Project Divinity

Vol.3 Ch.1 – Deja Vu

A quick editorial note: I mistakenly wrote the line: "Back in Atlantis, two millennia ago..." in the last chapter. That was of course meant to be "Back in Atlantis, FIVE millennia ago...". It's fixed now, but to anyone who read the original line, now you know it was wrong. Sorry about that.

Now, onto the chapter!


Chapter 1: Deja Vu

It had been two days since Evelyn Dupree had destroyed an entire army with a single dart. Granted, that dart was a legendary weapon granted to her by the soul of Indra, the Hindu god of thunder that resided inside her body, but the point stood. This little slip of a girl, short, silly, quirky and with an exceptionally spankable ass, had destroyed an army.

And she had yet to wake up.

Jude the angel had assured Evelyn's teammates that her vitals were fine and that she had merely exhausted herself but still, during those two days there was not a minute where there wasn't least one of her teammates by her side, waiting for her to wake up.

Especially Elaine Caldwell, the team leader and Evelyn's lover, only ever left her side briefly and only when one of the others was there.

The majority of Project Divinity was still at the Ohio refugee camp, refusing to believe that the man who had sent two entire armies to destroy the camp and take the people living in it to fuel his insane experiments, would simply give up. And so they'd stayed.

Right now Elaine was in bed with Evelyn, spooning her lover, listening to her steady breathing and feeling her strong heartbeat. Those signs of life were the only things keeping Elaine from panicking. Evelyn had channeled more magic than humans were capable of back there. Evelyn was no longer just human but the rivers of powers she'd wielded even just briefly had been enough to knock her out.

Even so, she'd been spectacular. She had destroyed an entire army and had looked gorgeous doing it.

Elaine wrapped her arms a little tighter around Evelyn.

My little thunder goddess...


Stollos Cypher was pacing back and forth in his laboratory, consumed by one simple question:

What was taking Caulder so long?

Stollos knew Caulder. He knew the man was not patient and he knew he didn't simply quit. There was another attack coming, he just knew it. There was no way the stubborn fool would just leave the refugee camp be after setting his sights on it, not until he either took devastating losses or grew bored.

“Professor, I understand that you know our opponent better than anyone else here but...” Lieutenant General Hayworth said from the computer screen.

Stollos let out a huge sigh. “I understand your concern, Lieutenant General. You fear we are wasting the cadets at the refugee camp when we could already be making good on our plan to take Buffalo back.”

“Exactly,” Hayworth said. “I told you that I would be deferring to you in all matters of project organization, but...”

“Very well,” Stollos said. “Give me two days. If he hasn't attacked in that time I accept that I've misjudged the situation and we can withdraw our forces. But I know I'm right.”

“Why two days?” Hayworth asked.

“There will be a new moon two nights hence,” Stollos said. “Without going into too much detail, Caulder will have a much easier time setting up certain rituals during a new moon. If he doesn't take advantage of this then we can be sure he's done with this camp.”

“So the only day he might be attacking is also the one where an attack would be most dangerous, is that it?” Hayworth asked.

Stollos allowed himself a small smile at that. Hayworth knew nothing of magic and was not keen to learn but at least he was smart enough to understand the implications. Or most of the implications, at least. “Not quite. So long as we know to prepare for them these workings should be easy to destroy. And Private Devereux should be able to deal with such hostile magics with minimal effort. Except Caulder does not know that yet.” With every word Stollos' smile had grown a little wider until it had become a rictus grin, not that he was aware of it.

Hayworth, visibly disturbed by the expression, simply said: “I will take your word for it,” and ended the call.


Well this is a nice case of deja vu, Evelyn thought as she woke up with a strong arm wrapped around her and pulling her into two big, soft cushions behind her.

It hadn't been the first time she'd come back from unconsciousness spooning with Elaine. The first time she'd been gravely wounded while saving Elaine's life and it had, in many ways, been the start of their relationship. Of course the moment she thought back to that she also remembered the way she'd hotdogged Elaine's dick between her ass cheeks back then, causing Elaine to soil her underpants with sticky cum.

She bit her lip at the thought and then ground her ass into Elaine's crotch. Instantly she felt her lover's cock harden.

“Honestly, here I am all worried about you and the moment you wake up you immediately start being a bad girl again,” Elaine murmured into Evelyn's ear, her voice husky.

Evelyn's breath caught at the words 'bad girl' but then she processed the rest of the sentence. “Why were you worried? We knew I would faint if I used the Vasavi Shakti.”

“Yeah,” Elaine said and then flipped Evelyn around so they were facing each other, then stroked her cheek. “But we didn't know you'd stay unconscious for two whole days.”

