Primordial Sage: Plight of Immortality

13 – Arrival

2 Months Later.

"Soon we will reach The Kennera Lake where we will be staying for a few years. That means your real training will also start. You already recovered from the malnourishment and the muscle atrophy so Degres plans to full time teach you. Although your foundation is still a little off it is getting better. Your body is already two times stronger than that of a child of the same age which is admirable but not uncommon. The most important part is to learn how to use that strength efficiently. You are now just slightly better than our toddlers when it comes to moving the body right ha ha!" Kaoran laughed as he made fun of Stone who looked at him with a deadpan expression. Kaoran felt slightly awkward seeing that but he chose to ignore it and continued.


"Furthermore, from my examination of you, I found out that one of the reasons why your body foundation is damaged is because of the absurd amount of undigested herbal essence stored inside of you! I don't know what you did that you absorbed so much of it but your body is full of that. Unfortunately, many herbs have conflict with themselves and cause problems inside of your body. Without your regeneration, it would be a serious problem.

But even with this it only solves symptoms and not the source of the problem. So during the way I recently concocted this medicinal paste for you. It is made from Fetav herb which will help you to absorb all of that essence. It won't be a problem for you then as long as you absorb it all." concluded Kaoran.

"Huh..? Isn't Fetav a poisonous herb which causes extreme pain ?" asked Stone who squinted his eyes as he looked at the old man.

Kaoran was surprised. He didn't know that the boy would know about this kind of herb at such a tender age. He thought that Stone wasn't knowledgeable about herbs since he was full of their unabsorbed essences that conflicted with each other. No one knowledgeable would do that.

What he didn't know is that Stone didn't eat any of those herbs but the monster that ate him did. All animals, this monster included, instinctively eat herbs with strong essences even if they are normally carnivorous. Those herbs usually help them to grow more optimally and bring them many other benefits like heightened immunity or regeneration.

This monster was the same and actually ate even more herbs than others of its kind. That was since Stone's existence was tormenting it from inside that it tried to eat all kinds of herbs, even poisonous, to get rid of the problem.

The herbs in the following manner melted and were then washed away into the small intestine where it was digested. But not all of the essence got there as some were absorbed by Stone whose pores, skin, muscles, bones, and other body parts were constantly stimulated by gastric juice making it easier for essence to seep in.

That is also the same reason for Stone's extraordinary strength. His body was melted and regenerated in cycles for years making him much stronger. Actually not only his muscle power but all other body parts too. His organs which were melted through Stone's mouth were strengthened, his bones, joints, tendons, eyes, tongue, inner ears, the olfactory receptors inside the nose, etc.

All of that was refined making his entire body much stronger and tougher. His five senses should be also much stronger than a normal person's. The reason why he still didn't realize it was because of his malnourishment and muscle atrophy which despite the body refinement still happened as the lack of nourishment and use of some muscles was still a big problem.

Now he can already feel the strength of his body but it still isn't the peak of its potential since the herbal essence inside him is wreaking havoc.

"Yes, that herb is poisonous but not lethal. The pain will stimulate your body to absorb all that essence properly and make some of the conflicting ones merge perfectly," explained Kaoran and then asked. "How do you know about that herb? That herb is rare and not known that much."

"Oh well I studied herbology when I was smaller" shrugged Stone.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me? This is great! There are not many people here in Valas who know their ways with herbs. And those who know are usually old farts like me who are shamans of their tribes." Kaoran was ranting with excitement.

"You didn't ask." said curtly Stone. But he couldn't hide the flash of sadness covering his eyes. Herbalism reminded him of his childhood.

Kaoran inwardly sighed when he saw Stone like this. During those two months he spent with him, Kaoran came to know him much more in-depth. He knew that Stone was a good boy but the experiences changed even the most benevolent. He saw how the boy was almost burned to death, alive only thanks to his gift. But Kaoran doesn't think this is all there is to Stone. How did he get here to Valas from Vanaras kingdom? And why was it the same day those weird unnatural monsters came? Kaoran had some theories but no conclusion. Clearly, he didn't plan to ask Stone as this trauma seems to be too deep. The fact he didn't turn into a maniac similar to the Hearas clan is already a miracle. Who knows if there was already a seed of madness inside his small head?

"Well in that case how about you continue to learn under me? I can't say that I am a full-fledged master herbalist like those who dedicate their life to it but I am damn sure I am one of the best, hehe. Furthermore, herbology is the only thing Shamans can do. If you choose to learn the shamanic path I will be able to teach profound ways of spirits, divination, rituals, medicine, and many more things! Are you interested ?" asked Kaoran as he fondled his beard while waiting for the answer.

Stone was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that a simple question about the herb could make the conversation turn in this direction. While he was conflicted he also felt a rush of excitement. Ever since he met old Meddie all those years ago he found out about his passion for learning new things, hearing about mysteries, magic, and whatnot. He was already learning the Theras language and his progress was really astounding. He took a few seconds to decide before saying with slight excitement in his eyes:

"Yes, I am interested."

