Private Wife

Chapter 25

His story was full of loopholes in her ears. She asked, “Leaving Beijing? In other words, we lived in the capital before? Good point, are we (gan gan) away from our hometown? Is anyone persecuting us? What’s important in the burden? Is it worth our lives to protect each other? You said that we are a husband and wife, but I have shougong sand on my arm. I am not married?”

“In that case, why did the people in the village say that I was your father-in-law when the ears could hear? I thought you remembered our (guanguan) system.”

His tone was full of disappointment, and Xifan wanted to laugh when he heard it. He was really sorry for his superb acting skills if he didn’t win the Oscar.

“I don’t remember, it was the neighbors who said that we were husband and wife, so I thought we were husband and wife, and I don’t want to waste my tongue explaining why we live under the same roof. So? Are we really real couples? ?”

Who can’t tell lies with your eyes open, the novels and Korean dramas she has read are not as complicated as they are available, and she makes random stories, and the plots are more exciting and reasonable than him.

Shougongsha? If this was said a few days earlier, he would definitely think that she was deceiving him. Jiang Yuan, who has countless people, and the most beautiful woman dancing poison in the rivers and lakes, could not be associated with the three words Shou Gongsha.

But the second brother just explained to him that the matter was Jiang Yuan’s rumors deliberately released by herself. She couldn’t “read” countless men, because her (body shen) poison couldn’t stop a man unless the man was already dead ( si) Can hold high the banner even in death.

Of course, I understand what the second brother meant, because Jiang Yuan has been taking poison for a long time, so she (body shen) is a poison, so her whole body (body shen) will emit a fishy smell of rot, which needs to be used. A variety of strong fragrances to cover.

“Why don’t you speak, is it difficult to answer my question?” She poured him a drink.

“It’s not difficult, I’m just thinking about where it’s better.”

“It’s okay, I don’t care too much.”

He nodded and said slowly: “The thieves want our silver, but the jade pendant is hidden in the bag. If that thing goes out, others will know my (body shen) points, I don’t. I hope that (body shen) will be dismantled, so I am unwilling to give up the burden.”

“That piece of jade is important?”


“Why?” She admitted that breaking the casserole was purely for pranks, and wanted to see his screenwriting skills lose tens of thousands of steps.

“Because I am the son of Zhenbei King, I look at you and want to beg you, but my parents do not approve of this marriage. They are all discerning people, and I am afraid that they will kidnap me and demand ransom from the palace if they see Yupei’s greed.

“If I were caught back by them, we would be taken apart alive, so no matter what, the burden would not be able to be handed over.” After speaking, he toasted and drank.

The more he edits, the more interesting he becomes. Even idol martial arts dramas can be made. If he travels to the 21st century, he will surely be able to become famous in the entertainment industry in time.

Xifan looked at him sideways, wondering if he should be happy, at least he confessed his (body shen) points, but is he stupid?

Not afraid that one day she will come to him to blackmail him. In order not to make his little princess jealous, how much money does he have to spend to send her?

But… a man who can **** a piece of jade with a (shen) jade pendant for five thousand taels, probably does not lack that little money, not to mention using money to send a woman this thing, maybe he has to do it several times a year.

“In other words, we eloped, not a real couple?” She added a glass of wine to him.

“In my heart, we are a veritable couple.”

He said it categorically, but she was incomprehensible at hearing, he, he, why is he capable of telling lies so gorgeous and magnificent? She really wanted to say to him: In your heart, we are a veritable husband and wife, but when you say this, where do you put your little princess?

Why bother, his subordinates will find the master in a few days, his second brother will post a few posts, his feet will be restored, and he will be able to leave her soon, why should he lie and say something? So serious?

I really don’t worry that she will seize the last few days to mutilate or destroy him…

Ah, she really thinks too much, and he doesn’t know that she is a traversal person, not a terrorist organization, and is not interested in beheading or burning people. A woman like herself can’t be more reasonable. She knows better than anyone else that in the world of emotions, Qiang (qiang) is the most profound injury to herself.

Back in those days, when dealing with her boyfriend who had been in a relationship for seven years, she could turn around (she shen), walk a little bit of love, she did not send text messages, and she did not attack her on fb. Where does she need his defense? ?

She thought about it, she couldn’t help but vent a bunch of vegetables into his bowl, but her voice was so sweet that she would be crazy to hear it.


[Continuation of the first section of Chapter 25 of the Private Wife]? It turns out that you like me so much. You like it so much that you are willing to let go of everything for me, even the wealth of your family can be abandoned. “


However, the response was so fast that Xifan felt a little at a loss.

