Primordial Sage: Plight of Immortality

2 – Trying to Survive

  When Little Stone woke up the next day it was still dark outside. He rubbed his eyes and got up from bed. His brothers were still sleeping as they were too tired from yesterday. Yet the only thing Little Stone felt at the moment was hunger.

They didn't eat yesterday as they were too tired for that. Unfortunately, even during normal days, there was not much to eat and they usually ate only once or twice a day. Their reserves for the winter are almost used up and now they must produce new food. As they are serfs they can't go hunting without permission and even if they did they don't know how. If worst comes to worst they will need to slaughter their livestock to eat.

There is a need to mention that they own only 5 chickens, 1 rooster, 2 sheep, 1 lamb, and one dairy cow. For one serf it is quite good but if they slaughter even one of the livestock that they are not meant to use for meat, their future will be even more bleak. Some of the villagers already slaughtered their livestock to survive but that is only a short-term solution. Now their only hope their harvest this year will be abundant or they will die next winter.

The problem is that the weather has been getting worse and worse in recent years and brothers noticed it too. That is why they keep fasting hoping that during spring they will be able to produce enough food.

Unfortunately, the soil in the fields hasn't thaw yet and is still frozen which means they still can't cultivate it.
So the only solution would be bartering with others to get some food. The village doesn't use the currency of the kingdom they were part of as they are in such a remote place that the currency doesn't have a way to flow in this place. Merchants seldom visit this place and tax collectors visit this place only once a decade where they take taxes in the form of crops, livestock, or even human labor if certain households cannot pay the taxes.

Brothers had a surplus of clothes and clothing, that their mother created with the sheep's wool and had them saved up for worse times so they could exchange it during times like this. Though as mentioned before their family isn't welcomed very much among the locals so they always suffer a loss in those exchanges.

However, 3 winters ago the village got a new inhabitant who seemed to be from far south. They didn't know why would such an old lady travel to this place but they knew that here she was the most well-off person. She was a herbalist who was very skilled in her job. She even managed to create a kind of medicine that managed to reduce symptoms of the 'Bird's Perdition' this year. Otherwise, most likely entire village would disappear.

She was very kind and sold the medicine at a reasonable price that everyone could buy. Even 3 brothers bought the medicine from her although it was unfortunately not enough to save their parents.

Moreover, she wasn't hostile to the Little Stone. She even said he is special but not uncommon as people like him are numerous in the South. The old lady liked to tell stories about the place she came from. It sounded so fantastic many villagers loved to hear these stories as it was one of the few entertainments they could have here.

Of course, the most important reason why many come to her often is that she is willing to give tips regarding herbs. They may not care about learning medicine but getting to know that the weed they always threw away was edible and nutritious was information that could change their life and death.

As such many villagers send their children to exchange their goods with her so she can teach them something new. Unfortunately, not every child appreciates this kind of opportunity. Some do not have the maturity or education to understand the weight of the situation and adults usually work the entire day so the family can survive. That is the reason most of them only learned the bare minimum.

Fortunately or unfortunately Little Stone had always spent time with his family as everyone else disregarded him and that made him a little reclusive and much less communicative than other children his age.

When he found out that she didn't dislike him and was willing to talk to him his joy was unmeasurable. He started to visit her regularly almost every day and listened to her stories while learning herbalism from her. She was the one who ignited his adventurous spirit and his thirst to learn new things. Things even came to the point that he started to see her as his grandma.

Little Stone reminisced about it and knew it would be a good idea to visit her today as he wanted to escape reality at least for one day. As he was mature for his age he fully understood what was happening around him all the time and ironically that's what took a toll on his young mind the most.

As he waited in silence the sun slowly started to shine its first rays of light at the village. The roosters of all villagers started to crow starting off the new day.

Second to wake up after 'Little Stone' was Evan as he yawned, rubbed his eyes, and got up immediately while greeting his youngest brother. "Good morning"

"Good morning big bro," said 'Little Stone' then he looked at Olen.

Olen was still in the 'bed' rolling not wanting to get up as his entire body was sore.

"Damn that cock. I swear I will roast him one day..." mumbled Olen as he rubbed his eyes.

"Say what you want Olen but be aware that if you try something with our livestock I will kick your ass," Evan said as he squinted his eyes at Olen.

"Come on, big bro. I was just mumbling nonsense." Olen rolled his eyes.

"Well then, let's not waste our time and get to work. Before that, we will eat breakfast. Unfortunately, it won't be much." said Evan as he disregarded Olen's response.

Meanwhile 'Little Stone' quietly watched them while sitting on a wooden chair. He waited for them during the time they slept until they woke up. Even if he wanted to do something he couldn't see in the dark.

When they were all seated at the table, Evan brought a big bowl with porridge and three wooden spoons. As they ate from the same bowl, Evan said:

"Little Stone are you going to the old Meddie's house today? I know you probably want to go out after yesterday so don't forget to take some clothes to exchange for some dried herbs. Our food stock is thinning. She will surely not refuse you as she can get those herbs easily and most of the exchanged clothes we gave her last time she presented to other villagers. I don't understand her passion for others but since she wants to supply others then why not? Unfortunately, even with the surplus of our clothes we had there is almost nothing left already... That's why learning herbalism is so important. Do you understand 'Little Stone' ?"

"Yes, big brother." said 'Little Stone' as he finished eating not content. He was still hungry. In truth, he didn't remember when or even if he was ever full in his short life.
Olen who listened only half-heartedly as he was still sleepy also finished the food while patting his tummy.

"Then I go. I will come back as soon as I can," said Little Stone as he hopped down from the chair, dressed with the help of Evan, then took the clothing and left for the hut at the end of the village closer to the forest.
While he went slowly the world around him was already lively as other villagers started to work too. Little Stone didn't look around much as he knew they would glare at him more when he did so and hurried up.

Ten minutes later when he got to the edge of the village he saw her house. It was much better than the cottages of other people and had the same quality as the village head's house. The walls were made from stone and the roof was made from clay tiles. The little but cozy house even had a chimney that even knew had the smoke coming out of it.

She had very much firewood as many of the villagers used it to exchange for something. Old Meddie was an herbalist and as as such she often needed to boil all kinds of herbs together. For that, a fire was needed. So the more firewood she gets the more medicine the entire village can use in the future. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

As 'Little Stone' got close to the house he started banging the door a little and said in a loud voice:

"Granny Meddie, it's me Stone, can I get inside ?"

Then he waited until he heard a low but kind voice: "Come in my child..."


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