Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 41 - That one piece of starry sky!

Ordinary people always bring mountaineering equipment with them, follow the guide, and set out in groups. Even some mountain climbers always have to bring some necessary equipment.

But Gu Shaoshang was like this, with no clothes covering his body, bare feet, and nothing, so he walked up step by step.

He looked peaceful, without surprise or joy. It’s like walking around in your bedroom as if you were going hiking!

The weather in early spring is not very warm, not to mention in the Kunlun Mountains with an average altitude of five or six thousand meters.

Gu Shaoshang kept his feet on the ground, walking with tigers and dragons. Once he fell, it was more than ten meters, and it didn’t take long for him to reach the foot of the highest snow-capped mountain.

Clouds and mists roll over the head, huge glaciers developed from thousands of years of snow, ice lakes and rivers scattered among the ice tower forests… The sun is hot at noon, and the strong sunlight shines down, immediately showing a cloud of steaming clouds, varied and colorful. The scenery constitutes a rare world of ice peaks

In the heavy snow that was nearly over his ankles with every step he took, his toes stretched and straightened, and the muscles of his whole body moved vigorously.

Gu Shaoshang kung fu to get on his body, so he can close his pores, prevent cold air from invading, and maintain his own temperature, otherwise his lower limbs will be frozen like ordinary people.

A gust of wind blew, and the sky was covered with snow. Gu Shaoshang was covered in snow, and then was fumigated by the hot air emanating from his body.

It’s just that this endless white snowy road doesn’t have the slightest variegation. Looking down, you can’t see the way you came. You can’t go up and down, you can’t go down, which makes people involuntarily have a kind of terror.

The higher you go, the colder it gets. With Gu Shaoshang’s inhuman physique, he feels that his body is cold, and his muscles seem to be frostbitten!

Every time at this time, a warm current in his body spreads into his limbs and bones, and his muscles and bones are instantly rejuvenated!

It is not the first time for Gu Shaoshang to sigh about the magic of Jiuding World. He is also a Xingyiquan, and he has developed an inner strength that looks like the true qi of the inner family!

Inner strength is the capital that Gu Shaoshang can use to walk the world with bare feet. It can not only recover from muscle and bone fatigue, but also support Gu Shaoshang’s severe consumption like a backup energy!

Something like a panacea.

On the everlasting snow-capped mountain, Gu Shaoshang kept climbing and climbing.

In the vast white snow-capped mountains, the snowflakes were blown by the wind and fluttered. There was only one young man who took a step by step in the snow-capped mountains and stepped out on a long mountaineering road.


Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes, his mind was still deep, and he could hear the sound of flowing water in his veins, like a brook flowing.

The heart is like a huge pressure pump, circulating blood through the blood vessels continuously throughout the body.

The throbbing of the lungs, the peristalsis of the stomach, the pulling of the skeletal muscles of the body…

This is to the point where kung fu is meticulous and goes deep into the internal organs.

Gu Shaoshang stopped, looked around, the mountains bowed their heads, the clouds were surrounded, the sky was blue and the clouds were pale! In the vast world, I stand alone on the top of Kunlun Mountain!


Hundreds of kilometers away from Gu Shaoshang, a group of shrewd men in a hurry was walking through the vast jungle.

This group of people is moving very fast, but all of them are just walking around in the courtyard, and they don’t sweat a bit. Obviously, they are all kung fu masters!

This is a group of burly men in camouflage, but the lead is an old man with a turtle-shaped crane back and a long-legged beauty.

This girl has two very slender legs, like a crane, which can make the long legs of any supermodel in the world feel ashamed!

Her figure is very well-proportioned, and what is even more striking is that this girl’s face is rosy, as delicate as pink peach blossoms, her expression is lazy, her movements are graceful, and she seems to be intoxicated all day long.

It’s like “people’s faces and peach blossoms match red”.

However, this girl is far less eye-catching than the old man beside her!

The old man was tall, and his steps were as agile as a spirit ape, but he also had a fierce and majestic look.

His two pairs of arms are thick and long, like a great ape carrying an iron rod thicker than ordinary people’s arms, and he has a strong and domineering aura that is captivating.

“Uncle Ape, why do you have to come out with me this time? Are you afraid that I will miss?” The long-legged beauty spoke lightly.

“Jingji Sidong! Jingji Sidong! Fighting against those two little snakes every day, I rarely come out! Come out this time, let’s relax!” The old man laughed.

“The team we sent to the mainland to trade antiques, a group of more than ten people were all killed! Is the perpetrator really a teenager?”

The long-legged beauty walks like a crane dancing, which is indescribably elegant and moving.

“That kid is ruthless! He punched someone’s head in the stomach with one punch! If he doesn’t come back with revenge, I won’t have to mess with the big circle in the future!”

The old man raised his eyebrows, like a furious ape king.

“We mobilized all the information, and it took almost a year to find him. He seems to have come all the way to Kunlun Mountain! I will smash his head with a stick!”

The old man waved his long stick and drew a white line in the air.

“Go to the town in front of you to take a rest first, and inquire about that kid!”

After nearly a year of investigation, the Daquan Gang finally pinpointed where Gu Shaoshang was.

After all, it is impossible for Gu Shaoshang to avoid everyone, and he may be waiting for the big circle to help others on purpose!


The sky was getting darker and darker. Gu Shaoshang sat on the top of the Kunlun Mountain. The two snow wolves were completely skinned and thrown aside by him, and they were frozen like rocks in no time.

The night on the top of the mountain is only minus 20 to 30 degrees, even with Gu Shaoshang’s physique, it is hard to resist, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com had to kill two wolves, drink their blood, and take wolf skins to keep out the cold.

Gu Shaoshang was wrapped in wolf skin, quietly comprehending the divine power of nature.

Loneliness, coldness, strong wind, waiting, night, fatigue, and gradually stiffening of the body, Gu Shaoshang inevitably raised some negative emotions, but he didn’t cut it off, he just tasted it quietly.

The night completely shrouded the world, the sky was full of stars, and a crescent moon hung high!

Gu Shaoshang raised his head and looked at the sky, the sky was full of stars like a bucket, and a volume of starry sky map was imprinted in the depths of his eyes.

I don’t know when, the clouds above my head disappeared, and when I looked up, I could see the bright galaxy.

Gu Shaoshang seemed to experience an unparalleled silence. All the voices in the world seemed to disappear.

At this moment, a sense of tranquility inevitably rose in his heart, as if he had tasted the loneliness of the starry sky.

Gu Shaoshang once heard people say that there are two things worthy of our awe and awe.

One is the vast and splendid starry sky above our heads, and the other is the moral law in our hearts.

“How many heroes, heroes and beauties in the world are like jade, and the country is picturesque! After thousands of years, who else can exist?”

Gu Shaoshang jumped up and punched at the edge of the steep and unfathomable ice peak. With this height, no matter how strong Gu Shaoshang was, once he stumbled, he would surely die!

“Don’t be a hero! No matter how picturesque the country is! I just want to live with this starry sky, forever and ever!”

Gu Shaoshang was tossing and moving on the cliff, and all kinds of boxing skills were extremely proficient.

In my heart, I inevitably think of the image of the projection mirror of the heavens taking me across the vast continent, across the starry sky, and deeply imprinted in my soul!

“It turns out! What I want has always been in my heart!”

The corner of Gu Shaoshang’s mouth outlined a peaceful smile.


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