Project Divinity

Vol.3 Ch.10 – Staking A Vampire (In The Best Possible Way)

Chapter 10: Staking A Vampire (In The Best Possible Way)

Elaine had been a little weary to just start working Ophelia over. The first time the two of them had had sex Ophelia had insisted on being on top, on doing things at her own pace. As such Elaine didn't immediately jump at the terribly enticing view of Ophelia's soaking wet pussy framed by those naughty crotchless panties. She'd been with girls before who couldn't handle not being in control, who got uncomfortable when their partner simply took them, and so she preferred to err on the side of caution, to wait for an obvious signal.

And then Ophelia gave her that obvious signal. The vampire reached back and spread her puffy, engorged pussy lips apart, showing off how soaking wet and ready she was. Clearly Ophelia needed it. Clearly she wanted to not just have sex but to get fucked. Had the way Elaine had rutted Evelyn made her jealous? Or just needy? Either way, Elaine was going to give her exactly what she so clearly needed. With the way she'd been frigging herself Ophelia clearly needed no foreplay, she just needed a big, hard cock. And luckily for her Elaine had one of those right here for her.

As she got into position behind the vampire Elaine realized something and almost chuckled. Ophelia had been trying to game the Bond Level system from the very beginning, advancing their relationship by the smallest of steps again and again and, in a way, this was more of the same. The first time they'd had sex Ophelia had been on top and in control but now she was allowing Elaine to take things at her own pace. Part of it was clearly because she was riled up and needed a good working-over but part of it was clearly also to let the system know that she trusted Elaine a bit more than last time. Elaine might have found it silly except so far Ophelia's method had worked like a charm.

And so she nuzzled the thick, purple tip of her cock in between Ophelia's folds and asked:

“Ready, baby?”

Ophelia stopped slurping up the creamy white treat Elaine had left inside Evelyn's pussy only just long enough to moan out: “Born ready. Mess me up, stud.”

Well, invitations didn't get much more explicit than this so Elaine grabbed hold of the vampire's sexy hips and then rammed her cock home inside her.

She marveled at the feel of Ophelia's pussy, at once so similar and yet wholly different from Evelyn's. As a vampire Ophelia's body temperature was a little colder than that of a normal human and so her pussy didn't have the same furnace-like heat of Evelyn's but that just meant that Ophelia likely felt as if a red-hot stake had just been driven into her pussy. And judging by the guttural groan she let out once Elaine finished hilting herself inside her she clearly loved the feeling. But while Ophelia wasn't as hot as Evelyn the rhythmic contractions of her pussy made her feel so much tighter, as if the vampire was trying to wring the cum out of her shaft. It felt amazing and Elaine drew back half out of fear of cumming too fast if she kept herself immersed in the feeling.

As she got used to the feeling of being inside Ophelia she got into a good rhythm and soon it became obvious that Ophelia was feeling at least as overwhelmed as Elaine herself did, spending most of her time moaning or groaning, completely unable to continue working Evelyn's pussy. Once she realized this Elaine wrapped her arms around Ophelia's waist and pulled the vampire back, into her chest, putting her on full display for Evelyn to see as she kept fucking her from behind.


Evelyn had never been into girls. When she'd found herself falling for Elaine she'd been confused and upset, annoyed at the way her mind had betrayed her. It had led her to lash out in the most stupid of ways. Before Elaine the closest Evelyn had come to finding anything hot about women was the odd few times she'd watched porn and there it had always been her imagining to be in the woman's place, to feel what the lady in the video was feeling, the lust-filled expressions conjuring only jealousy and not attraction.

After falling for Elaine the edges of her attraction had been softened. It wasn't just the muscles and the deep, husky voice that had attracted her to Elaine, but the pretty face, the wide hips and the bust as well. She'd found herself enjoying playing with her girlfriend's breasts even if breasts had never done anything for her before. But even so the idea of doing anything with Elaine's other girlfriends had just been weird. She'd turned a little bi around the edges, maybe, but that's all it was.

