Private Wife

Chapter 41

He was very upset with his proud attitude. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

He wants to accept it? If you want to recruit gifted students to get started, you have to give out scholarships, he said as if to show kindness.

Before Xifan protested, she heard Xiao Min ask in a more proud tone than Jiang Lun: “Did you squat a stick of incense the first time you squatted on a horse stance?”

verygood! Proud to be proud, proud to be so proud, and to make a profit without relying on the mother, this is like the son of a female (qiang) person.

She secretly cheered on her son, and don’t let people downplay their momentum.

Xifan didn’t know that he was very contradictory. Only a second later, he felt that his son was too arrogant and stubborn and easy to suffer. Later, he agreed with his pride.

But don’t fight with motherhood in this kind of thing. In the eyes of mothers in the world, everything the son says, does, and thinks is the best, best, and best in the world, even if the son is not good enough or not enough. (强qiang), not good enough, his shortcomings can only be criticized by the mother, other people please shut up!

“Yes!” Jiang Lun raised his head high, his pride index was no less than that of Xiao Ping.

Suddenly, Xifan rubbed his eyes. Did she make a mistake? How can you feel that Jiang Lun and Xiao Min are like father and son?

Well, she must be wrong, he would think Jiang Lun and Fat Helen are the same person, and her ability to recognize is worse than a two-year-old child.

“You said you started learning martial arts at the age of five. I am only four years old. I did as well at the age of four as when you were five, so I am better than you!”

Xiao Min’s words are amazing. Xifan’s eyes are full of worship and admiration when he sees his son. He will choke at the age of four, and will be able to hold a debate at the age of five! If he was born in a modern society, he would definitely be a gifted student who skipped grades, my son…mother is proud of you.

Compared to Xifan’s pride, Jiang Lun’s forehead was covered with black lines. How could he not know where the limit of Xiao Ping was. In order to take care of his self-esteem, he secretly urged his internal strength and let the incense burn out quickly. Time He didn’t even reach half of it, but he didn’t expect this kid to turn his head around and put himself in the army.

Jiang Lun had nothing to say, for the pride of Gu Quan’s son, he could only shrug his shoulders and show weakness.

“Uncle Jiang, you said that if I’m better than you, you have to reward me.”

“Yes, what do you want?”

“I imagined flying in the sky like just now!”

Fly in the sky? Xifan finally understood what Jiang Lun used to subdue Xiao Ping, maybe it was superb light work, maybe it was martial art that scared people to death? In any case, it must be so powerful that Xiao Min was dumbfounded and determined to become a hero like him.

Without saying anything, Jiang Lun took Xiao Min in his arms, Fei (body shen) jumped up, and rushed to the roof, only to fly away from sight.

But Xiao Ping’s laughter like a silver bell came, lightening up Xifan’s heart.

When has that mature little boy been so happy? Unconsciously, the corners of her mouth rose, and her heart flew along with it.

That day, Xiao Min took the “flying umbrella” from outside and turned into the kitchen. He took two jasmine flowers from his arms and handed them cherishedly to Xifan.

Jasmine was squashed a little bit, and he was squeezed by his sweat I  Yan Yan br/>

Seeing that Xiao Min found out that he was depressed, Xifan (touching mo) (touching mo) said on his head: “This is the best gift my mother has ever received. Thank you, Xiao Min. I like it very much.”

With that said, she found a book and carefully pressed the jasmine flower in it, and she wanted to cherish its beauty forever.

Xiao Min said seriously, “Mother, I will practice martial arts well, and I will be more powerful than Uncle Jiang in the future, so I can protect my mother from being bullied by bad guys, and I can also pick the freshest jasmine flowers for my mother every day.”

“Okay, my mother will wait patiently for Xiao Mi to become a great hero.”

She hugged her son in her arms, and she was moved countlessly.

Her decision was right, betting her love on a man (body shen). As time goes by, the man will not give back, but will complain that her love is too heavy and too heavy for him to breathe.

But betting on the child (body shen), he will remember little by little, accumulate little by little, and he will understand that the most selfless love and dedication in the world comes from you.

Motherhood is the most precious and beautiful experience in life.

[Chapter Eighteen to Make Up for the Child Time]

He really hates himself.

That day, he said that the “friend” loves Jasmine for more than (sexual sex), and will never transfer it. As a result, it was just that she was depressed for two days and often talked in a daze, so she couldn’t help but let Azhang go to Qinghu. Move all those jasmine flowers in the house.

what is this? When people see Jasmine, they can’t remember him, so why should he please him everywhere?

But he just couldn’t help it, he couldn’t turn a blind eye to her loneliness, couldn’t worry about her sorrow, he asked himself: Is this the saying she used to say, “In the world of love, the more serious people are The more you suffer”?

