Primordial Sage: Plight of Immortality

110 – Armen’s Diary

When Illyan read to this point, he narrowed his eyes.

Just this little text gave him so much information.

Black Obsidian? Darkstone War?

Illyan felt a strong reaction in his mind.

‘The damn war has been going on for almost a millennium. Just for the sake of some mines, several races are fighting others to the death. I lost everything because of it once my parents died due to starvation caused by the prolonged war. And now, it was my time to serve in the war. I spent five years in the Obsidian’s facility, where I studied magic as a Novice Magician. The day I finally reached the first rank of Acolyte was the day I was dispatched for compulsory military service….’

‘I never understood what we were fighting for when I was younger, but now I am fully aware. Years ago, humans discovered, at the border of their biggest force called the Arkravav Empire, a mine. Not just any mine, but one that was full of minerals tainted with profound darkness. I don’t know if the higher-ups know the reason for that, but it is not important.

What is important is that because of this event in the far history, I ended up as a corpse retriever on the frontline and almost lost my life several times. The Black Obsidian was one of the organizations that was created to support the empire in the war. We are the cannon fodder that creates other cannon fodder through necromancy.’

Illyan opened his eyes wide. So, the reason why they needed so many bodies was because of war…

“Since that time, I was never the same. I was soon relocated after two years. Unfortunately, the place wasn’t that much better as I was forced to work with the Necromorphs in the ancient city of Naaza…’

‘I remember that name…’ Illyan had already heard of this city. It was the city that was mentioned during his interview for apprenticeship. A city that was forever covered in mist.

‘2 January 5387 of Oberuan Calendar

I was so stressed because of those ugly creatures that I decided I would write a diary from this moment on. Firstly, I will write down in short my biography up till now. I heard from somewhere that it was great to relieve stress...’

‘27 May 5387 of Oberuan Calendar

My luck turned there as I actually managed to obtain a small inheritance from an inscriptionist! I am so happy. While I didn’t use many magic scrolls in my life as they were damn expensive, I am happy that it is so at this moment. But I know that I am not exactly gifted and needed to choose one spell to perfect…

‘29 May 5387 of Oberuan Calendar

I chose the spell blight. It was for one simple reason. My colleague managed to buy one of grand quality. If I manage to reverse engineer that magic scroll, I would be able to live like a king. It felt a shame to kill someone I understood so well. Especially in this horrible place where most people were hostile to us. But a man had to do what he had to do…’

‘8 June 5389 of Oberuan Calendar

The work of an inscriptionist is harder than expected. Maybe if I didn’t have to reverse engineer the damn scroll, I would be already done…’

‘29 October 5393 of Oberuan Calendar

My luck is horse today. I almost died to a stage two mutant. If not for some experts quickly dispatching it from this world, the city would be demolished. Some idiots didn’t clean up the bodies which caused them to merge into this disaster. This is exactly the reason why nobody in Arkravav wants to have anything to do with this damn place. Only little slaves like me have to work while hoping that you won’t turn into a monster the next day. Fortunately, the mutagen in the mist still didn’t make any contact with me, so I am safe for now…

‘9 June 5395 of Oberuan Calendar

I finally reached rank two Acolyte. From Novice Magician to rank two Acolyte, it took me over fifteen years of the culmination of mana. It could be said to be an average result. But I am not content with it.

If I succeeded with the inscriptionist’s inheritance, I would not lack any resources and could reach the same height in less than five years. Why am I so miserable? I am still twenty-four years old, but after I reach my thirties, my body will start to deteriorate and it will become harder and harder to break through to the Magister Rank. Only then would the mana become one with the body, thus prolonging one’s lifespan by several decades…’

‘12 December 5399 of Oberuan Calendar

Finally, I was relocated again. This time, the place seems to be Vanaras Peninsula. I don’t know much about it. But I am pretty sure it is much better than shitty Naaza…’

‘15 January 5400 of Oberuan Calendar

The superior I got this time is a complete lunatic. This Aziro guy already spent twenty years in this place while hunting after some phantom enemy. However, he is a pseudo-magister, not someone I could mess with. If only I could become an inscriptionist. Even Aziro would have to fawn upon me…’

‘24 April 5401 of Oberuan Calendar

It seems that the one Aziro is going after is a dark elf. How did he get here through the Arkravav Empire? Who knows. But it seems that nobody outside this kingdom is aware of it. My guess is that he is a deserter from the war. But what is he doing here? Well, this place is called Playfield for a reason. It is not like you would destroy any precious resources by destroying the environment and nobody could retaliate here either. Maybe Ezekiel came here to experiment with something dangerous…’

Illyan quickly browsed through the entire life story of the man named Armen until he finally reached the last entry.

