Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 Ji Zi’S Real Last Lesson; Fu’S Mother’S Phone Scam

A white space.

Even the buildings of St. Freya are all white.

The only two colors in the game are Jizi and Kiana.

This holy scene, coupled with the soft piano sound, is very dreamy and warm.

“Eden, it’s Jizi~”

Eden nodded lightly: “This seems to be… the last chapter, right?”

“Right… eh? The game wants us to follow in Jizi’s footsteps…” Alicia thought for a while and pushed the keyboard to Eden:

“I remember that Eden is Ji Zichu~ Why don’t you control it yourself?

Eden did not refuse, and quickly controlled Qiana in the game, chasing after Jizi in the distance.

At this time, Himeko was slowly walking towards St. Freya Academy.

Eden is a little worried that he won’t be able to catch up… Then, this long-lost figure will disappear again.

Finally, Kiana came to Jizi’s side.

At this time, the game also entered an animated short film.

Kiana’s slightly contracted eyes whispered in disbelief.

“Ji Zi… teacher…”

And then… Jizi’s incomparably warm smile.

“Long time no see, Kiana~”

After this scene appeared, the barrage exploded instantly.

【Mr. Himeko!! QAQ】

【Ah ah ah…‥ I want to live in Bengbu! 】

【Himeko’s smile… wow~~】

【…This is…is there a chance to be resurrected?】

[Uuuu~ I also want to revive Jizi teacher, but… this is Jizi’s residual consciousness…]

【Mi Huyou, you… 】

Eden’s heart was also tight, and he threw himself into the plot.

In the picture, Ji Zi looked at Qiyana tenderly and said softly:

“Did I… appear too suddenly?”

Kiana was so choked up that she couldn’t speak, she could only shake her head vigorously while controlling her emotions.

“That’s good~”

“You’ve changed so much”

At this time, Kiana finally sorted out her emotions and tried her best to speak in a normal tone:

“Mr. Jizi…it hasn’t changed at all.”

“Really? Then I’m quite happy~”

The two were silent for a long time, and Qiana finally asked the answer that she had already determined.

“This is just an afterimage of the mind consciousness, right…?” Her voice was heavy and hoarse.

In the picture, Ji Zi’s expression is also a little regretful: “Yeah 01… It’s just that time here won’t flow~”

“However, we can still talk like this…”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you”

Seeing this, hearing Ji Zi’s gentle voice, Eden’s expression was no longer in Bengbu.

She bit her lip, tears rolled in her eyes, and her slightly trembling brows were trying her best not to let the tears roll down.

Teacher Jizi is really kind…

And at this time, Eden finally understood what the girls said before…

This is sugar that will make you cry!

In the game, Jizi took Qiyana into the white St. Freya Academy.

“Kiana, let’s enjoy the time that doesn’t flow for a while~”

After Ji Zi’s voice fell, the white space changed again.

“The scenery has changed??”

The walls of St. Freya Academy were dyed the color it should have.

“I have been a teacher for so many years, but I remember every corner of St. Freya’s Academy clearly~”

Ji Zi stretched his waist, looked at everything around him, and sighed slightly:

“I really miss this kind of youthful campus~”

“Yeah… At that time, I always wanted to grow up quickly… But I didn’t expect that growing up would be such a painful thing…”

“Then if you do it all over again, will your choice change?”

Kiana shook her head: “It shouldn’t be… Then doesn’t it look like me?”

At this time, Qiyana had already controlled her emotions.

After Eden wiped away his tears, his emotions stabilized.

The plot that follows is really like candy.

Kiana and Jizi walked on campus together.

Reminiscing about the past.

Jizi is addicted to alcohol, Kiana skips class…

Everything seems to have returned to the original school life.

And Kiana also told Jizi about what happened in the world these days.

To sum it up in one sentence… When I woke up, the students became lawyers.

And a 50,000-year-old student…

After being surprised, Ji Zi taught Kiana a lesson with a smile.

In a real sense, the last lesson.

In Jizi’s account, Eden was surprised to find that she knew about the disaster in 2010.

She also knew that her captain Ragnar had died at the hands of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Just when Qiyana was nervous, Jizi touched Qiyana’s head and slowly enlightened her.

“Kiana, Herrscher of the Sky always blames you for the disaster and the consequences, which is not right”

“She can’t see people’s own choices, and she can’t tolerate those beautiful glimmers”

“The next thing is what I want to tell you…”

Then, in a gentle voice, Himeko began to narrate what Ragnar had taught her.

