Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Chapter 28 - 28 – Naming the Pup.

Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28 – Naming the Pup.

"I think I get it."

Alex suddenly spoke while caressing the head of the little pup in his hands.

Alex, Alice, and Ann were in a car moving towards the guild when Alex suddenly spoke garnering both Alice and Ann's attention.

"What do you mean?" Alice who was sitting beside him in the back seat asked and looked at him curiously while Ann also raised a brow with her ears perked. She was driving the car, so, she couldn't just turn around after all.

"I thought of a perfect name for her," Alex said with a smile, and as if she could understand it the pup looked at him with shining eyes and a wagging tail.

"What is it?" Alice asked now completely focusing on Alex's next words, and so did Ann and the pup.

[WAIT!!!!!-] Before Sophia could say that Alex had already spoken, she realized it was already too late.

"Noctura," Alex spoke looking into the pup's eyes, but then his expression paused for a millisecond.

"The name that defines your existence will be Noctura," Alex spoke again, though this time his voice changed it became majestic along with his expression that showed tranquillity which surprised both Alice and Ann.

Then they saw something even more amazing, they saw the pup who is now Noctura levitating in the air with a bright golden color covering her body. Ann quickly stopped the car and looked at the scene in wonder, and then they saw Alex raise his hand and press it on Noctura's head.

"Noctura," His majestic voice resounded through the whole world, even Gaia trembled and flowers bloomed on the whole planet as if acknowledging something.

Alice and Ann were stunned in their places as they saw Alex's suppressed charm was broken and the air around him had turned majestic and ancient, but they also felt the urge to kneel in front of him and pray to him.

Alex's suppression of his bloodlines was broken at this moment so his bloodlines pressured both Alice and Ann, however, because of something majestic and ancient the bloodlines were a lot tamer, not free, or Alice and Ann would not be able to stay on their feet.

This continued for 2-3 seconds and then the air around Alex returned to normal breaking Alice and Ann out of their stupor.

They hurriedly steadied their breathing, even without realizing they were breathing very fast while their backs were covered in sweat, they then turned to Alex with apprehensive looks on their faces.

"Arghh." Alex groaned while holding his head, this caused the apprehension in the girl's eyes to vanish in a flash and they became worried.

"Are you alright?" x2

Both of them asked at the same time, while Alice who was just next to him moved closer and held his shoulder gently.

"I am fine," Alex spoke and smiled reassuringly while groaning inside.

His smile caused the girls to calm down and they also realized that the Alex they knew was back. Then their attention was attracted to Noctura, she had a profound golden circular symbol in between her brows but it was slowly being absorbed in her fur.

When the girls observed the changes in Noctura, Alex suddenly felt a warm wave wash over his head, and all the pain he felt subsided.

'What happened just now?' Alex asked Sophia since her shout was the last thing he heard before his body moved on its own.

[.... I can't tell you that.] Sophia said in a dejected tone. First, she failed to fulfill her only objective which was to protect Alex from any harm's way and now she couldn't even tell him the reason because of the restrictions.

'It's not your fault.' Alex sighed, he knew Sophia was also just as helpless as him, but these restrictions were starting to frustrate him now.

'Can you at least tell why it happened?' Alex asked while he also observed the changes in Noctura, her fur had become darker while her light blue eyes had turned electric blue with some intelligence in them.

He knew it had something to do with him naming her, but he wanted to see if he could get some details from Sophia.

[The name you gave her was not just a simple name granting. If it was someone else then it wouldn't have happened, but if you grant someone a name then every timeline would bear witness to it along with your surroundings.]

Sophia explained but her voice was still down as she knew she had made a mistake.

'So, nature and the world were the additional witnesses, right?' Alex asked even though he already understood.


By now Alice and Ann were done observing Noctura and looking at Alex who had returned to normal and had a contemplating expression, Alice spoke.

"What happened just now?" Alice asked as she felt chills just thinking about the moment, Ann was the same, as for Noctura?

Well, she was probably eating something delicious in her dream from the way her small mouth was making a chewing motion in sleep while her fluffy tail jumped here and there.

"You tell me," Alex sighed with a helpless expression, though he was still thinking if there was a way to remove the restriction other than increasing power. Then he sighed again as his body, heart, and mind, every one of them pointed him not to do that.

"You don't know?" Ann asked in bewilderment and Alex just shook his head with a sigh of resignation, but Alice was in deep thought as she recalled how Alex had told her that he didn't remember his past life.

Maybe this phenomenon had something to do with his past life, he just doesn't remember what it was, or he remembered something he doesn't want to talk about, but she also realized one thing; Alex in his past life was much stronger than she could think of.

"You are really fine, right?" Alice asked, trying to change the subject as she saw Ann was about to ask something again.

Alex smiled internally as he understood what Alice was trying to do, but Ann again looked at Alex in worry seemingly forgetting about anything else.

"Yes, I am fine," Alex spoke with a gentle and reassuring smile while his hand moved to Alice's head, patting her. "Good," Alice said in a low voice as she looked down with a blush. Ann just smiled looking at the two of them, she adjusted her position, got the car started, and continued on the road.

She felt that she was uselessly trying to dig for information from Alex, he was not someone who would want anything bad for them as for what happened she knew that he would tell them if he thought the time was right, though it would happen if he himself knew something.

However, none of them knew about the changes that had been caused because of Alex's simple action.

If something this big happens, it is obvious that it would be noticed by many people even if we leave the entities out of this world, some people in this world could feel that something has happened even though they didn't know what it was.

Even though Alex's voice had echoed through the world, none of the humans were able to hear it other than Alice and Ann, or maybe that voice was not simply intended for them to hear.

One person, in particular, noticed something more than any other person, though his reaction was anything but positive.


Inside a dark hall, the sound of glass shattering was heard.

"What?!?!" A man exclaimed with disbelief evident in his voice as he stood up from the throne-like structure he was sitting on.

The man's features could not be seen due to the darkness of the room but by the way the mana around him was riling up because of his unstable emotions, it was clear that he was very strong.

The man started pacing around with worry, frustration, and disbelief.

"No, just doing that would not have caused anything this drastic." He spoke with a solemn voice but there was a little unsurety in his voice.

"..." A long silence followed after that.

"I know that as well!!! You don't need to remind me!!!" He spoke with some anger while he looked at a space beside the throne as if he could see someone.

"..." Other than the man's deep breath, nothing else was heard in the room.

"Sorry, I wasn't able to control myself." The man sighed and rubbed his head in frustration, he didn't like it when things went out of his calculations.

"Sigh... Yeah, maybe I am just overthinking things." He just sighed and shrugged in resignation, though in the corner of his mind, he was scared of being correct.

He just sat back on the throne-like seat trying to suppress the rising unease in his heart.


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