The reason why he answered swiftly was because it was the truth, and the truth was so sweet that his smile filled with syrup.

Yes, he is a man who talks nonsense, lies, and speaks a lot of deceitful nonsense, but he does not speak the truth, he is very happy, there is finally someone in this world who can let him not be guarded, not be vigilant, and directly hang his sincerity in front of her. .

Shaking his head, Xifan scolded herself secretly, how could he take his answer seriously.

“Where did we plan to escape?”

“Feng County, Jiangnan, there is a very beautiful lake called Qinghu, the lake is clear…”

Speaking of “future”, the topic was open, she kept pouring wine for him, he kept talking, and kept pouring wine into his stomach.

“Why did you choose there? There are mountains, rivers, and beautiful scenery?”

“There are many literati, and you have a good cooking skill. We plan to open a restaurant near the lake and plant willow trees in front of the house. When the wind blows and the willow branches swing, like countless women dancing at the same time, our restaurant is just It’s called Wuxianju.”

He said too seriously, as if there was such a thing, and they were working hard to move toward their dreams, and Xifan’s heart was also dazzled when he heard them, drinking cup after cup of yellow soup.

“Sounds great, my chef, what do you do?”

“I’m the treasurer, you spend money lavishly and never care about it, so I have to leave the top of the money to me.”

Xifan said slightly. She spends money lavishly because she believes that it is not difficult to make money by her own ability, because she was a female (strong qiang) in her predecessor and was a female (强qiang) who did not treat her food, clothing, shelter, and transportation.

But she didn’t argue with him, it was just a dream, it was too ridiculous to care about the details.

“This suggestion is reasonable. Do you often eat my dishes?”

“To be honest, there were not many opportunities in the past, but after moving here, I eat every day, every meal, and later changed the cook, I am afraid it will be tasteless.”

to be honest? Can he tell the truth from his mouth? The heart is bitter and astringent, she really wants to yell a fart, but…

Forget it, dreaming is not illegal, and lying is not illegal, law enforcement officers are not so idle.

“Which dish do you like best?”

“I like everything, but I am looking forward to kimchi dumplings. You smelled kimchi the day before yesterday. It is a bit like but not very similar to kimchi. I don’t know what the dumplings made with kimchi taste like.” He wanted to drool because of her craftsmanship. The dishes on the table in Mingyuelou were less than one-tenth of hers.

“Get up early tomorrow morning and I will cook it for you.”

Then they talked a lot, about his plans for the future, and about her dreams.

He said he was going to change his name and surname, find a place where no one knew him, hide and live a good life.

She thought to herself, fart! Have a glass of wine.

He said that he wanted to have three sons and two daughters. Both sons and daughters must be good at school.

She thought again, fart! The princess is not a sow, how can she sacrifice her material to give birth to a bunch of cubs for him?

He said that in spring, they go boating on the lake; in summer, they sit side by side on the lake and go fishing; in the evening in autumn, he wants to walk hand in hand with her on the lake; in winter…

He was talking sentence by sentence, and his speech gradually became a little unfavorable. She knew he was drunk, and she was also drunk, five minutes drunk, there was still some distance from being picked up.

She likes to be drunk by five points, which is a pretty good level of drunkenness.

It can make people brave, move forward, and do a lot of things that they can’t even think of when they are sober; it can make people temporarily give up their sanity and act on the basis of joy; it can make her rationalize her plans and let her Satisfaction? Request; can make her confidently believe that-this is what you owe me, and the debt is to be repaid in the end…

So she was five minutes drunk, leaning on his body and smelling the fragrance of green grass on his body. Again, the smell on him (shen) and the scent of jasmine have an indescribable fusion…

It’s just that the flowering season is about to pass, and the white flowers are about to disappear from the branches.

“Helen, since you have regarded me as a true wife in your heart, don’t we accomplish good things tonight?” She wanted to swallow him, wanted to taste him, and wanted to pay for the hard work during this period of time. Yes, she is a businessman, and she has to get what she pays. She doesn’t lose money.

“Yeah.” He was even more drunk than her, and he only felt that her proximity made him excited.

“Hmm” is it good or not?

Forget it, this kind of time doesn’t matter at all, the important thing is that she wants him, and she will never suffer again!

So with all the strength of eating (奶nai), Xifan showed his magical power after being drunk and staggered to support him (bed chuang).

.. (End of online reading of the full text of Chapter 25 of “Private Wife”)..

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