Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 99.3: No Amount Could Compensate Her (3)

Ji Xinxin’s eyes widened as she straightened herself on the armchair. She stared at the both of them dumbfoundedly for a moment before surprise registered on face and she shot up from the sofa, exclaiming, “Xiaoxing! Are your hands feeling better?”

Li Mingyue wheeled Li Xiaoxing further into the room and stood there, having no intention to leave.

Coldly, Li Xiaoxing ordered, “Sit.”

Ji Xinxin sat back down on the sofa nervously, cradling her stomach shyly. “Have you heard the news that you are going to be a father? I will protect this child and shower him with lots of love.”

Her words drew Li Xiaoxing’s attention towards her stomach.

Sensing his gaze, Ji Xinxin decided to test the water and asked, “Do you want to feel it?”

She reached for Li Xiaoxing’s right hand hanging by the wheelchair. However, before she came into contact with him, a rumble sounded from the back of Li Xiaoxing’s throat.

… Rather than a rumble, it sounded more like a dry heave.

Li Mingyue immediately pulled the wheelchair back by an inch which caused Ji Xinxin to miss her mark and grab a handful of air.

Their reaction stunned Ji Xinxin.

She had pictured Li Xiaoxing to be angry, to fly into a rage or even insult her but never had she expected him to have such a reaction.

“Do you find me disgusting?” Ji Xinxin could not believe her eyes.

The anger she had painstaking suppressed burst out once again, consuming her. “Li Xiaoxing! Other than that very one time I had lied to you, what have I ever done to deserve your disgust? Ever since our engagement, when have I ever let you down? This is your child too! The child of Li Xiaoxing!”

Li Xiaoxing frowned. “The child can stay.”

“The child can…” Ji Xinxin choked on her words. “Then what about me? Am I just a surrogate mother?!”

Li Xiaoxing replied coldly, “You can choose not to be.”

Ji Xinxin’s mouth opened and closed but the words seemed to be stuck in her throat, neither coming out nor going back in.

That’s right, this child was her only hope. She couldn’t give up now.

“When you proposed to me, “ Ji Xinxin recounted, “You said you would protect me, you said you loved me! Are all those…”

“I will protect those who can love. Are you one of them?” Li Xiaoxing interrupted her and asked emotionlessly, “By the way, haven’t that person already died in your hands?”

Ji Xinxin looked at Li Mingyue in panic. Noticing the lack of reaction on her face, it dawned upon her that she had already been informed of the matter beforehand.

“Mingyue,” Li Xiaoxing called out softly.

Li Mingyue immediately turned the wheelchair around and pushed him out of the room.

“Will you still marry me when the child is born?” Ji Xinxin asked anxiously from behind them.

But she was not met with any answer.

Before the door closed, Li Mingyue looked back at Ji Xinxin one last time. Her eyes were a pit of darkness.

There was no respect for her sister-in-law nor any happiness from the impending arrival of a new family member, there was nothing at all.

Kachak! The door shut tightly between them.

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