Project Divinity

Vol.3 Ch.35 – Date With A Tomgirl

Chapter 35: Date With A Tomgirl

Cassie loved getting ready for dates. Before meeting Elaine he hadn't been able to do it for months but it was something he thoroughly enjoyed, almost as much as the date itself. And there were multiple reasons for it.

First of all, he was a vain little slut and being able to make himself pretty was something he enjoyed. He liked washing himself with the nice shower gel, rubbing himself down with the nice body lotion, inspecting himself for any body hair that needed removing and just overall preening in front of a mirror. Back before he'd started showing pictures of himself online he'd thought this was something nobody else would want to see, that he was the only one who found him attractive, but having people online telling him how attractive he was... okay no, he didn't like mincing words. He'd showed off on anonymous forums. Nobody there had told him he was 'attractive'. They'd told him he was hot and fuckable and that they wanted to ruin all his holes. And for someone who dreamed of precisely that it was the most flattering stuff they could have told him.

Second of all there was the thrill of anticipation, getting ready for the 'afterwards' that Cassie knew damn well would be happening. Cleaning himself up down there wasn't exciting on its own but knowing why he was doing it, knowing what he was getting ready for, that made it exciting.

And finally there was getting to flaunt that carefully manicured look he so enjoyed giving himself. After their long mission the mood at the compound had shifted, becoming more relaxed. It didn't feel like a rigid military camp right now, it felt like a bar where soldiers went to celebrate. And so, for the first time since coming to this compound, he did not put on his cadet uniform. Now, the uniform was nice and feminine in an understated kind of way but tonight Cassie didn't want understated. He wanted drool-worthy.

In his previous life he would have picked out a silky midnight-blue cocktail dress and a white fur shawl but here he wasn't quite that bold and so he went with a black vest over a wine-red blouse up top and a black pleated skirt below. It was a little bit goth but goddamn, it looked good on him.

There was only one thing left to worry about. How was Abigail doing? Elaine and him had kinda rushed off and he hadn't felt that great about leaving her but, then again, Abigail had seemed almost relieved when they'd stopped crowding around her. He decided to ask Elaine about it, even if it meant ruining their date.


Elaine had put on her dress uniform, a much fancier uniform meant for big events. She felt a bit bad about having not worn it for Alexis, Ophelia or Evelyn yet but after the attack on the refugee camp she wanted to live a little. And, if she was honest with herself, she was trying to distract herself from the Abigail situation.

And so she entered the cafeteria, dressed not quite to the nines but close, and almost froze as she saw Cassie.

The little vixen had put himself into an ensemble that had her cock straining against her dress pants the moment she laid eyes on him. Up top he wore a blouse and vest combination that was just loose enough in the chest to hint at more volume than there actually was but tight enough in the waist to be really distracting and he'd topped that off with an almost scandalously short skirt that she just wanted to shove her face under.

For a moment the filthy fantasies ran away with her and she had to make a conscious effort to calm herself down, lest the tent in her pants be noticed by everyone in the cafeteria.


Cassie subconsciously wiped at the corners of his mouth, certain that he'd started drooling the moment he'd spotted Elaine. He'd never really been into men or women in uniform but that dress uniform on Elaine's toned body was one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen.

The fact that she was looking at him as if he were a piece of meat made it better. The fact that she'd started crossing her legs to try and hide her erection, even more so.

Normally he would have stayed where he was and waited for her to approach but he was way too eager to play coy like that and beelined to her, then let her wrap her arms around him and catch him in a passionate liplock. He pressed his body into her, delighting in the feel of her monstrous erection pressing into him.

Want to grab some dinner first or skip straight to dessert?” he asked as they broke the kiss, his voice husky from raw desire.

Let's eat first,” Elaine murmured, obvious reluctance in her tone. “If I don't calm down I'll ravish you right here and now.”

I could think of worse fates...”

Don't tempt me,” Elaine all but growled and Cassie almost melted at the raw desire in her tone. “Now, off you go or I'll lose myself.”

Elaine losing herself was something Cassie desperately wanted but he didn't want to tease her any more for now, especially because he actually had a topic he wanted to raise during dinner.


So, is Abigail okay?” Cassie asked when they were finally seated with plates in front of them.

Elaine had picked a thick, juicy steak burger with fries and when Cassie had seen it he'd decided to get the same. So for a few minutes both of them just sat across from each other eating drippy, messy burgers in silence. Dinner conversation had only started once they'd gotten pretty deep into the burgers.

I mean, we left kind of abruptly. Not that I don't want to spend time with you but Abigail kinda felt like she was in a bad place there.”

She is,” Elaine agreed. “But I've gotten to know Abigail fairly well. She was overwhelmed by everyone crowding around her. You saw the way she sagged in relief once we talked about going on a date, didn't you?”

Yeah,” he said. “And I get it. She's an introvert. She doesn't like being around people. But...”

She's feeling useless,” Elaine said. “The fact that she got knocked out and I managed to win without her probably made things even worse. But if we just coddle her she'll think we see her as lesser. And she isn't. But if I tell her that to her face she thinks I'm just being nice. Part of caring for her means giving her space if she so clearly needs it. I'll be there for her if she needs me but I don't want to be pushy.”