Or at least, that's all it used to be. Because the sight in front of her was enthralling on more levels than Evelyn could comprehend. The way Ophelia's beautiful pale breasts bounced up and down as Elaine fucked her from behind was mesmerizing. The way both of their pretty faces scrunched up in pleasure looked incredible, as did the puddle of juices gathering between Ophelia's legs, the juices Elaine's cock kept dredging up from the vampire's deepest depths. Evelyn didn't just want to be in Ophelia's place, she also plainly just enjoyed watching Ophelia get fucked, just the same as she enjoyed watching Elaine doing the fucking. Watching her girlfriend turning another woman inside-out should have made her seethingly jealous but instead she found it enthralling, the chance to watch Elaine as she went crazy inside of a woman without having her thoughts clouded by being on the receiving end of her attentions. At the same time, she wondered how it would feel to touch Ophelia right now. Would her pussy quiver under her touch? Would she come her brains out if she was worked from two sides?

But instead of acting on any of that Evelyn simply worked her fingers in and out of her pussy. She'd come like crazy from Elaine rutting her already but Ophelia's licking had brought her right back to where she wanted something to fill her up. As Elaine's cock was still busy with Ophelia's soaking wet little hole her fingers would have to do. But it didn't stop Evelyn from staring back and forth between their crotches, Ophelia's bouncing breasts and Elaine's lips, desperately hoping Elaine would get the hint and find some way to kiss her.

But the first one to reach out and turn Evelyn into a participant was Ophelia, reaching out with one hand and starting to rub Evelyn's clit, adding to Evelyn's fingers pumping in and out of herself.

“More...” Evelyn whined almost involuntarily and the others obliged her.

Elaine gave Ophelia a shove and the vampire landed on top of Evelyn, their breasts pressing together and their nipples rubbing against each other's. Ophelia didn't waste any time and immediately started working Evelyn's pussy with her finger, rubbing her thumb over the redhead's clit and adding a third finger to the two Evelyn was already pumping into herself.

And then Elaine leaned down, pressing her body weight down on both women, pressing them into each other, and mashing her lips against Evelyn's, invading her mouth with the same gusto her cock invaded Ophelia's pussy.

Evelyn was in heaven. The feeling of kissing Elaine, of having her pussy roughed up by more than her own fingers, the comforting weight of Elaine on top of her and most of all the feeling of Ophelia being fucked on top of her were driving her wild. She could feel the impact of each savage thrust, could feel Elaine's cock through the vampire's flat tummy, could feel Ophelia's juices splattering her thighs and crotch with every one of Elaine's thrusts. It was all too much for her and she came with a squeal into Elaine's mouth.


Despite the fact that Ophelia often thought of herself as slutty she hadn't actually been in that many threesomes in her life and so being fucked into Evelyn as if the redhead were a mattress was one of the more exciting things to ever happen to her in the bedroom. Gone was the soft, courteous lover Ophelia had experienced in bed with Alexis and instead she was being rutted by a wild beast. This treatment would have been satisfying in itself but combined with the positively bestial cock Elaine was fucking her with it drove Ophelia nearly to the edge of sanity. The entire weight of Elaine's body resting on top of her and those huge, pillowy breasts pressing against her back and into Evelyn only made it better.

But... there was something else there. Being fucked to the edge of sanity was all well and good but there was a reason Ophelia strove to never lose her self-control entirely. That thing inside her, that beast, the little thing that made her dream of crimson, was inextricably entwined with her id. Fucking the reason out of her brought it to the forefront of her thoughts. And right then and there that beast, spurred on by the savage fucking Ophelia's body was experiencing, smelled the red ambrosia just underneath the skin of the beautiful little morsel she found herself pressed up against. Surely a little nibble wouldn't hurt, right? The little morsel didn't need all that blood, did it?

What little rational mind remained inside of Ophelia balked at those thoughts. The beast inside a vampire wasn't like the one inside of a werewolf. Werewolves had to let their desires run rampant every once in a while, running and hunting during the full moon so their instincts would quiet down again. But the beast inside a vampire was different. If you gave it an inch it would take a mile of bloodless corpses.

