Princess Fox

Chapter 50 – Comforted

“Haha… ha…” Everyone in the room eyed me with concern as I stared into empty space. “What a crazy coincidence right? Same family name, same location… even the people in the photos were familiar.”

“Aster… I know you aren’t that dense.”

“Haha… I have no idea what you are talking about. There’s no way my parents were secretly supervillains this whole time!”

Fern gave me a one-armed hug and pulled me closer. The others simply gave each other pained looks.

“I mean… Sure, they were not the greatest of parents. Some would even say they were pretty damn awful. But supervillains? Not just that, but part of the most infamous supervillain group in the world? Hah. Ha…”

Fern said nothing, instead deciding to stroke my hair. Nobody spoke up for a while.

“It explains so much,” I whispered. “All these shady ‘uncles’ always hanging at our home… The locked room I wasn’t allowed in… which was probably an armory or secret planning room or whatever…” I let out a sigh. “I really am a dense idiot, aren’t I?”

“Haven’t we already established that?” Troy asked.

Miranda slapped his head as a reward.

“I mean, is this really such a bad thing?” Troy spoke up again.

“What are you talking about?” Miranda frowned at him.

“Well, you said you didn’t wanna go to that reunion or whatever, so now, you don’t have to!” Troy put a grin on his stupid face.

“What do you mean I don’t have to! They probably know I’m a hero now! That’s why they demanded I come back for that reunion! And if I don’t come, they’ll come for me!” I shouted him down.

“Uh… But if we attack them before that and wipe them out, then they won’t…?” he half-asked.

I wanted to punch his face and then scream in it.


But decided to deflate on the couch instead.

Honestly, the vindictive part of me felt great, knowing these jerks would get their just desserts. But another part of me felt like I was running away, trying to avoid that reunion.

“I don’t want to go to that reunion. But I feel like I should. Like… I don’t know. It’s some part of my past I have to face… and stuff, you know?”

Troy stared at me.

“Whoa… getting philosophical. Are you really the Aster I know?”

Another bop to the head by his sister, and a bonus middle finger from me.

“Look, Aster,” Kelly began. “Troy has a point. Even if you feel like you should face them, you still don’t need to go to some reunion dictated by them. You can face them on your terms!”

Huh, hadn’t thought about that.

“In other words… During the strike?” Miranda raised her eyebrow.

“Exactly! We are in charge of scouting, and later distraction, so it might be the perfect chance to talk to them then.”

I frowned.

“What… Like… Talking to them would be the distraction?”

Kelly shrugged. “Maybe. Either way, it would be on your terms. To show them they can’t command you around like in the old days. Don’t you think that’s better?”


I did feel better in a way. Even though part of me was still screaming at me I should just do whatever they say as always.



“You know what? You’re right!” I stood up, renewed with energy. “I’m not the same loser they threw out of their house from back then! I’m a superhero!” I raised my fist high. “They ain’t got nothing on me now!”

“Now that’s the Aster I know. Completely disregarding everything and stomping her way over to what she wants.” Troy nodded in satisfaction, this time without getting his head smacked.

“Yeah, screw them! I bet they just want me because of my power anyway! I’ll show them what it means to mistreat Princess Fox!” I shouted.

“... What does it mean?” Troy asked.

I put on the most predatory grin I could muster as I looked at him.

“Cute,” Fern whispered with a smile.

“I have no idea! But I’m sure whatever my power has in store will make them rue the day!”

“Sooo, your plan is to luck your way to victory as always?” Miranda quirked her eyebrow.

“Of course! A true hero wins even without a plan!” I stated.

“You do know that your power decided to take a break the other day, right? What if it happens again?”

“Uh…” I hadn’t thought about that. “That… I… Don’t worry! I bet my power already prepared ways to deal with all my problems even if it's planning on taking a vacation again!”

Troy snorted. “What, do you expect some team of magical girls to swoop in and rescue you?” He shook his head. “I mean your power is quite bullshit, but come on now!”

“Hah, imagine that.” Miranda chuckled. “Anyway, we should probably go over the plan. We might be under the protection of our almighty fox and her magical girls, but you never know.” She grinned at me.

“Right.” Fern nodded. “Well, we have a basic outline given to us by Tess, and Michael wanted to brush up the details. We should probably wait for him though.”

A round of nods.

“Where is he, anyway? It’s unlike the proud and serious Fractal to be late to a meeting,” Troy asked.

To that, Kelly giggled. Everyone turned to her.

“Oh, he’s a bit busy with something. Don’t worry, he should be here soon.”

“Busy? With what? Is he working on a new machine?” I inquired.

“Mmm, he told me to keep it secret for now. But don’t worry, you’ll find out soon.” She winked at us.

The heck? A secret? What was this about? And why did Kelly know about it of all people?

“What, is he on a date or something?” Troy asked.

Kelly only continued grinning.

The heck?


On a date?


Good morning! (or afternoon/evening/night whatever time it is for you) I hope you are doing great and thanks for reading! Obligatory patreon link here.

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