Professor Vampire.

Chapter 208 - 208 Silver Tornado Cloud Pillar on the Quidditch Pitch

Chapter 208: Chapter 208 Silver Tornado Cloud Pillar on the Quidditch Pitch

The sky was still dark and scary, but the original pouring rain suddenly stagnated in mid-air.

The whistling wind also stopped, the roaring thunder also disappeared, the whole heaven and earth was suppressed, and there was an unstoppable anger rising up.

Harry's thin body was senseless, falling fast from the high sky, and above him it seemed as if another figure was riding on a broomstick trying its best to catch up, but it could not catch up with the speed of his descent at all.

But in this overcast sky, Harry was not noticed by the young wizards in the audience until he was close to crashing to the ground.

"Look up in the sky! That's ... Harry Potter!" Someone exclaimed.

"Is that Cedric following Potter? Which one of them caught the Golden Flyers?"

"They're going too fast, isn't this not right?"


The crowd, still unable to see exactly what was happening, murmured from their respective positions.

"How come we haven't seen Harry move ... Wait, where's his broom?" Ron heard the chatter around him and frowned as he looked high into the air, then his eyes widened in horror.

"Harry's not slowing down at all!" Hermione shouted anxiously, "Can't you feel this all over cold, it must be the dementors again, Harry fainted after the last time he saw a dementor!"

She stood up and raised her wand to the sky.

However, it was too dark, and Harry's figure was too small, Hermione, who was only a third year wizard, was completely incapable of accurately applying the spell to Harry, and could only watch as he flew down.

Just then, an old, muffled voice came over from the highest of the stands-

"Arresto Momentum (Shock Stop) -"

This voice seemed to have a soothing power, and the panicked little wizards immediately quieted down and completely let go of their hearts.

They could hear that it was Dumbledore's voice.

Harry's descent was immediately slowed, and a distraught Cedric finally caught up with him, releasing his tight grip on the broom to help Harry.

Fred and George also finally reacted and hurriedly flew to Harry's side, joining Cedric in holding him up as they landed on the still very muddy ground.

"Cedric, what just happened?" Fred asked impatiently, "Why did Harry suddenly fall out of the sky, and where's his broom?"

"We just encountered dementors ... uncountable dementors, they were roaming the air in thickets." Cedric said heartily, "And then Harry fainted and fell off his broom."

"How did the dementors get within range of the Quidditch pitch?" George waved his fist angrily and said indignantly, "They almost killed Harry!"

At that moment, Wood flew over with the three ball chasers as well and landed on the ground.

"How's Harry?" Wood asked.

"He's fine, Captain Wood ... except that I'm afraid the game won't go on today." Cedric said softly with a sigh.

Wood eyed Harry worriedly and was about to go over and carry him on his back and take him to the school infirmary.

Then, instead, Wood's eyes caught a glint of gold in Cedric's hand that was holding Harry's back.

"That's ..." he froze for a moment, and suddenly his boy-hole contracted, "Diggory, you caught the golden flyer?!"

"What?" Both of the Weasley twins were startled and looked at Cedric's clenched right hand in shock.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Cedric could only spread his palm.

In the center of his palm lay a metallic ball the size of a walnut, with a pair of small, brightly colored wings that constantly flapped on its bright golden body.

"Actually, if it wasn't for the Dementors, Harry would have had a good chance of getting the Golden Snitch." Cedric said, "I didn't win this match, I suggest a rematch, let's find a better day for a serious match."

"No need." Wood said. His voice sounded as if it had been squeezed out of his throat, "A true Quidditch player doesn't make excuses because of outside factors, what's yours is yours to win, no need for a rematch."

After saying this, Wood heaved up a ragged breath, as if finishing the sentence had taken all his strength.

"But ..."

Cedric was about to retort, however the referee, Ms. Hokey, had come onto the Quidditch pitch with another witch, a little older than her age, and inserted herself between them.

"Ms. Hockey, Cedric has caught the Golden Flyer and the match is over!" Wood suddenly shouted.