But those thoughts were fucked out of her mind soon enough as Elaine rutted into her over and over again, closing in on her own ecstasy until Ophelia, mindless with lust, sank her teeth into Evelyn's throat.


All at once a pleasure unlike anything Evelyn had ever experienced invaded her. The feeling of Elaine forcing her cock inside her had been one of the greatest things Evelyn had ever experienced, the feeling of that hot, hard rod prying her body open as it forced its way inside completely irresistible. And right now she was experiencing the same thing times two. The sensation of two pinpricks of pure lust forcing their way inside of her, making her brain go into overdrive from sheer pleasure. Evelyn had never squirted before in her life, wasn't even certain if that was a thing women could actually do or if it was just pornstars emptying their bladders on camera, but the feeling of fluid leaving her body felt as ecstatic as she imagined squirting would feel like. She felt her pussy quiver around the fingers inside her, both the two of her own and the one of Ophelia. As she opened her eyes to find out what this wondrous sensation was she saw Ophelia, pressed between Elaine and her, leaned down with her face in the crook of Evelyn's neck.

Huh, so that's what a vampire bite feels like, the last vestige of Evelyn's rational thought commented as she surrendered to unbridled ecstasy.


Ophelia had been a vampire for years but she had never fed during sex. Fed before sex, fed after sex, fed without sex, sure, but never during. Her sire had described it as the ultimate ecstasy, a feeling nothing in the world could compare to, the eros of the human body and the thanatos of the vampire's instincts satiated at the same time. If anything, he'd understated the sensation. Red ambrosia flooded Ophelia's mouth as thick cum flooded her pussy, filling her from both ends in a way she'd never experienced. It was the greatest bliss she'd ever felt, powerful enough to drown out the guilt of what she was doing to Evelyn.

Except things hadn't gone the way she'd feared. The most powerful orgasm of her life had jolted something in her mind, not dispersing the red haze her mind had been in but appeasing it in a way she had never felt before. The thing inside her mind stretched languidly, like a predator who had just eaten its fill and was going to nap a while. The feeling of the drops of blood running down her throat was heavenly but unlike every other time she'd fed there wasn't a voice screaming at her that it wasn't enough. For the first time in her reborn life she felt sated, not thirsty in the slightest. Well, not thirsty for blood. As it turned out thick, warm, nearly viscous red liquid was rather terrible at sating the perfectly human thirst of her body.

And Evelyn?

As Ophelia pulled away from the redhead she awaited with growing terror what kind of mangled state her throat would be in... except there wasn't any gruesome wound. Two tiny red pinpricks in Evelyn's pristine skin closed before Ophelia's very eyes, gone as if they had never been there in the first place. The redhead wasn't pale either, wasn't even in that shivery trance that people sometimes found themselves in after an overdose of vampire saliva. She was simply lying on her back, her small, perky breasts heaving as she breathed like a bellows, one hand still cupping her own crotch.

“That was hot as hell,” Elaine muttered and Ophelia turned to see her lover lying on her side, stroking Evelyn's cheek with one hand and holding an arm open for Ophelia to cuddle in. Elaine's cock, covered in sticky white juices was lying flaccid against her thigh, very nearly reaching her knee.

“It... it was,” Ophelia choked out.

Elaine frowned at her, then reached under the bed and pulled out a small bottle of water, then handed it to Ophelia, who guzzled it down so fast she nearly choked on it. Elaine smirked at her, very pointedly not commenting on it. In any other situation Ophelia would have snarked it up with her lover but right now...

“I'm so, so sorry,” Ophelia whispered, the words meant for Evelyn but directed at Elaine.

“What would you be sorry for?” Elaine asked softly.

“I... I lost control,” Ophelia stammered. “I've never lost control before. I could have hurt Evelyn.”

Elaine looked at the redhead in question. Her breathing was gradually turning back to normal, the only evidence of what had just happened to her the wetness of the hand cupping her crotch and the flush on her cheeks that radiated all the way down to her chest, evidence that there most certainly wasn't too little blood in her body. “She doesn't look hurt to me.”


