Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 96.1: Don’t Take Up My Offer (1)

Ji Fanyin stared at the notification from the bank.


Is he fretting over where to spend his money?

As she swiped the notification away and looked up, the view of Song Shiyu walking towards her filled her vision.

“Fanyin,” he called out.

“We are not that close, Mr. Song,” Ji Fanyin reminded him.

Song Shiyu’s smile fell. “My apologies, Ms. Ji.”

“Please take a seat.” Ji Fanyin gestured towards the seat opposite her and took out her laptop. “Zhang Ning has briefed me on the agenda of the meeting. We will be finalizing some deadlines, estimates and details today.”

However, Song Shiyu was not in the mind to discuss work-related matters. He adjusted his sleeves and tie nervously for the nth time as Ji Fanyin presented the points, resembling a fresh graduate attending his very first job interview.

If I am not such a principled person, this would have been such a good opportunity to get him to sign some legal-loophole-exploiting contract to usurp his company.

Even though Ji Fanyin’s attendance at this meeting was impromptu, she was very thorough with her presentation. After all, she was one of the owners of the studio.

But the same level of concentration was not reflected in Song Shiyu. Without much thought, he approved the proposal with a nod of his head. “Let’s go with what you have proposed.”

Ji Fanyin: “...” Didn’t Zhang Ning just complain to me yesterday that this negotiation with Song Shiyu would take quite some time?

“H-have you eaten? The food served at this restaurant is delicious. Since you’re already here, why don’t we have a meal together before we go?” Song Shiyu asked Ji Fanyin nervously. After which, as though he was reminded of something, he quickly added, “The meal’s on me.”

Ji Fanyin had no intention to leave anyway.

… To utilize a restaurant’s space for a meeting without ordering some food, how awkward would that be?

“I’ve already placed the order,” Ji Fanyin informed as she turned off her laptop and pressed the service bell.

A waiter was at their table within a minute. To whom, Ji Fanyin notified, “We are ready for the food to be served.”

As the waiter scuttle off to notify the kitchen, Ji Fanyin pointed to the box sitting at the edge of the table, “That is for you. Remember to take it with you when you leave.”

“Sure…” Song Shiyu said with uncertainty but he could not hide the glitter in his eyes, “Is it a gift for me?”

Ji Fanyin thought about it and answered, “Yes.”

‘Gift’ is a nice way to put it, but returned’ is a more accurate term.

Well… He can find that out for himself when he opens the box. There is no need to over explain things now.

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