Project Divinity

Vol.3 Ch.8 – A Pervert And A Voyeur

Chapter 8: A Pervert And A Voyeur

Are you alright? Where have you gone?

The message from Elaine surprised Ophelia more than it should have. She knew Elaine cared about her. She'd just thought that Elaine would be too busy with her other lovers, as well as with Abigail and the angel who was eyeing her like a piece of meat.

She sighed. She really didn't want to talk about it but she knew that if she didn't reply Elaine was going to start worrying and that would be even worse. And of course she knew the truism: “The most toxic thing for a relationship is the word 'nothing'.” And so she replied:

Just moping in bed
I'm fine
I'll come over but only if you want me to

Ophelia sighed again. She liked that Elaine cared. She liked even more that Elaine cared enough to ask instead of simply coming over. She really didn't want to have to talk about things but she liked the idea of using Elaine as a distraction even less.

Have you already gotten any indecent proposals for tonight?

There was a pause before Elaine replied:

I'm playing footsie under the table with Evelyn
Does that count?

Ophelia bit her lip.

How opposed do you think Evelyn is to having some fun with me along?
I don't think she's quite that far yet

Ophelia scrunched her face up in disappointment until Elaine's next message made her sit up and take notice.

But she did tell me she likes the idea of someone watching her
After Prudence caught us having some fun in bed this morning

Ophelia bit her lip again and rubbed her thighs together. She couldn't think of a better foreplay than watching Elaine railing the feisty redhead.

I'm coming over
Take her to bed, I'll freshen up a little and then I'll join you


I really don't understand why you let them leave you behind,” Abigail said. “You're all in a relationship with Elaine, right?”

Yeah, but none of us blurted out that we love Elaine,” Cassie said. “Yet.”

But do you?” Abigail asked.

Alexis turned red as a tomato within seconds and after a long pause she said: “Yes.”

Cassie, meanwhile, pursed his lips, then said: “I think it's a bit early to say. I like her, a lot, but I think I need to have sex with her, possibly several times, before I decide to use the L-word.”

Abigail boggled at him. “You mean you haven't...?”

Elaine has a strict 'no sex on the first date' policy, sadly,” Cassie said. “And we haven't exactly had time for another date yet. Shame.”

I think she'd snap you like a twig,” Abigail muttered.

Cassie grinned at her. “You say this as if that isn't my endgame.”

She blushed.

She's actually really gentle,” Alexis said, still beet-red. “At least with me.”

Well, it's good to know she takes care of her partners,” Abigail muttered.

You know, Abigail,” Cassie said, “you seem awfully interested in how Elaine is in bed.”

I— Can you blame me?” she asked. “Almost every day one of you brags about all the awesome sex you have with her.” She added quietly: “Granted, it's mostly Ophelia who does the bragging.” Then she continued at normal volume: “Of course I'd be curious. Not like I want to join in, though.”

Not into girls?” Cassie asked.

I don't even know what I'm into,” Abigail said quietly, then blushed and looked away.

You're a virgin?” he boggled.

No!” she protested, then added before she could stop herself: “It's not as if I have a lot of experience or anything but I've had sex. It wasn't exactly this amazing thing everyone makes it out to be.”

Then you haven't had good sex yet,” he said.

Possibly,” she said. “But I don't think it's about the sex. I think I just want it to mean something, not just sliding body parts in and out of each other.”

It sounds so romantic when you put it like that,” Cassie said.

I mean, it's okay if you're not interested in Elaine,” Alexis said. “Your Bond Level is coming along nicely either way. It's just... never mind.”

You can speak up, you know?” Abigail said. “I won't bite.”

Alexis winced, then said: “You seem lonely.”

Abigail was quiet for a very long moment. Her expression twisted in anger and Alexis was certain the brunette was about to get up and storm off but then her expression turned pained and she took a deep breath before saying: “I am. I just don't know what to do about it. I push away everyone around me. I can't help it.”

Alexis looked at her with compassion in her gaze. “I'm sorry. We could...”

I don't need your pity,” Abigail snapped.

Alexis flinched and looked away.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that,” Abigail said, her voice much softer.

Look at us,” Cassie said, trying to inject some levity into the situation. “Everyone broken in their own way.”

You don't seem broken to me,” Abigail said.

All those courses on how to seem like I have my shit together must be working out then,” Cassie said sarcastically. “Believe me. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you're an introvert who has trouble making friends, then that's what you are. If you feel lonely you need to change something about yourself but that doesn't mean you have to become someone you aren't. You just need to let people in.” His voice turned a little bit colder as he added: “And not spitting on other people's kindness is a great first step in that.”

Abigail caught his gaze and nodded once, then placed a hand on Alexis'. “I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to snap.”

