Private Wife

Chapter 23


After finishing this series of facts, the two fell silent at the same time, Shen Ran was digesting this incomprehensible thing, but watching his reaction. +++All Tanmei Novels:

After a while, Shen Ran was shocked, but the reaction was calm and asked, “What are you going to do in the future?”

What else can I do if I smile? Of course the second brother was abducted back. But these words cannot be said.

“Of course, the emperor’s **** should be handled first, and then we will return to Beijing for the escort.”

“I’m not talking about this, are you serious with Han Xifan?”

It’s serious, but I can’t let my second brother know, so he laughed and said: “How can it be possible, second brother doesn’t know the mother’s (sexual xing) son.”

Bring Xifan home, if his mother didn’t toss her alive, he would change her surname!

The mother single-mindedly wanted to raise his (body shen) points and asked him to take over the title of Zhenbei Wangfu. The obvious intention was that both the eldest brother and the second brother voluntarily gave up their positions, so that he would become the son of the world. How could he be able to Don’t understand mother?

Therefore, Xifan cannot be exposed in front of his family and cannot arouse the suspicion of the second brother. He must do his best to protect her and prevent her from being harmed by his mother.

“So you didn’t want to become a real couple with her?”

“What kind of person does the second brother think of me? She is not as beautiful as Xuefen’s cousin, nor is she as gentle as my two aunts and the common room. Me and her are just fake phoenixes and phoenixes acting separately.”

He was originally a man in the deepest city, lying in front of the emperor, he could speak sincerely, let alone in front of the second brother.

“But I think she is sincere to you.”

“What’s the truth? (Body shen) is there. It is impossible for my parents to let me marry her in. The emperor will not pass the barrier. As for Han Xifan, he took her into the Zhenbei Palace. I am afraid that it will be less than a month. You will be gnawed so much that there is no bones left, so the best way is to part ways and go his own way.”

His sentence is totally against his will, he knows that he is full of lies, but just thinking of the four words parting ways will make his heart ache for a while. He likes her and really likes it!

“In other words, after the things here are over, you will manage the emperor’s errands, take over the imperial marriage decree, marry Princess Yonghua as your wife, and obediently listen to your mother’s arrangements and become the son of the world?”

“Isn’t my second brother going home after I become a son?”

Thinking of her stepmother and grandfather, Shen Ran hesitated for a while before answering, “Yes.”

“If that’s the case, second brother don’t leave the capital, and stay where we can contact at any time, okay?”

“I see.” Shen Ran asked softly, patted the back of his brother’s hand, “Tell me about Han Xifan, what kind of woman is she.”

“She is clever and capable (gan), a little clean, can take care of others, is not scheming, considerate and kind, and thinks for others…” When it comes to Xifan, he has tried his best to restrain, but he is still talking.

“It sounds like she has a lot of good points, don’t you have a heart for her?”

Shen Ran began to sympathize with Xifan. In the whole incident, she was the one who was implicated by the innocent. She remembered her arrogance of trading six thousand taels of silver for three posts, and remembered how grateful she was when she heard Ran speak. Not ordinary feelings.

“Of course, this kind of traversing girl can’t be encountered everywhere. Have you seen the rocking chair by the window and the wheelchair in the corner? Can you come up with the idea of ​​this kind of chair, except for her, no one else can do it? arrive.”

One of the tricks of telling lies: A lie must be accompanied by a few truthful words so that people can’t tell the truth from the false. This paragraph is true, she has many advantages, and he is very moved by her.

“In that case, is it possible that she is willing to stay in the concubine’s room regardless of her status?”

Ran shook her head, “Impossible, she has a feeling of cleanliness and can’t share love with others; she pursues perfection and is unwilling to be a flawed man…”

Shen Ran couldn’t help sighing after listening.

Xifan ran fast, and her belly was aching on both sides of her run. The sweat was so cool that every inch (dry gan) on her rods ⑺ ranch ⑺ mouchang ⑺ body shen) was refreshing, and it hurt her eyes.

She rushed to the river in one breath, tears streaming down her face, she didn’t know that her heart would be so cramped.

Sorrow, sadness, pain, grievance, countless emotions rushed into the chest, she hurts, she hurts, she heard the sound of the heart breaking, she felt the whole (shen) blood congealed into ice, she felt that she could not move , Unable to breathe, unable to think…

“She is not as beautiful as Xuefen’s cousin, nor is she as gentle as my two aunts and the common room. Me and her are just fake Feng Xuhuang acting separately…”

His words stirred up her brain into a mess, mashed her sensations, and was in a daze. She didn’t know where she was.

She raised her head and looked at the gray sky, with heavy dark clouds pressing on the sky.