“Two... days?” Evelyn asked. She didn't feel as if she'd been unconscious for that long. She felt great. A bit parched maybe, now that she thought about it, but perfectly fine otherwise.

“Yeah,” Elaine breathed, tracing the lines of Evelyn's face before leaning in to kiss her.

Evelyn would never get enough of Elaine kissing her. Before Elaine Evelyn had considered herself straight, had only ever been with men and had never even entertained the thought of being with a woman, and so the way Elaine kissed her felt so special to her. On the one hand Elaine was big and strong, taller and more muscular than all of her previous partners, and it was reflected in the aggressive and demanding way Elaine kissed. But on the other hand Elaine was still a woman, soft and smooth in a way no man would ever compare to, and her scent and flavor were so much more. She still smelled musky, a scent Evelyn would have called masculine before, but it was tempered with the raw femininity Elaine exuded, floral and sweet and simply intoxicating.

“You know,” Elaine murmured when they broke the kiss, “you looked so fucking gorgeous wielding all that power I just wanted to take you to bed and drive you wild once you were done.”

“What a coincidence,” Evelyn breathed into Elaine's ear, “when I saw you shredding your way through those wendigo I wanted to tear your clothes off and get on my knees for you...”

“Not gonna let you rack up that score again you little vixen,” Elaine growled before roughly shoving her hand into Evelyn's panties and giving her pussy a squeeze.

“Oh fuck yes,” Evelyn gasped, rolling her hips to lean into Elaine's touch.

“You want this?” Elaine growled into Evelyn's ear.

“I need this,” Evelyn whined.

“Good,” Elaine said and then twisted them both around until they were both lying on their backs, Evelyn on top of her, and then locked her legs out, putting her on full display.

Evelyn was a little disappointed that they were both still wearing pants. If not for those it would be the easiest thing in the world for Elaine to slip her massive cock into her pussy and fuck her blind but even so Elaine's touch was absolutely electric and more than good enough to drive her crazy.

Once Elaine had her completely helpless on top of her she slipped two fingers into Evelyn's already soaking wet pussy and then reached out to shove two fingers of her other hand into the redhead's open mouth.

Evelyn instantly got the message, twirling her tongue around the proffered digits as she wrapped her lips around them, using the sensation of the fingers invading her mouth to distract herself from the expert touch of Elaine's fingers working her pussy. Elaine wasn't merely pumping her fingers in and out of Evelyn's pussy, she was twirling them around inside of her and stroking her g-spot on every pass, turning Evelyn into a quivering wreck in record time and causing her mind to focus on only one thing: The rock-hard cock still sandwiched between her ass-cheeks, straining against the fabric of Elaine's pants as if wanting to burst free.

“You like being a little slut for me, don't you?” Elaine asked, her voice so sexy Evelyn couldn't bear it.

“Uh-huh,” Evelyn replied, the sounds coming out garbled from the fingers fucking in and out of her mouth.

“I want you to come for me,” Elaine said, her tone both teasing and domineering. “I want you to cream all over my fingers. You can do that for me, can't you baby?”


“Good girl,” Elaine said. “On three, then.”

Evelyn's eyes widened. She was close but she was wasn't that close, was she?

“If you don't come on three you won't get to at all,” Elaine warned.

The panic made Evelyn thrash around on top of her lover, the fear of not getting any release enough to galvanize both her body and her mind.


Evelyn was grinding her hips hard against Elaine's fingers, terrified of not reaching her peak in time.


Evelyn's breathing hitched as she realized the stimulation was getting too much for her. If this continued she would come before Elaine's count came to an end, especially with how Elaine was taking her sweet time. Would Elaine punish her for coming too soon? God, she hoped so. She couldn't handle it anymore, could feel her pussy starting to spasm and clench around Elaine's fingers and sucked in a huge breath for the primal scream she would have to let out to put voice to the pleasure about to explode from inside her...



Prudence was beginning to feel like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed on bullshit, and she didn't even know who to raise it with. Base 15's leadership had told her and the rest of Project Divinity to stand by at the refugee camp because another attack was believed to be imminent. She had believed it, too. This Caulder guy had watched his entire army being destroyed and he'd reacted by simply gating in an even bigger force. That was the mindset of one who didn't simply give up. And so she had agreed to wait.

Except it had been two days already and there hadn't been so much as a spike in the Outsider energy reading in the area.