And here I thought I'd charmed you so much that you forgot all about her,” Cassie said, trying to lighten the mood and apparently it worked because the corners of her mouth quirked up.

Oh baby, you did,” she husked. “I can't wait to peel that slutty little goth outfit off of you. What were you thinking?”

I wanted you to look at me exactly the way you are,” he admitted with a little smirk. “I never really had a thing for uniforms but that outfit does something to me. Those pants are tight, you know?”

Elaine bit her lip, then said: “Eat up, we got somewhere to be.”

Yes, ma'am.”


Jeanne was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling sorry for herself as tears ran down her cheeks. When had she become such a girl? She never used to care about other people's opinions, at least not to this extent.

She'd wanted to go to Rachel's room to mope but she was worried Rachel wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore after that stunt she'd pulled.

Ah, damn it. A moment of hardship and she instantly thought about wanting Rachel to comfort her. Just how mad did she have to be to become emotionally dependent on someone who fundamentally didn't understand concepts like romance?

Her door rattled and Jeanne kept staring at the ceiling. The only person who had a key to her room was Rachel. Did she come here to scold her, to break off whatever they'd had? She probably deserved it. Or maybe, against all odds, Rachel was coming over to comfort her after all. Either way, Jeanne kept staring at the ceiling. She was at that awful moment where tears were running down her cheeks but the moment she blinked her vision would become blurry.

I'd hoped to find you in my room,” Rachel said as she entered the room. Jeanne could just barely not see her from where she lay and her tone was so neutral she couldn't tell from her voice alone if she was upset or not.

She heard Rachel coming towards her and then felt the mattress sinking as the succubus sat down on the bed right next to her. And then Rachel's gorgeous face leaned into her field of vision.

Oh Jeanne,” Rachel said, her tone holding a depth of compassion no demon should have been capable of.

Aren't you going to tell me how stupid I was, how much of a bitch I was?”

Rachel let out a wry chuckle, then cupped her cheek and wiped the tear track away with her thumb. “You look like you've been doing a marvelous job of that all on your own.”

Jeanne tried to avert her eyes, feeling too ashamed to meet Rachel's gaze, but Rachel wouldn't let her.

If you're feeling so bad about it, why didn't you go apologize?”

Do I even have a right to apologize? I really hurt Abigail just because my stupid pride wouldn't let me lose in front of the cadets.”

You know,” Rachel said, crawling onto the bed so she could straddle Jeanne's midriff. Once there she cradled both of Jeanne's cheeks. “Your boss and I don't really see eye to eye. But last I checked your good book says that if you honestly regret something you've done then it is always the right thing to apologize.”

Wormwood,” Jeanne cursed. “I really am miserable. Now I'm getting forgiveness lessons from a demon.”

I know,” Rachel said with a smirk. “Sometimes I amaze even myself.” She paused, then changed the topic. “Are you hurt? That acid glob looked like it sucked.”

It hurt like all the nine hells,” Jeanne admitted.

Do you want me to kiss it better?” Rachel asked. The words were sarcastic but the tone was earnest.

Jeanne felt like her cheeks were on fire. She knew exactly what Rachel was really asking. Finally she admitted: “... Yes.”


Cassie's back slammed into the wall of his room, his feet suspended off the ground and his body only supported by Elaine pressing against him as her tongue invaded his mouth.

Good Lord but he loved this. He loved getting manhandled by his partners and Elaine was the first woman to be able to toss him around quite like this. He was dangling off the ground and the only way he could keep his balance was by wrapping his legs around her, clinging to her with all his limbs as she mauled his mouth. He was sure she could feel his erection pressing into her taut tummy and from the way her abs tensed against him he could tell she enjoyed the sensation. Really, the only downside to making out in this situation was that he couldn't feel Elaine's length. He knew he'd get to enjoy it soon enough, but damn. His ass ached for that enormous cock. He needed it to split him open, needed it to scrape his insides before pumping him full.

Now then,” Elaine said as she broke the kiss, “I've got a thousand things I want to do to you, so let's get to it.”

Yes, ma'am,” Cassie said and then let Elaine carry him to the bed before flinging him onto it.

Before he could ask what she wanted of him Elaine was on him, straddling him and slowly peeling off his clothes. He loved the way she touched him, so firm and yet so gentle. He knew she was stronger than him, far stronger, but she was holding back, touching him gently but with real steel behind it. If he didn't trust her so completely it would have been terrifying to be tossed around by someone so strong but as it was he only felt a thrill that made his entire body so much more sensitive than usual. He was putty in her hands and he needed her to get on with it. So when she finished unbuttoning his vest and blouse he assisted her in taking it off, then enjoyed the way her gaze raked over him, her pupils going a little wider at the sight of the lacy black bra he wore that emphasized rather than hid his rock-hard pink nipples.

Such a gorgeous little slut,” she murmured, her voice like sandpaper.

Your slut,” Cassie agreed and bucked his hips. With the way she was straddling him she would feel that against her own prodigious cock and as she felt it she slid lower and unhooked the clasp that held his skirt closed.

Impatient, are we?” she cooed as she pulled his skirt off, then slid off his panties right after. He was naked except for the black bra now and with the way Elaine looked at him he felt sexier than he ever had before.


Want me to make you feel good?”

So bad,” he whined.

Then get on your hands and knees,” she husked. “I got a treat for you.”

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