When she was serious, he coaxed

[Continuation of the first section of Chapter 41 of the Private Wife] What she cheated on the second brother also made her heartbroken. She left a letter pretending to be strong (strong qiang) and left. .

Secret loss, she has eaten it thoroughly.

Now it’s his turn to care, he’s serious, is it his turn to suffer?

But think about it, he doesn’t suffer at all in this way.

He is not the one who endures loneliness and gives birth to children. It is not him who wants to make a little money and is oppressed by power. For five years, a woman who is completely ignorant of this era, earns money, supports her family, and takes care of children… step by step. Hobble, no one supports…This is a loss.

So he was angry at her and forgave her. He lost his temper but easily convinced his anger. He was not a capricious man, but in front of her, he became contradictory and repetitive.

Three horse-drawn carriages came to the canteen in the afternoon.

It’s not lunch time, and there are only two or three customers drinking small wine in the shop.

A Zhang got out of the car, walked into the shop and returned to life, then took over a burden and weighed it down, raising his eyebrows in satisfaction.

There is a lot of money in it. He remembered her saying, what is the best job for a woman in the world?

It’s shopping! It will make a woman look bright and energetic, so love women? What should I do if I don’t say what I say? It’s simple, just give her money.

After many guesses and several experiences to prove it, he finally pieced together what shopping was with his ingenuity.

So this time, he brought a lot of money in his bag to make her feel soft.

He gave a few instructions to Ah Zhang, a few boxes of things were sent to his room, and the rest were carried to the backyard.

“What is this?”

Zichen heard the movement and walked out of the kitchen, pointing to what Liu Zhang was moving and asked.

Xifan, who was studying with Xiao Min upstairs, heard the movement and led Xiao Min downstairs together. After passing the turn of the stairs, he saw Liu Zhangzheng moving…

He stopped, and his mind was suddenly pulled back into the memory of the past.

She never thought that she would see it again… Once, she embraced, fantasized about it, once she planned to have their shadows to accompany each other in the life she planned, but the fantasies were disillusioned before it was realized…

“This is a rocking chair, and it’s popular in Beijing now. Almost every big family has a few. It seems that there is no rocking chair in the house and it is not noble enough.” Liu Zhang carried the chair and walked back, explaining to Zichen.

Zichen was very curious, and followed him (shen) and asked, “Rocking chair? Is it a chair that can rock?”

“Yes, I can shake it.”

At this moment, Liu Zhang’s gaze was raised, and at the moment when he touched Zichen, her bright eyes suddenly attracted his attention.

It’s a pretty big girl, and without knowing it, his dark face was stained with crimson.

“The chair shakes? How do you sit upright? Will it fall when you accidentally sit on it?” Zichen looked at the strangely shaped chair and gently touched (touched the mo). She hadn’t seen it before. Kind of stuff.

“It’s okay, it’s comfortable to sit up. I’ll set the chair upright later. You go up and sit down. Make sure you get addicted as soon as you sit down.”

Liu Zhang was talking big words, but in fact he has never sat down. These two chairs are in the master’s mind. Who would dare to “sit down”?

It’s just that he’s fascinated right now, so he doesn’t remember the master.

He moved quickly, swung his chair under the tree, and smiled and said to her, “Sit and watch. It’s hot in summer. Sitting under the tree and swaying around, you can feel as comfortable as you feel.”

He enthusiastically invited Zichen to sit on it, and Zichen was not welcome. (Fart pi) moved onto the chair. Liu Zhang pushed the back of the chair to help her shake her up. He shook and asked, “How? good?”

Zichen hadn’t answered yet, but he had already appeared at the entrance of the courtyard.

He looked at the self-assertive Liu Zhang with cold eyes. At this moment, Liu Zhang finally realized what he had done. The hand holding the back of the chair suddenly stopped. The whole person froze in place, not knowing what to do.

He was wailing in his heart, how could he be so stupid, these two chairs are the master and the poisonous lady…No, they are Han Xifan’s love, these years, no matter where the master is, he must take these two chairs with him. Run around!

For five years, the master has no fixed place, looking for Han Xifan everywhere, as long as he hears where there is a restaurant and the food is surprisingly good, he will come to find someone.

Finally, the Emperor paid off his hard work and asked the master to find Han Xifan for the kimchi dumpling feast on the sixth day of April.

The master ordered him to go back to the capital to work. The matter was very simple. He was going to trample down the magistrate of Fengxian County Gong to death. It was a trivial matter. He didn’t need to make a special trip, but he had to bring the news to Mr. Liu before sending it. A letter entered the Zhenbei Wangfu to Grandpa Shen.

..(“Private Wife” Chapter 41 full online reading end)..

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