Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 96

After dinner, Damian gathered the entire family in the living room.

"Well, let's see that book," Carol said mockingly, unaware that it had been turned into a movie.

Damian looked disdainfully at Carol before putting the movie on the television and pausing it before it started playing.

"Girls, we're going to watch a movie that doesn't necessarily represent us as vampires, but it's how the world thinks we are, although some things in it are true," Damian said, smiling at them.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask at any time," Damian added before taking his seat.

The whole family crowded onto the large sofa in the living room, with Alice, Emma, and Ivy sitting on their mothers' laps.

The movie began, and they watched a vampire taking care of a baby. As the movie continued, new characters appeared, and more of the monster world was revealed.

Everyone paid close attention to the movie, laughing at some parts.

Damian couldn't help but be speechless when everyone, except his daughters, looked at him during the overprotective moments of Dracula.

They definitely thought Damian had drawn inspiration from the character, just like Monica, who had grown up being overly protected.

The women couldn't help their eyes turning red when Dracula's wife was revealed, and the story of their love unfolded.

Finally, the movie reached its end, when Dracula allowed his daughter to befriend a human, as her happiness was what mattered most to him.

"Daddy, can we turn into bats then?" Alice asked curiously.

"Of course, sweetheart, you just have to be a little older," Damian said, smiling as he adjusted Alice's hair.

"Daddy, is blood very important for vampires?" Emma asked curiously.

"Absolutely, darling, blood is the most... important thing," Damian trailed off, opening his eyes with surprise.

"That's it!" Damian exclaimed, standing up with an excited smile.

"Keep asking your mother questions, I'll be right back," Damian said, planting a kiss on Emma's cheek before disappearing.

Everyone fell into a surprised silence at Damian's sudden outburst.

"It seems he had a sudden inspiration," Sophia said, laughing softly.

"Mommy, what if we can be friends with humans?" Ivy asked, looking at her mother.

"If that's what you want, of course, we can," Ophelia said, smiling at her.

"Did you like the movie?" Carol asked, smiling at the girls.

All three nodded as they discussed their favorite parts.

"I wonder where he got that movie from," Ophelia said suspiciously.

"Yeah, with the games, it was something similar. It's not easy or quick to make a movie, and we know he started working on it this morning," Ana said, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"He's definitely hiding something from us," Carol agreed, nodding with suspicion.

"Come on, girls, everyone has their secrets," Sophia said, laughing.

The four women looked at her in silence because, in fact, Sophia had many secrets. There were many moments in her life that she hadn't shared.

"I don't have any secrets," Carol said thoughtfully.

"Neither do I," Ana said expressionlessly, gazing into the distance, lost in thought.

Natasha also shook her head when their gazes fell upon her.

"Well, actually, I do have one that you don't know," Ophelia said thoughtfully.

Everyone looked at her curiously, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Before I met Damian, I was part of an... organization, a terrorist organization that aimed to conquer the world," Ophelia said and looked at everyone who opened their eyes in surprise.

"You always had a villainous look about you," Natasha said, laughing softly as she remembered being captured by Ophelia.

"Well, let's not discuss these topics in front of the girls," Sophia said, ending the topic as the girls looked at them curiously.

"Alright, let's take a bath," Carol said, standing up with Alice in her arms.

Everyone nodded and headed to the large bathtub for a bath.


Damian appeared in the space with enthusiasm.

Emma's words had inspired him. Instead of engraving the enchantment into his own magic, why not engrave it into his blood?

His magic resided in his heart, but it was in something akin to a pocket dimension. So, with some effort, he introduced some blood and shaped it into a disc, starting to engrave the enchantment.

Once Damian finished writing the enchantment, the blood, and the letters glowed before transforming into a crimson magical circle the size of a CD.

The magical circle displayed various symbols and spun slowly.

Excitedly, Damian extended his hand, imagining a spell. At that moment, the magical circle appeared a few inches away from his hand, hurling a basketball-sized fireball that quickly dissipated due to the lack of oxygen.

