Primordial Sage: Plight of Immortality

29 – Meager Loot

Since the enemies used mostly spears it was a little hard to get closer to them but with the shield and precise movements, Stone always managed in several exchanges to deal a heavy wound to the enemy or at least destroy their weapon.

Of course, with a spear, it would be easier but the convenience of bringing two meters long weapon on this kind of mission was foolish. But he didn't care since this was a good kind of training. The only thing he needed to be aware of... Was not hurt by their weapons or he wouldn't be able to sleep in the next few days with a peaceful mind.

Unfortunately, that was harder than said since he fought more enemies at the same time and some of them were shooting the arrows at him. He didn't know if the arrows were also 'tainted' but he didn't want to find out this way! Furthermore, arrows are a pain in the ass even without them for him.

He got hit a few times by an arrow during this time and it wasn't pleasant. And why wouldn't it when his regeneration makes it ten times harder to get the arrowheads out of the wound? Even better is when the arrow shaft gets broken and the flesh gets completely regenerated with the arrowhead still inside.

Not once did he need to use the dagger to take it out. It was to the point that he started to train with Kaoran how to control the tempo of his regeneration. He already could instinctively speed it up but slowing it down was the real challenge. Obviously, he didn't want to always injure himself to train it so he trained on his body parts that would always grow up rapidly and it won't hurt him.

Those were hairs and nails. Both of them have been inconvenient for Stone ever since he was small. After relentless training, he could feel he could slow it down a little and the same was true for his regeneration of body. It was not nearly enough for him to get rid of his relentlessly growing body parts but enough to take out the arrow right after he was hit if he could make it.

But he already accepted his long hair and nails as a part of his. His long hair which made even the princes and princesses to shame made him realize how important hygiene is and how comfortable it was. Now after baptism, he could even use his strengthened hair for all kinds of things. For example, he could easily create bowstrings from them and sell them to others.

On the other hand, his nails which always turned grotesquely curly when growing to some point were now after baptism mostly straight and were only slightly curved just like the claws of predators. With how tough they are he could easily use them as weapons when disarmed. Of course, he was still trimming them since they get in the way when doing other things. Stone wondered if he could learn how to reverse their growth in the future. Just like cats can retract their claws.

Barely dodging the arrow passing next to his ear Stone tensed his lower body and charged at the enemy before him. Instead of blocking the spear thrust with a shield he used the ax and redirected it. Then he swung the shield with his full strength and bashed the enemy's skull.

His wail echoed throughout the forest alongside other wails and war cries. Once he fell he couldn't recognize the sky from the ground and couldn't get up.

Stone who wanted to end him though had to crouch to evade another arrow. So instead he looked at one of the archers and with a deep cry threw his axe. The archer who was still waiting for another opportunity widened his eyes he didn't expect that the enemy would throw his weapon at this point.

Deflecting the axe with the bow he managed to survive somehow but was injured and the bow got destroyed. Because of that he, without any hesitation, turned around and ran away.

Stone clicked his tongue and continued to fight. Once he came to the fallen enemy, he bashed his head once again and this time caved his skull.

With this savage execution, the enemies around feared to get closer. But other places also weren't good for them since other team members were even stronger than Stone and already slaughtered most of their enemies. In the end, most of them choose to turn around and flee in different directions hoping for a chance of survival.

Unfortunately, they didn't know this was what the team wanted. Some of them even sneered at this sight.


Everyone, except Stone, whistled and then waited. In the next few seconds, the second round of slaughter began as growls, tearing flesh, and wails were heard from further away.

Bakur Tribe's wolves could be extremely dangerous if given the right opportunity. Of course, they are mostly used during hunting and for traveling since human enemies can be cunning and easily slay them. That is why they are mostly used against the fleeing 'prey'.

Once the wails ended, the resting members went to check if there were still some escapees. Fortunately, there weren't and everyone fell under the claws and fangs of the Bakur Wolves.

Not even one wolf was scratched during the attack making the team unburdened from having another problem. And since Stone is the healer, it would fall on his shoulders to do it. Unfortunately the same can be said for the team members.

"Fuck. Kill me, that bastard injured my arm." One of them got injured when three of them attacked him at once and got an ugly gash on his hand. Nothing serious but still uncomfortable when knowing what they use on their weapons.

So Stone only rolled his eyes and went to treat him. That alone took a few minutes during which others hid their tracks and looted everything the enemy had. Except for the weapons. They didn't want to touch them.

"Hm, they have some seeds here! That's a good haul, isn't it ?"

"They have quite a lot of high-quality animal pelts too."

"Tsk. I found just some blue feathers. They are gorgeous though."

