Professor Vampire.

Chapter 252 - 252 How to repair a split soul

Chapter 252: Chapter 252 How to repair a split soul

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation."

After Ollivander checked Harry's wand, Dumbledore stood up from the referee's table and said to everyone present.

"You can go back to class now... Oh, maybe it's better to go to the hall to eat directly, anyway, they will be out of class soon."

As he said this, he winked at the five warriors playfully.

Harry, who had been in a very depressed mood, finally felt that something went well today.

He stood up and prepared to leave, but the man with the black camera jumped up and cleared his throat.

"Take a picture, Dumbledore, take a picture!" Bagman slapped his thigh in sudden realization and shouted excitedly, "What do you think of a group photo of the referee, safety officer and warrior, Rita?"

"Well - well, let's take a group photo first," said Rita Skeeter, her eyes constantly wandering around Dracula, Krum, and Harry, the people who were most likely to make big news, "maybe take a few individual photos later."

It took a long time to take the photo.

No matter where Madame Maxime stood, it would be easy to block others, and the room was too small for the photographer to stand very far away, so it was difficult to get her into the camera.

In the end, she had to sit down, and everyone else stood around her.

Karkaroff kept twisting his goatee with his fingers, trying to curl it Cedric smiled shyly at the camera Fleur shook her hair and smiled stunningly...

Somewhat surprisingly, Krum, who people thought would be used to such things as taking pictures, hid behind everyone.

The photographer seemed particularly eager to put Fleur in the front, but Rita Skeeter always caught up and insisted that Dracula, Harry and Krum stand in a more prominent position.

Then she insisted on taking individual photos of the referee, the safety officer and the warriors one by one.

However, Dracula completely ignored him and turned around and left the room, so she had to shift her attention to the "easy to bully" Harry and Krum and took photos of each warrior.

It took a long time for the warriors to finally get out.

By the time they got to the auditorium, the students who were originally in class had already finished their meals.

For Harry, this only happy thing seemed to have become a bit annoying.


After Dracula left the room where the interview was arranged, he went straight to the office of the Defense Against the Dark Arts assistant teacher assigned to Riddle, which was not far from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Pushing open the door, the handsome black-haired young man was reading a book. Seeing Dracula's arrival, he showed a bit of surprise.

"Professor Dracula, aren't you dealing with the matter of the semi-finals? Why did you suddenly think of coming here?" Riddle stood up and asked, "The students' homework has been corrected today. Do you need to take a look?"

He put down the book in his hand, picked up a thick, neatly arranged pile of parchment from the desk by the window, and handed it to Dracula.

"I'm not here to check your work." Dracula waved his hand and pushed the homework back.

If it weren't for the connection between Harry's wand and Voldemort, which made Dracula suddenly think of his assistant, he might have ignored Riddle to a large extent.

This teaching assistant, who was found from a diary very hastily at that time, has become extremely low-key since he was found by Dracula when he was looking for Slytherin's remains in the previous school year.

Every day, he just conscientiously arranges and corrects the homework of the young wizards, makes a demonstration in class when necessary, and occasionally serves as a sparring partner in the duel club...

Apart from work, Riddle has been reading books, reading different magic books... According to him, he only has the memory of Voldemort before he was 16 years old, and the accumulation of magic knowledge is far from enough, and he must continue to study.

It is simply the speech of a model student.

Dracula certainly has no reason to stop him from continuing his studies. After all, his teaching assistant work has been completed quite well, and even a sarcastic professor like Snape can't find fault with it.

Of course, Dracula has no intention of finding fault at all.

Only by having a reliable teaching assistant to deal with the various trivial troubles of being a professor can you have the opportunity to come out and have fun! Why not?

Dracula turned his attention back to the book that Riddle had just placed on the desk.

This was a rather thick book, with a faded black leather cover and a string of letters in a strange font on it -

"Advanced Black Magic Revealed".

"Advanced Black Magic? It's quite boastful. How is this book?" Dracula picked up the book casually and opened the first page.

Before Riddle could remind him, a hideous black skull suddenly emerged from the cover of the book, let out a piercing scream, and rushed towards Dracula.

However, before Dracula could react, the skull seemed to be frightened and immediately turned around and wanted to return to the pages of the book.

The next moment, two slender fingers pinched the black mist on the back of the skull and lifted it in front of him like a puppy.

"Interesting, is this a black magic trap set by the author of this book?"

Dracula looked at the skull with interest. He felt that the image of the skull in the Dark Mark was inspired by this.

"Let me see... the fog should be a bluff, and the main thing is the mental impact."

Dracula said to himself, "Oh, is the author of this black magic book actually a good person? Wizards who don't have enough spirit to withstand the black magic in this book will be scared by this skull, so as to achieve the effect of warning?"

Riddle watched this scene with shame on his face. He always felt that even though he had worked hard to improve, he was still not from the same world as this professor.

Every time he opened the book, he had to be prepared to avoid being affected by the skull, so as not to reduce his learning efficiency in the next period of time.

...But this skull was as weak and harmless as a little puppy to Dracula, not to mention being affected mentally.

"Professor Dracula, I guess this author can't be called a good person. He is very arrogant..." Riddle said, "In my opinion, the author probably thinks that wizards who are not powerful enough are not qualified to read his works."

"Oh, if that's the case, it's really arrogant." Dracula sneered and shook his head, and began to turn the book back.

