Professor Vampire.

Chapter 254 - 254 Five Fire Dragons

Chapter 254: Chapter 254 Five Fire Dragons

"Harry, you have to cheer up!"

In the Three Broomsticks, Hermione took a glass of grape juice from the proprietress, Mrs. Rosmerta, and then turned around and whispered to Harry seriously.

"The dragon is not as easy to deal with as the magical beasts we saw in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class before... Although Professor Dracula is watching over it, this time we have to deal with a dragon. If it just rubs you with its claws, you will become a meat pie!"

"Don't worry, Hermione, Professor Dracula will definitely help Harry deal with the dragon easily." Ron said confidently, "Haven't you all seen it? In the first grade, Professor Dracula caught the troll's stick with his bare hands-"

Ron came to Hermione and Harry and said, "If you ask me, Professor Dracula can completely deal with the dragon with his bare hands without a wand!"

Harry nodded in agreement.

He has a more comprehensive understanding of Professor Dracula's strength than Ron-because he saw Dracula chasing Voldemort with his own eyes at that time.

No one would ever think that the Dark Lord who cannot be named cannot defeat a mere dragon, right? Then it is obvious that the dragon will not have any difficulty in defeating Dracula who is chasing Voldemort.

Thinking of this, Harry felt a little more relaxed.

"Ron, you are too dependent on Professor Dracula!" Hermione glanced at Ron and complained, "What if Professor Dracula suddenly found something interesting around him while watching the game, do you think he would be willing to continue to be a security guard or study his fun?"


Harry and Ron looked at each other and swallowed their saliva at the same time.

It seems to make sense...

According to Professor Dracula's style of jumping out of the window when he suddenly thought of something interesting in the middle of a lecture, it is not strange that he would slip away directly while serving as a security guard for the semi-finals.

"Am I right?" Hermione raised her head proudly, "In short, Harry still needs to become stronger, at least to the extent that he won't be easily killed by the dragon."

"It's easy to say, but that's a dragon!" Ron looked distressed, "Charlie trained in Romania for so long at that time, and it still took several people to work together to deal with a dragon."

"But even with many people cooperating, he still has various injuries all year round. Every time my mother sees him, she always complains about it for a while."

After listening to Ron's story, Hermione fell silent.

"It's okay, you two don't have to worry about me." Harry took a deep breath, his eyes gradually firmed up, "I will definitely not stand there and wait for Professor Dracula to save me."

"Now the whole Hogwarts, even the students of Beauxbatons, Invermorny and Durmstrang are waiting to see me laugh, waiting to see how I will make a fool of myself in the competition... but I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"Since I have already participated in this competition, I should at least complete the competition decently." Harry said,

"Whether it is to prove to other colleges that I am not a thief who stole Cedric's honor, or not to embarrass Hogwarts in front of other magic schools... I can't put all my hopes on Professor Dracula."

"It's best... I mean it's best that I can't get the last place."

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry with some touch, Hermione's eyes gradually showed a smile, and Ron's eyes showed a trace of guilt.

He now completely believed that Harry did not sign up for it himself.

"You can do it, Harry." Ron patted Harry on the shoulder and said to him, "You are the first in Defense Against the Dark Arts in our grade!"

Speaking of the first place in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Hermione pouted a little depressed.

Since she lost to Harry in the first grade, no matter how hard she tried in each grade, she was always a little behind Harry in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which made her goal of getting the first place in every subject a little more regretful.

"It's always good for you to think so," Hermione said. Now is obviously not the time to compete with the results of a course. "Don't worry, both of us will help you well."

"In addition, I believe that this competition will not really let you defeat a dragon... That's too exaggerated!"

Just when the three little wizards were still talking, Hagrid's huge, messy head suddenly appeared in the crowd outside the three brooms.

"Hey, why is Hagrid here?" Ron looked over there with some confusion.

"Oh, thank Merlin, he finally stopped combing his hair into a broom." Hermione looked back and breathed a sigh of relief, "Otherwise I really don't know how to face him."

Hagrid saw the three little wizards sitting on the three brooms from a distance and waved to them outside the window.

