Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 101.2: I’m Back (2)

Ji Fanyin reached for a cherry from the plate and casually asked, “What are we watching?”

“You must have already seen all the newly released films,” Cheng Yunsheng pondered, “How about an old film?”

He listed a few movies that ranged from a decade to a few decades old. They ranged from blockbusters to indie films.

But as a walking movie player, Ji Fanyin had already watched all of them.

Chen Yunsheng blinked at her blankly. “Then let’s watch something you like. Do you have any films you would recommend to me?”

Ji Fanyin thought about it and keyed 《Big Fish》into the search bar.

The movie was about the life of an elderly man.

He was someone who loved to brag about the exciting adventures he had gone on in his younger days. However, his son strongly detested his vanity, and could not wait to leave him the moment he got married.

They were only reunited a few years later on his deathbed.

Having matured over the years, his son could finally believe his father’s stories to be true, just that they were beautifully embellished with strange and mystical creatures.

Then it came the time for the son to tell his dying father a story, a bizarre story that included all of his father’s friends and family gathering to send the elderly man on his last journey.

It was a movie that slowly built up.

Ji Fanyin had picked this movie out of a list of movies in her mind.

There were many reasons for why she picked it, but they were not important. Because Chen Yunsheng fell asleep halfway through it.

She watched him tilt little by little to the side through the reflection on the television. By the time she turned to look at him, his eyes were already shut tight.

As gently as possible, Ji Fanyin removed the plate of fruits on his lap. She was worried he might overturn it accidentally and wake himself up.

Chen Yunsheng slept peacefully on the sofa, as though he had not slept a wink the night before.

… Ah, that might really be the case.

Ji Fanyin turned the volume of the television down and continued to watch the movie.

This was a movie with an explosive ending. Therefore, the closer she was to the ending, the more excited she became. When the movie came to the part where everyone was there to send the father off, Ji Fanyin’s hands had stopped working on her plate of fruits.

And as if to emphasize the end of the movie, Ji Fanyin’s handphone vibrated which immediately pulled her back to the present.

To prevent waking Chen Yunsheng, she grabbed her phone and took the call in his mini office.

The call was from Li Mingyue.

Before she accepted the call, Ji Fanyin was already aware of what was happening on Li Mingyue’s side. However, as a direct participant of the incident, Li Mingyue’s account was still more detailed.

In her usual concise manner, Li Mingyue recounted, “Ji Xinxin planned to raise the child by herself. She had engaged Cen Xiangyang’s help to pull some strings in the hospital for her to escape. When we found her, she had already sustained an impact to her stomach. We were unable to save the child.”

“Mm,” Ji Fanyin replied monotonously.

“My brother is not planning to marry Ji Xinxin.” The flicking sound of a lighter being used sounded from Li Mingyue’s end of the phone. “Because of his health condition, I’ll be taking over all his professional duties from now on.”


“As expected, you are not surprised at all.” Li Mingyue asked calmly, “Have you predicted this ending?”

Ji Fanyin laughed. “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

Li Mingyue had no intention to dwell on this matter but she had already gotten her answer the moment she had posted the question. “Yes, my brother wants to talk to you. He said it’ll be the last time.”

This is definitely his last opportunity to do so.

But she would never give him the satisfaction of this last chance.

“I’ll pass on that. The person he really wants to talk to is not here.”

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