She hated this. Prudence was very good at pretending to be a straight-laced model soldier but that really wasn't who she was. Back when she had been human she'd been one of the very first women in a combat role in the US army and she'd fought tooth and nail to get there. Part of that had been that she'd been in excellent shape and that she'd demonstrated superb skill with firearms but part of it had also been that she'd known when not to mouth off to the wrong people. The threat of violence, even sexual violence, had never been far back then and what had gotten her through it had been knowing who to kowtow to and who to stand up against. This had given her a reputation as a model soldier but that really wasn't who she was.

In fact, after flirting with Elaine Prudence had started reading up on the brunette Awakener and had found that the two of them had quite a lot in common. Bisexual though with most of her experiences having been with women, strong and confident and a total smartass where she could afford it, Elaine was most of the things Prudence was and a couple of things Prudence wished she could be. Elaine was, in many ways, what Prudence might have been if she'd been alive during a more accepting time period.

But the 1940s hadn't been an accepting time period.

The US had, in many ways, been even more racist than the Nazis back then. In fact, it had largely been the cruelty of the Holocaust that had quelled America's rampant antisemitism. Of course, Prudence hadn't lived to see the end of that war and so the first she'd learned of the shift in her home country had been when she'd been neck-deep in training under Angel Lord Michael.

She shook herself out of it. The point was that between what she'd seen of Elaine and what she'd read about her Prudence was more than a little curious about the brunette. And so she decided to talk to her, under the guise of checking on the unconscious Evelyn. That would give them a reason to talk at least.

And so, eager to talk to someone she was interested in, Prudence was maybe less cautious than she should have been and entered the infirmary unannounced.

The moment she did she found a bizarre tableau.

On the bed was Evelyn, the girl who had been unconscious the last time Prudence had been in this room. Except the girl was awake now. More than that, she wasn't merely awake. Instead she was lying atop the woman Prudence had come here to talk to, the one who had three fingers shoved down Evelyn's throat and the fingers of her other hand buried in the redhead's pants. Said redhead was also writhing on top of her lover, moaning around the digits stuffing her mouth.

“Three”, Elaine announced and pulled the fingers out of Evelyn's mouth.

At the same time Prudence tried to turn away but her boot accidentally hit the door frame, the sound causing both of them to look up even as Elaine's word was still ringing out.

Evelyn's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment, her rational mind clearly horrified at being seen even as the rest of her body went crazy. She let out a shrill cry of unfettered pleasure, bucking her hips savagely and going rigid before she collapsed on top of Elaine.

Prudence felt her pussy clench at the sight of this pretty girl just completely losing herself and it was only when she heard wood creaking that she realized she'd been gripping the door frame way too tightly.

She let go of the frame and when she looked back at the lovers she saw Evelyn bonelessly draped over her lover and, much more importantly, she saw Elaine staring right back at her, the brunette's piercing blue-gray eyes boring into her.

“Like what you see?” Elaine asked, her voice low and husky.

Prudence felt the heat rising to her cheeks and rushed out of the infirmary so fast she forgot to close the door.


Elaine's fingers plunged deep inside Evelyn one last time, the digits filling her even as their tips scraped against her g-spot, even as Elaine's palm ground against her clit. She was just about to let go and scream out her pleasure now that her mouth was no longer full. But just as she was about to let loose a shrill cry of pleasure she heard a sound and her eyes flew wide, seeing Jeanne's subordinate Prudence standing in the doorway, watching them both with a mixture of shock and jealousy written all over her face.

At that moment Evelyn's mind felt as if it cracked, splitting right down the middle.

No, please, don't look, her superego shrieked out even as her id screamed: Yes, watch me come all over Elaine's fingers! Watch me go wild for her!

There was no stopping the freight train of her orgasm now. No matter how embarrassed the rational part of her brain thought she should be, she was cradled in Elaine's warmth and an obviously jealous woman was watching her coming her brains out. It was far too much.

White light exploded in Evelyn's vision and everything blanked out. It had been a while since she'd come so hard, since the last night her and Elaine had spent together in fact. How could this woman undo her so easily, no matter what she used and where she put it?

She just lay on top of her lover for a while, listening to their syncopated breathing and feeling her heartbeat on her back, enjoying their proximity, until she remembered their spectator. She'd been gasping with her mouth open the entire time and when she swallowed her throat ached.

“Water...” she croaked out.

“Right,” Elaine muttered and then gently, almost gingerly, placed Evelyn onto the bed before getting up and bringing her a glass of water. “Now don't...” Elaine began but Evelyn immediately took a huge gulp, then choked on it and started coughing. “... guzzle,” Elaine finished lamely as she rubbed Evelyn's back to help with the coughing.

As she felt like she was coughing her lung out Evelyn remembered something she'd half-noticed when her ears had been flooded with white noise and when she was better she asked:

“Where did she go?”

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