It's okay,” Alexis said. “I get it. Nobody wants to be pitied. Nobody wants to be told they're broken. I understand that's what I sounded like, but I didn't mean it that way.”

Then what did you mean?” Cassie asked.

I was like you before,” Alexis said. The words came at Cassie's prompt but they were still directed at Abigail. “Granted, I wasn't as bitter, but I was timid and shy. Still am, really.”

What changed?” Abigail asked.

Elaine happened,” Alexis said. “Everyone, really, but Elaine most of all. I can be myself around them all. There's teasing, yes, but it's not mean-spirited. And Elaine showed me that it's okay to be confident, to be confident with things I'm good at without being embarrassed for it, without being shamed for it. So you can be yourself around us, too. Be bitter, be upset. Be honest with us. Nobody will reject you.”

Abigail let out a fluttery breath. “I'll try.”


Evelyn couldn't think straight through the maddening kisses Elaine was subjecting her to. They'd only barely made it to her room before Elaine had shoved her against the wall and started making out with her. She felt like a gazelle being devoured by a lioness and she couldn't help but love it.

Elaine's fingers crawled beneath her shirt and the skin contact felt electric, combined with the way Elaine was devouring her mouth, mauling her lips and sucking on her tongue, was almost more than she could bear. Her knees were wobbly and only Elaine pressing against her kept her from falling, her lover's body weight pressing her into the wall and her knee pressing between her thighs.

Evelyn ran her fingers through Elaine's fluffy brown hair and rolled her hips against the knee pressing into her core.

When they broke the kiss Evelyn took a huge, gulping breath and Elaine latched onto her throat, leaving deep blue hickeys on her lover's flushed skin.

Always so needy for me, aren't you?” Elaine murmured into the crook of Evelyn's neck.

Always,” Evelyn agreed, pressing into her lover as much as she could, as if she could sink into her lover.

They just made out for a while, grinding their bodies together as they kissed. Evelyn was ravenous, more desperate than Elaine had ever seen her. She was wondering why the redhead was so desperate when she felt her slender hands on her shoulders, pushing her back and breaking the kiss.

What's wrong?” Elaine asked.

I didn't get to make you cum earlier,” Evelyn husked. “It's not fair that you keep making me feel good like this.”

As I recall, you still got a couple points on me,” Elaine murmured, leaning down to breathe into the crook of Evelyn's neck. “You've been racking up that score again and again.”

Maybe I just like making you cum your brains out,” Evelyn whispered, her hands sneaking down to Elaine's waist.

You are pretty fucking good at that,” Elaine admitted. “You sure you don't want me to take care of you?”

Oh I want you to take care of me,” Evelyn said, then reached down and cupped Elaine's growing bulge. “But this thing is way too distracting.”

Well we can't have you be distracted, can we?” Elaine said, then leaned back.

As soon as she had the space Evelyn dropped down to her knees, dragging Elaine's pants down as she went. Immediately after being freed Elaine's glorious cock sprang up and smacked against Evelyn's chin. Evelyn couldn't help it and inhaled deeply as she rubbed it all over her face, immersing herself in Elaine's musk, enjoying the scent and feel of her lover. The musk was so much stronger than usual, letting Evelyn know that Elaine probably hadn't showered very often while waiting at her bedside. It only made her love her more, knowing that she cared. And the almost overpowering scent of her, that bizarrely fitting combination of masculine and feminine scent, made it even better.

You're a bit of a pervert, aren't you?” Elaine said, reminding Evelyn that she had an audience while nuzzling the beast of a cock in front of her.

Instead of being embarrassed though Evelyn said: “You only just noticed?” She grabbed the base of Elaine's cock and slowly peeled the foreskin back before placing a kiss on the tip. To her surprise the tip smelled like soap, letting Evelyn know that there was at least one part where Elaine hadn't neglected her hygiene at all. “You bring out the worst in me, you know?”

Your worst or your best?” Elaine asked, thrusting her hips towards Evelyn.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other,” Evelyn said, then took a long lick from the root of Elaine's cock up to her tip. “I lose all my inhibitions when you're around. I just want to make you cum over and over and over. I want you to use me for your own pleasure and fuck my brains out. I want everyone to know how much of a slut I can be for you.”

Elaine softly stroked her cheek. “And you think that's bad?”

Evelyn hesitated, though not enough to stop pumping Elaine's cock. “I dunno. I've never really been into sex, you know? I've had boyfriends. I've liked having sex with them, or I thought I did. But if just kissing you is more arousing and satisfying than any sex I've ever had before I met you... I can't help feeling like I'm broken.”

