Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 94.3: Which Ji Fanyin? (3)

“Hello,” Ji Fanyin said lazily. However, Secretary Fan did not wait for her to finish articulating the word before passing the phone to his boss.

Li Xiaoxing reached out a shaky hand to receive the phone but probably from being too overwhelmed by emotions, he could not muster any strength in his fingers to grip it. Noticing his difficulty, Secretary Fan retrieved the phone and turned on the speaker call function.

Through his heavy panting, he called out, “Ji Fanyin.”

In contrast to Li Xiaoxing’s exceptionally pained voice, Ji Fanyin still maintained a calm attitude.

“Hello,” she said.

“Which… Ji Fanyin are you?” Li Xiaoxing could barely muster the strength to complete the question.

Secretary Fan, who was supporting Li Xiaoxing’s weight, was puzzled over the unusual question.

… Is there more than one Ji Fanyin?

But Ji Fanyin seemed to have understood the question. She chuckled.

“Did Ji Xinxin tell you that? That was unexpected. I thought it would be your… Hmm, forget what I just said.”

“Is that true?” Li Xiaoxing breathed each word out. His deathly pale face had turned an unusual red.

“Yes, didn’t I tell you that on your engagement day?” Ji Fanyin asked, “Do you remember me telling you if the Ji Fanyin from before still exists, she may be able to cure your legs?”

Secretary Fan could barely register Ji Fanyin’s statement before he was distracted by the sudden warning beeps on the heart monitor connected to Li Xiaoxing.

Within a few breaths, doctors and nurses rushed into the ward and he was ordered to make way.

He quickly stepped aside but with the absence of his support, Li Xiaoxing started to tilt and fall.

He immediately stepped back to help Li Xiaoxing until two young doctors took over.

When he retreated to the back of the room with the phone, Li Xiaoxing was staring intently at it.

“Spasms! Hold the patient down!” The doctors were all rushing around and shouting orders, turning the initially quiet room into a scene resembling the new year countdown fireworks segment.

Secretary Fan switched the call back into the handheld mode and raised the phone to his ear. “Hello, Ms. Ji.”

“Hello, Secretary Fan.” There was a tinge of amusement in her voice. “I have a word of advice for you. Check on Ji Xinxin now. She would not choose to reveal this to Li Xiaoxing now without a reason.”

“What did Mr. Li mean when he asked you that question?” Secretary Fan asked in a subdued voice.

But his question was not met with any reply. Ji Fanyin had ended the call.

Secretary Fan had noticed an obvious change in Ji Fanyin’s attitude since Li Xiaoxing’s engagement.

To be more concise, it was like…

The passenger had become the driver.

In the past, Ji Fanyin would never end a call with him so suddenly.

Nonetheless, he was duly consoled by the fact that this phone call was free. If he was in the same situation, he, too, would not spend an extra second on a task he would not be receiving a deserving payment from.

After all, every second of a salaryman has an opportunity cost.

Without wasting another second, he made his way out of the room to check on Ji Xinxin as per Ji Fanyin’s advice.

Ji Xinxin was still crouched at the same place where he left her. Blood was drained from her face and she was still clutching her stomach.

Luckily, they were already at a hospital where he could seek immediate medical attention for her.

When they were in the consultation room, he excused himself to a corner to call Li Mingyue.

But a question from the doctor distracted him from the phone call. “When was your last period?”

Secretary Fan quickly turned over to look at them.

Ji Xinxin lowered her head and said, “It has been nearly two months…”

The doctor nodded knowingly. “You may be pregnant. Please conduct a urine test on her.”

Secretary Fan was reminded of Ji Fanyin’s words which helped to connect the dots.

Ji Xinxin chose to say those things to provoke Li Xiaoxing because she found out she was pregnant! 

Secretary Fan looked at Ji Xinxin incredulously.

Right at this moment, a nurse ran into the room. “Mr. Fan, I’ve looked for you everywhere!”

Secretary Fan could feel a headache brewing. “Did something happen to Mr. Li?”

The nurse panted heavily as she said, “He is starting to lose feeling in his hands!”

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