Private Wife

Chapter 17


When the word “fight” appeared, the warm feeling in his heart slowly brewed a great wine. He quietly tasted, slowly imagined, imagined that in the future life, a woman named Han Xifan would spend with him. Twilight and dusk walk through every scene of life together. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

This kind of brewing and imagination made him feel happy, so the plan in his mind was formed, so he was good at planning and began to calculate his siblings.

Weak, then looked out the window… I hope my second brother won’t let him wait too long.

Probably not. When the pawnshop received the jade pendant, he would send it to Mr. Liu as soon as possible. According to his ability, it would only take a few days to dig out the second brother.

That’s right, he opened the pawnshop, and he opened nearly 500 pawnshops in Da Zhao.

Operating a **** shop is naturally to make money, but few emperors would think of this. The purpose of opening a **** shop at the beginning was not to make money, but to take a gamble.

At that time, he had a dispute with the prince. The prince believed that to understand the people’s livelihood of the Li people, restaurants should be opened. A prosperous business means that the people have enough food and clothing. The things are pawned outside.

At that time, he was very young and only for verbal disputes, he really opened a Leli pawnshop. Mr. Liu was so capable. After more than ten years of operation, he actually opened a pawnshop to nearly 500.

Can the pawnshop really reflect the people’s livelihood? Naturally, when many people in the locality begin to **** valuables, it can be inferred whether there is a disaster in the local area or not? Did the officials conceal the disaster? Will there be war? Did the rumors rise to such an extent that it moved the hearts of the people?

The pawnshop provided him with a lot of clues. With this development, he slowly established his own message network so that he could get information from all parties anytime and anywhere.

Today, he asked Han Xifan to **** the jade pendant on the grounds of buying land. Unless there is a second pawnshop in the city, she can only **** in the Leli pawnshop.

After accepting the jade pendant, the buddy will give her five thousand taels of silver, which represents a message-she has gone to the right pawnshop, and Mr. Liu will find him soon.

Why is he sure? Since that piece of jade is worth three hundred taels at most, if her **** shop is not a Leli **** shop, no one would give her such a high price.

And she… remembered how she talked, but couldn’t help but smile.

How will she succeed if she gets five thousand taels? Will you buy a bunch of ingredients and cook for him? Thinking of taro cakes and salty crisps, his saliva went straight.

Turn over (body shen), then open the cabinet beside (bed chuang), take out the baggage inside, and then take out the “Daliao Shiji” from the baggage.

Thinking back to Xifan’s words, he didn’t know what the forty-two chapters were, and why he had to put together eight parts to have the treasure map. He didn’t understand what her self-talk meant, but she If you want to point out important information-the picture may be hidden on the cover.

In recent years, Daliao people value officials, and those who can read and write often occupy a higher position in society. However, the papermaking and printing technology of Liao is far inferior to that of Dalhao. The cost of making a book is very high, and they Running on horseback for many years, in order to protect the book, the book cover is often made thick and thick, and if you want to hide something, the book cover is the most natural and least likely to be found.

He has long been accustomed to the appearance of the Daliao book, so he never thought that there would be mystery hidden in the cover. He tried all kinds of ways to find the treasure map from it. He found someone who was good at Liao language and looked horizontally and backwards. Look, skip the words to see… Trying to see clues from the text, and even thought about whether it was soaked in water, it must be grilled with fire or soaked in some kind of water to make the treasure map appear.

Unexpectedly, the reason is so straightforward and simple. This is the blind spot that Han Xifan often talks about.

Then I took apart the sutures and opened the thick cover, and there was something inside.

He flipped through the paper and poured out hundreds of shredded sheepskin from it? Who cut the treasure map into pieces? Do you want to hide your eyes, or do you want to destroy the treasure map? Frowning, he couldn’t figure out who would do this?

Take a look at the sky. It’s almost noon and Han Xifan is coming back soon. He has no time to investigate the root cause. He hurriedly stuffed them back into the page, and then put the baggage back in. After returning everything back to its original position, he pulled the quilt away. Lie flat.

There was no movement outside the door, but I turned my side (body shen), and continued to admire this (dry gan) pleasantly clean “home”. The jasmine on the table was changed day by day, and the room was filled with a faint sweetness at any time. fragrant.

He finally understood that she was busy walking around the house every day. It was a miracle that a haunted house that was originally covered with dust could be cleaned and cleaned by her. No wonder she always yelled that she had it. Cleanliness, she really loves (gan gan).

Take a look at the fluffy slippers on the floor, they were made by her hands


<i>[Continued from the previous section of Chapter 17]</i>, thick soles, soft fur covering the footboard, like stepping in cotton, every time you put it on Don’t want to take it off, he has never worn such comfortable shoes, he likes it!