Damian burst into laughter, finally having succeeded in creating a magical system.

Damian enchanted the magical circle to become a kind of authority in the universe. It just needed some fuel to operate. Providing mana to the circle would allow it to perform all kinds of things.

The way to become stronger with this magical system was by increasing the number of magical circles. According to Damian's predictions, the second circle would be more than twice the size of the first and would allow for greater feats.

According to this system, he was at the first level.

His theories in the magical system he had created suggested that he could only use elemental spells at the first level, more powerful elemental spells, and a bit of transmutation at the second level, and more powerful transmutation spells and a bit of conjuration at the third level.

Although Damian theorized that he could break those limits a bit.

Although the magical circle didn't solely permit those types of spells at each level, it was still a circle based on imagination. As long as it was relatively simple magic, it could still be performed at any level.

Finally, Damian decided to return. He had left his family hastily, and they might be worried. Besides, the first circle wasn't interesting enough for further experiments.

Returning to his house, he found the living room empty. Damian was about to scan with his senses when, out of curiosity, he activated his magical circle and used a spell to detect living beings.

In his mind, the locations of all the living beings in the house appeared.

Damian couldn't help but appreciate the magical circle in his hand. Now, he could consider himself a magician.

Damian couldn't help but laugh again at the mere thought.

Calming down, Damian climbed the stairs. It was getting late, and he assumed they were bathing before going to sleep.

Damian entered his room before going into the bathroom, and as he expected, they were all playing in the water.

His daughters had floaties and were adorably splashing around in the bathtub.

"Daddy!" the three girls shouted when they saw him.

Damian smiled as he crouched down by the sides of the tub to greet them.

"Where did you go in such a hurry?" Carol asked curiously. Very few things could excite Damian that much.

"I was inspired by Emma's words to finish something I had been working on," Damian happily replied.

"Oh, what were you working on?" Natasha asked curiously.

Damian gave a proud smile before activating his magic circle and transforming into a miniature version of the white dragon he had met in the alternate timeline, diving into the water.

Damian swam a few laps before resurfacing and looking at everyone.

"You can transform?" Ophelia asked, surprised.

"Cool!" the three little girls exclaimed as they kicked their legs slowly to get closer and touch him.

The four women also ran their hands over Damian's scales and couldn't help but be amazed by how real it felt.

Damian let them play for a while before returning to his human form.

"How was that? Isn't it cool?" Damian laughed proudly. It felt truly great to see his daughters' admiration.

"How did you do it?" Ophelia asked, while everyone else also looked at him with curiosity. Clearly, vampires couldn't do that unless they had a specific familiar.

"It's just magic," Damian joked.

The four women looked at him with annoyance, realizing he was evading their questions.

"Well, it's time to sleep. It's already quite late," Damian said, looking at his daughters.

The three girls pouted; they still had plenty of energy.

"Go to sleep so you can grow up and transform too," Damian laughed.

"Okay," said the three girls more convinced, imagining themselves turning into bats like in the movie.

Everyone got out of the water and started drying off. Damian helped dry his daughters before dressing them.

Once they were dressed, they all went to tuck the girls into bed. After giving them kisses and cuddles, they finally went to sleep.

When everyone returned to their room, the four women looked at Damian, waiting for explanations.

Damian didn't hold anything back and began to tell them everything. He hadn't said anything before because their daughters were present, and he didn't want them to start learning too quickly since it was still a risky process. Damian even burst into a haze of blood once.

"I created a magic system, for now, it's only for vampires," Damian said, summoning his magic circle in his hand.

"Now I could be considered a first-circle mage, but according to the system I created, one can add more circles to increase the amount of magic and enhance the power of spells," Damian explained to them.

"I just completed it today, and I will research more to create a safe way for all of you to learn," Damian said, seeing their expectant looks.