‘21 March 5411 of Oberuan Calendar

He is at it again. Ezekiel will probably try to disrupt the business that Aziro built with Caleb after several decades. Last time, he managed to sneak in and kill the troll we so painstakingly captured after so long a time. It was quite a blow to the business but not so much as the slaughter he caused when we came on another expedition in hopes of catching another troll.

Aziro is unwilling to call for reinforcements, probably because Ezekiel has something he desires, which Ezekiel fully understands and exploits. This time, however, Aziro created a trap that will hopefully end this. I was scared that I would need to face Ezekiel, who was as strong as a pseudo-magister, but fortunately, I got an easy job. I just need to use Mind Numbing Powder given by Aziro to put the troll to sleep once the fight begins. Does he think the troll will escape from the chains or something? There is no way that would happen. But thanks to Aziro’s paranoia, I will not need to risk my life so I am happy hahahah…’

From then on, there were no entries in the diary.

Armen thought he got the best job there but in the end, he was probably the first acolyte that died there. He was also relatively young. Forty years old was quite young in Illyan’s mind. Despite mentioning longevity in the diary, he couldn’t even reach the full potential of a mortal's lifespan.

‘Hmm…Now that I think about it. Since I am thirty-one and this year is 5411, then I was born in 5380…’

There was a lot of information to digest from this diary, but fortunately, Illyan didn’t have much problem since he could easily remember each word.

Firstly… He finally understood the situation beyond the borders of the kingdom. If he went to Arkravav Empire without knowing this, he could end up in trouble easily. Even though he probably wouldn’t be able to avoid it, he still could prepare.

He also confirmed Aziro’s and others’ objective in collecting the bodies. He thought it was for personal needs, but it seemed that the amount was big enough to support even war as the hordes of undead demolished the enemies.

There was also folded paper inside the diary full of notes about the inheritance of the Inscriptionist and Arwen’s attempts at reverse engineering the Blight Magic Scroll that Illyan was holding before.

From what Illyan understood from the descriptions, an inscriptionist was someone who could engrave a spell model onto some medium. It was mostly parchment, which then became a magic scroll. The spell also had to be permanently engraved and dissipate only when used or when the medium was destroyed to count as true Magic Scroll.

Illyan was definitely interested in this, but no joy was found in his heart as he thought about the information of Ezekiel.

‘Ezekiel… Why did you come here?’ He finally let go of Arwen's things and went to look at Ezekiel's hand and leg, which he preserved in a certain solution.

When he took the hand out, he forcibly pulled out the black rod inserted inside. The blood squirted out as the embedded rod slowly but surely slid out.

The first thing he noticed were the runes covering it. But they were different from the ones in the rods he already had. The shape difference aside, the ones that he took out from the wendigo were already faint without much energy, but this rod was fresh, and the runes were pulsating with power.

He checked with the copy of runes whether he could identify the runes. And he did with some. One of the runes was named Harmony, while the other was Empowering. The purpose was obvious


Illyan could also guess that the rods were some kind of mineral, most likely the darkstone after which the millennial war was named, from the mines that Ezekiel stole from. That also explained the darkness covering him. It was the power of these rods.

He then went into a corner where he hid the other rods and looked at their runes to compare. With the notes, he finally understood what the runes stood for.

His face hardened the moment he did so.

‘Mind Weakening Rune and Chaos Rune…’

Illyan was already suspicious before. But now?

“Ezekiel, I will end you in the most horrible way I could think of if it was really you…” Illyan muttered dazedly.

The same rods but with opposite purposes. One was to strengthen the user while the other was probably for the sake of making the user a mindless beast. There could be others who could do it, but it was improbable.

But even if it was him, Illyan would not chase after him. It could be seen as foolish since he probably had an advantage in recovery, but even so, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take out that man.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that the man overpowered him despite being quite heavily injured by Aziro in the fight before. While it didn’t seem so serious, Illyan recognized the symptoms of necrosis. The fact that Ezekiel could still fight him with such ferocity was shocking even to Illyan, who was used to such a fighting style. The difference was that Illyan knew he would easily recover.

The only reason he could land a good blow was because the man became careless. Or rather, Illyan, who managed to send out an air slash without even a bit of mana or flow, was unpredictable. Then he used the chaos to catch the tail and beat the crap out of him.

Yet the man could easily escape even though he was missing three out of six limbs.

And now, Illyan was sure the man would be prepared. And would fight in familiar terrain. Illyan didn’t know the forest around Winterfrost Town and wasn’t confident in fighting the assassin-like freak who could bisect him at the slightest mistake.

But Illyan could wait. His raid on the underground arena was extremely successful. He got the information he needed, techniques to get stronger, and even some tools.

Once he becomes strong enough, he would find the man and destroy him thoroughly…

“Ugh…” Suddenly a groan resounded in the hidden room.

Illyan, who was full of dark thoughts right now, turned his head at the man who just woke up.

His eyes shone with a cold and cruel glint.

“I almost forgot… I still have one technique to obtain.”

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