Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 “Burning Flames Forever”

When entering the last boss level in Eden.

The discussion on the Internet about the new plot of “Honkai III” has been extremely heated.

And Eden’s second defense has already been on the hot search.

Many foreign bloggers who keep up with current affairs recorded videos early and uploaded them to YouTube.

And this also caused countless players to jump over the wall and run to Eden’s live broadcast room – watch it.

After all, a world-class superstar like Eden would actually like a game so much that he burst into tears twice because of this game…

This is really surprising.

It’s a pity that when those people abroad found Eden’s live broadcast room, Alicia had already turned off the live broadcast camera.

Now, in Eden’s live broadcast room, only the game screen is left.

After several Alicia’s live broadcasts, the traffic of station B has also ushered in an unparalleled explosive growth.

This naturally makes the shareholders of station B excited.

Regardless of the ups and downs on the Internet.

At this point, Eden has already defeated the boss of the last level.

The last thing left is the play button for the two short clips.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is close to 10 million.

Such data has made countless celebrities and internet celebrities daunted.

Among these people, there are not only “Honkai III” players, but also countless people who do not play games and are simply fans of Eden.

At the same time, there are also bloggers from various countries who overcame the wall to record live video.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, Eden let out a deep breath.

After 5 hours of gaming experience, not only did she not feel tired, she was even a little unfulfilled.

The whole two chapters of the plot tell the transformation of the protagonists from the inside out after experiencing various stories before.

Whether it’s Kiana breaking through confusion and making up for regrets. Whether it was Mei Yi who became capable and unrestrained, mature and reliable, it all made Eden feel extremely sentimental.

The narrative techniques of switching from various perspectives not only did not make the plot chaotic, but instead told the story perfectly and clearly.

There are laughs and tears, and the player’s emotions are almost controlled by the plot.

Such a story, such a game, how can people not like it?

Plus the music that made her amazed…

Eden believes that the quality of this animation short film will definitely surpass all previous short films.

“My good Eden~ what’s wrong with you?”

“I’m fine” Eden shook his head and clicked the play button of the animated short.

Seeing this, countless netizens in the live broadcast room also stopped the idea of ​​sending barrages and watched this short animation seriously.

The beginning is still the familiar Mi Huyou logo.

The picture unfolded, and in a dark space, Kiana’s heavy breathing came slowly.

Like the opening of the play, the dazzling lights suddenly illuminate the entire space.

The mixed voice of the Herrscher of Domination resounded throughout the theater.

“Kiana, give up the struggle~”

Immediately afterwards, heavy and eerie music sounded.

The unconscious Fu Hua and Bronya were imprisoned in mid-air by white threads.


A doll, connected with silk threads, descended from the sky and surrounded Qiyana.

The incomparably smooth and beautiful picture makes many people in the live broadcast room who do not play this game amazed.

This picture is more beautiful than countless anime, and you told me it was made by a game company?!

I didn’t give these netizens a chance to post barrage.

In the short film, the music gradually becomes more rapid.

“Without the power of the Herrscher, you are just an ordinary—weak!”

The Herrscher of Domination taunted Qiana while pulling the silk thread slightly.

And the silk threads that tied Fu Hua and Bronya also gradually tightened.

The sharp and hard silk threads left bloodstains on Bronya and Fu Hua’s bodies.

Seeing this scene, the audience couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

“Give me, let them go!” In the video, Kiana’s voice was low and angry.

The Herrscher of Domination ignored Kiana.

“There is no faith, but nothing can be done”

While controlling the puppet to besiege Qiana, it slowly tightened those white silk threads.

Fu Hua and Bronya’s muffled groans made people feel extremely distressed.

“Stop!!” Kiana also roared.

She kept slashing with the big sword in her hand, but there were too many dolls, and Kiana seemed a little powerless.

“Just by virtue of the so-called justice and kindness…”

“In the end, it’s all self-motivated~”

“You can’t change, the malice in people’s hearts…

“I can’t change this ugly world!

There were more and more dolls, and Qiana was also invincible with both fists and four hands, and was pressed to the ground by several dolls who rushed over.

