Professor Vampire.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Hagrid's cutie

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Hagrid's cutie
After a brief conversation with Dumbledore, Dracula's mood became a little gloomy.

He clearly remembered that he originally came to the principal's office to confront Dumbledore, but in the end, under Dumbledore's hopeful eyes, this responsibility became the direction he should work hard in the future?

Dracula silently put a big "charlatan" hat on Dumbledore in his heart.

After the chat, the two went up to the fourth floor along the spiral staircase outside the principal's office and walked towards the restricted area of ​​the right corridor.

"I still don't understand why you set up such a dangerous place in the school," Dracula looked at the empty corridor. "Do you really want to put the students in danger?"

"Professor Dracula, as you just said, Voldemort may come back at any time." Dumbledore replied, "In this case, I need to know his specific situation in advance. The school is the only place I can monitor continuously."

"So, this place is essentially Voldemort's trap, isn't it?" Dracula frowned slightly, "If such a simple trap can deceive Voldemort, I may have to worry about the current situation of the wizarding world."

"You have indeed successfully turned such a fool into a dark lord whose name cannot be mentioned."

"Don't say that, when Voldemort was young It's quite clever," Dumbledore said with a smile, "but I put an irresistible treasure in these fortifications. I believe that even if Voldemort knows it is a trap, he will still try to break through it."

"Oh?" Dracula raised his eyebrows curiously. "Is this bait precious? You brought me here without any defense. Aren't you afraid that an evil vampire like me will try to steal it?"

"Professor Dracula, don't worry. I believe you are not that kind of person." Dumbledore said with a kind smile.

He added: "Besides, what I put there is something you are very familiar with, and you are likely not interested. According to Nicholas, even if it is placed in front of you, You probably won't pick it up either."

Dracula paused, realizing that the bait Dumbledore was talking about was something Voldemort had coveted for a long time, but he himself felt it was worthless...

"Did Nicholas lend you the Philosopher's Stone?" He frowned.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

"It's a big price to lure out Voldemort," Dracula sneered, "When Nicholas said you were old friends, I didn't believe it; now I think he's too conservative."

Dracula is indeed not interested in the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone has two most famous effects: making elixir of life and turning base metals into gold, but neither of these two effects can arouse Dracula's interest.

As an immortal being, he had grown somewhat impatient with life and sought amusement as his only motivation to continue... As for turning base metals into gold, it was unnecessary. Once wealth reached a certain level, it became just a string of dull numbers, and Dracula had lost interest in money! Other strange effects might be numerous, but after hundreds of years of knowing Nicolas, Dracula was long tired of those functionalities. Now, as Nicolas said, the Philosopher's Stone was something he'd be too lazy to even take if it were in front of him. "Well, how you use it is your business, not mine," Dracula said with disinterest. "I just want to know how you plan to ensure no daring student sneaks in." "In my opinion, the Weasley twins from Gryffindor are a significant risk. Obviously, the more you forbid them, the more they'll want to try." "Oh, Professor Dracula, don't worry," Dumbledore said with a smile. "Hagrid's little friend will chase them away without causing them serious harm!" "Hagrid's little friend?" Dracula looked at him with confusion. "A large dog, properly trained, won't harm the young wizards," Dumbledore winked at him. "Of course, I've had a hand in that too." Dracula scoffed at Dumbledore's words. In his view, it was likely that Hagrid had raised a very fierce dog, which Dumbledore had placed at the entrance to the restricted area. Perhaps this poor dog had even been subjected to a spell by Dumbledore, maybe a Confundus Charm or a Memory Charm, making it less hostile towards Hogwarts students and only responsible for chasing out troublemakers. As they chatted, they had unknowingly reached a door. Opening the door, they entered the first defense of the Philosopher's Stone. "So this is Hagrid's little friend?" Dracula looked up at the massive dog, which was taller than himself, with a speechless expression. "Indeed, to Hagrid, it is," Dumbledore said with a smile. "Hagrid even gave it a name, Fluffy." In front of them was a dog that filled the entire space between the ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of eyes, wide and filled with madness; three noses, twitching and sniffing in their direction; three mouths, drooling and dripping with saliva from yellow, sharp teeth. Seeing Dracula and Dumbledore enter its territory, Fluffy immediately jumped up, growing angrily with all three heads: "Woof woof woof!" Dumbledore and Dracula paid little attention to the seemingly harmless dog and continued their conversation. "Do you know, Professor Dracula, that three-headed dogs have a fascinating trait?" Dumbledore said. "Such creatures fall asleep when they hear music, so I think you might try singing a song to Fluffy."

"So why don't you sing?" Dracula crossed his arms and gave him a sidelong glance.

"Ah, you must consider an old man's..."

Dumbledore looked at the young-looking vampire professor beside him, and his voice suddenly trembled. He suddenly remembered the real age of the vampire.

Dracula looked at him with interest, waiting to listen to the young old headmaster sing.

Just when the old headmaster was about to change the subject, Fluffy could no longer tolerate their disdainful attitude, and finally rushed towards Dracula and Dumbledore, roaring fiercely.

"Ah, woof woof woof!!"

Dracula's entertainment was interrupted, and he glared at the Dog.

Dracula's red eyes locked onto the huge dog, and it immediately felt a sense of superiority from a high-level dark creature, as well as a deep fear from its bloodline.

Flaffy slid to a stop and lay in front of Dracula.

"Woo woo woo woo..." It whimpered pitifully.

Dracula took a few steps forward and gently stroked Fluffy's head.

"It feels very comfortable, furry, but a little dirty," he said while scratching the dog's ears, and then turned to Dumbledore. "Do you want to try it, Dumbledore?"

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