“Hurt... really isn't the word I would use...” Evelyn muttered out, her voice husky. “That was amazing...”

“But even if I didn't hurt you, I could have,” Ophelia protested.

“Give me a little credit,” Elaine said. “I wasn't that out of it. I noticed you biting her and I kept an eye on you. If things had gotten dangerous I would have stopped you, Ophelia. But they didn't. You barely even bit down on her.”

“I think that had more to do with her being so tough,” Ophelia muttered. “But that's no excuse either.”

“There's nothing to excuse,” Evelyn muttered and cuddled into Elaine.

“There you have it,” Elaine said, holding out her other arm so that Ophelia could cuddle into her as well. “Now stop moping and come here. It's getting cold here.”

Ophelia sighed and cuddled into Elaine. She stayed there for a while, soaking in the warmth and comfort she didn't feel she deserved. Finally she spoke up:

“Being a vampire is all about control. That thing inside us needs to be chained up. You can't let it take an inch, otherwise it kills and kills and kills.”

“You didn't go kill-crazy though,” Elaine said.

“I didn't,” Ophelia agreed. “And I don't understand why not. I shouldn't have been able to stop. I should have drunk you” – she reached over and gave Evelyn's hand a squeeze – “dry and still thirsted for more. But I didn't. Somehow the moment you” – she leaned into Elaine this time – “came inside me it felt like my brain short-circuited and the pleasure shut the beast up. I've never even heard of anything like that happening before.”

“So you're saying I, what, fucked the bloodlust out of you?” Elaine asked.

“If it was that easy, if it was just about sex, then this would have been found out long ago,” Ophelia said.

“Could it have something to do with Elaine's Awakener powers?” Evelyn asked.

“That...” Ophelia began. “I think that might be it. I... I do feel more comfortable about what I am.”

“You weren't comfortable with being a vampire before?” Elaine asked.

“Nothing that dramatic,” Ophelia said. “I was terrified of losing control. Still am, really. But... the beast has never been this quiet. Even after a heavy meal it always screams for more. Now it's quiet. Sated. Calm. I've talked to pureblood vampires because they're supposedly more in control of their urges than turned ones like me and even they've never even mentioned anything like this.”

“So she fucked you into vampire nirvana?” Evelyn asked with a chuckle. “Damn, and I thought she turned me inside-out.”

Ophelia raised her head up to meet Evelyn's eyes over Elaine's huge breasts and gave the redhead a dirty look. Then she thought about it for a moment, snorted, and nuzzled back into Elaine's side.


The three of them were quiet for a while. It wasn't awkward, the three of them just sharing their company, and eventually Elaine broke the silence:

“Hey, Evelyn?”

“Yeah?” the redhead asked.

“About earlier.”

Evelyn gulped. She had put her foot in her mouth, hadn't she? She'd blurted out something stupid. Of course Elaine didn't love her. They barely knew each other, Evelyn had started off being a total cunt to her and now Evelyn had become a filthy slut that Elaine probably didn't think of as anything more than a cocksleeve...

“I love you, too.”

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Ophelia was happy for Evelyn, she really was. With any other girl Ophelia might have thought her reactions were exaggerated but Evelyn wore her heart on her sleeve to such an extent that Ophelia didn't think anything of the way Evelyn was bawling her eyes out into the crook of Elaine's neck.

And of course Ophelia couldn't be upset about the way Elaine had confessed her feelings to Evelyn and only to Evelyn. The redhead had been the only one to put her foot in her mouth and blurt out what all of them had been thinking. Well, maybe not all of them but certainly Alexis and Evelyn. And, if Ophelia was honest with herself, then yes, she felt the same way. But somehow she couldn't bring herself to come out and say it. It wasn't so much that she was scared of being rejected, she just didn't want to diminish the moment for Evelyn. This was her moment, her confession, and she deserved not to have it spoiled by someone else.

Or at least that's what Ophelia told herself.

“And I love you as well, Ophelia,” Elaine said once Evelyn had calmed down.

I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry.

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