Stone, who finished, waited for them to loot everything. The wolves around also got closer with their beautiful fur stained with blood looking ominous.

"Now, let's return. Since you already reported what you got we will distribute it in the camp."

Soon after they left the forest. Unfortunately, sleds were too conspicuous so they didn't bring them. On the other hand, they straddled their wolves with Stone behind the leader. This was possible only because of their enormous size which Urchin' Hunter didn't have.

But this was necessary for quick travel since the snow was to their knees in the open where trees don't grow. Without the snowshoes, their feet would get stuck but with them team's maneuverability would disappear and everything would be highly inconvenient.

Thus climbing the trees in the forest and riding wolves on the plains was the best way to get across distances. Bakur Wolves with their height don't have a problem with snow and can jump long distances when needed which made Bakur Tribe feared in the vicinity.

Of course, some tribes also rear their war animals but without, albeit incomplete, Shaman Legacy, the animals they reared could be said to be the same as the wild ones.

On the other hand, Bakur wolves could be said to be much stronger and more intelligent than the wolves they were originally reared from. Stone knew that in the past Bakur used to implant the spiritual seed into the first generation of wolves which made them more spiritually intelligent and more prone to obedience. It wasn't that potent but with rearing from birth, there was no problem. Together with feeding them with a kind of medicinal blend that strengthened them in the long term, they got stronger after dozens of generations.

Stone found out about this just recently so he asked Kaoran for the medicinal blend if he could use it. But the answer was disappointing. It could be used on humans too but it would nourish the body simply by a negligible amount and would take decades for little progress.

Moreover, those ingredients are edible and could be eaten as normal food so during this period of time they stopped to create those blends even on the wolves.

Despite that Kaoran taught him how to create it for the future saying that Stone will definitively see the progress. Stone didn't understand since he didn't plan to waste away his time with this but the shaman was always a little eccentric in his mind so he didn't care.

Once they got close to the valley they made sure nobody saw them before going in. The valley now was completely hidden and without knowing beforehand it would be hard to find it. Even after knowing it, there would still be problems getting in as the winter ice turned it into a hidden fortress. Or prison from a different perspective.

Soon they got to the borders where they were welcomed by the warm wind of the Totem. Bodies of the team members finally relaxed. They were home.

"Let's distribute the things we got since we are here." Leader signaled to those who held something from the loot and gathered it on one pile.

Stone who got off Misty Bear's wolf said out loudly.

"If possible I would like some of those feathers and seeds."

Others were surprised when they heard this. Normally Stone didn't care about his cut of loot and let others do what they wanted. But now it was different.

"No wonder, you want seeds since you are our farmer, heh." One of the members said with a slightly mocking tone while the second one snickered.

Stone knew that while some accepted him in the tribe there would be still someone who wouldn't. Not that he cared about them. He realized by this point in time that those who need to mock someone to feel better are not worth it to get angry over. Of course, this was only if they were not planning to do anything beyond verbal mocking.

"Stone, you want those feathers? They don't look like something precious..." Misty Bear who also ignored them asked Stone.

"No problem, it's the shamanistic thing." Said Stone curtly.

Misty Bear nodded as he handed him most of those feathers and seeds. Others clicked their tongues seeing this.

"You always help in scouting and healing so this kind of portion is just fine." then he turned to others and started to distribute the rest.

Stone, also satisfied, turned around and went to camp. Usually, there were not many things that could arouse his interest in those loots. It was mainly because those tribes were dirt poor. He didn't care since he thought of this as training. Fighting, healing, scouting. Every day he used all of his abilities and took them to their limits.

The reason why the responsibility fell on Stone's lap was because of his abnormal senses. With those senses was much easier for him to hear or see people from a distance nobody else could. Misty Bear noticed this and taught him the basic things scouts and trackers should know.

As Stone went throughout the camp he saw all kinds of new fields filling the space. Those fields were not there before but now there was no other choice but to keep up with food consumption. They needed to grow only things that grow quite quickly else there would be no food in the future. Fortunately thanks to Totem's protection, most of the herbs.

Seeing this Stone nodded to himself with satisfaction. While not good at cultivating the land, he had at least little knowledge and could help Kaoran with some tips and tricks. With his origin as the son of the farmer, it was obvious he knew at least little.

But it was still hard to grow anything here since even with the Totem's warm wind the place was too frigid. It felt warm to others simply because the outside was even colder.

Soon Stone's feet took him towards the tent of the Kaoran. During the day Kaoran always stayed in his tent unless something big happened so Stone didn't bother to look anywhere else.

Once he got closer he announced his arrival and entered inside...

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