Ms. Hockey gave Wood a surprised look and took the golden flyer from Cedric, acknowledging the result of the match.


She blew her whistle, declaring the Hufflepuff team the ultimate victor.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall also came trotting onto the pitch in a hurry, an extremely anxious look on her face, not caring that the muddy lawn had splattered a number of muddy spots on the hem of her modest wizarding robes. freewebnø

"Madam Pomfrey, is there something wrong with Potter's health?" She asked hurriedly to the witch who had followed Ms. Hockey here.

"Nothing serious." Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse in a white wizard's robe, quickly examined Harry's body before turning to Professor McGonagall, "It should just be a convulsion under the influence of the Dementors, but there's no way to tell the exact details right now, I'm going to take him back to the school infirmary right now to check him out more closely."

With a wave of her wand, she maneuvered a stretcher that picked Harry up from several of Cedric's hands and floated off in the direction of Hogwarts Castle.

"Well then," Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced high in the sky with a less-than-stellar look on her face, "That's a hell of a lot of Dementors to be out here. That definitely counts as a trespass and an offense!"

"I think I saw Dumbledore looking angry when I passed that stand just now," Ms. Hodge sighed softly as she held onto her broom, "How will he deal with this?"

"It has indeed been a long time since I've seen Albus so angry." Professor McGonagall nodded, then said somewhat hesitantly, "But this time, it seems as if someone went ahead and handled it for him ..."

As if to corroborate Professor McGonagall's words, in the high level of the gloomy sky, there was suddenly a piece of dazzling silver light occupying the entire sky, as if a silver moon was lit up in the heavy dark clouds!

The sky, which had originally seemed to have fallen into stasis, suddenly changed, and the thick clouds slowly rotated with the silver moon as the center.

As time flies, the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster, and the height of the center of the clouds is getting lower and lower, gradually forming an hourglass-like shape, as if a tornado was suddenly blown above the cumulus clouds through the sky and through the earth!

All the little wizards present had their mouths wide open and were in an extremely shocked mood as they watched this scene in the sky.

Not only the little wizards, even the knowledgeable professors were no less, each one of them staring at the fiercely rotating cloud column with eyes as wide open as a child who had never seen anything.

Their eyesight was much better than that of the young wizards, and they were able to see that the sky was not only filled with rotting cloud pillars and silver moons, but also countless decaying, dark creatures desperately struggling at the edge of the cloud pillars in an attempt to escape from the hurricane's sweeping winds.

Those dark creatures, each and every one of them dressed in rotting cloaks, were attacked in the violent wind and hunted, as if they were going to be completely ripped off ... Who would have thought that they were the very same Dementors that had been arrogant, domineering, and unbeatable just a few minutes ago?

The cloud column rotated faster and faster, and the wind grew stronger and stronger, and one silver bat after another seemed to have been born out of thin air from the silver light flying around the wind swirl.

Every time one of the bats came into contact with the body of a Dementor, the Dementor that was originally going to get out of the range of the tornado seemed to lose all its strength, instantly deprived of its mobility and no longer capable of struggling.

Just like that, all the dementors high in the sky were sucked into the violent tornado.

Subsequently, all the spinning cumulus clouds collected with the flow of the wind whirlwind, and all of them disappeared into that silver-colored moon.

That moon also gradually contracted, and was finally gently grasped by a slender palm and collected in the center of it.

The moonlight passed away, the dark clouds dissipated, the sky turned a long-lost azure color, and the ground was sprinkled with warm sunlight.

The figure suspended high in the air frowned, took a false step forward, and disappeared into place in an instant.

The wizards present stared blankly at the brilliant golden light in the sky, feeling the temperature that had not been felt for many days.

If it weren't for the fact that the lawn was still muddy, they were afraid that they would have thought that they were just having a dream.


The next day, the people from the Ministry of Magic arrived at the Vice Chancellor's office at Hogwarts in a hurry through the flyway network.

Professor McGonagall greeted them in her office, but of course, she didn't give any good looks at all to the culprits who had caused Harry to nearly fall to his death, and who had also caused her house not to win the Quidditch match.