“We guard what is beautiful, what will be beautiful, what we think is important…”

“They may seem small and futile, but that’s just because it’s just a seed now.”

“These beautiful seeds will bloom all over the mountains one day…”

Seeing these words, Eden was extremely surprised.

What surprised her was not how beautiful the sentence was.

But, these words are actually what Otto said to Ragnar!!

And Ragnar told Jizi these words again.

How could someone like Otto say such a thing?!

Not only Eden was surprised, but the audience in the live broadcast room was equally astonished.

They seem to have re-acquainted with Otto.

In the game, Jizi’s words continued.

“It was Captain Ragnar who encouraged me for the first time – to make this bad world what you want it to be”

“Kiana, I read the mission report that time—”

“[No one knows what happened in that disaster, but the out-of-control Herrscher was suppressed, and Siegfried, who liberated the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition, also survived]”

[That must be someone present who made what she thought was the right choice]”

Having said that, Ji Zi looked at Kiana gently.

“I think… the captain must have seen something in you that she wants to protect, something… that I have seen too”

“Captain is like this, so am I, everyone is like this…”

“We believe you can do it, save more people and make the world a better place”

“And you did it, Kiana.” The smile on Jizi’s face was gratifying and proud:

“Everything you have done in Tianqiong City, everything you have done in Taixu Mountain, and everything you are doing to solve the Herrscher of Domination…”

“You saved a lot of people, and these people will help more people”

“This is the inheritance of mankind, the ever-burning fire!

As soon as Ji Zi’s voice fell, the music in the game suddenly changed.

Various instruments played a hopeful melody.

The millions of viewers watching this live broadcast only felt goosebumps all over.

Hot tears rolled out.

Eden was also trembling all over, covering his mouth, his vision was cut off by hot tears and became a little blurry.

That’s what this chapter is about… Heritage of Fire!

This is the inheritance of mankind…the everlasting fire!

This copy…is really awesome.

Accompanied by this hopeful symphony, it is really touching.

【Mi Fudge! I’m God! QAQ】

【Who wrote this copy? Bring it out, I’ll give him a knock!】

[Is this really a game plot… Anime does not have this pattern QAQ]

[Light the torch of tomorrow…I finally understand…Wow~~]

[This is the theme song, why is it called “Yin Yan Eternal Burning”…]

[Now go to listen to “Yin Yan Eternal Burning”, I can only say… Mi Huyou Niubi! 】

[Pain has covered the road ahead, but the sparkling spark will eventually ignite]

【This is the inheritance of human beings, the ever-burning fire!】

【This is the inheritance of human beings, the ever-burning fire!】

[Passing down the fire, virtue is immortal~]

The barrage covered almost the entire screen.

The entire B station staff were nervous, for fear that the server would crash.

Naturally, these staff members are always paying attention to the Eden live broadcast room.

They were also deeply shocked by the plot of “Honkai III”.

In a game, the plot can be done so well, so that those who don’t play games have tears in their eyes.

If the system crashes at this time, they don’t dare to think…

Those netizens who are watching the live broadcast will probably carry bombs to explode their hearts.

“Quick, first shut down the live broadcast rooms of several anchors, split the stream, and set up a server!

Here, Eden continued to move the plot with tears in his eyes.

Alicia, who was beside her, was rarely quiet and watched the plot very seriously.

Along with the hopeful music, Ji Zi’s gentle words also came out:

“I understand your nervousness, Kiana”

“The more help you get, the more you feel like you’re carrying a heavy burden.”

“So you have to remember that you are never alone”

“The comrade anti-entropy who has become a partner, the school principal Theresa who always thinks of you, and the reliable monitor Fu Hua…

“Kiana… Trust and rely on your companions, because they must also trust and rely on you!”

At this point in the plot, Kiana finally broke through all the confusion.

And the last remaining… regret is just saying goodbye to Teacher Ji Zi.

But before Qiana could speak, the space suddenly shook.

Qiyana stabilized her figure and asked worriedly, “It’s everyone outside…is it everyone?”

Ji Zi sighed: “It seems that they are fighting the Herrscher, and as a result, the stagnant time here has finally begun to flow…”

As Ji Zi’s words fell, the game screen also gave Bronya and Fu Hua’s perspective.

They were trapped in a closed space at this time, unable to find Qiyana.