<i>[Continued from the previous section of Chapter 23 of the Private Wife]</i>, heavy eyelashes and heavy tears.

Once, she was fooled by many men. They fell in love with her because of her ability (gan gan) intelligence, and left her because of her ability (gan gan) intelligence. They taught her that love is just an experience, and eternity is just an adjective written by a novelist. Yu Yu, when the experience value continues to accumulate, she loses confidence in love.

As far as she is concerned, the process of love is not completely happy. The pain that accompanies the loss of love once made her introspect again and again, and even she wanted to give up her pride and domineering until she was sober, if she had no self-esteem and pride, she ( What else is better than others (strong qiang) on ​​the body?

Unable to discard this trait, she can only choose to be absent from the feast of love.

She thought she could train herself slowly until she was no longer afraid of loneliness, and then she could stand upright and live calmly and confidently.

She almost succeeded, successfully driving a busy career to drive away one’s loneliness. She slowly learned to taste the deliciousness of loneliness. She told herself: That is precipitation. Everyone needs absolute quiet time and space to talk to herself.

Unexpectedly, in the wedding of her first love boyfriend, she ran into her own fragility, a few bowls of yellow soup, she passed through.

She no longer needs a man’s self, and when she meets the male version of Helen Keller, she is not sure whether this is a trial or punishment from God, but no matter which kind, she accepts it calmly. She Han Xifan is not afraid of being afraid of losing.

She also laughed at Mimi and ridiculed herself: This kind of man who can’t live without relying on me can’t run away anyway!

She is a responsible woman, so she pays, she works hard, and this is based on responsibility.

However, she was not sure when and when, she would give her heart a little bit, a little bit, a little bit more.

Because this man is willing to listen, because at some point, she always feels that she can get warm and comfort, because in the space where he is, loneliness is missing, happiness is full, because he is full of her heart, so she cares for him, With affection.

Is it ironic? In the end, her dedication is just a disguise!

Yes, she heard it, and heard all the secrets, the emperor, the prince, the treasure hunt, the princess Yonghua, the aunt, the Tongfang, the elder son… It’s really amazing, the original owner is actually the poisonous lady Jiang Yuan, her body is not coordinated. , A woman who can even turn her toes when running is actually poisoning others. If she is really capable, she must poison those men who love to cheat to death one by one.

No, she can’t get rid of her qi to death. She wants to put emotions on them (shen). As long as the (sexual xing) ? rises, the emotions will start to swallow the internal organs and make them feel so painful.

Ha ha ha… Xifan smiled sadly and sadly.

How can you not feel sad? She was not deceived enough in the 21st century, and she went to ancient times to continue to be deceived by men. Is she too thick skin, too strong heart, or too crippled head? So, it’s really her problem. As long as there is a chance, all men in the world want to retreat from her (body shen)?

He said that he and she were acting separately? Her sincerity is only acting in his heart? Her efforts are false in his eyes?

I thought that I had made two rocking chairs, and I planned to grow old with him. I wanted to recall the past bits and pieces with him, smile happily, and I wanted to… I wanted to plant many pomegranates and cultivate new ones with him. life. She felt ridiculous when she thought of all these things. It turned out that all the things were just her unilateral “thinking”.

Thinking of his (身shen) points, she still hasn’t escaped from crossing the truth after all. The male version of Helen is actually (身shen) an elite member of the upper class who can marry a princess and be a son of the world.

Who said there is no benefit for crossing? Crossing is the high-level society who will reach the top of the pyramid, but she, a self-confident, self-esteem and arrogant idiot, crosses the girl, thinking that she is very good. Unloading Qiangqiang’s ability to make money.

Is it idiot enough? When I met the big tiger, I mistakenly identified him as a Persian cat. Even the sister-in-law next door could see that he was from a wealthy family. Only she herself regarded him as a person who fell into the world.

Thinking that he was deaf, she spoke to him unscrupulously, telling each sentence about her past life, saying that she was unwilling to show weakness to men, that she had swallowed the grievances in her stomach, she kept talking, and he listened quietly.

Slowly, countless confession healed her heart, the scars that had been healed, she fell in love with the time with him, she fell in love with the temperature in his arms.

Countless times, she became a real couple with him in her dream; countless times, she woke up at dawn and looked at his round baby fat face, thinking in her heart that if she had to marry, she would be willing to marry son Helen.

did not expect…

“Falsehood, illusion, lie! Han Xifan, you are a complete idiot!” She punched the tree next to (shen), and the tree stood tall, and she pierced into the soul. It turned out that her attack was so pale and powerless. .

..(“Private Wife” Chapter 23 full online reading end)..

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