home, Damian and Natasha took the girls out of their seats.

Damian decided that he needed to have special seats made that wouldn't require so much hassle.

The three girls immediately ran off, leaving Damian and Natasha alone.

"They're really fast," Natasha casually remarked as she watched them run.

"They're also pretty strong. They would have demolished the house if it weren't reinforced with enchantments," Damian laughed.

"What does it feel like to have 1-and-a-half-year-old girls who are almost as strong and fast as you?" Damian joked.

"They still have to call me 'Mommy'," Natasha laughed as she hugged Damian.

"That's true," Damian laughed as they walked toward the house.

Upon entering, Ana came out to see them upon hearing a car arrive.

"Hello, where are the girls?" Ana asked as she saw them.

"They ran off somewhere," Damian said with a smile as he kissed Ana on the cheek.

''It's time to teach them numbers and letters,'' said Ana sighing.

"Isn't it a little early?" Natasha asked Ana, looking at her.

"They're very smart. It's okay for them to learn a little early, and it's just the basics for a while," Ana said, looking at Damian, wanting to know where the girls were.

"They're probably in the backyard," Damian smiled. The three girls were a bundle of energy.

Sitting down to learn how to read is something they really don't like; only Emma, who is calmer, can endure it until the end.

"I'll go get them," Ana said with a sigh before disappearing.

Damian smiled slightly before going to the living room with Natasha.

They both sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Damian usually wasn't so interested in watching TV, but since many movies or shows were new to Natasha, Damian was happy to accompany her.

Damian spent almost two hours with Natasha watching a movie when Alice ran into the room and jumped onto him.

"Daddy, I'm playing hide-and-seek, help me hide," Alice said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Sure," Damian said, laughing to himself as he wrapped Alice in an invisibility cloak.

"I made you invisible, now no one can see you, just relax," Damian said, stroking Alice's blonde hair.

Alice nodded before hugging Damian comfortably while looking at the TV.

A few minutes later, Ana arrived, looking around the room before fixing her eyes on Damian with a smile.

"Honey, where's Alice?" Ana said, smiling.

"I don't know, why are you looking for her?" Damian asked, pretending to be curious.

"I promised them we'd play hide-and-seek after studying, I just need Alice," Ana said, carefully watching Damian's expression.

"Well, you should have invited me," Damian said casually with a smile.

"Honey, don't pretend. You must have hidden Alice. She was the only one who came in this direction of the house, and you would never refuse to hide her," Ana said with a smile as she approached Damian.

Ana extended her hand and put it on Damian's leg before starting to climb.

Alice also climbed up Damian's body, afraid that Ana would touch her and discover where she was.

Ana raised her hand very close to Damian's crotch before looking at him.

"Honey, this is not the time for that," Damian said, laughing.

Ana narrowed her eyes, still sure that Damian was hiding Alice.

Suddenly, Ana lightly slapped Damian's abdomen and accidentally hit Alice's butt, causing her to make a slight sound.

Ana gave a slight smile before extending her hands and pulling Alice out of Damian's embrace, breaking her invisibility.

Alice pouted, looking at Ana, who hugged her.

"I caught you," Ana said, smiling at Alice before kissing her on the cheek.


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