Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 110.1: Another One? (1)

Chen Yunsheng took pride in his sense of responsibility. Despite having deleted everything he had worked on thus far, he still managed to rush out his work within a single day and make it in time for the deadline. On top of that, his revised work received a high degree of approval from the client.

Thanks to that, the celebration dinner went ahead as planned.

It was early autumn, the season of crabs, so the boss generously brought everyone to a high-class restaurant that served succulent plump crabs.

It went without saying that delicious crabs had to go with huangjiu.

While huangjiu was low in alcohol content, the group was able to get high on the atmosphere. Some goaded weaker drinkers to down their cup whereas others challenged their colleagues to drinking competitions. Yet, no one dared to push a drink in Chen Yunsheng’s direction.

Other than him, the only ones who didn’t drink were those allergic to wine, barred from drinking by their spouses, the boss, and the superior.

“Boss, I thought that you’re a hearty drinker?” one of the employees asked.

“My stomach isn’t feeling well today,” the boss replied.

It was an excuse.

He knew Ji Fanyin would be arriving soon, and he wouldn’t dare to welcome her in an intoxicated state. So, he ordered a cup of red date wolfberry tea instead. While sipping on his tea, he couldn’t help but assess Chen Yunsheng out of curiosity.

He’s good-looking, but there’s no lack of handsome faces in our industry.

He’s talented, but there are plenty of talented people out there. There’s no lack of prodigies in Ji Fanyin’s long list of suitors.

What’s so special about him that caught her eye?

“Is she really coming?” the superior discreetly leaned toward the boss and asked. “It’s getting late.”

“I think so,” the boss replied in uncertainty.

He picked up his phone to check the time, only for Ji Fanyin’s call to come in right after. He nearly dropped his phone into a bowl of crab vinegar out of shock.

It’s a small matter to change phones, but if I don’t pick up this call right now, it might just be the end of me. 

As the boss picked up the call, the superior subconsciously put down his cup and sat upright. It was almost as if Ji Fanyin was already standing before him.

The boss discreetly covered his own mouth and the speaker as he asked softly, “Have you arrived?”

“I’m at the entrance. Is your celebration party ending soon?”

“I don’t think…” There was a moment’s delay before the boss understood what she was getting at. He sharply changed the tone of his words and said, “I mean, I was just about to foot the bill. We’ll be out in a jiffy.”

The first thing he did after hanging up was to call the waiter and have him pack some of the store’s specialties into a thermal bag.

“Boss, you’re still hungry?” one of the employees teased.

“It’s a gift.” The boss stood up and waved his hand. “It’s already getting late. You should start heading home now. It’s Saturday tomorrow. You don’t have to come in for work. Sleep all you want and recharge yourselves!”

The intoxicated crowd sluggishly rose from their seats and staggered out with their arms on one another’s necks as they discussed their plans for getting home.

Chen Yunsheng trailed behind the crowd with his backpack. As the boss walked by him, he suddenly stopped him and offered him a thermal bag filled with takeaway dishes freshly packed by the waiter. “Lil’ Chen, this is for you.”

Chen Yunsheng didn’t take the thermal bag. “Thank you, but I’m already full.”

“It’s not for you. You’ll know soon enough.” The boss adamantly stuffed the thermal bag into Chen Yunsheng’s hand. Then, he waved his hand and said, “Now go! A young guy like you shouldn’t be walking so slowly like a tortoise!”

Chen Yunsheng stared at the thermal bag in his hand quizzically, but he decided not to think too much into it. He nodded and walked out.

The boss turned to the superior beside him and quietly asked, “I’m just asking out of curiosity, but how much do you think this information is worth if I sell it to the press?”

“It’ll be worth something, but I reckon not much. It’s not the first time she’s in a relationship,” the superior replied. “Besides, do you think that it’s likely for the two of them to walk to the very end?”

The boss thought hard about those words. “You have such low hopes for them? I think that they might be a surprising match for each other.”

“Why don’t we make a bet? If you lose, you have to give me that new watch of yours!” the superior goaded.

The boss scoffed in response, “You’ve been eyeing my watch, huh? Fine! If I win, you have to give me that treasured racing car of yours!”

“Heck! Aren’t you being too vicious here?”

“Are you taking this bet or not?”

“Of course! This is my chance to earn an easy sum!”


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