After some discussion, they guessed the true face of the Herrscher of Domination.

Under Bronya’s calculation, she and Fu Hua finally broke through this closed space and found the unconscious Qiyana.

But just when they were going to save Qiana, rows of dolls blocked their way.

“How can I be a monitor? I can’t find another way for a while now.”

“And they have a direct connection with the host now. If these dolls are killed, their real host will also die…”

This situation is very tricky.

The hosts of these dolls are not Herrschers, but living beings.

Therefore, neither Bronya nor Fu Hua could kill them.

“It seems… there is no other way…” Fu Hua thought for a while:

“Bronya, let me cut them off from the host”

“Cut off contact?” Bronya didn’t know what Fu Hua meant.

“Well, I cut off the connection between Sirin and Honkai Will in the second Honkai, and the principles are similar.”

“But…you don’t have Yu Duchen anymore.”

Fu Hua nodded: “Yes, with my strength, I can’t do it anymore, so I have to use the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness”

“The Herrscher of Consciousness… This is very dangerous!

“I know, but I have to try” Fu Hua said, then closed his eyes and sank into the depths of his consciousness.


After a pause, Fu Hua tried to speak: “Listen to me, if you can hear—”

There was no voice in the darkness to answer.

“Kiana is in danger in her heart, I need your strength”


After a long time, Shi Bao’s voice came out.

She seemed to sigh: “Hey… Old Antique, are you two or two arguing with me all day long?”

“First little brother Kevin, and then a bunch of inexplicable wooden people, now it’s better, even you have come to harass me? 35

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help showing their aunt’s smile.

Anyway, I don’t know why, when I heard Shibao’s voice… I wanted to laugh.

At the same time, they also discovered a key piece of information…

The Herrscher of Domination also came to find Shibao.

But judging from the current situation, Shibao did not conspire with those dolls.

977 She is still the second or fifth child of the broken will.

In the game, Fu Hua asked: “Please, I really need your help”

“Ah? Do you think I don’t know that after using the Herrscher ability on these guys, the power will be taken away?””

“Are you going to [borrow a knife to kill], or [kill two birds with one stone]?”

“Oh~ I see, you must have become one of the wooden people, right?

“Blind~ I think so too, your failed life is still easily defeated by them”

Fu Hua:

After being silent for a while, she sighed: “I didn’t become one of them, they are now taking the lives of innocent people, I need to use your strength”

“You said it didn’t change, didn’t it change? You still lied to me and handed over your power to others?”

“No, this is not a hand in hand, as long as we defeat them, the power will not be taken away, and we will win~”

“Hmm, okay, applause for your future victory! Hmph~ What does this have to do with me?”

When Shibao said this, his tone was very cute.

Eden was amused.

In the game, Fu Hua is still persuading: “Kiana needs you”

Shi Bao said disdainfully, “Didn’t she want [the monitor]?

Fu Hua: “I need you too”

Knowing Treasures: 66…………39

After being silent for a long time, Fu Hua felt Shibao moved slightly.

Thinking of this, Fu Hua continued to coax.

“I know that Kiana has denied you, but after getting along with you during that time, you also understand that she is not a bad person”

“She denied that you are [Fu Hua], not because she hates you, on the contrary, we all think you are an independent person, a unique soul”

“You have your own thinking, your own persistence… You don’t need to care who you are, because you can decide what you want to be”

“These words, I’ve always wanted to tell you… Kiana, and me, we all hope you can come back”

After saying this, Shibao did not reply.

The atmosphere fell into a long silence.

But Fu Hua could feel that the other party’s attitude was showing signs of loosening.

“Hmph~ You seem to be able to chat a little more than other wooden people”

“However, in the final analysis, this is still a basket you stabbed yourself, whoever caused the trouble will solve it, if you have the ability…

Shibao has not finished speaking, but at this time, there is no time for Fu Hua to wait outside.

Although she was a little sorry, she still gritted her teeth and pulled the chain, taking the power back:


Feeling that the power was taken away, Shibao couldn’t believe it,

“Old! You—!””

Have you been deceived?

Eden, who was watching this scene, couldn’t help but sighed.

The barrage is happy.

Even Alicia showed a look of regret.

“Hey~ I’ll just coax her a little more~ Shi Bao said those words just because I hope you can coax her more…”

“Really…but Shibao is so cute, it seems that her bridge voice says that no one can lie to him…haha

[The picture shows Shibao].

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