"What about those of us who aren't vampires?" Carol complained. Using magic was very useful for everyday life, like conjuring food or cleaning up their mess.

"Darling, give me time," Damian said, smiling ironically.

"Although it's really difficult in your case since all your energy is cosmic, you could say it's a superior energy to normal magic," Damian said, shaking his head slightly.

Ana and Ophelia covered their mouths to avoid laughing at Carol's dejected expression, while Natasha simply smiled ironically as she tried to console her.

"But let's see what happens in the future," Damian said, trying to cheer her up, even though he didn't have much hope himself.

"I'll make it up to you. I have a surprise for you," Damian telepathically said to Carol, who clearly became more animated, although she didn't show it too much to avoid suspicion.

"And tell me, how does magic work exactly? Do you have to chant a spell or something?" Natasha asked curiously.

"You simply use your imagination. Magic is taking a thought and turning it into reality," Damian said smiling.

"Isn't that too powerful?" Ophelia asked, surprised.

"Yes and no. If you have only one magic circle and try to do something beyond its limits, you might end up with a horrible death," Damian laughed.

"Besides, imagination also has its limits," Damian shrugged.

"Well, let's go to sleep," Damian said with a smile, seeing that the questions had come to an end.

The four women nodded before getting into bed and lying down.

They casually talked about some things that had happened during the day or things they wanted to do in the future before slowly falling asleep.

The next morning, Damian woke up and found only Ana and Carol in bed.

Natasha and Ophelia probably had things to do.

Damian looked at Carol before embracing her and whispering in her ear.

"Darling, do you want to take a bath before I tell you the surprise I have for you?" Damian asked softly.

"Is it just a bath?" Carol asked without opening her eyes.

"It can be whatever you want," Damian said, smiling slightly as he placed his hand on Carol's thighs.

Carol gave a faint smile with her eyes closed as she hugged Damian.

"Take me," Carol said.

Damian teleported them to the bathroom, apologizing to Ana in his mind for leaving her behind.

Damian quickly made their clothes disappear before entering the water.

"So, do you want to hear your surprise first or 'take a bath'?" Damian asked, smiling mischievously.

''It's a difficult decision," Carol said, smiling seductively as she ran her hands over Damian's chest and abdomen before reaching his crotch.

Carol took Damian's cock in one hand as she put another hand on his chest for support, Carol kissed Damian as her hand began to move up and down his cock.

Damian stimulated Carol's breasts with one hand while his other hand stroked her ass, always using a small amount of magic to make it pleasurable.

Carol quickly grew impatient before lifting her ass up and lining up with Damian's cock before quickly lowering herself.

Ah~ how nice,'' Carol moaned as she felt Damian's cock thrust through her.

You're especially excited today," Damian said, helping Carol up and down on his cock.

''Yes, ah~'' said Carol moaning loudly as she had her first orgasm after a few minutes.

Carol purred in bliss as she leaned against Damian still feeling him fully hard inside her.

Carol and Damian did it for a long time and both finished several times.

Carol leaned against Damian's chest with a satisfied smile.

"Now, what is the surprise?" Carol lazily asked.

"In a month, I'll let you lead an attack with 10 special soldiers," Damian said, gently caressing Carol.

"Are we attacking an extraterrestrial civilization?" Carol asked, excitedly.

"No, it's a civilization on Earth, but it's quite unique. I'll send you the data to your phone so you can take a look," Damian said, smiling slightly at her enthusiasm.

"Finally, a serious battle. Even during training, we still hold back a lot," Carol said, laughing as she stroked Damian's face.

"Your caresses don't make up for the punches you've given me," Damian said, looking at her without words.

"I love you," Carol said, giving him a kiss on the lips with a big smile.

"You know I love you too," Damian said, kissing Carol with an affectionate expression.

"Well, how about we take that bath now?" Carol said, laughing as she looked for the soap.

Damian laughed before joining her in the bath.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, the day of the attack on Savage Lands had arrived.


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