Even the spear of Yakong summoned by Kiana was easily stopped by a few threads.

“Look, you can’t even… protect them~”

After the Herrscher of Domination finished mocking, those white threads suddenly tightened.

The spear of Yakong was smashed, and Fu Hua and Bronya were also in a black and white picture, and a large amount of blood was smashed.

Seeing this, countless players have their pupils shrunk.

Such a picture is very misleading.

Eden was also heartbroken.

Could it be that Bronya and Fu Hua just died like this?

“No…they should be fine”

After all, in the BOSS of the last level, Qiyana and the others completely defeated the Herrscher Dominator, and Fu Hua and Bronya were both alive.

This short film is to show the battle scene and the victory of Qiyana and others more real and worrying.

And this scene, it did.

Even people who have never played “Honkai III” are deeply attracted by this short film.

They are completely immersed in the plot.

Incomparably smooth and exquisite pictures, the switching of near and far scenes is full of tension.

After this operation of the Herrscher of Domination, the blood pressure of the audience was also successfully raised.

They began to worry about the two girls hanging above the theater, and began to cheer for the white-haired girl silently.

In the short video, no matter how hard Kiana tried, she still couldn’t break free from the doll’s shackles.

The big hand outlined by the line art style completely controlled Qiyana.

“We are all losers…”

“Humans are all losers!

“They’ve fallen, you…the last one~’

As the voice of the Herrscher of Domination came, a dark and oppressive feeling came to his face.

“I won’t… give in to you…”

Kiana struggled to support.

But the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the highlights in her eyes gradually dissipated, and she can only see people’s heartache.

“I do not want it…

When she was about to fall, Kiana saw Jizi’s back.

Immediately, the theme song of “Yin Yan Eternal Burning” sounded slowly.

“They…never give up…”

Accompanied by the soft piano sound, a red fire gradually emerged from Kiana’s body.

“Now it’s my turn to do what I have to do!

She struggled to break free from the doll’s shackles and regained hold of Ji Zi’s broken sword.

“Go and tell everyone…their choice is not wrong!”

“Coax ∼”

An explosion sounded, and the puppets that trapped Qiana were shaken away.

The camera is zoomed out, and an extremely shocking back is displayed in front of everyone.

The broken Divine Meteorite Sword had already changed into the shape of Xinyan Great Sword at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Kiana, holding a great sword, slowly said what Jizi had said.

“Your attack…is it over!””

“What?” The Herrscher of Domination couldn’t believe it.

“Now it’s my turn, no problem!!

As Kiana rushed towards the Herrscher of Domination.

A female voice chanted.


Some deserts on this planet were once oceans.

The chanting sound that resembled Qiana’s voice, coupled with the gentle piano sound, only made people tremble all over, and the nose was sore.

They didn’t know why, but they were moved by this scene.

Unknowingly moved… This is the charm of Houkai San.

【Ah ah ah… 】

【It has already started to be incoherent ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…


[Mi Huyou…he came with the stereo again]

[I haven’t played this game, but I think this anime is really well done]

【I don’t know how strong it is, I just feel it’s ignited! 】

[I cried… this sentence… Ji Zi also said QAQ]

【What Mr. Jizi said… Kiana never forgot, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…】

【The distressed Kiana woo… 】

In the picture, Kiana flickers left and right, and the Great Sword of Yan Yan keeps slashing.

Seeing that Kiana became more and more brave, the Herrscher of Domination was also a little annoyed.

As it summoned more puppets, it taunted.

“Why are you still standing up?”

“No matter how much you struggle, the result will not change!

As its voice fell, a rope suddenly appeared and tied Qiana’s arms.

At the same time, countless dolls jumped high and slaughtered towards Kiana.

Just at this critical moment, the weak Bronya constructed several keys of truth, and several laser cannons blasted those dolls into parts.

Under the surprised eyes of the Herrscher Dominator and Kiana, Bronya, who fell to the ground, spoke slowly.

“Kiana, don’t care what you say…

“Because she’s an idiot, idiot…won’t give up!”