"Hehe, in that case, I am delighted. Once you absorb all that herb essence you will start training with Degres in the first half of the day and learn with me the second one. It is decided." Kaoran clapped delightfully as he laughed not caring that the chief of the tribe who was really looking forward to this training would have the time for it cut in half.


Slowly but surely they got closer and closer to their destination. The journey was long and arduous for Stone who wasn't used to this but he enjoyed the peace of mind he got now. What he doesn't know is that the bubble of peace will burst once he starts training in earnest and starts hunting to get his own food.

But for now, he enjoyed the fresh wind as he looked forward at the hidden valley where he would live from now on. The valley was covered by snow even more than the plain outside but it seemed that it started to melt to a certain extent. Many old trees were growing here with nature looking untouched. He even saw a frozen waterfall and river in the distance slowly melting As he looked he noticed one thing that was a little off.

"Old man, where is the lake you talked about ?" asked confused Stone. Kaoran looked back at him as he laughed happily.

"Who said the lake will be outside to be seen haha?" Kaoran laughed as this confusion was happening every time the tribe came here again." Do you see that waterfall? Behind it is a very deep cave. If you go till the end you will find the Kennera lake! Amazing right? Furthermore, this lake isn't just a normal one you can see anywhere else. It is full of Cold Energy which remains here after every cycle of Grand Northern Icebergs melting little by little." concluded Kaoran.

"Cold Energy? What's that? I have never heard about it." Stone was curious as he never heard of that.
"Silly boy, this world is too big and there are so many things you, me, or any other person in this world have never seen or knew about. It is really a wonder how many things are unknown to us. The ancestors of the Bakur Tribe found out about Kennera Lake thousands of years ago and ever since we always travel here when the coldness is at a bearable level and leave when it becomes unbearable creating a cycle of us traveling here every few years. As for your question, it is what it is called. The energy with a trait of coldness. This energy is very unique as natural cold is just a lack of heat. We found many uses for it ever since we found this lake. The most important is using it to reinforce our metals which made them better than others in Valas and to refine our bodies with it. It makes us tougher, has a much higher resistance to cold, and much more! We will use it after a few days, together with other kids who will baptize themselves, to help you absorb the herb essence since the Cold Energy will also stimulate your body." Kaoran finished talking about Cold Energy and changed the subject.

"Now we need to settle in the valley. Since we needed to get away from that snowstorm we didn't have the time to procure more of the clothes and your own tent. Now we have the time and you will need them so I will buy some from others. It shouldn't be a problem."

"Wait, since you could buy it since the beginning why wait until now?" asked Stone who was uncomfortable and itchy from wearing the same fur for 2 months.

"Well, we were escaping from the snowstorm. It was hectic and as for the tent, it was better to be with me for the time being. Being alone will just eat you away. But now that you are already better and you will start the 'real' training the only thing you will do in the tent is sleep ha ha!" concluded Kaoran. What he said was half truth half lie. It was really hectic at that time and Stone also didn't need the tent for himself as being alone after that horrible experience would just break him. Furthermore, he was already used to living in an even smaller place with many more people so he didn't mind. On the other hand, the clothes were easy to get as many women of the tribe had spare clothes for their children. Even if it wouldn't suit Stone perfectly it would be fine for the current him.

The real reason for Kaoran or even Degres not getting him new clothes was... They simply forgot. Kaoran already isn't the youngest around and isn't as attentive as he was once. Degres on the other hand wasn't one to be known as attentive despite being much younger than Kaoran. He was the responsible leader but else he was just a battle junkie. But the most important reason was that Stone was simply too quiet and didn't complain about anything.

He never was very outspoken and it took him time to get used to the people. They simply didn't think about his clothes problem as they too were used to wearing clothes for even much longer time back in the past. After all, even they experienced very bad times. Wars, arson, theft, and other things were the norm in this world. Stone not complaining meant that his mind was strong enough and they did not need to think about it.

"All right then." Stone who didn't know about anything of this just nodded as he watched the valley with rapt attention. They finally got to its center. Others already got off from their wolfs and started to lay a camp. This time it wasn't just a temporary one though as they would stay here for a long time. There are even some abandoned cottages from years ago that are just a little unmaintained and some of their roofs collapsed from the amount of the snow but little repairing would solve this problem.

Still, most of the tribe members used their tents as the cottages were usually for those in a higher hierarchy like Degres and Kaoran. Still, this time the tents are pitched carefully in good places since they won't dismantle them in a long time.

Stone was curious as he started to help Kaoran pitch his tent despite him taking most of his things into one of the cottages. It seemed to be farther from other cottages but in truth it was right in the center of the valley. Other shelters made a kind of circular formation around it from a considerable distance. It also looked the best implying that it belongs to the highest standing member of the tribe. A Grand Shaman.

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