Speaking of shoes, he couldn’t help but think of himself.

The people who made shoes for him in the past always tried their best to embroider clouds, embroidery, and embroider a picture of wealth on the upper. Such shoes are good-looking but not necessarily comfortable. People outside are full of envy when they see it, but they don’t know how to wear it ( The person on the body is actually not so comfortable. This is just like his life, with a glamorous surface, but in fact it is bitter and unknowing.

Everyone envied him for doing evil and acting arbitrarily. He was born in Zhenbei Wangfu. He was the empress’s wife, and there was an emperor who stood up, no matter how big the disaster was.

I don’t know that although the emperor spoils him very much, he is extremely suspicious. He wants to use him but he is always guarded against him. He is worried that he will not be able to endure and mess up his errands, but he is also afraid that he is too smart and capable (gan), so his influence is too big, so Give him an inexperienced track (body shen) points, let him be a jester, even if he has done a good job, the emperor will not praise him vigorously in front of courtiers, only a word.

And he, always wanted to contemplate the emperor’s thoughts, take every measure, and fear that if one is not careful, there is an abyss behind him.

On the surface, he seems to be able to deal with the emperor and the elders easily, but in fact, he will get tired of calculating and playing tricks for a long time. So glamorous? Envy? How can anyone who hasn’t put on these shoes know that his road is hard?

Therefore, he likes Han Xifan, likes this kind of life, and prefers this simplicity.

Vaguely, when I heard the sound of horseshoes, in this village, the only one who was willing to hire a carriage to come back from a trip to the city was the “waste daughter-in-law who doesn’t know how to calculate”… His daughter-in-law, remembering these four words, I don’t know who poured honey into his heart, and his mouth was so sweet that he couldn’t stop the smile on his face.

He picked up the cloth strip and re-tied the eyes, then patiently waited for her to enter the door.

[Chapter 8 Three Chairs Romance]

After a gentle thumping sound, someone came in and out of the house. About Mo was sending the contents of the carriage into the house. He heard a lot of people gathered at the door of his house. They discussed in low voices, with some in their voices. Curious, some surprises, and of course Sister-in-law Fang, who is always worried that the Jiang family has no money to spend, her voice raised, but she heard clearly.

“Ms. Jiang family, you bought something again. What kind of chair is this? I can’t even stand firmly. Will I not fall when I sit on it? Nanmu is used. It must be very expensive.”

After listening to her lips and smiling softly, someone else wanted to say behind her back: This lady of the Jiang family is good at everything, but she doesn’t know how to manage a house.

Naturally, there are kind-hearted people who cannibalize and return an inch and sigh: If one day, the life of the Jiang family really cannot go on, everyone can help them!

She is very popular.

“This is the rocking chair, Grandpa Zhang, it’s very comfortable for you to sit and watch.” Under Xifan’s encouragement, Grandpa sat on the rocking chair.

Soon, I heard the sound of wood pressing back and forth on the floor, and then heard the old man exclaim first, and then let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Out of curiosity, he really wanted to see what kind of chair it was, but the piece of cloth on his eyes blocked his sight, and he couldn’t participate in everyone’s exploratory journey. He became more and more impatient. I really hope that my second brother will find him immediately. I really hope that he will use the fastest method to “cure” his eyes, ears and mouth. He is eager to participate in everything related to Xifan.

“Grandpa Zhang, how is it, is it really comfortable?” Dawu couldn’t help but break the silence.

After a long sigh, the old man said, “If my son bought us a chair like this, he would have no regrets in his life.”

It’s just a chair, so magical? No regrets? There are multiple words, but the heart is heavier, and his hands move stupidly. He has to use all his strength to prevent him from tearing off the cloth strips on the eyes.

“Madame Jiang, is this chair expensive?”

He heard Xifan’s awkward laugh, and wondered if those good sister-in-laws would come to share the “housekeeping experience” with her in the evening? His lips lifted slightly, and he could imagine her expression.

“Aunt Jiang, why are you buying this chair?” Dawu asked, instantly diverting everyone’s attention.

“My father-in-law lay on the (bed chuang) all day long. Even if I didn’t complain, I knew his bones were sore, so I wanted to give him a different place to sit on. This chair is very comfortable to sit on. I bought it without thinking too much. NS.”

“You treat your family husband really well.”

The man praised from the bottom of his heart. If he was lying on the (bed chuang) for many years, his wife did not curse, and roared from morning to night, he would be Amitabha.

Xifan didn’t reply yet, Xiao Wu asked in a tender voice, “Aunt Jiang, why does this chair have small wheels?”

..(“Private Wife” Chapter 17 full online reading end)..

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