As soon as the screen turned, Kiana’s sky blue pupils turned slightly, turning into golden gears.

And Bronya’s core of the Herrscher of Reason was also transferred to her Great Sword.

The slightly high-pitched female voice also became Ji Zi’s voice.


I thought I was just a bystander until I felt such a real touch.

0 asking for flowers……..

The screen gradually zooms out.

The phantoms of Kiana and Bronya back to back, one-handed and one-handed, constructing countless keys to truth.

This scene is very similar to Bronya’s short film “Angel Reconstruction”.

Kiana and Bronya shouted at the same time: “fire!

The artillery fire nearly covered the entire theater.

Numerous broken stones fell one after another.

And Qiana’s hairstyle was tied into a single ponytail at some point.

At this time, she looked serious and looked capable and handsome.

The singing continues.

The Herrscher of Domination has not fallen.

But it is no longer in the mood to mock Kiana.

He quickly controlled a few boulders and smashed them hard on Qiyana.

In this scene, it seemed that Kiana did not escape.

However, with a feather slowly falling.

Fu Hua’s voice also sounded slowly.

“She changed me and many people”

“In the future, she will go to change more people”

“I want to see that day come!”

As Fu Hua’s words fell, the feather floating in front of the Herrscher Dominant flashed a strong light.

Then, Kiana, holding a great sword, suddenly jumped out of her feathers.

At this time, on her Great Sword of Fire, the Gem of Discipline of Knowledge shone brightly.


“We won’t stop here!

Qiana, Fu Hua, and Shibao, the three of them shouted this oath at the same time.

The power of a few gems was fully mobilized by Kiana.

She held a big sword, like a meteor shining with hope, illuminating the entire theater.


The music also came to a climax.


Give the past a shoulder.


Let the cry that has been imprisoned for a long time be released.

The emotions of the audience are also completely mobilized here.

Everyone was excited.

Even Eden covered his mouth and watched this scene with tears in his eyes.

Visually, audibly, and emotionally are all perfectly captured by this short film.

He was so excited that his body trembled slightly.

“Your ideal cannot be realized…”

“The outside world has never been better!

The Herrscher of Domination, these words with a bit of a cry directly made everyone feel complicated.

“No! How much

Kiana, who was imprisoned again, retorted angrily.

Immediately afterwards, the four gems radiated dazzling light.

Kiana in the sky has completely transformed.

She was covered in flames, and the armor of the Herrscher of the Flames had been draped over her body at some point.

At this moment, Qiana, who was holding a big sword, was so handsome.

Accompanied by the high-pitched female voice, everyone who watched the live broadcast burst into tears.

“Of course the world is not beautiful…”

“But someone told me not to give up”

“They guided me and showed me that the world wasn’t so bad”

“I love them and everything they love!”

“This sword connects us…”

“She will burn up the dark sky and let the light shine farther away!

Following Kiana’s narration, the singing suddenly stopped.

Kiana held a great sword and launched a final attack on the Herrscher of Domination.

“This is… me and everyone…”

“The way home!!

Along with Qiyana’s roar, the music of “Eternal Burning” sounded again.


Say goodbye to yesterday when hope and faith are full of wings.


Spread these wings for me again.

At this point, everyone’s vision was blurred by tears.

Until Ji Zi’s figure slowly appeared and quickly disappeared…

Everyone lives in Bengbu.

[Woooooo…I can’t stand it anymore! 】


【With this fire, the slashing is endless!!】

【Fight for all the good in the world!!QAQ】

【Welcome home…Qiana QAQ】

【Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuin chou… who can bring Mr. Jizi home… 】

【Ah ah ah… Mi Huyou Niu Bu!!】

【Ji Zi is watching you tenderly, without words…】

Eden also covered his mouth, sobbing.

Alicia patted her on the back and comforted her softly.

But Eden did not listen to those comforting words.

At the end of the video, the singing of “Yin Yan Eternal Burning” sounded again.

In the barrage, almost the same sentence floated.

[Fight for all the beauty in the world~] Son.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “Illustration” button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

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