"Ah, so you are here." He bent over and squeezed into the narrow door of the three brooms, then came to the round table where Harry and the other two were, and smiled at the three of them, "How are you? Have you been doing well recently?"

"Well... okay." Harry hesitated for a moment, and finally did not tell the nervous Hagrid about his troubles during this period.

"I knew it!" Hagrid laughed and patted Harry's shoulder heavily, "You are a warrior of Hogwarts, and it will be your time to win glory for the school soon!"

"I just hope I won't embarrass myself in public now." Harry said with a grin, feeling pain on his shoulder from being patted by Hagrid.

"Relax, you will get a good result, Harry!" Hagrid bent down mysteriously and winked at Harry.

Then, he said in a very low voice that only Harry could hear: "Harry, come to my cabin to find me at twelve o'clock today, remember to wear your invisible cloak."

Harry was stunned, and before he could answer anything, Hagrid straightened up.

"Nice to meet you three today!" He said loudly and exaggeratedly.

After that, he squeezed through several little wizards who wanted to come in without even ordering a drink, and went out through the narrow door.

It can be seen that the owner, Mrs. Rosmerta, did not look very good.

"Why did Hagrid ask me to find him in the middle of the night?" Harry turned his eyes to his two good friends and said in surprise.

"Really?" Hermione was also surprised. "I really don't understand what he wants to do. I don't know if you should go, Harry..."

She looked around uneasily and said in a low voice: "I think you'd better take more time to think about how to deal with the dragon."

Yes, now is the time to race against time-

There are only three days left before the first event of the semi-finals. The first event of the semi-finals will officially start on the afternoon of next Tuesday.

If Harry can't think of a way to deal with the dragon within these three days, he will inevitably make a fool of himself on the field, and then he will be looked down upon by students from Hogwarts and even other schools.

"But... I think Hagrid may also have something important to ask me." Harry hesitated for a while, and finally decided not to disappoint Hagrid's invitation, "He has never asked me to go to him so late!"


Facts have proved that choosing to live up to Hagrid's invitation has indeed brought Harry a lot of benefits.

At 11:30 that night, Harry, who had pretended to go to bed early, put on his invisibility cloak, quietly passed through the Gryffindor common room and went downstairs.

There were still a few people in the common room - Harry saw Colin Creevey got a stack of "Support Cedric Diggory badges" from somewhere, and was trying to use magic to change the words on them to "Support Harry Potter".

However, after a lot of effort, all he could do was to fix the words on the badges on "Potter Stinky Shit".

Harry slipped past them quietly and came to the hole of the Fat Lady's portrait, his eyes fixed on the watch.

When it was exactly 11:35, the door suddenly opened.

It was Hermione who opened the Fat Lady's portrait for him from the outside as originally planned, so that Harry could leave the common room through the hole without the Fat Lady.

Harry whispered "thank you", flashed past Hermione, and set off for Hagrid's hut.

The grounds behind Hogwarts Castle were dark.

Harry looked along the lawn at the light coming from Hagrid's hut, and found that the huge carriage in Beauxbatons was also brightly lit.

When he knocked on Hagrid's door, he could hear Madame Maxime talking in the carriage.

"You're here, Harry?" Hagrid whispered mysteriously, opened the door, and looked around vigilantly.

"Yes," Harry felt a little puzzled, and while flashing into the hut, he pulled the Invisibility Cloak off his head, "What do you want to see me so late?"

"I'll show you something." Hagrid whispered.

It can be clearly seen that Hagrid's expression is very excited at this time. There is a flower in the buttonhole of his clothes, which looks like a particularly large cabbage. It seems that he no longer applies engine oil to his head, but he still spends a lot of time to comb his hair like Professor Dracula-

There are a lot of broken teeth of the comb in his hair. It should be that the fragile comb can't withstand the hardness and thickness of Hagrid's hair, so it breaks in the hair.

"Hagrid, you really don't fit Professor Dracula's hairstyle..." Harry said helplessly.

"Really? I think it's not bad, at least it's much better than before!" Hagrid pulled his hair and pulled off a bunch of broken teeth of the comb.