Am I the one who broke you?” Elaine asked, gently rolling her hips against Evelyn's soft hand.

The one who broke me and the one who put me back together again,” Evelyn said, then opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around Elaine's tip. Both hard and spongy, tasting like salt and musk, she would never get enough of this.


Elaine stewed on that comment as she enjoyed Evelyn's amazing mouth on her cock.

In a very real way Elaine had broken Evelyn. It hadn't really been intentional but it had nevertheless happened. Evelyn had been beyond confused when she had found herself attracted to another woman and had acted out in large part out of sheer confusion. Then Elaine had broken her further when she'd reprimanded her for her behavior, demonstrating to the redhead that she was a sexual submissive and quite liked the idea of being talked down to, bossed around and being used for someone else's pleasure.

And then she'd put Evelyn back together when she'd given her exactly what she desired, when she'd shown her that those desires weren't just fine to have but that Elaine was more than happy to accommodate them.

Evelyn's earlier use of the L-word still hung over them both but now Elaine had a much better idea of why Evelyn might be feeling this way. Truth be told Elaine was terrified of that word. She felt the same way, frankly. She loved Evelyn, just as she loved Alexis and Ophelia. And while she wasn't quite that far with Cassie yet, in time she could see herself loving him as well. She was fine with dating all of them, fine with loving all of them. But what if the others didn't feel the same? Evelyn had been the only one to say it.


Elaine shook herself out of it. This was just her own insecurity talking. Evelyn had been the only one to say it so far. The looks Alexis and Ophelia gave her made it abundantly clear that their feelings weren't any weaker than Evelyn's.

She was pulled out of her musings when Evelyn leaned forward and took Elaine's entire cock down her throat. She'd been gradually working her way further and further down while Elaine had been thinking but the feeling of sliding past the throat barrier was unmistakable and would never get old.

Oh baby, you're fucking amazing,” she moaned out as Evelyn continued to gag herself on her prodigious length.

Evelyn held it longer and longer, longer than any normal human would have been able to, and when she pulled back thick ropes of slimy saliva connected her lips to Elaine's cock, dredged up from the depths of Evelyn's throat. Soon the ropes snapped under their own weight and Elaine was worried about staining Evelyn's clothes for a moment before she realized that while she'd been busy with her own insecurities Evelyn had taken her top off. Thick, frothy slime now decorated the redhead's small perky breasts and the sight made Elaine's cock twitch.

You're such a gorgeous little pervert,” Elaine told her.

You think I'm gorgeous?” Evelyn husked, clearly out of breath from the effort of keeping Elaine's beast lodged in her gullet for so long.

You're always gorgeous, Evelyn,” Elaine said. “But like this? Exhausted, messy and just a little bit in pain?” She grabbed Evelyn under her arms and hoisted her up before throwing her onto her bed, then unbuttoned her shirt and bra. “Like this you're irresistible.”

And then she was on the redhead, pressing their chests together, heedless of the slobber now staining her own chest as well, and making out even more ravenously as before. She worked her fingers between them both and opened Evelyn's pants, then pulled them down as the redhead wiggled her exceptional butt to help her.

When she had Evelyn completely naked she pushed against her until her cock was between their stomachs, poking at Evelyn's bellybutton as her balls pressed against her soaking wet pussy.

I am going to fuck your brains out,” Elaine stated very clearly once she broke their kiss. “Just like you want me to. I am going to use you like a cocksleeve, fill you to the brim and then leave you on this bed as a quivering mess.”

And it was a testament to just how into this treatment Evelyn was that at the mere announcement of what she was going to do to her Elaine could feel Evelyn's pussy clench and quiver.

But she hadn't actually said any of that for Evelyn's benefit. In truth they were directed at the owner of the red eye staring at them through the keyhole.


Ophelia pressed her hand over her mouth to keep from making a sound. Her hand was buried in her panties and her eye was firmly glued to the way Elaine was treating Evelyn, to the way Evelyn was permitting Elaine to treat her.

Ophelia was a slut and proud of it. Before the Invasion she'd slept around quite a bit and she'd been rather adventurous, up for things many women considered too filthy or degrading to do. But this treatment, being told to her face that she was going to be used for someone else's pleasure and then getting off from just that information, that was a bit farther than even Ophelia was willing to go. Or had been. Because the way Evelyn seemed to turn into a quivering wreck at just the thought of being used by Elaine made her want the same.

Her hand in her panties became rougher and rougher and she bit her lip just a little too roughly, causing sweet red ambrosia to touch her tongue, making both her human desires and the desires of the beast inside her cry out in unison.

I would like to give a huge Thank You to my newest patrons, zImp uLz, Seth and Kevin Kordich! Thank you so much for your support!

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