Dumbledore and Dracula were sitting in the Headmaster's office on the eighth floor, chatting away, waiting for the Ministry of Magic officials to arrive.

"How's Potter?" Dracula asked casually as he picked up his detached hat out of habit and twirled it around.

"Thanks to you, Harry just woke up not long after Bobbi took him to the school infirmary." Dumbledore smiled, "His friends have been visiting him in the school infirmary."

"There's practically nothing wrong with Harry's health anymore, it's just that Bobbi made sure he stayed there until the weekend, so I'll have to get him a leave of absence from you, Professor Dracula." He said.

"A week's vacation? I know." Dracula thought for a moment and nodded, "But I heard he wasn't in the best of moods because of the loss? Their captain was rather sanguine when he refused a rematch."

"There are reasons for that, but not all of them." Dumbledore said with a shake of his head, "Harry's flying broom crashed into the Beating Willow and was demolished by an angry willow, so I guess it can't be repaired."

"Professor Dracula, you understand, flying brooms are to Quidditch players what wands are to wizards, their best friends. So Harry losing his broom is like losing a best friend, of course he's going to be sad for a while ..."

"Not really." Dracula laughed softly as he tossed the sorting hat back onto its stool and casually pulled out his own wand, "If you hadn't insisted that I have this wand ready, I wouldn't have bothered to use it." "Of course you're special, Professor Dracula, it's good to be able to probably understand what I mean." Dumbledore said somewhat helplessly, "Anyway, nothing serious on Harry's end, we should actually be thinking about how to deal with the Ministry of Magic's outburst now."

"Oh?" Dracula looked over at Dumbledore and quirked the corner of his mouth gently, "Why is it a matter of dealing with their tantrums and not ours?"

A flash of surprise appeared in his eyes, followed by a seemingly derisive look.

"Could it be that ... you're not going to let me hand over those Dementors this time?"

"They entered Hogwarts' territory without my consent, so of course they have to pay some price." Dumbledore's voice chilled, "Hogwarts may only be a school of magic, but that doesn't mean we're just going to let anyone rub our noses in it."

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the Headmaster's office.

Dumbledore and Dracula looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Come in."

Dumbledore raised his hand and the door opened automatically.

Professor McGonagall walked in with several wizards dressed in a suit of formal attire.

"Albus, the men are here." Professor McGonagall said.

"Tough luck, Minerva." Dumbledore's expression turned gentle again, "And I'd also like to trouble you to tell Lemus to take Professor Dracula's place for two classes, this side shouldn't be able to be fixed for a while."

Professor McGonagall nodded, then coldly glanced at the several officials of the Ministry of Magic, turned around and left the principal's office, and casually brought the door with him.

After Professor McGonagall left, a silence fell over the principal's office for a short time.

Dracula watched Dumbledore, who was leisurely sipping his tea, and the several officials of the Ministry of Magic, who appeared to be a bit rushed in their movements, with interest, feeling very interesting.

No matter what people on the status, no matter how pretentious those people were, when they really faced Dumbledore, the ceiling-like great wizard of the magic world, they could not help but show a few moments of timidity.

"Ahem, Headmaster Dumbledore, the main reason we came here this time is to resolve the issue of the Ministry of Magic's employees being arbitrarily captured by your school. This is out of order ..."

The leading official of the Ministry of Magic wearing a pinstriped suit was the first to hold back and opened his mouth to break the quiet atmosphere in the office.

"So that's what you think, Minister Fudge?" Dumbledore put his teacup back on the table, glanced at him, and said tantalizingly, "I must say that our opinion on the matter is somewhat different from yours."

"If you please." Fudge wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Then as if he felt that his performance was a bit of a drop, he forced himself to straighten up again, his bulging stomach almost holding up the buttons on the front of his shirt.

"Good, then let me say what I think." Dumbledore said coldly.

"All I know is that yesterday a large number of Dementors trespassed on the Quidditch pitch where a game was being played, attacked a Quidditch player, and nearly caused that player to have a life-threatening condition!"

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