Harry wanted to persuade him a few more times, but Hagrid suddenly clapped his hands, put his index finger in front of his lips and said "hush".

"Oh, I almost forgot the business," he said in a very low voice, "Come with me, don't make a sound, cover your body with the invisibility cloak. We won't take Fang with us, he won't like it..."

"Hagrid, listen to me, I can't stay for a long time... I have other important things to do." Harry said.

But Hagrid didn't listen, he opened the door of the hut and strode towards the carriage of Beauxbatons.

After calling Madam Maxime along, Hagrid led them, including Harry, who was covered in the Invisibility Cloak, and the three of them walked a long distance around the edge of the Forbidden Forest until the castle and the lake were out of sight...

Gradually, the loud shouts of several wizards reached their ears, followed by deafening and high-pitched roars.

Hagrid led Madam Maxime around a bush and approached the place where the roars came from, and then stopped.

Harry, standing under the Invisibility Cloak, also hurried over and stood with them -

The next moment, he opened his mouth in shock.

Five adult dragons with very ferocious looks and covered with scales were locked in a field surrounded by thick wooden boards, standing on their hind legs, roaring and snorting.

Balls of flames spewed out of their open, fang-filled mouths and shot into the dark night sky.

Their necks were raised high, and their heads were fifty feet above the ground.

A silver-blue dragon with a pair of long sharp horns was roaring and raging at the wizards on the field a green dragon with smooth scales was twisting and stamping its feet desperately there was also a red dragon with a circle of strange thin sharp horns around its face, spraying mushroom-shaped fire clouds into the air a dragon with rainbow-colored pearl-like scales, colorful eyes, and no heart was lying on the ground alertly looking around and finally a black dragon, which looked more like a dinosaur than the others.

There were at least thirty wizards on the field, and every seven or eight were responsible for dealing with a dragon. They pulled the chains, connecting the thick leather belts that tied the dragon's legs and neck, and tried desperately to subdue the dragons on the field.

These dragons seemed to have just been transported to the vicinity of Hogwarts and had not yet adapted to the surrounding environment, so they all looked a little irritable.

The dragon trainers present tried their best but failed to control them. In the end, they could only use the Stunning Spell to calm the dragons.

"You're here, Hagrid?" A red-haired wizard walked towards Hagrid. Harry recognized that this was Ron's second brother Charlie Weiss. "Wait, why did you bring her here too?"

Charlie looked at Ms. Maxime beside Hagrid, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes. "Warriors shouldn't know what they're facing - she will definitely tell her students, won't she?"

Harry, hiding under the Invisibility Cloak, was a little embarrassed.

Charlie did abide by the rules of the Four Finals Tournament. It can be seen that he was trying to keep these big guys secret.

But he obviously didn't expect that Hagrid was not a person who could keep a secret at all, not to mention that he had almost been bewitched by Ms. Maxime.

"I just think she's willing to come and see these lovely big guys." Hagrid shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still staring at the five dragons in fascination.

"What a romantic date, Hagrid." Charlie shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Ms. Maxim smiled reservedly, with an ambiguous light flashing in her eyes.

Then, Charlie began to introduce the names of these dragons to Hagrid-

"This is the Hungarian Horntail," Charlie pointed to the dragon with black scales and looked like a dinosaur.

"The smaller one over there is an ordinary Welsh green dragon the silver-blue one is the Swedish short-nosed dragon the red one is the Chinese fireball and the most beautiful one, the colorful one is the Australian egg white eye."

After introducing these dragons one by one, Charlie whispered to Hagrid: "How is Harry? Although I really want to have some confidence in him, these are dragons that seven or eight of us can barely subdue."

"Oh, don't worry, Harry will be fine." Hagrid glanced at the air next to him without leaving a trace, and then continued to stare at the dragons in a daze, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"I really hope he is still safe after facing this danger." Charlie looked at the field where the dragon was locked up and said with a heavy heart.

"I dare not tell my mother what Harry will do in the first project. She is already flustered about Harry..."

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