This big book is worthy of the name of "Advanced Black Magic Revealed". All kinds of black magic in it are organized quite well and accurately, with few mistakes or omissions.

It contains a large number of evil magic files and various evil experimental cases.

It can be seen that the author who wrote this book is indeed not a good person in the literal sense, otherwise he would not have a special liking for these evil cases.

Riddle watched Dracula's movements nervously, hoping that his reading speed of ten lines at a glance could skip some of the important information in it...

However, the thing he least wanted to see happened after all.

When Dracula turned to a certain page, his movements suddenly paused.

"Horcrux?" Dracula raised his eyes and looked at Riddle with a smile, "You read this book mainly for this content, right?"

It's rare. Even with Dracula's experience, he rarely sees books containing specific information about Horcruxes.

But this book "Secrets of Advanced Black Magic" covers the process of making Horcruxes, the impact of Horcruxes on the soul of the creator, and the method of repairing the soul...

"Can the soul be repaired?" Dracula said softly.

"Yes, the book says... Only through regret can the split soul be repaired." Riddle nodded slowly and said, "This process is painful and may be fatal."

"I remember you absorbed soul fragments from other Horcruxes before." Dracula frowned, "If I remember correctly, it was the one in Rowena's crown."

"Isn't this way of merging souls a kind of repair? I don't think you have any regrets."

"Yes, this fusion only relies on the characteristics of my own special Horcrux, and it is not considered a repair Soul. "Riddle was silent for a moment, then said with some distress, "So I can't exert the power of all the Horcruxes."

"And I don't know how many Horcruxes that person has made. When I face him again in the future, I don't know whether I can have the upper hand in terms of soul strength." ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

Speaking of this, he looked at Dracula with burning eyes, "Professor Dracula, you must still have Horcruxes, right? I can always feel it!"

"Are you talking about... this?" Dracula took out a locket from his pocket and played with it casually in his hands.

This is a golden locket, inlaid with a sparkling green gem, the gem is in the shape of a snake, just like a real venomous snake.

"Yes, I can feel it, this is his other Horcrux!" Riddle opened his eyes wide, and his face gradually showed an eager expression, "Professor Dracula, can you let me absorb the soul fragments in this Horcrux? This way I will have more confidence in fighting him!"

Dracula suddenly stopped playing with the locket and held the locket firmly in his palm.

"Do you think that with this soul fragment, you can fight Voldemort alone?" He asked lightly with a smile on his face.

"I think... there is hope." Riddle took a deep breath, "According to my understanding of myself, if I have to choose, I will divide my soul into seven pieces..."

"The fragment I represent and the fragment in the Ravenclaw crown, there are already two pieces... If you add the one in your hand, I already have nearly half of the soul, and I only need to find another piece to gain an advantage..."

Voldemort really has another soul in Hogwarts.

Dracula's expression was a little playful, and he unconsciously thought of the fragment on Harry's body.

"Then how can you be sure that the souls split by Voldemort are all of the same strength?" He then asked, "How can you be sure that the soul fragment Voldemort left for himself will not be the largest one?"

Riddle was stunned.

"So don't think of these tricks. Improving your strength is the hard truth." Dracula put Slytherin's locket back into his pocket again and patted Riddle on the shoulder.

"When you completely merge the soul fragments in Rowena's crown, I will give you this Horcrux."

His meaning is very clear, that is, to let Riddle learn to regret and repair his split soul.

If he really learns to regret one day, then he can be assured to devour all of Voldemort's souls.

But can Riddle really, or is he really willing to learn to regret?

Dracula thinks it is difficult.


On the Saturday before the first project started, Hogwarts approved students above the third grade to visit Hogsmeade village as usual.

Harry has spent more than half a month in frustration every day. Hermione persuaded him to go outside the castle to relax, saying that this might make him feel better.

In fact, Harry was eager to go out and relax, and she didn't need to persuade him at all.

"But, what about Ron?" Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, so he asked, "Don't you want to go with him?"

"Oh, that's it..." Hermione blushed slightly, "I think we can meet him at the Three Broomsticks Tavern..."

"No way!" Harry said bluntly.

Ron took the initiative to quarrel with Harry, and Harry also felt that his jealousy was a bit unreasonable, so he simply cut off contact with him.

Now Hermione wants Harry to take the initiative to find Ron, which is of course impossible.

"Oh, Harry, this is too stupid! You two..."

"I will go, but I don't want to meet Ron. I want to put on my invisible cloak." Harry said angrily.

"Oh, then all right..." Hermione said angrily, "but if you wear that clothes, I don't want to talk to you, because I can't tell if my eyes are looking at you."

So, Harry put on his invisible cloak in the dormitory, went downstairs, and set off for Hogsmeade with Hermione.

Harry felt particularly relaxed under the Invisibility Cloak, because finally no one looked at him with malicious and suspicious eyes.

As they walked into the village, he looked at other classmates walking by them. Most of them wore badges supporting Cedric Diggory on their chests, but there were no unpleasant comments, and no one deliberately lit up the words "Potter Stinks".

"Now people keep looking at me," Hermione said unsatisfiedly to the air beside her, "They think I'm talking to myself."

They walked to Honeydukes Candy Store to buy a few large pieces of freshly baked cream-filled chocolates to taste.

Just then, from a distance, a boy with fiery red hair hurriedly ran towards Hermione.

"Hermione--" The red-haired boy, that is, Ron, panted, "Something bad has happened. I think I just got some news... I think you need to tell Harry about this for me!"

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